Video #1730, staat in de lijst: Knitting Videos, Cast off, Italian cast off
Onze video's hebben geen geluid. We zijn een wereldwijde onderneming en onze video's worden bekeken door mensen van veel verschillende talen waarvan velen geen Engels verstaan. Omdat er geen vaststaande taal voor ons is om te gebruiken, hebben we in plaats daarvan geschreven instructies ter begeleiding van de video en geen hinderend geluid tijdens het kijken.
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Sharon Landwehr schreef:
I'm having difficulty with "Italian Bind Off - Knit 2, Purl 2" vidio, no sound. I get sound on everything else so it's not the computer. You might want to check it out. I am also unable to bring it to full screen. Thank you for making it so clear that I should be able to learn just by watching.
10.10.2024 - 00:38DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Landwehr, Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people speaking endless of different languages and many do not understand English. So since there is not a given language for us to use, we instead have written instructions to accompany the video, and then there is no sound to disturb while watching. Note that you can adjust the speed of this video by clicking on the icon, on the play bar. Happy knitting!
10.10.2024 - 09:41Viv schreef:
Want to use Italian bind off (on DROPS Green Whisper Cardigan) but first 7 stitches are all knit stitches. The remainder of row is k1, p1 rib. Can find good tutorials for the rib part, but would love advice on how to do Italian bind off on the 7 knit stitches?
04.04.2024 - 12:45DROPS Design :
Dear Viv, you can maybe try with the technique in this video. Happy finishing!
04.04.2024 - 15:28Jeannette Donnelly schreef:
I am not an experienced knitter. Have good tension. Ihave to ask for help when the wording doesn't make sense to me. Do you have some patterns that look difficult but actually easy. This is for new born twins. Years ago I had such a pattern on loan to me, the look of the difficult pattern was a ;raised shell; It looked impressive, but it was not hard to follow. If you could send something like that please. Thank uou. Jeannette '
25.12.2022 - 22:25DROPS Design :
Dear Jeannette, you will find all our patterns for baby here - please feel free to use filters to help you finding the best matching patterns. Happy knitting!
02.01.2023 - 15:13Jouw e-mailadres wordt niet openbaar gemaakt. Verplichte velden zijn gemarkeerd met een *.
Maija Haliseva schreef:
Entä jos on tasoneule, kummalla puolella tehdään muuttaminen 1o 1n neuleeksi? Vai eikö onnistu tasoneuleeseen?
29.04.2023 - 22:45