DROPS diagram 140-14, 133-1, 130-1
In this video we show how to work chart M.1B (last part of chart) used in 3 very popular shawls. We chose to show 2 repeats of the chart next to each other, we placed a white marking thread that shows where 2nd repeat starts (the patterns includes several repeats).
1st row and all WS rows: P on WS - 1st row is not shown in video.
2nd row works from RS and works "K2 tog, yo" across and always end with K1 in last st.
3rd row WS: P all sts
4th row RS: K2 into 1 st, K3, slip 1 st, K 1, psso, K2 tog, K3, K2 into 1 st, repeat over following repeats and end with K1
6th row RS: K2 into 1 st, K2 into 1 st, K3, slip 1 st, K 1, psso, K2 tog, K3, K2 into 1 st, K2 into 1 st, repeat over following repeats and end with K1
For each time you work row 6 and row 10 with 2 times "K2 into 1 st" after each other you will get an additional K stitch on each side of inc in the middle of the repeat. We added an additional marking thread to show the middle of the repeat.
Follow the chart at the same time as you watch the video.
To see pattern for a shawl with this chart, see: DROPS 140-14 or one of the pictures to the left.