Heel - Short rows
In this DROPS video we show how to work separate heel with short rows for socks worked back and forth. We have already worked the top of the leg and downwards to where the piece measures 12 cm. Starting from RS: * K 6, turn and K 5 back, inc by K 2 sts in last st on row, turn *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times. * K 8, turn and K 6 back, dec by K tog the last 2 sts, turn *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times. Work 1 row over all sts - insert a marker on this row - now measure piece from here. Continue working as follows, starting from WS: * P 6, turn and P 5 back, inc by P 2 sts in last st on row, turn *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times. * P 8, turn and P 6 back, dec by P tog the last 2 sts, turn *, repeat from *-* a total of 4 times = 18-18-19 sts. REMEMBER - you will also need to read the pattern to be able to follow. To see a pattern with this technique, go to: DROPS 131-25