How to cast on

How to cast on

There are several ways of casting on. We have chosen to show you the most common way that results in a firm yet stretchy edge.

It’s important that the casting on is not too tight. Do you feel that the edge is becoming too tight it’s always a possibility to change to a larger needle or to cast on over two needles. But don’t forget to change back to the original needles when you start knitting.

Figure 1: Begin by measuring a long tail from the end of the working yarn (the length varies depending on how many stitches you want to cast on, the yarn and size of the needle). Hold the tail of the yarn with your thumb and wind the yarn around your index and middle finger.

Figure 2: Pull the working yarn through the loop around your index and middle finger from behind and towards yourself.

Figure 3: Pull the loop to make a long stitch.

Figure 4: Place the stich onto the knitting needle and pull the yarn tails to tighten the stitch. You are now ready to cast on.

Figure 5: Place the yarn tail around your left thumb as seen on the photo. Slide the yarn strand over your left index finger and hold the two yarn strands in place in the palm of your hand using your ring and little finger.

Figure 6: Bring the right hand needle tip under the strand on your thumb.

Figure 7: To create the stitch, use the right hand needle tip and bring the strand from the working yarn (the yarn on your index finger) through the loop created by the thumb.

Figure 8: Drop the loop off the thumb onto the right hand needle. You have now cast on one new stitch. Tighten the stitch and pick up the thread with your thumb again. Continue in the same way until all stitches has been cast on.

See this video for extra help

Comments (22)

Karsten wrote:

Rigtig godt, står hjælp. Kan godt lide første maske laves med fingre uden pinde, og den er rimelig let at huske. Der mangler ved syv et billede at mere præcist hvordan det førsætter ved pegefinger synes jeg. Jeg har skrevet denne note til mig selv, efter jeg har tage snoren på forreste tråd ved tomlen: V. 7: Husk ned v. pegefinger bagerste tråd og så ned i løkken v tommel, slip, saml op, stram.

14.08.2024 - 16:06

Lena N wrote:

Att lägga upp på en grövre sticka för att få bättre elasticitet fungerar dåligt och första varvet blir inte snyggt. Tråden över pekfingret bildar maskornas öglor och tråden över tummen blinder samman maskorna under stickan. En grövre sticka gör maskorna större, men det som behövs för elasticiteten är tillräckligt med garn mellan maskorna. Därför ska man lämna minst en garnbredd och högst två garnbredder mellan varje maska man lägger upp. Då blir upplägget elastiskt.

10.03.2024 - 16:21

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Lena. Det er ulike metoder for å få en oppleggskant elastisk. Vi viser ulike metoder på vår hjemmesiden og hver enkel bruker kan bruke den metoden de syns passer best for seg og i den kvaliteten man skal strikke i . mvh DROPS Design

11.03.2024 - 07:12

Rumi wrote:

Hai saya sedang membuat 219-3. Saya diminta untuk cast on untuk ukuran M, sebanyak 21 stitches. Apakah 21 stitches termasuk garter stitch atau saya perlu membuat stitch lagi di sisi kanan dan kiri (+2)?

16.02.2024 - 12:23

Franske wrote:

Hoe veel steken zet je op de 3 pennen Voor maat 40 en maat 43

13.01.2024 - 19:47

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Femke,

Zou je zo vriendelijk willen zijn om je vraag bij het patroon dat je aan het breien bent te plaatsen? Op die manier kunnen we je hopelijk beter helpen.

14.01.2024 - 19:18

Inge wrote:

Jag fattar ingenting

30.08.2023 - 08:49

Guadalupe wrote:


28.01.2023 - 22:12

Chantal Bonneton wrote:

Bonjour, Merci pour cette vidéo. Mais est-ce que ce rang de montage est considéré comme le 1er premier rang sur l’endroit ? Ou le rang de retour -que je considère comme le rang envers- est bien en fait le rang end ? Merci d’avance pour votre réponse. Chantal

23.11.2022 - 16:00

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Bonneton, le rang de montage n'est jamais considéré comme le premier rang; traditionnellement, le 1er rang correspond à l'endroit de l'ouvrage, mais il peut arriver que le 1er rang soit à tricoter sur l'envers en fonction des modèles. Bon tricot!

23.11.2022 - 16:15

Mr Johnson wrote:

Is very likely that I will use it thanks for the tutorial

02.11.2022 - 09:16

Bob wrote:

Is hard for me because I’m left handled \r\nbut nice 👍

02.11.2022 - 08:59

Kronis wrote:

Hår startars mans vidooned snella hjalp

21.10.2022 - 13:34

Alice wrote:

Hej! Räknas första loopen/knuten som en maska?😊

19.08.2022 - 22:27

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Alice. Ja, det gjøre det. mvh DROPS Design

22.08.2022 - 08:15

Gloria Scase wrote:

I have difficulty knowing how much tail I need for over 100 stitches when working on tops for top down yokes. I was taught by my Italian Mother years ago how to cast on I just use my thumb when casting on, wrapping it round much easier

09.06.2022 - 14:50

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Scase, this video might be the one that can help you to find out how to have enough thread when you cast on with continental method. Happy knitting!

10.06.2022 - 09:07

Björne wrote:

Hur pausar man videon.

28.02.2022 - 14:07

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Björne Før musen over videoen, slik at du ser "tidslinjen" nederst. Klikk på firkanten til venstre med 2 loddrette streker. Da stopper du videoen, klikk på samme knapp for å starte videoen. mvh DROPS Design

07.03.2022 - 07:31

Walla wrote:

Lag ramis el doso Omar ek ladokre makaroni spag

23.02.2022 - 08:23

Bianca wrote:

Als een patroon zegt: motief over 12 + 1 (is volgens mij 13 steken) en je hebt dat motief 10 x nodig, hoeveel steken moet je dan in totaal opzetten? Alvast hartelijk dank voor het antwoord.

07.12.2021 - 16:31

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Bianca,

Dan is het eerst 12 x 10 = 120 plus 1 steek = 121. Dus die ene steek komt er maar één keer bij.

12.01.2022 - 10:53

Nikolai wrote:


26.04.2021 - 09:41

Valdenice Goncalves Rovere wrote:

Eu não conseguiria acompanhar uma receita.em ingles ou qualquer outra lingua, só em portugues

13.08.2020 - 02:52

Jana wrote:

Dobrý den. Co mám dělat, když mi při nahazování dojde volný konec dříve, než nahodím potřebný počet ok? děkuji. jana

27.12.2019 - 13:41

DROPS Design answered:

Dobrý den, Jano, to je nepříjemná situace, která občas potká každou z nás :-) Bohužel se v tu chvíli nedá dělat nic jiného, než nahození vypárat a ponechat konec o kus delší. Pokud chcete mít lepší odhad, můžete si před samotným nahozením omotat jehlici koncem příze - otáček kolem jehlice uděláte tolik, kolik ok chcete nahazovat. Získáte tak volný konec příze dlouhý dost na to, aby vystačil na nahození daného počtu ok. Hodně zdaru! Hana

31.12.2019 - 12:41

Calla Dean wrote:

I'm trying to knit your "Cold Springs" headband and am having trouble reading the diagrams A.1 and A.2 Could you please assist me and tell me how to proceed? Thank you Calla

07.02.2017 - 00:42

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Dean, diagrams will be worked simultaneously, ie work first Row 1 in A.1, then row 1 in A.2 and row 1 in A.1 (+ remaining sts as stated). Work then row 2 both diagrams, and so on. When A.1 has been worked 1 time in height, repeat A.1 from row 1. When A.2 has been worked 1 time in height, repeat A.2 from row 1. Happy knitting!

07.02.2017 - 09:59

Mamen Anguera wrote:

Hola, tengo una duda sobre montar puntos. Me gustaria seguir un patron pero dice que hay que montar puntos utilizando dos hilos. ¿Como seria en este caso? Gracias

20.09.2016 - 10:18

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Mamen. ¿Puedes especificar a que número del patrón al que te estás refiriendo?

16.10.2016 - 12:31

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