Desiree Williams wrote:
I’m confused about the beginning, where it says to chain 5 to form a ring, and then you are supposed to work 12 dc in the ring. How do you go from 5 to 12? I can see if there are 6 in the ring, and then two dc per stitch to make 12. Am I missing something? Thanks!
01.02.2025 - 19:37DROPS Design answered:
Dear Desiree, with the 5 chain stitches you form a ring. Then, you will work 12 dc inside the hole of the ring, not in each of the chain stitches. Happy crochetting!
02.02.2025 - 23:44
Lisa wrote:
Hi, Working on the bag, love it! At the point round 12, After decrease to 112. Dou you do consist rounds of 112.? With no more decreases? About how many rows to gain the bucket bag? Thanks Lisa
09.06.2024 - 17:35DROPS Design answered:
Dear Lisa, after decreasing to 112, simply finish 1 vertical repeat of chart A.2, without increases or decreases, just the 112 stitches. So work all rows of chart A.2 once and you can fasten off. Happy crochetting!
09.06.2024 - 19:47
Ruth Burton wrote:
Your suggested hook size to get correct tension is 5.5mm but the pattern says use 4.5mm! Obviously I'll do a tension square before starting my bag.
30.05.2024 - 08:51DROPS Design answered:
Dear Ruth, gauge is personal to each individual, therefore we suggest that a gauge swatch is donw ALWAYS for each project and final needle (or hook) size is selected accordingly. Happy Crafting!
04.06.2024 - 02:59
Prasanthi wrote:
Made this beautiful bag. Gifted it to my niece on her birthday and she is so thrilled to receive this. Thank you so much for the clear instructions and graph. Would love to post the picture of the bag but I don't see where to attach the pic.
18.03.2024 - 09:50
Andrea wrote:
On A.2 where it says (= 7 repetitions in width) does this mean “the next 7 rounds?” And when it says “AT THE SAME TIME on 1st round in A.2 dec 4 dc evenly = 112 dc.” Does this mean the last round should decrease to 112 dc?
04.01.2024 - 17:23DROPS Design answered:
Dear Andrea, no this means you have to repeat A.2 a total of 7 times in the round as follows: work the 16 stitches in diagram A.2 (- there are 114 sts, work the first round A.2 decreasing 4 sts evenly on this round = 112 sts remain); Work each round a total of 7 times in the round until A.2 is done. Happy crocheting!
05.01.2024 - 08:06
Petra wrote:
Man soll die Tasche mit 2 Fäden "Paris" häkeln. Bezieht sich das auf die Tapestry Technik, die ja immer mindestens 2fädig ist? Ansonsten müsste ich ja bei 2 Farben mit 4 Fäden arbeiten. Ich verstehe es nicht.
21.10.2023 - 15:07DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Petra, es wird immer mit 2 Fäden also doppelfäddig gehäkelt - siehe Maschenprobe: 12 Stäbchen x 7 Reihen mit 2 Fäden = 10 x 10 cm, in diesem Video zeigen wir (für ein anderes Modell), wie das Muster gehäkelt wird - hier wird man genauso häkeln, aber mit 2 Fäden jeder Farbe anstatt nur 1 Faden jeder Farbe wie im Video. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
23.10.2023 - 09:38
Joanne Seitz wrote:
At the end of Row 4, it says in bold letters, REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE. How big should the circle measure at this point? I do not see that mentioned.
05.07.2023 - 01:31
Joanne Seitz wrote:
At the end of Row 4, it says in bold letters, REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE. How big should the circle measure at this point? I do not see that mentioned.
05.07.2023 - 01:29DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Seitz, with 7 rounds = 10 cm, the first 4 rounds should measure approx. 6 cm. Happy crocheting!
05.07.2023 - 07:51
Joanne Seitz wrote:
Hi, I understand now that each row should begin with 3 chains. Does that begin with Round 1 when you are working 12 dc into the chain? And then you will sl st into the third chain before moving on to Round 2?
04.07.2023 - 01:22DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Seitz, you need to crochet 3 chains at the beginning of every round with dc (US-English), this means from the 1st round, in other words on round 1, crochet 3 chains + 11 dc in the magic round = 12 dc, slip stitch in the 3rd chain from beg of round to join then work 2nd round starting with 3 chains to replace first dc and so on. Happy crocheting!
04.07.2023 - 08:41
Virkaten wrote:
Teen käsitöitä harrastuksena ja myyn niitä kaksi tai kolme kertaa vuodessa myyjäisissä ja joskus somen välityksellä. Yhden mallin kappalemäärä on usein vain 1. Ohjeiden alareunassa puhutaan vain neuleiden myynnistä. Saako näin myydä myös virkkauksia ja asusteita?
25.05.2023 - 12:53DROPS Design answered:
Hei, kyllä, voit myydä myös virkkauksia ja asusteita tähän tapaan.
29.05.2023 - 16:49
Market Day |
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Crochet DROPS bag with color pattern in 2 strands "Paris".
DROPS 170-1 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagrams show colors in pattern. 1 square = 1 dc. DOUBLE YARN TIP: Use yarn from both inside and outside of the ball. When switching to a new ball, try to avoid switching both strands at the same time - to avoid a thick yarn when fastening. COLOR PATTERN (worked in the round): When changing color work as follows: Work last dc with first color but wait with last pull through, switch to next color and work last pull through, then work next dc. When working with two color place strands for the color not worked over sts from previous round, work around the strands so that they are hidden and follows in the round. CROCHET INFO: Replace first dc at beg of every round with ch 3, finish round with 1 sl st in third ch. DEC TIP: Dec 1 dc by working 2 dc tog as follows: Work 1 dc but wait with last pull through, (= 2 loops on hook), work next dc but on last pull through, pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook. ---------------------------------------------------------- BAG: Work in the round with 2 strands of each color - READ DOUBLE YARN TIP. Work 5 ch with 2 threads shocking pink on hook size 4.5 mm/US 7 and form a ring with one sl st in first ch. Then work in the round and according to A.1 (work 12 repetitions of A.1 in width) - READ COLOR PATTERN. ROUND 1: Work 12 dc in ring – read CROCHET INFO. ROUND 2: Work 2 dc in every dc = 24 dc. ROUND 3: Work * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in the next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 36 dc. ROUND 4: Work * 1 dc in each of the next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 48 dc. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! ROUND 5-10: Continue with inc and pattern as before, i.e. on every round work 1 more dc between inc = 120 dc. ROUND 11: Work last round in A.1, AT THE SAME TIME dec 4 dc evenly, dec by working 2 and 2 dc tog = 116 dc. ROUND 12: Continue working in the round, but without inc and work according to A.2 (= 7 repetitions in width), AT THE SAME TIME on 1st round in A.2 dec 4 dc evenly = 112 dc. Continue until A.2 has been worked, fasten off. STRAPS: Cut 6 lengths of each color of 120 cm / 47" = 36 strands. Place the strands tog and tie a loose knot, leave approx. 12 cm / 4¾" after knot. Distribute strands in 3 piles with 12 strands in each pile. Plait the three piles tog until plait measures approx. 68 cm / 26¾". Divide the end of the plait into 2. Thread the 2 halves through bag, 1 dc apart, in third round from edge. Tie them tog in a knot on the front of bag. Untie the knot in the beg of the plait and fasten it to bag the same way but in the opposite side. Make another plait the same way - see photo. |
Diagram explanations |
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