Lise wrote:
Hva/hvor er mønsteret til A3 i str medium?
09.04.2024 - 14:41
Miriam wrote:
Ich hab den Pulli gestrickt. Wunderschön und passt von den Maßen auch mit Cotton Merino, perfekt. Nun hab ich schon einige Norweger-Pullies von euch gestrickt. Der Saum klappt aber immer nach oben, wenn ich mich an die Anleitung halte. Was mach ich falsch?
18.12.2023 - 08:37DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Miriam, ie können den Pullover mit Stecknadeln auf einer geeigneten Unterlage spannen, anfeuchten (z.B. mit einer Sprühflasche für Blumen) und trocknen lassen, danach entfernen Sie die Stecknadeln, dann sollte sich der Rand nicht mehr rollen.
18.12.2023 - 09:35
Annemiek Van Rijn wrote:
Hallo, ik wil graag een enkele smalle hals ipv een dubbele. Hoeveel steken moet ik dan opzetten en hoeveel meerderen??
27.07.2023 - 13:26DROPS Design answered:
Dag Annemiek,
In plaats van 9 cm, brei je dan 4,5 cm boordsteek. Verder hoef je niks te veranderen.
01.08.2023 - 20:55
Katrin wrote:
Hallo, wie kann ich die Ärmel richtig stricken in Größe L? Man benötigt 88 Maschen. Ein Mustersatz hat 16 Maschen. Das geht irgendwie nicht auf. Oder muss Ich da was ändern? Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort.
08.03.2023 - 13:24DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Katrin, bei den Ärmeln soll die Masche mit der markierte Mittelmasche im Diagramme diejenige mit der Markierung bei der oberen Ärmelmitte - diese Lektion wird Ihnen damit helfen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
08.03.2023 - 13:39
Ingela Kalin wrote:
När man har bara ett varv av en färg och ska byta till en annan färg. Hur undviker man hacket. ? \r\n\r\nÄr fram och bakstycket exakt lika? Dvs ska ärmarn stickas lika? \r\n\r\nVar börjar man varvat när ärmarna stickas. R det i början av de 16 upplockade maskorna? \r\n//Ingela
31.07.2022 - 16:32
Ingela wrote:
Vid rundstickning av ett varv med en färg och ska övergå till nästa varv med en annan färg blir det skevt i övergången. Det är inte snyggt. Vad gör jag.
21.02.2022 - 22:57DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ingela. I denna video kan du se hur du kan göra för att undvika detta. Mvh DROPS Design
23.02.2022 - 10:32
Joke wrote:
Hallo, Bij pijl 5 ontstaan 320 steken bij maat M.. Als ik dat omreken met de stekenverhouding, 21st= 10cm, dan kom ik op 152cm (grootste omtrek), terwijl het op ongeveer 100cm zou moeten uitkomen volgens de tekening (2x50cm.). Maak ik een denkfout, of klopt er iets niet in het patroon m.b.t de meerderingen.? Ik hoor het graag, Met vriendelijke groet, Joke
13.02.2022 - 17:48DROPS Design answered:
Dag Joke,
Dit komt omdat je de pas helemaal in de rondte breit. Als je op basis van het aantal steken het aantal cm uitrekent, reken je dus de omtrek van de betreffende cirkel uit, in plaats van de diameter.
17.02.2022 - 11:42
Soile wrote:
En ymmärrä seuraavaa, hihan kuvio, koko S. HIHA: "Keskellä hihan päällä olevasta merkistä lasketaan mallineuleen kuvion alku". Jne. Myöhemmin "Kun olet neulonut piirroksen A.3 loppuun.....Piirrokseen A.4 on merkitty hihan keskisilmukka, laske siitä kuvion alku". Aloitetaanko kuvion teko merkistä kuten piirroksessa A4 vai tuleeko kuvion keskikohta siihen aloituskohtaan. Toisin sanoen, en käsitä kuviossa olevan merkin roolia.
16.11.2021 - 11:55DROPS Design answered:
Hei, tuo kuviossa oleva merkki tulee keskellä hihan päällä olevan merkin kohdalle, eli tästä kohtaa lasketaan mallineuleen alku.
08.12.2021 - 17:09
Jorunn Rusten wrote:
Hei,er der en feil i A1,omgang nr.27? Får ikke mønsteret til å stemme.
18.08.2021 - 21:21
Jacqueline wrote:
Waar staat A.3 voor maat M ?
11.02.2021 - 16:28DROPS Design answered:
Dag Jacqueline,
In maat M heb je A.3 niet nodig, je begint dan gelijk met A.4.
16.02.2021 - 15:41
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Knitted sweater in DROPS Merino Extra Fine. Piece is knitted top down with double neck edge, round yoke and Nordic pattern. Size XS–XXL.
DROPS 217-17 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- KNITTING TIP: To avoid the knitting gauge to tighten when working pattern, it is important not to tighten the strands on back side of piece. Switch to a higher needle number when working pattern if the pattern is somewhat tight. If the knitting gauge is too tight vertically, the garment will be too short and the armhole will be too small - this can be adjusted by working 1 row more evenly in the sections with one color. If the knitting gauge is too loose vertically, the garment will be too long and the armhole too big, this can be adjusted by working 1 row less in the sections with one color. INCREASE TIP: To calculate how to increase evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 104 stitches) and divide stitches by number of increases to be done (e.g. 24) = 4.3. In this example increase by making 1 yarn over after approx. every 4th stitch. On next round knit yarns over twisted to avoid holes. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.4. Choose diagram for your size (applies to A.2, A.3 and A.4). Work the entire pattern in stockinette stitch. DECREASE TIP (applies to mid under sleeves): Begin 2 stitches before stitch with marker, knit 2 together, knit 1 (stitch with marker), knit 2 twisted together (= 2 stitches decreased). BIND-OFF TIP: To avoid a tight bind-off edge you may use a larger needle size. If this also is too tight, work a 1 yarn over after approx. every 8th stitch while binding off (bind off yarn overs as regular stitches). ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- SWEATER - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Double neck edge and yoke in the round on circular needle from mid back, top down. Now divide yoke for body and sleeves. Body is worked in the round on circular needle, top down. Work sleeves in the round on double pointed needles/short circular needle, top down. DOUBLE NECK EDGE: Cast on 104-108-112-120-124-132 stitches on a short circular needle size 3 mm = US 2,5 with cedar. Knit 1 round. Then work rib in the round (= knit 2/purl 2) for 9 cm = 3½". When rib is done, knit 1 round while increasing 24-28-32-32-36-44 stitches evenly - read INCREASE TIP = 128-136-144-152-160-176 stitches. Knit 1 round with cedar (knit yarn overs twisted). Insert 1 marker in the middle of round (= mid front). Work yoke as explained below, measure yoke from this marker. YOKE: Switch to circular needle size 4 mm = US 6. Read all of the following section on yoke before working and read KNITTING TIP! Work A.1 in the round (= 32-34-36-38-40-44 repetitions of 4 stitches). Continue pattern like this. When A.1 has been worked vertically, work A.2 the same way. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! AT THE SAME TIME on every round marked with arrow in A.1 and A.2 increase stitches evenly as explained below - remember INCREASE TIP: Arrow-1: Increase 32-32-32-32-40-40 stitches evenly = 160-168-176-184-200-216 stitches (there is now room for 20-21-22-23-25-27 repetitions A.1 of 8 stitches). Arrow-2: Increase 32-40-40-40-40-48 stitches evenly = 192-208-216-224-240-264 stitches (there is now room for 24-26-27-28-30-33 repetitions A.1 of 8 stitches). Arrow-3: Increase 32-32-40-48-48-40 stitches evenly = 224-240-256-272-288-304 stitches (there is now room for 14-15-16-17-18-19 repetitions A.1 of 16 stitches). Arrow-4: Increase 32-32-32-32-40-48 stitches evenly = 256-272-288-304-328-352 stitches (there is now room for 32-34-36-38-41-44 repetitions A.2 of 8 stitches). Arrow-5: Increase 32-32-32-24-32-32 stitches evenly = 288-304-320-328-360-384 stitches (there is now room for 36-38-40-41-45-48 repetitions A.2 of 8 stitches). Increases in size XS, S and M are now done. Arrow-6: Increase 24-24-32 stitches evenly (only applies to sizes L, XL and XXL) = 288-304-320-352-384-416 stitches (there is now room for 22-24-26 repetitions A.1 of 16 stitches in the 3 largest sizes). The increases in size L, XL and XXL are done. Then work until last round in A.2 remains in your size. Piece measures approx. 19-21-23-25-27-29 cm = 7½"-8¼"-9"-9¾"-10⅝"-11⅜" from marker mid front. Now divide yoke for body and sleeves, i.e. work last round as follows: Work 40-44-46-50-56-64 stitches in stockinette stitch as last round in A.2 shows (= ½ back piece), slip the next 64-64-68-76-80-80 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 8-8-12-12-16-16 new stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve), work 80-88-92-100-112-128 stitches in stockinette stitch as last round in A.2 shows (= front piece), slip the next 64-64-68-76-80-80 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 8-8-12-12-16-16 new stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve) and work the remaining 40-44-46-50-56-64 stitches in stockinette stitch as last round in A.2 shows (= ½ back piece). Finish body and sleeves separately. NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! BODY: = 176-192-208-224-256-288 stitches. Begin round in one side of body, in the middle of the 8-8-12-12-16-16 stitches cast on under sleeve, and work as follows: XS, S, L and XL: Work A.3 in the round to finish pattern border from yoke (= 22-24-14-16 repetitions of 8-8-16-16 stitches). When A.3 has been worked vertically, work A.4 in the round (= 11-12-14-16 repetitions of 16 stitches). Then work as explained below ALL SIZES. M and XXL: Work A.4 in the round (= 13-18 repetitions of 16 stitches). Then work as explained below ALL SIZES. ALL SIZES: Continue A.4 in the round. Repeat A.4 vertically as far as you can before rib begins at the bottom of body. AT THE SAME TIME on round marked with arrow in A.4 , increase 16 stitches evenly in all sizes = 192-208-224-240-272-304 stitches (this increase is only done first time A.4 is worked vertically, and there is now room for 12-13-14-15-17-19 repetitions of 16 stitches). Work until piece measures approx. 31 cm.= 12¼" from division in all sizes – finish pattern nicely after a whole pattern border. Approx. 4 cm = 1½" remain until finished measurements, try the sweater on and work until desired length. Knit 1 round with cedar while increasing 56-64-68-72-80-92 stitches evenly = 248-272-292-312-352-396 stitches. NOTE! Increase stitches to avoid the rib from contracting when working the piece together. Switch to circular needle size 3 mm = US 2,5. Work rib in the round = knit 2/purl 2 for 4 cm = 1½". Bind off with knit over knit and purl over purl - read BIND-OFF TIP. Sweater measures approx. 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm = 22¾"-23⅝"-24⅜"-25¼"-26"-26¾" from shoulder and down. SLEEVE: Slip the 64-64-68-76-80-80 stitches from stitch holder in one side of piece on double pointed needles or a short circular needle size 4 mm = US 6 and pick in addition up 1 stitch in each of the 8-8-12-12-16-16 new stitches cast on under sleeve = 72-72-80-88-96-96 stitches. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 8-8-12-12-16-16 stitches cast on under sleeve, i.e. insert marker in first stitch after the middle, count 35-35-39-43-47-47 stitches, insert 1 marker in next stitch (= middle stitch). 35-35-39-43-47-47 stitches remain on round after last marker. Move markers upwards when working. Marker mid under sleeve is used later when decreasing stitches under sleeve and marker mid on top of sleeve should be used to count where to begin pattern. Work last round in A.2 to finish A.2 the same way as on body - make sure that pattern fits over stitches from yoke. Read the rest of sleeve before continuing! XS, S, L and XL: Work A.3 in the round to finish repetition from yoke vertically but adjust to continue pattern nicely over stitches from yoke. When A.3 has been worked, work A.4 in the round the same way - count outwards from the middle so that middle stitch in A.4 fit with stitch with marker mid on top of sleeve. Repeat A.4 vertically. Then work as explained below ALL SIZES. M and XXL: When last round in A.2 has been worked, work A.4 in the round - count outwards from the middle so that middle stitch in A.4 fit with stitch with marker mid on top of sleeve. Repeat A.4 vertically. Then work as explained below ALL SIZES. ALL SIZES: AT THE SAME TIME when sleeve measures 3 cm = 1⅛" from division in all sizes, decrease 2 stitches mid under sleeve - read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 2½-3-2-1½-1½-1½ cm = 1"-1⅛"-¾"-½"-½"-½" 14-12-16-18-20-20 times in total = 44-48-48-52-56-56 stitches. Work until sleeve measures approx. 41-40-38-36-35-33 cm = 16⅛"-15¾"-15"-14¼"-13¾"-13" from division – finish pattern nicely after a whole pattern border. Approx. 4 cm = 1½" remains until finished measurements. Try the sweater and work to desired length. NOTE! Shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of wider neck and longer yoke. Knit 1 round with cedar while increasing 4 stitches evenly in all sizes = 48-52-52-56-60-60 stitches. Switch to double pointed needles size 3 mm = US 2,5. Work rib in the round = knit 2/purl 2 for 4 cm = 1½". Bind off with knit over knit and purl over purl - remember BIND-OFF TIP. Sleeve measures approx. 45-44-42-40-39-37 cm = 17¾"-17¼"-16½"-15¾"-15¼"-14½" from division. Work the other sleeve the same way. ASSEMBLY: Fold rib at the top of neck double in towards wrong side of garment. Fasten rib but to avoid a tight neck edge and avoiding the edge to tip outwards, it is important to make the seam elastic. |
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