DANIELA wrote:
Salve i passaggi sono sempre gli stessi?
09.09.2023 - 23:34DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Daniela, se usa i ferri circolari e la tecnica del magic loop può seguire le istruzioni riportate. Buon lavoro!
10.09.2023 - 22:03DANIELA ESPOSITO wrote:
Salve posso usare anche i ferri circolari? E quelli normali?
09.09.2023 - 12:34DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Daniela, questo modello è lavorato in tondo, può usare i ferri circolari con cavo lungo almeno 80 cm e la tecnica del magic loop. Buon lavoro!
09.09.2023 - 21:32Ina wrote:
Das Muster ist super. Meine Socken passen perfekt, habe eine Zunahmeferse und eine Bändchenspitze gestrickt.
15.09.2021 - 19:22Vlada wrote:
På A.2 Hur stickas varv 5 med, den ser ut som flyttat på en maska åt vänster? Tack på förhand! Vlada
07.03.2021 - 13:00DROPS Design answered:
Hej Vlada. I denna video förklarar vi hur man stickar förskjutning enligt ett diagram. Mvh DROPS Design
08.03.2021 - 07:51Marian wrote:
Ok Thanks for your help 👍. I am going to try this and let you know how it ended up 😊
24.02.2021 - 13:23Marian wrote:
Thank you Drops Design for answering me 😊 Yes it is Diagram No 2. On 5th round ...... the first square is blank and the last is out of the diagram, my question was and is ...... Does that blank square is a slip stitch and how about the last
23.02.2021 - 19:05DROPS Design answered:
Dear Marian, at the very beginning of the 5th round, slip the first stitch first repeat on the right needle (it will be worked at the end of the round), then work the last 2 stitches of first repeat with the first st next repeat. The 2nd yarn over is now the first stitch next repeat. At the end of the round, work the last 2 sts tog with the first st of the round, the yarn over will be the first stitch of the round. Hope this will help. Happy knitting!
24.02.2021 - 07:20Marian wrote:
OMG. Round 5 Even after reading and trying what you explained to Barbara , I can’t get it 😢. Starting 5 round on needle no 1 Do I slip the first stitch and knit 3 , yarn over , etc ?
22.02.2021 - 18:17DROPS Design answered:
Hi Marian, You don't say which diagram you are having problems with, but all diagrams are worked from right to left and bottom up when working in the round. From your description it sounds like A.2, so on round 5 you knit 3, 1 yarn over , slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted together stitches, then 1 yarn over (the number of stitches remains the same). Repeat with knit 3, 1 yarn over etc. Happy knitting!
23.02.2021 - 07:26Rea Tuokko wrote:
Malli: Spring Snow. Kudontaohje A2. Mitä tarkoittaa avonaiset ruudut oikeassa sivussa
16.11.2020 - 18:55DROPS Design answered:
Nämä ruudut ovat siirtyneet mallikerrassa eteenpäin. Eli neulot ruudut piirroksen mukaisesti, kerroksen lopussa ylivetokavennus jatkuu vielä seuraavan kerroksen ensimmäisen silmukan kohdalla (kerroksen lopuksi tehdään 1 langankierto).
17.11.2020 - 14:15Tonje Hjelle wrote:
Hei. Uansett hvor stramt jeg strikker så synes jeg at sokken virker veldig stor i leggen. Vil sokken trekke seg litt sammen i vask?
23.07.2020 - 11:48DROPS Design answered:
Hej Tonje, nej det må du ikke regne med... strikker du i DROPS Fabel? Hvis du overholder strikkefastheden, bør du få målene i opskriften. God fornøjelse!
27.07.2020 - 15:56Josée wrote:
Bonjour, je ne comprends pas le rang numéro 5 à partir du bas de la grille A2. Comment faire le décalage ?? Pouvez-vous m'expliquer comment faire?
27.06.2020 - 14:09DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Josée, au début du tour, glissez la toute première maille du 1er A.2, tricotez 3 m end, 1 jeté, glissez 1 m à l'end, tricotez ensemble à l'endroit la dernière m du 1er A.2 et la 1ère m du A.2 suivant, passez la m glissée par-dessus la m tricotée (= dernière m du 1er A.2), 1 jeté (= 1ère maille du A.2 suivant). Continuez ainsi tout le tour, en tricotant la première maille du tour avec la dernière m du dernier A.2 du tour, le dernier jeté sera la 1ère maille du tour. Bon tricot!
29.06.2020 - 08:08
Spring Snow |
Knitted sock with lace pattern in DROPS Fabel.
DROPS 178-23 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1, A.2 and A.3. HEEL DECREASE: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit until 7-7-8 stitches remain, slip next stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch knitted, turn piece. ROW 2 (= wrong side): Purl until 7-7-8 stitches remain, slip next stitch as if to purl, purl 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch purled, turn piece. ROW 3 (= right side): Knit until 6-6-7 stitches remain, slip next stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch knitted, turn piece. ROW 4 (= wrong side): Purl until 6-6-7 stitches remain, slip next stitch as if to purl, purl 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch purled, turn piece. Continue decrease like this with 1 stitch less before each decrease until there are 13-15-15 stitches on needle. -------------------------------------------------------- SOCKS: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 72-72-72 stitches on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm / US 1.5 with Fabel. Work A.1 over all stitches, on next to last round in A.1 decrease 6 stitches evenly = 66-66-66 stitches. Work A.2 over all stitches. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE On next to last round in A.2 increase 4 stitches evenly = 70-70-70 stitches. Continue with A.3 (= 5 repetitions in width in all size). When piece measures 20-21-22 cm / 8"-8¼"-8¾", slip the first 43 stitches on a stitch holder (= mid on top of foot), keep the last 27 stitches on needle. Work in stockinette stitch back and forth over heel stitches, AT THE SAME TIME adjust number of stitches to 25-27-29 on the first row. Work in stockinette stitch back and forth over heel stitches for 5-5½-6 cm / 2"-2¼"-2½". Insert 1 marker after last row. NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Now work HEEL DECREASE - see explanation above. Work next round as follows: Work stitches from heel, pick up 13-14-16 stitches along side of heel, work stitches from stitch holder and pick up 13-14-16 stitches along the other side of heel = 82-86-90 stitches. Continue pattern as before on top of foot (= A.3) and work in stockinette stitch over the remaining stitches - AT THE SAME TIME decrease in each side as follows: Knit the last 2 stitches before the 43 stitches twisted together (i.e. work in the back loop instead of front) and knit the first 2 stitches after the middle 43 stitches together on top of foot. Repeat decrease every other round 13 times in total = 56-60-64 stitches. Work until piece measures 17-19-21 cm / 6¾"-7½"-8¼" from marker on heel (= 5-5-6 cm / 2"-2"-2½" remain until finished measurements). Insert 1 marker in each side so that there are 28-30-32 stitches both on top of foot and under foot. Continue working stockinette stitch over all stitches while AT THE SAME TIME decreasing for toes on each side of both markers as follows: Before marker: Knit 2 together. After marker: K 2 twisted together. Repeat decrease in each side on every other round a total of 7-6-7 times and then on every round a total of 4-6-6 times = 12 stitches remain on needle. Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining stitches, tighten together and fasten. |
Diagram explanations |
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