Glenna Blomquist wrote:
I don't understand this correction - the symbols are not numbered? This pattern has been corrected. Click here to see the correction/s. Updated online: 17.04.2009 Chart text: Symbol 4 and 5 has been exchanged. M.1 S+M+L: New row 19
25.02.2024 - 21:25DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Blomquist, the online pattern has already been updated, this means the' correction applies only if you printed the pattern before that day, if you did, you might have to print it again to be sure you get all informations right. Happy knitting!
26.02.2024 - 09:48Elizabeth Dolan wrote:
Is there a stitch count listed somewhere for this pattern? I am at the end of the second pattern section of M1 chart and seem to be out 3 stitches after decreasing (k2tog. K14 row). Would love to know how many stitches I should have on needles for this row. I am knitting the largest size.
25.07.2020 - 08:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Dolan, do not hesitate to add markers between each repeat this will help you to check the number of stitches on each row as in diagram - Diagram is repeated 16 times in total in size XXXL. Happy knitting!
29.07.2020 - 08:50Elizabeth Dolan wrote:
I have the correct St count for XXXL (330) starting M1 chart. I am doing kf&b as the increase but I cannot get the increases to work out with the chart. Do I do the increase on the 10th stitch? I wish there was a row by row stitch count.
22.07.2020 - 09:17DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Dolan, on first row in M.1 you will work diagram like this: (knit front and back 1st stitch, knit next 9 sts), repeat from (to) for 1 repeat in M.1 (= adding markers between each repeat can help). and repeat to the end of the row. You will first increase stitches then work and decrease as shown in diagram - read more about diagrams here). Happy knititng!
29.07.2020 - 08:47Kira wrote:
Hello, it said my comment was too long so again: Chart M1 is there a decrease between row 11 and 12 as the row gets shorter in the graphic? Also row 13, p2tog purl 16, so a repeat of 18 st or p2tog at the start of row and then purl the rest of row? Same for row 15, k 15 st slip 1 stitch, repeat all 17 stitches? Or only a final slip 1 stitch at very end of row? Thank You!
18.10.2018 - 14:57DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kira, when working M.1 you will repeat the sts in M.1 as shown in diagram (you can insert a marker to separate each diagram on your needle so that you can always check the number of sts). You will then increase 2 sts in each M.1 on the first row. Then, on row 11 you will decrease 8 times but work only 4 yo's = you will decrease 4 sts in each repeat. On row 13, work: *P2 tog, P16*and repeat from *-* over each repeat. And so on for each row in M.1. Happy knitting!
18.10.2018 - 16:01Dominique wrote:
Bonjour, pour l\'empiècement, avant de commencer le diagramme il reste pour la taille L 250 mailles, les 10 mailles de bordure sont elles comprises dans ces 150 mailles \r\nmerci pour votre réponse \r\ncordialement
06.06.2018 - 08:28DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Dominique, les 10 m de bordure devant sont comprises dans les 250 mailles, mais vous ne devez pas diminuer au-dessus des 5 m de chaque côté, tricotez-les simplement comme avant. Bon tricot!
06.06.2018 - 10:08Rebecca wrote:
Would you be able to tell me the measurements for the sleeves if I wanted them long, to my wrists and not 3/4 length? Thank you!
16.01.2018 - 04:27DROPS Design answered:
Dear Rebecca, we are unfortunately not able to adjust every pattern to each individual request but you can adjust sleeve length to your own measurements getting help from similar patterns with same tension. Happy knitting!
16.01.2018 - 09:19Jessica wrote:
Bonjour je ne comprends pas bien l'EMPIECEMENT des manches. Auriez vous une vidéo pour m'aider ? Merci
28.09.2016 - 21:11DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Jessica, quand les manches sont faites, on les remet sur la même aiguille circulaire que le dos et les devants (cf vidéo ci-dessous) et on va tricoter 1 rang sur l'end en répartissant des dim, 1 rang end sur l'env puis on continue ainsi: 5 m point mousse, on répète M.1 en largeur jusqu'à ce qu'il reste 5 m, 5 m point mousse. Bon tricot!
29.09.2016 - 09:08Anja wrote:
Kan ik dit patroon ook breien van BRUSHED ALPACA SILK?
12.04.2016 - 15:42DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Anja. Ja, dat kan. Je kan hier lezen hoe je de hoeveelheid materiaal berekent en vergeet niet om een proeflapje te breien.
13.04.2016 - 16:40Véro wrote:
Bonjour, Je trouve ce modèle très joli. Existe-t-il en français car moi et l'anglais ... heum heum ! Merci d'avance de la réponse. Véro
07.04.2016 - 19:32DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Vero, changez la langue du modèle en cliquant sur le menu déroulant sous la photo "Choose your language:English" et sélectionnez "Français". Bon tricot!
08.04.2016 - 08:32Jessica wrote:
Bonjour, Je suis bloquée dès le début. Je ne comprend pas si les 223 mailles montées (je fais le xxl) comprennent le 5 mailles bordures ou je dois les rajouter ? Merci de votre réponse
02.09.2015 - 22:14DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Jessica, les mailles de bordure des devants de chaque côté sont comprises dans le nombre de mailles à monter. Bon tricot!
03.09.2015 - 09:18
Avery |
DROPS jacket with round yoke and pattern on yoke in ”Silke Alpaca”. Size S - XXXL.
DROPS 113-17 |
MOSS ST: Row 1: * P1, K1 *, repeat from *-* and finish with P1. Row 2: K over P and P over K Repeat row 2. GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. GARTER ST (in the round): K 1 round, P 1 round. MEASUREMENT TIP: Because of the weight of the yarn all measurements should be made while the garment is hanging. BUTTONHOLES: Make buttonholes on right front band. 1 buttonhole = bind off 3rd st from mid front and cast on 1 new st on return row. Make buttonholes when piece measures: SIZE S: 7, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56 cm / 2¾",6¼",10¼",14¼",18",22". SIZE M: 7, 15, 23, 31, 40, 49, 58 cm / 2¾",6",9",12¼",15¾",19¼",22¾" SIZE L: 7, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 cm / 2¾",6",9½",13",16½",20",23⅝" SIZE XL: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 62 cm / 2¾",6¼",9¾",13⅜",17",20½",24⅜" SIZE XXL: 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 64 cm / 2¾",6",9",12¼",15¼",18½",21⅝",25¼" SIZE XXXL: 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 64 cm 2¾",6",9",12¼",15¼",18½",21⅝",25¼" PATTERN: See diagram M.1 The diagram shows the pattern from the RS. See diagram for your size. ---------------------------------------------------------- BODY PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 159-173-187-203-223-245 sts (includes 5 front band sts each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 with Silke Alpaca. P 1 row from WS and continue in MOSS ST – see above – with 5 front band sts each side in GARTER ST – see above. Front bands are worked in garter st throughout. When piece measures 6 cm / 2⅜" continue in stockinette st with front band sts as before. Insert 2 markers in piece, 42-45-49-53-58-63 sts in from each side (back piece = 75-83-89-97-107-119 sts.) Remember BUTTONHOLES on right front band – see above. When piece measures 10 cm / 4" dec 1 st on each side of both markers (= 4 dec per row) and repeat the dec on every 9-9.5-10-10.5-11-11.5 cm / 3½"-3¾"-4"-4¼"-4⅜"-4½" a total of 3 times = 147-161-175-191-211-233 sts. Dec by K2 tog. Continue until piece measures 33-34-35-36-37-38 cm / 13"-13⅜"-13¾"-14¼"-14½"-15"– SEE MEASUREMENT TIP! Now bind off 8 sts each side (= 4 sts on each side of marker) = 131-145-159-175-195-217 sts left on needle. Put piece aside and knit the sleeves. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 49-51-51-55-57-59 sts on double pointed needles size 4.5 mm / US 7 with Silke Alpaca. Work 6 rounds garter st – see above. Insert a marker at beg of round (= mid under arm). When piece measures 10 cm / 4" inc 1 st on each side of marker and repeat the inc on every 9-4.5-2-1.5-1.5-1 cm / 3½"-1¾"-¾"-½"-½"-⅜" a total of 2-3-5-6-7-8 times = 53-57-61-67-71-75 sts. When piece measures 23-23-22-22-21-21 cm / 9"-9"-8¾"-8¾"-8¼"-8¼" (less for the larger sizes because of wider shoulder) bind off 4 sts on each side of marker for armhole = 45-49-53-59-63-67 sts. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7 as body piece where bind off for armholes = 221-243-265-293-321-351 sts. K 1 row from RS (with front bands as before), AT THE SAME TIME dec 11-13-15-3-11-21 sts evenly = 210-230-250-290-310-330 sts. K 1 row from WS and now continue in M.1 from RS (see diagram for your size) with 5 garter sts each side. After 1 vertical repeat of M.1 there are 100-109-118-122-130-138 sts on row. K 1 row from RS, AT THE SAME TIME dec 8-17-20-24-24-32 sts evenly = 92-92-98-98-106-106 sts. K 5 rows on all sts and bind off loosely. ASSEMBLY: Sew openings under arms. Sew on buttons. |
Diagram explanations |
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