How to cast off from the wrong side

How to cast off from the wrong side

Casting off stitches from the wrong side of work while purling. When you no longer need these stitches for example when making armholes, necklines and shoulders.
It`s important that the cast off edge is not to loose or too tight.
You can also use thicker needles when casting off to make sure the cast off edge is elastic.

Fig. 1: Purl 2 stitches.

Fig. 2: You now have 2 stitches on you right needle. Insert left needle in the stitch on the far right on the right needle.

Fig. 3: Lift this stitch over the other stitch (first stitch on the needle). Now there is only 1 stitch on the right needle.

Fig. 4: Purl 1 more stitch.

Fig. 5: You now have 2 stitches on right needle.

Fig. 6: Insert left needle in the stitch on the far right on the right needle.

Fig. 7: Lift this stitch over the other stitch. Continue like this until you have cast off all the stitches you needed to cast off. Whenever you want you can continue knitting over the remaining stitches on the left needle. Or continue casting off like this over all stitches.

Fig. 8: You have 1 stitch on right needle, this is the last stitch in your work.

Fig. 9:Cut the yarn and insert the yarn end through the loop (= the last stitch). You can now fasten off.

You can use this technique when you are done with your work for example when making a shawl and you need to cast off from the wrong side.

See this video for extra help

Comments (3)

Florence wrote:

Bonjour, sur un modèle, il est indiqué Terminer la manche en allers retours. Cela veut il dire que je dois continuer avec des aiguilles droites

20.10.2023 - 16:24

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Florence, vous pouvez tricoter avec des aiguilles droites mais il est recommandé de conserver les mêmes aiguilles qu'au début pour éviter toute différence de tension éventuelle - dans cette vidéo, nous montrons comment terminer une manche en allers et retours (pensez à bien suivre les indications du modèle que vous tricotez, et rabattez de chaque côté si indiqué). Bon tricot!

25.10.2023 - 08:02

Annette wrote:

Hej\r\nJag har en fråga , jag vet att man ska avmaska från avigsidan och sen sticka ett varav med räta maskor. Jag är nybörjare och har lite svårt att tyda mönster , men om det står avmaska 3-2 vad menas med det . Skulle vara tacksam för svar \r\nMvh Annette

05.01.2023 - 12:16

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Annette, det gælder nok 2 forskellige størrelser. Men skriv dit spørgsmål ind i selve opskriften, så ved vi hvor du er :)

12.01.2023 - 15:45

Anne Grete Grete Dalheim wrote:

Hvorfor skal hetteluen (192-2) avfelles med 2 tråder?

19.12.2021 - 11:18

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Anne Grete. Det är för att kanten ska bli finare/mer tyngd samt bli mer elastisk. Mvh DROPS Design

20.12.2021 - 11:28

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