Irene wrote:
Kunt u aangeven wat er wordt bedoeld met 1 stokje tussen de meerderingen toer 5-10. Het kleurenpatroon klopt dan toch niet meer want je krijgt meer stokjes?
01.02.2021 - 18:01DROPS Design answered:
Dag Irene,
In A.1 wordt er gemeerderd van 1 naar 10 steken. Je ziet ook in A.1 dat er op elke toer een steek bij komt aan de linkerkant. Dit kun je gewoon blijven volgen. Omdat je A.1 12 keer herhaalt en de rondte, komen er dus 12 steken bij, totdat je in totaal op 120 steken zit (12 herhalingen van 10 steken).
06.02.2021 - 12:03Irene wrote:
Ik heb net een vraag gestuurd en is opeens niet meer zichtbaar?
01.02.2021 - 17:55Monik wrote:
Porfavor tutorial soy principiante necesito entender grafico. Gracias
28.07.2020 - 04:58DROPS Design answered:
Hola Monik. Tienes vídeos bajo el patrón que te pueden ayudar a realizar la labor. También te recomendamos leer el siguiente tutorial: para aprender a interpretar el diagrama para ganchillo.
02.08.2020 - 20:31Sophie wrote:
Bonjour je voulais savoir si on doit fermer chaque tour avec une maille coulée ou crocheter en rond. A mon avis ça doit être avec maille coulée ma je ne suis pas certaine.
22.04.2020 - 15:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Sophie, tout à fait, comme indiqué sous INFO CROCHET au début des explications, chaque tour commence par 3 mailles en l'air (= ces mailles en l'air remplacent la 1ère bride) et chaque tour se termine par 1 maille coulée dans la 3ème maille en l'air du début du tour. Bon crochet!
22.04.2020 - 15:41Julie wrote:
Is the yarn amount for colour 59 old light pink correct? Or should it be the same amount as the mauve colour 60? As having made this I've definitely used more old pink than mauve.
12.05.2019 - 13:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Julie, thanks for the feedback, a correction will be made. Happy crocheting!
15.05.2019 - 11:09Sosso wrote:
Tutto chiaro grazie per ora!
15.04.2019 - 19:56Sosso wrote:
Buongiorno! Nei giri 5-10 cosa significa ‘lavorare una maglia alta in più tra gli aumenti’? Se ad ogni giro per 6 giri (giro 5,6,7,8,9,10) aumento di 24 punti al giro n. 11 avrò 192 maglie totale. Inoltre l’aumento in più in corrispondenza di quale punto deve essere inserito per non rovinare la simmetria del motivo? Grazie mille
15.04.2019 - 11:21DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Sosso. al giro 5 lavora: 1 m.alta in ognuna delle prime 3 m.alte, 2 m.alte nella maglia successiva e così su tutto il giro; al giro 6: 1 m.alta in ognuna delle prime 4 m.alte, 2 m.alte nella m successiva. E così via. Il diagramma A.1 viene ripetuto 12 volte sul giro; ad ogni giro aumenta 12 m; quindi negli ultimi 6 giri aumenta 12x6= 72 m, arrivando così a 120 m. Buon lavoro!
15.04.2019 - 11:36Babs wrote:
23.01.2019 - 17:16
Andes Sunrise |
Crochet bag with Nordic pattern in DROPS Paris. Worked from bottom up.
DROPS 201-16 |
EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagrams show colors in pattern. 1 square in diagrams = 1 double crochet. COLOR CHANGE IN NORDIC PATTERN (worked in the round): When changing color work as follows: Work last double crochet with first color but wait with last yarn over and pull through, switch to next color and work last yarn over and pull through, then continue working the next treble crochet with the new color. When working with two colors place strands for the color not worked over stitches from previous round, work around the strands so that they are hidden and at the same time follow in the round. CROCHET INFO: Replace first double crochet on round with 3 chain stitches. Finish round with 1 slip stitch in third chain stitch from beginning of round. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- BAG - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Worked in the round from bottom up. Finish by plaiting straps that are ties on to bag explained below. BAG: Work 5 chain stitches on hook size 3.5 mm = US E/4 with mustard and form a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch. Then work A.1 in the round as follows (work 12 repetitions with A.1 on round) - read COLOR CHANGE IN NORDIC PATTERN: ROUND 1: Work 12 double crochets in ring – READ CROCHET INFO! ROUND 2: Work 2 double crochet in every double crochet = 24 double crochet. ROUND 3: Work * 1 double crochet in first double crochet, 2 double crochets in next double crochet *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 36 double crochets. ROUND 4: Work * 1 double crochet in the first 2 double crochets, 2 double crochets in next double crochet *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 48 double crochets. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! ROUNDS 5-10: Continue with increases and pattern as before, i.e. on every round work 1 double crochet more between increases. When A.1 has been worked vertically, there are 120 double crochets on round. ROUND 11: Work A.2 in the round (= 12 repetitions of 10 double crochets). Continue pattern like this without increasing. On round marked with arrow in A.2 work as follows: * 1 double crochet in each of the first/next 3 double crochets, 1 chain stitch, skip 1 double crochet *, repeat from *-* the entire round. Continue until A.2 has been worked, fasten off. Bag measures approx. 34 cm = 13⅜" from mid under bag and up. STRAPS: Cut 18 strands mauve and 18 strands old pink (each strand should be approx. 120 cm = 47¼") = 36 strands. Place the strands together and tie a loose knot in one end, leave approx. 12 cm = 4¾" after knot. Distribute strands in 3 piles with 12 strands in each pile. Plait the three piles tog until plait measures approx. 68 cm = 26¾". Divide strands into 2 piles. Thread the 2 halves through bag, 3 double crochets apart, in a round with holes. Tie the 2 halves together in a knot on the front of bag. Untie the knot at beg of plait and fasten to bag in the same way but in the opposite side, approx. 22 cm = 8¾" from the first knot. Make another braid the same way and tie in the opposite side of bag – see picture. |
Diagram explanations |
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