Kerrie wrote:
I am at the stage of separating for the sleeve and body. The pattern says to cast on extra 6 stitches for the body. Do I work these into the pattern? I have not completed diagram A1 yet.
28.01.2025 - 14:53DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kerrie, the 6 stitches you cast on for the body at the underarm will help to shape the armhole. As for the pattern, it is best if you put a marker on both sides of the body, at the middle of the newly cast on stitches, and then knit the pattern as far as possible until this side-mark, on both sides. Happy Knitting!
28.01.2025 - 22:29
Kerrie wrote:
This is my first time knitting in the round with more than one color. The knitting is twisted after about 5 rows. I have knit in the round before with one color and not had this problem. Can you explain how to stop the work from twisting?
09.01.2025 - 02:20DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kerrie, not sure what you mean with "twisted", can you please tell us more? Thanks for your comprehension.
09.01.2025 - 17:48
Synøve wrote:
Gjelder str S. Dersom man øker både i rad 2 og 3 og rad 4 og 5 blir ikke mønstret symmetrisk. Rad 18 må strikkes som i str. L. Disse endringene resulterer i 20 rapporter og 240 m. Dette harmonerer med str. S i mønster 226-6. Det gir bedre resultat og hente opp tråden mellom to masker ved økning som forklart i deres egen video.
03.11.2024 - 11:33
Bärbel wrote:
Ich stricke das Modell Winter Heart in Größe L genau nach Anleitung. Nach Beendigung der Passe mit allen angegebenen Zunahmen sollen 300 Maschen auf der Nadeln sein. Leider fehlen am Ende 60 Maschen. In dem Muster diese fehlenden Maschen zuzunehhmen geht zu Lasten der Symetrie des Musters. Irgendetwas in der Anleitun muss falsch sein. Ich habe die Passe fertig gestrickt und musste nun alles wieder aufmachen. Ich würde mich über einen Tipp sehr freuen. Danke
06.09.2024 - 22:13DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bärbel, in L wird das Muster insgesamt 25 Mal wiederholt (25 Mal 4 Maschen sind 100 Maschen), es wird 8 Maschen in jedem A.1 zugenommen = 12 Maschen in jedem A.1; so wenn alle Zunahmen in A.1 fertig sind sind es 12 Maschen x 25 Mal = 300 Maschen. Oder habe ich Ihre Frage falsch verstanden?
09.09.2024 - 09:27
Lesley Shields wrote:
How can I translate a pattern into U.S. English Please?
21.07.2024 - 14:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Shields, please find US-English pattern here. Happy knitting!
02.08.2024 - 14:44
Malgorzata wrote:
Co oznaczaja te strzalki na schemacie
08.12.2023 - 00:14DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Małgosiu, strzałki dotyczą tego fragmentu: KARCZEK: ... Gdy schemat A.1 zostanie przerobiony do właściwego okrążenia w danym rozmiarze, jest 252-276-300-312-322-350 oczek, a długość robótki wynosi ok. 26-28-29-31-33-35 cm od rzędu nabierania oczek, mierząc po środku przodu > do właściwego okrążenia powinno być zastąpione 'do okrążenia oznaczonego strzałką w schemacie'. Już poprawiam. Pozdrawiamy!
08.12.2023 - 08:39
Alison Miranda wrote:
Good afternoon. Is there a section of instructions missing between pages 2 and 3? I have …BODY: Followed by… - 162-174-186-198-222-240 stitches. Work until…. I feel there should be a section here? Many thanks Alison
28.07.2023 - 17:45DROPS Design answered:
Hi Alison, the pattern is correct. After separating body and sleeves, you start to knit body in the round (there are 162-174-186-198-222-240 stitches for the body; see number for your size) and finish A.1. Then work stocking stitch with fog. Happy knitting!
29.07.2023 - 09:51
SS wrote:
Hej! När man ska göra omslag på andra raden i A1, så får jag det inte till att bli rätt. I ett omslag så "ingår" ju en rät maska som man stickar intill omslaget. Räknas den som en egen maska i diagrammet eller räknas det in i omslaget? Blir det alltså Omslag-Dimma-Dimma-Mellanbrun? Dvs. 3 dimma och 1 mellanbrun. Eller blir det Omslag-Dimma-Mellanbrun, dvs. 2 dimma och 1 mellanbrun? Mvh S Mvh Sonia
17.10.2022 - 12:40DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sonia. Kastet (omslaget) strikkes alltid i bunnfargen og vridd, slik at det ikke blir hull. 2. rad i diagram A.1 strikkes da slik: kast - diamma - mellombrun - dimma - mellombrun - diamma. Husk at på 1.omgang avslutte det med et kast, samtidig som det startes med et kast på 2. omngang (= 2 kast etter hverandre som må strikkes som 2 masker, med bunnfargen). mvh DROPS Design
24.10.2022 - 14:06
Maite wrote:
Hi! I love the model, but would like to knit it in just one colour, using Nepal, a size S or M. Could you advise how much wool I might need? I'd also appreciate it if you can advise if I can just ignore the A.1 schematic, or if I need to keep anything else in mind. Thank you for all the beautiful patterns and the super service with the pattern help. :)
31.08.2022 - 19:07DROPS Design answered:
Dear Maite, since this jumper has been worked with 3 colours, we only get the amount of yarn with all colours and we don't have the garment anymore to weight it. You can add all colours together, you might require less. Your DROPS Store can help you with this - even per mail or telephone. You would then have to follow the diagram A.1 with the increases only (last symbol under diagram text) so that you get the correct number of stitches increased evenly over the correct length. Happy knitting!
01.09.2022 - 10:02
Michelina Acquaviva wrote:
Hi is it possible to know how many stitches there are on every increase round?l am not sure where each increase should be placed thank you Lina
06.04.2022 - 01:49DROPS Design answered:
Dear Lina, you increase 1 stitch in each A.1 on each increase round, if you repeat the diagram A.1 a total of 21 times (in size S for example) in width, you will then increase 21 times on the round. You will increase a total of 8 sts in each A.1 in size S, M, L and XL and 10 sts in each A.1 in size XXL and XXXL. Happy knitting!
06.04.2022 - 07:56
Winter Heart |
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Knitted sweater in DROPS Nepal or DROPS Air. The piece is worked top down with Nordic pattern and round yoke. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 194-6 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE TIP (evenly spaced): To work out how to increase evenly, count the total number of stitches on the needle (e.g. 73 stitches), and divide by the number of increases to be made (e.g. 11) = 6.6. In this example, increase by making 1 yarn over after alternately each 6th and 7th stitch (approx.). On the next round work the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. PATTERN: See diagram A.1. Choose diagram for your size. The whole pattern is worked in stockinette stitch. DECREASE TIP (for sleeves): Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker thread as follows: Work until there are 3 stitches left before the marker thread, knit 2 together, knit 2 (the marker thread sits in the middle of these 2 stitches), slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- SWEATER - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in the round with circular needle, top down. After the yoke the body is worked in the round with circular needle. The sleeves are worked in the round with short circular needle/double pointed needles. NECK: Cast on 72-76-80-84-84-92 stitches with circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 and fog. Knit 1 round. Then work rib in the round (= knit 2 / purl 2) for 2 cm / ¾". Knit 1 round where you increase 12-16-20-20-8-8 stitches evenly on round – read INCREASE TIP = 84-92-100-104-92-100 stitches. Then work yoke as described below. YOKE: Change to circular needle SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9. Insert 1 marker thread at the beginning of the round (= mid back). Work A.1 in the round (= 21-23-25-26-23-25 repeats of 4 stitches) – read PATTERN above. Continue the pattern like this and increase as shown in the diagram. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When A.1 has been worked as far as the round marked for your size, there are 252-276-300-312-322-350 stitches on the needle and the piece measures approx. 26-28-29-31-33-35 cm / 10 ¼"-11"-11⅜"-12⅛"-13"-13 ¾" measured from the cast-on edge mid-front. Continue with A.1 if necessary, but without increasing, until you reach the right length (after the last round in A.1, continue working with stockinette stitch and fog). Work the next round as follows: Work the first 38-41-44-47-50-54 stitches (= half back piece), place the next 51-57-63-63-62-67 stitches on a thread (= sleeve), cast on 6-6-6-6-12-12 new stitches on the needle (= in side under sleeve), work as before over the next 74-80-86-92-98-108 stitches (= front piece), place the next 51-57-63-63-62-67 stitches on a thread (= sleeve), cast on 6-6-6-6-12-12 new stitches on the needle (= in side under sleeve), work the remaining 38-41-44-47-50-54 stitches (= half back piece). Body and sleeves are finished separately. THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! BODY: = 162-174-186-198-222-240 stitches. Work until the whole of diagram A.1 has been worked in height and then work stockinette stitch with fog. When the piece measures 28-28-29-29-29-29 cm / 11"-11"-11⅜"-11⅜"-11⅜"-11⅜" from the division, work 1 round where you increase 34-34-38-38-46-48 stitches evenly on round = 196-208-224-236-268-288 stitches. Change to circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 and work rib (knit 2, purl 2) for 3 cm / 1". Bind off with knit over knit and purl over purl – to avoid the bind-off edge being tight; you can cast of with needle SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9. The sweater measures approx. 60-62-64-66-68-70 cm / 23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾"-27½" from the shoulder. SLEEVE: Place the 51-57-63-63-62-67 stitches from the thread on the one side of the piece on short circular needle/double pointed needles SIZE 5.5 mm/ US 9 and knit up 1 stitch in each of the 6-6-6-6-12-12 stitches cast on under the sleeve = 57-63-69-69-74-79 stitches. Insert 1 marker thread in the middle of the 6-6-6-6-12-12 stitches under the sleeve and start the round here; allow the marker thread to follow your work onwards. If you still have rounds left to work in A.1 for your size, continue working until A.1 has been completed in height, then work with fog and stockinette stitch. When the piece measures 2 cm / ¾" from the division, decrease 2 stitches mid under sleeve - read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 6th-5th-4th-4th-3rd-3rd round a total of 10-12-15-14-16-17 times = 37-39-39-41-42-45 stitches. Continue working until the piece measures 37-35-35-33-32-30 cm / 14 ½"-13 ¾"-13 ¾"-13"-12 ½"-11 ¾" from the division (shorter measurements in larger sizes due to longer yoke). Knit 1 round where you increase 7-9-9-7-10-7 stitches evenly on round = 44-48-48-48-52-52 stitches. Change to double pointed needles size 4.5 mm / US 7 and work rib (=knit 2/ purl 2) for 3 cm / 1". Bind off with knit over knit and purl over purl - to avoid the bind-off edge being tight, you can bind off with a needle SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9. The sleeve measures approx. 40-38-38-36-35-33 cm / 15 ¾"-14⅞"-14⅞"-14⅛"-13 ¾"-13" from the division. Work the other sleeve in the same way. |
Diagram explanations |
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