DROPS 145-18 Chart A.1
In this video we show you how to start knitting this poncho from bottom and up following chart A.1, at the same time as you cast on 2 sts at the end of each row.
We show the last garter st row right before you work next row with chart A.1 starting at the bottom right corner of the chart..
Row 1 following chart: Pattern tells that the 2 new sts are worked K and first st in chart is K, then work *yo, slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso *, repeat til end of row, cast on 2 new sts.
Row 2-6: K sts on every row and remember to cast on 2 new sts at the end of every row.
Row 7 in chart: K the first 2 new sts, * K2 tog, yo* repeat *-* until 1 st remain, K this st, cast on 2 new sts.
Row 8-12: K sts on every row and still remember to cast on 2 new sts at the end of every row.
To see the pattern for the poncho see: DROPS 145-18 or the picture to the left.