Cluts Fabienne wrote:
Bonjour, pourriez-vous me dire combien de pelotes il faut pour faire l'écharpe et le bandeau car cela n'est pas indiqué dans l'explication du modèle. Et le 1er rang doit d'bord être tricoter à l'endroit et le second à l'envers avant de faire les côtes ? Merci
31.10.2022 - 11:34DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Fabienne, vous trouverez la quantité nécessaire pour chaque pièce dans l'en-tête, avec également les tailles et les aiguilles et les échantillons - avec 2 possibilités: Melody ou Brushed Alpaca Silk - divisez le poids indiqué dans la laine choisie par le poids de la pelote (50 g pour Melody, 25 g pour Brushed Alpaca Silk) pour avoir la quantité requise. Le 1er rang se tricote en mailles envers (et sera l'envers du bandeau / de l'écharpe) ; le rang suivant sera le 1er rang sur l'endroit. Bon tricot!
31.10.2022 - 13:20
Anna wrote:
Buonasera, ho bisogno di aiuto riguardo alla fascia. Non capisco la prima parte, quando aumento e ho le 9 maglie la spiegazione dice di fare 1 maglia a dritto , 2 maglie rovescio e così via, poi dice che le prime 2 e le ultime 2 maglie devono essere a maglia rasata . Quindi da una parte ho 3 maglie uguali. Se così, queste maglie rimangono all’esterno?
27.10.2021 - 19:53DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Anna, da un lato c'è 1 maglia a maglia rasata, dall'altro sono 2 maglie a maglia rasata. Buon lavoro!
29.10.2021 - 21:21
Potelle wrote:
Merci, de votre réponse, j'ai cependant omis de vous préciser que les précisions que je demandais, concernaient l'écharpe. Je pense avoir compris q'effectivement au retour les m. s'inversaient sauf les m. bordure (qui restent des m. endroit). Une m. endroit sur l'endroit devient une m. envers sur l'envers. And if I still don't get it, I 'm afraid I will have to give up... Pas facile les débuts en tricot Merci beaucoup de votre réactivité en tout cas. Carine Potelle.
28.01.2019 - 14:20DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Potelle, j'étais effectivement partie sur le bandeau. Pour l'écharpe, tricotez effectivement les mailles comme elles se présentent, soit sur l'endroit: 3 m endroit, *2 m end, 2 m env*, terminez par 2 m end et 3 m point mousse. Sur l'envers, vous aurez 3 m end, 2 m env, *2 m end, 2 m env*, 3 m end. Bon tricot!
28.01.2019 - 15:03
Potelle wrote:
Bonjour, quelques précisions :alors rang 1 à l'envers, rang 2:3 mailles à l'endroit, alternance 2 mailles endroit 2 mailles envers puis finir avec 2 mailles endroit +3 mailles endroit pour la bordure. Rang 3 :3 mailles endroit puis tricoter les mailles comme elles se présentent puis finir par 3 mailles endroit... Répéter ce schéma du rang3 jusqu'au bout. Ai-je bien compris ? Merci de vos précisions. Carine Potelle.
27.01.2019 - 19:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Potelle, au 1er rang, vous tricotez effectivement toutes les mailles à l'envers en augmentant à 9 m. Ensuite, vous continuez en côtes sur l'endroit: 1 m end, 2 m env, 2 m end, 2 m env, 2 m end (= sur l'env = 2 m env, 2 m end, 2 m env, 2 m end, 1 m env). On répète ces 2 rangs. Bon tricot!
28.01.2019 - 12:00
Ale wrote:
Grazie mille! Quindi il filo non si stacca, giusto? Quando metto le 9 maglie in attesa, con lo stesso filo avvio le 5 nuove?
21.12.2018 - 11:04DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Ale. Quando finisce la prima parte, mette il lavoro da parte, taglia il filo e inizia la seconda parte. Quando la seconda parte misura 5 cm, lavora le maglie della seconda parte e con lo stesso filo, lavora le maglie della prima parte. Buon lavoro!
21.12.2018 - 13:55
Ale wrote:
Ciao! Non ho capito come si staccano e riattaccano i due pezzetti da 5 cm! Devo mettere in attesa le prime 9, montare le 5 nuove, e poi riunirle con la stessa tecnica di quando faccio la treccia? Grazie in anticipo!
21.12.2018 - 08:47DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Ale. Quando anche la seconda parte misura 5 cm, mette insieme le due parti in questo modo: lavora le maglie della seconda parte e poi prosegue lavorando le maglie della prima parte che aveva lasciato in attesa, assicurandosi di lavorarle sul diritto del lavoro. Buon lavoro!
21.12.2018 - 10:21
HEIN wrote:
Bonjour, j'ai réalisé ce modèle et je le trouve vraiment très beau. Par contre ne trouvez-vous pas que 5 cm pour chaque partie soit un peu long car cela fait deux grands trous ? Un grand merci.
12.11.2018 - 11:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Hein, c'est ainsi que le modèle a été fait - on voit également les trous sur la photo, mais vous pouvez éventuellement fermer avec quelques points si vous les trouvez un peu trop grands. Bon tricot!
12.11.2018 - 12:00
Aka wrote:
Moc pěkná čelenka!
01.07.2018 - 14:11
Ice Pieces |
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Knitted head band in DROPS Melody. Piece is knitted in rib. Knitted scarf in DROPS Melody. Piece is knitted in rib. The entire set can be knitted in 1 strand DROPS Melody or 2 strands DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk.
DROPS 192-35 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- INCREASE TIP (applies to head band): Increase 1 stitch by purling 1 stitch in front and back loop of same stitch. GARTER STITCH (back and forth): 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. ---------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- HEAD BAND - SHORT SUMMARY OF GARMENT: Work piece back and forth on needle. First work piece in 2 parts, then put pieces together into 1 part. Work over all stitches before dividing into 2 parts again. Sew piece together mid front. HEAD BAND: Cast on 5 stitches on pointed needles size 7 mm / US 10.75 with 1 strand Melody or 2 strands Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row while increasing 1 stitch in each of the first 4 stitches - read INCREASE TIP = 9 stitches. Work next row as follows from right side: knit 1, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2 and knit 2. Continue rib back and forth but be aware that the first stitch and the last 2 stitches (seen from right side) are worked in stockinette stitch until finished measurements, i.e. do not work them in garter stitch or slip them loosely off the needle without working. This is done so that the stitches look nice against the head when the head band is worn. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 5 cm / 2", put piece aside (finish after a row from wrong side). Work next part as follows: Cast on 5 stitches on pointed needles size 7 mm / US 10.75 with 1 strand Melody or 2 strands Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row while increasing 1 stitch in each of the last 4 stitches = 9 stitches. Work next row as follows from right side: Knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 1. Continue rib like this and make sure that the first 2 stitches and the last stitch (seen from right side) are worked in stockinette stitch the same way as on first part. Finish after a row from wrong side when piece measures 5 cm / 2". Put the two parts together as follows (work first row from right side): Continue rib over the 9 stitches on the last part worked and then work from right side over the 9 stitches from the first part worked = 18 stitches on needle. Continue rib back and forth as before over all stitches until piece measures approx. 43 cm from cast-on edge (5 cm remain until finished measurements). Now divide the piece in the middle again and finish the two parts separately as at beginning of piece. When piece measures 48 cm (adjust so that next row is worked from wrong side), purl the 8 stitches towards the middle together 2 by 2 on one part = 5 stitches remain. Bind off knitting from right side. Repeat on the other part. ASSEMBLY: Sew short sides in one side of piece together wrong side against wrong side, there is now a hole to pull one of the parts in opposite side through piece. In opposite side of piece pull one part through the hole, then sew short sides together wrong side against wrong side. A knot is now formed mid front on head band. ---------------------------------------------------------- SCARF - SHORT SUMMARY OF GARMENT: Work piece back and forth on needle. SCARF: Cast on 44 stitches on pointed needles size 9 mm / US 13 with 1 strand Melody or 2 strands Brushed Alpaca Silk. Purl 1 row (= wrong side). Work next row as follows from right side: 3 edge stitches in GARTER STITCH - read explanation above - * knit 2, purl 2 *, work from *-* until 5 stitches remain on needle, knit 2 and finish with 3 edge stitches in garter stitch. Continue rib back and forth like this. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures approx. 159 cm/62½", purl 1 row from wrong side. Loosely bind off with knit from right side. |
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