Maryse Bazzoli wrote:
Bonjour J'ai commencé le bonnet en taille L/XL. J'ai donc monté 144 mailles comme indiqué, puis fait 18 diminutions pour arriver à 126 mailles. Par contre au moment de commencer le point fantaisie je ne comprends pas le diagramme. Je ne comprends pas comment je dois faire les torsades pour cette taille. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance CDT Maryse Bazzoli
05.01.2025 - 10:40DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Bazzoli, tricotez vos 126 mailles ainsi: *tricotez les 28 m de A.1, puis tricotez les 14 m de A.2 (en L/XL)*, vous avez tricotez (28+14=)42 mailles, répétez ces 42 mailles encore 2 fois (soit 3 fois au total), vous avez ainsi bien 42x3=126 mailles. Lisez les diagrammes de bas en haut et de droite à gauche tous les tours. Les torsades de A.1 se font par ex au 3ème tour. Quand vous avez terminé les 8 rangs de A.1a/A.2a reprenez- ces 8 rangs au 1er rang = tricotez ainsi 5 fois au total ces 8 rangs en hauteur, puis tricotez A.1b et A.2b au lieu de A.1a et A.2a, vous allez maintenant diminuer pour le haut du bonnet. Bon tricot!
06.01.2025 - 10:03
Johannes Van Olst wrote:
What is: work the first 7 sts, work A3 (4 sts) until 9 sts remain on row, work the first 2 sts in A3? What does A stand for?
02.01.2025 - 20:00DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Van Olst, A.3 is the name of the diagram - see at the bottom of the page, which is worked over 8 sts and 4 rows (drawn over 8 rows, ie 2 repeats in height for 1 repeat in width). Happy knitting!
03.01.2025 - 15:28
Nici wrote:
.... hab die Antwort schon gefunden!! :-)
29.02.2024 - 15:27
Nici wrote:
Hallo, liebes Drops-Team, könnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wie das Muster bei der Mütze gilt? Sie wird ja in Runden und nicht in Reihen gestrickt. Ist jede Masche als rechte Masche zu stricken? Herzlichen Dank und beste Grüße Nici
29.02.2024 - 15:23DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Nici, wenn man die Diagramme in Runden liest, wird man jeder Runde von rechts nach links lesen (alle Reihen/Runden sind im Diagram gezeichnet). Viel Spaß beim stricken!
29.02.2024 - 16:28
Masome wrote:
Hello dear I have a question and that's will be very great if you answer me. I knitted this hat but unfortunately after washing it became so loose. What should i do to resize it?
06.02.2024 - 23:01DROPS Design answered:
Hi Masome, You can try washing the hat using a slightly warmer programme. Regards, Drops Team.
07.02.2024 - 06:33
Ivana wrote:
Hi, I noticed a discrepancy between language versions in the hat pattern. In Czech there is a different number of stitches (146 for S/M instead of 130 in most other languages.) The same thing happens in Spanish (someone has already pointed that one out), Hungarian, Finnish and Czech for Slovakia versions. Could this be fixed so that no other people need to unravel 10 cm of work like I did? Thank you :)
13.01.2024 - 12:54DROPS Design answered:
Hi Ivana, thank you - pattern is revised and corrected. Happy knitting!
13.01.2024 - 17:27
Marie-Thérèse O'Carroll wrote:
Hi! Could you explain the 1st line of the scarf pattern? How am I to include an edge stitch in garter stitch in a cast on row?
23.08.2023 - 13:15DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs O"Carroll, the edge stitches are already included in the number of stitches, so that you just have to cast on either 65 pr 71 stitches and work as explained: 1 edge stitch, repeat k1, p1 until 2 sts remain, and finish with k1, and 1 edge stitch in garter stitch. Happy knitting!
23.08.2023 - 16:35
Rosalind Crawford-Weller wrote:
First let me say how very much I like drops design. I am an old kitter but I have just picked up knitting again, I thought I would try and Knitt.i could not follow the pattern at all so I was wondering if you would send me the old version of knitting as I don't understand graphics or to work out 57sts and at the same time dec15 I hope you can help. The pattern no is u-808 men's hat and scarf. Cheers Roz
31.07.2023 - 05:16DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Crawford-Weller, this lesson explains how to decrease (or increase) evenly in a round. and y should help you. Happy knitting!
31.07.2023 - 11:54
Joanna wrote:
Proszę o wyjaśnienie, w opisie szalika jest informacja "dopasować, aby kolejny rząd znajdował się na prawej stronie robótki" - jak rozpoznać w tym wzorze prawą stronę robótki? Czy zaczynając przerabianie nowego rzędu ta prawa strona powinna być skierowana do nas, czy na zewnątrz żeby było właściwie?
14.01.2023 - 21:22DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Joanno, prawa strona robótki to ta na początku której masz 1 oczko lewe (oczko brzegowe) i 1 oczko prawe. Najlepiej umieścić marker na prawej stronie. Przed naszymi oczaami zawsze znajduje się strona, którą aktualnie przerabiamy (w robótce przerabianej w rzędach będzie to raz prawa, a raz lewa strona robótki; w robótce przerabianej na okrągło przed naszymi oczami będzie zawsze prawa strona robótki). Pozdrawiamy!
16.01.2023 - 19:08
Joanna wrote:
Dzień dobry, jestem początkująca i na początek chciałabym wykonać szalik. Czy jest dostępne gdzieś zdjęcie-zbliżenie na wzór, gdyż ciężko mi go sobie wyobrazić? Czy dobrze rozumiem, że wzór wewnątrz każdy rząd jest przerabiany z mniejszej ilości oczek niż początkowe i ostatnie rzędy?
18.12.2022 - 01:14DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Joanno, masz rację początkowy i końcowy rząd mają więcej oczek niż pozostała część szalika, nie będzie to widoczne, gdyż szalik zaczyna się i kończy ściągaczem. Co do tego ściegu na środku (A.3) to patrz video TUTAJ. Pozdrawiamy!
20.12.2022 - 08:11
Weston |
Set consists of: Knitted DROPS men’s scarf and hat with cables, rib and texture in Karisma or Merino Extra Fine.
DROPS 174-10 |
HAT: PATTERN: See diagram A.1 and A.2 (see diagram for correct size). ---------------------------------------------------------- HAT: Worked in the round on circular needle. Switch to double pointed needles when needed.Due to the pattern on the hat, it is available in sizes XS/S and L/XL. Should you wish to make a size S/M (fits head size 57/59 cm = 22½"/23¼") you can follow instructions for XS/S but increase ½ needle size. Cast on 130-144 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with Karisma or Merino Extra Fine. P 1 round. Work rib = K 1/P 1 for 9 cm / 3½". REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE K 1 round while dec 16/18 sts evenly = 114-126 sts. Switch to circular needle size 4 mm / US 6. Now work pattern as follows: Work * A.1 (= 28 sts), A.2 - see diagram for correct size (= 10-14 sts) *, repeat from *-* 2 more times on round. When entire A.1a and A.2a have been worked vertically, repeat A.1a and A.2a 4-5 more times vertically. Piece measures approx. 24-27 cm / 9½"-10½". Then work A.1b over A.1a and A.2b over A.2a. When entire diagram has been worked vertically there are 24-27 sts on round. Work 2 more round while K tog all sts 2 by 2 = 6-7 sts. Cut the yarn and pull it through the remaining sts, tighten tog and fasten. Hat measures 32-35 cm / 12½"-13¾" in total (includes rib). Fold rib towards the RS so that folding edge measures approx. 6 cm / 2⅜". ---------------------------------------------------------- SCARF: GARTER ST (back and forth): K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows. PATTERN: See diagram A.3. The diagram shows the pattern seen from RS. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row work YO twisted to avoid holes. NOTE: K or P YOs twisted according to sts in rib. DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 st by K 2 sts tog. ---------------------------------------------------------- SCARF: Worked back and forth on needle. Cast on 65-71 sts (includes 1 edge st in garter st in each side) with Karisma or Merino Extra Fineas follows: 1 edge st in GARTER ST - see explanation above - * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-* until 2 sts remain on needle, K 1 and 1 edge st in garter st. Continue rib like this until piece measures 4 cm / 1½" (adjust so that next row is from RS). Now work as follows: Work the first 7 sts as before, then K the next 51-57 sts AT THE SAME TIME dec 13-15 sts evenly – READ DECREASE TIP, work the last 7 sts on row as before = 52-56 sts. NOTE: Work the outermost 7 sts in each side of piece the same way until finished measurements. On next row from WS K over the middle 38-42 sts. Now work pattern as follows: Work the first 7 sts, work A.3 (= 4 sts) until 9 sts remain on row (includes the outermost 7 sts), work the first 2 sts in A.3. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE Continue like this until piece measures approx. 175 cm / 68" (adjust so that next row is from RS). On the next 2 rows P the middle 38-42 sts (i.e. on 1st row P from RS, and on 2nd row P from WS) AT THE SAME TIME on row from WS inc 13-15 sts evenly – READ INCREASE TIP! There are now 65-71 sts on needle. Then work rib as on beg of scarf as follows: 1 edge st in garter st, * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from *-* until 2 sts remain on needle, K 1, 1 edge st in garter st. Continue rib like this until rib measures 4 cm / 1½" (adjust so that next row is from RS). Bind off with K from RS. |
Diagram explanations |
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