Video #6, listed in: Knitting Videos, Learn to knit
Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people speaking endless of different languages and many do not understand English. So since there is not a given language for us to use, we instead have written instructions to accompany the video, and then there is no sound to disturb while watching.
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Hanna Mourino wrote:
Detta klippet verkar vara en dublett utav 'Aviga maskor ( am ).
11.03.2021 - 03:02Hanna Mourino wrote:
Hej! Var är denna så kallade engelska metoden? Kvinnan håller inte garnet i högra handen.. detta måste vara fel video. Detta ser ut som vanlig kontinental stickning.
11.03.2021 - 02:56Ans wrote:
Volgens mij zie je in de video de continentale methode, maar staat in de beschrijving de Engelse methode. Zoals het in de beschrijving staat heb ik het ook geleerd
05.02.2021 - 20:37Lii Klimov wrote:
Inglise pahempidine silmus oli ju lõng parema käega hoida ja ümber varda ka parema käega. Video näitab lõnga vasaku käega hoidmist. Jutt ja video ei lähe kokku.
25.09.2020 - 16:45Alondra wrote:
11.05.2019 - 11:51Joan McHardy wrote:
From watching lots of knitting videos on how to tension yarn I've come to realise there is no right or wrong way to knit. What matters is what is most comfortable for you. This, throwing method, is how I have always knitted but I'm trying to learn to lever and flick now as most speed knitters use that method and its much more efficient.
02.09.2014 - 08:41Jacquie Tinch wrote:
This is how children or beginners knit, it is not how English/USA knitters work. The right hand should be under the needle, like holding a pencil, and the first finger is all that moves to 'throw' the yarn a round the needle tip. This throwing action is the same for knit and purl and might help all those people who either get a different tension when they purl, or avoid purling whenever they can.
18.08.2014 - 18:26Lisa V. wrote:
A very nice French woman showed me a better way 40 years ago. Do not lift the right hand off of the needle to wrap the yarn. Instead, hold the right needle close to the tip with the thumb and last fingers, and just move the yarn on the right finger in a circular way around the needle. Much smoother and faster.
13.02.2013 - 20:20Louise wrote:
Hoe was het ook alweer???? Insteken, omslaan , doorhalen, af laten glijden
22.08.2012 - 22:24Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *.
Several of our most popular patterns (example 146-2, 148-1, 126-1, 150-11) starts in the center of the piece with a few stitches and double pointed needles. It's a bit tricky to get started but gets easier and easier as you increase. Make sure to use markers to show where the increases are made. Keep increasing and work your way out. As the piece grows you continue with a longer and longer circular needle to fit all stitches. In this DROPS Video we show an example from pattern 146-2 on how to do so. REMEMBER - you will also need to read the pattern to be able to follow. To see a pattern with this technique, go to: DROPS 146-2
Paola wrote:
Anch'io lavoro così le maglie a rovescio. Me l'ha insegnato mia mamma tanti anni fa. Non sapevo che è il metodo inglese.
10.07.2022 - 00:45