Carol Manson schreef:
Hi there, I’m really sorry but I’m still confused about the cast off stitches and the continuance of the lace edge. I’m about to start knitting the 4th row in plain knitting but now sure what I do at the end of the row. Do I do the yfwd, k1, yfwd, k1? What do I do at the beginning of the following row? Do I cast off the 2 stitches I’ve just created? I’m sorry for sounding so dim, but I am totally confused with the keeping the lace edge but decreasing at the same time.
16.01.2025 - 19:31DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dear Mrs Manson, note that the shawl is worked in garter stitch, ie you knit every row. On all even numbered rows just knit all stitches, ie knit the yarn overs in the front loop, so that the edge will be elastic enough. At the end of 3rd row you increased 2 sts. On row 4 just knit all stitches. Happy knitting!
17.01.2025 - 08:22
Carol Manson schreef:
Is this knitted as a triangle as it appears to be in the picture? If so, can you please tell me how i achieve that and how do i decrease who.e keeping the same outer edge pattern? Thank you
15.01.2025 - 14:37DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dear Mrs Manson, shawl has a triangle shape, you start on one tip increasing on one side of piece (every row from RS, at the end of the row = row 3 and 5) and decreasing at the same time at the beginning every other row from RS (= row 3). Just repeat then row 2 to 5 until you reach the diagonal of the shawl and cast off. Happy knitting!
15.01.2025 - 16:10
Carol Manson schreef:
I can’t seem to understand how I go about decreasing my stitches while keeping the wee lace effect on the outside edge of the shawl. Help please??
15.01.2025 - 14:19DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dear Carol, the lace effect is achieved by the yarnovers knitted at the edge of the shawl. You can also achieve a similar lacy efefct at the cast off edge by casting off as the pattern suggest: * Cast off 2 sts, make a YO and loosely cast off YO *. Happy Knitting!
16.01.2025 - 01:18
Marie Lavoie schreef:
Je ne comprends pas le patron pour les diminutions. J’ai 200 mailles sur ma broches , j’aimerais savoir comment faire les diminutions. L’explication détaillée, svp, rang par rang. Merci !
28.10.2024 - 23:37DROPS Design antwoorde:
Bonjour Mme Lavoie, lorsque vous avez les 200 mailles sur l'aiguille, le châle est terminé; vous allez maintenant rabattre en faisant des jetés comme dans cette vidéo - en tricotant 2 mailles entre chaque jeté. Bon tricot!
29.10.2024 - 09:43
Doris Matrian schreef:
Hallo, ich sehe so viele tolle Dreiecktücher (mit 3 M angefangen und seitwärts gestrockt), aber ich weiß nicht ob sie symmetrisch sind ?? Ich mag keine asymmetrischen Tücher möchte aber gerne von der Seite anfangen. Es wäre nett wenn sie mir das beantworten können. LG Doris
11.10.2024 - 08:52DROPS Design antwoorde:
Liebe Doris, das Dreieck ist möglicherweise nicht vollständig symmetrisch - für ein symmetrisches Tuch suchen Sie vielleicht am besten Tücher die von oben nach unten gestrickt werden (schauen Sie mal auf Ravelry die Fotos von den unterschiedlichen Projekte für dieses Tuch). Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
11.10.2024 - 16:00
Žaneta Pelikusová schreef:
Dobrý den, jak přesně se má plést 5 řada? Jsem začátečník a nevím si s tím rady. Děkuji za odpověď. Žaneta Pelikusová
05.07.2024 - 07:37DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dobrý den, Žaneto, 5. řadu pleteme takto: všechna oka hladce až do chvíle, kdy na levé jehlici zbvají poslední 2 oka, pak 1x nahodíme, 1 oko upleteme hladce, zase 1x nahodíme a poslední oko upleteme hladce. Pak práci otočíme a pleteme opět od 2. řady. Hodně zdaru! Hana
07.07.2024 - 20:58
Iris schreef:
Hoe wissel je van kleur: knip je de ‘oude’ kleur af en begin je de andere kleur of laat je de draad hangen en neem je die elke keer een steek mee naar boven?
09.03.2024 - 09:11DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dag Iris,
Je kunt de draad laten hangen meenemen, hierdoor hoef je niet allemaal draadjes af te werken aan het eind.
10.03.2024 - 10:16
Jeni schreef:
Wow what a confusing pattern. I understand Yo is yarn over what is 1 YO. Then k1 is the 1yo a stitch. I’m not a newbie knitter but if I increase this shawl alternate stitches it won’t be big enough. I feel so thick 🙄 help me please
01.03.2024 - 12:28DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dear Jeni, 1 YO is for 1 yarn over, on the first row you will make 3 yarn overs to increase 3 stitches; then you will repeat row 2 (WS) to 5 (RS) - on every row like row 3 you will start decreasing 1 stitch + end increasing 1 stitch with 1 yarn over = number of sts remains the same; on every row like row 5 you will increase 2 sts at the end of the row. This means you will increase 2 sts on every 4th row. Continue like this undtil you get 200 sts in total, casting off after a row like row 2 or 4. Happy knitting!
01.03.2024 - 14:30
Frédérique schreef:
Pour davantage de clarté concernant le rabattage, je propose la formulation suivante : rabattre après un rang 2 ou 4 du motif => rabattre à la fin d'un rang 2 ou 4 du motif. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Pour information également, j'ai réalisé ce châle en combinant Fabel Print 677 et 340. Je suis ravie du résultat. 😉
25.01.2024 - 18:27
Francine Bouley schreef:
What are the total dimensions for Arabian Nights Shawl? Thank you for your assistance?
23.02.2023 - 16:06DROPS Design antwoorde:
Dear Mrs Bouley, we only have the measurement along the short side of the shawl = approx; 100 cm along cast off edge - if your tension is correct, you will then get the same effect as on the picture. We do not have the shawl anymore to measure again. Happy knitting!
24.02.2023 - 09:43
Arabian Nights |
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Gebreide DROPS omslagdoek in ribbelst met strepen van ”Fabel”.
DROPS 154-18 |
OMSLAGDOEK: Wordt heen en weer gebreid op de rondbreinld zodat alle st goed op de nld passen. Zet 3 st op met rondbreinld 4.5 mm en geel/roze en brei 2 nld recht. Ga verder met fun lila. NLD 1: 1 st r, 1 omsl, 1 st r, 1 omsl en 1 st r. NLD 2: brei alle st recht. NLD 3: ga verder met geel/roze en brei 2 st r samen (losjes), brei recht tot er 1 st overblijft, 1 omsl en 1 st r. NLD 4: brei alle st recht. NLD 5: ga verder met fun lila en brei tot er 2 st over zijn, 1 omsl, 1 st r, 1 omsl en 1 st r. Herhaal steeds nld 2 tot en met 5. Brei zo tot er ongeveer 200 st op de nld staan of tot de gewenste maten. Zorg dat u genoeg garen over hebt om af te kanten en kant af na een 2e of 4e nld. Maak een elastische rand als volgt: * kant 2 st af, maak een omsl en kant de omsl losjes af *, herhaal van *-* de hele nld. Knip de draad af en zet vast. |
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