How to increase/decrease evenly!

How to increase/decrease evenly!

How to calculate where to inc/dec when pattern says "inc/dec evenly" - You can use this lesson's tips both in knitting and crocheting:

Increase evenly:
The pattern tells you to increase a number of stitches evenly.

Example 1: You have 100 sts and you shall increase 16 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 100 divided by 16 and you will get 6.25.
The number you get should be rounded down to full or half number.
In this example we will round it down to 6. So you should inc after every 6th stitch like this: Work 6 sts, make 1st inc, work 6 sts, make 2nd inc, work 6 sts, make 3rd inc, work 6 sts, make 4th inc, and continue like this. After your 16th increase you will have 4 sts left on row to work.

Example 2: You have 140 sts and you shall increase 21 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 140 divided by 21 and you will get 6.66.
The number you get should be rounded down to full or half number.
In this example we will round it down to 6.5. So you should inc after alternating every 6th and 7th stitch like this: Work 6 sts, make 1st inc, work 7 sts, make 2nd inc, work 6 sts, make 3rd inc, work 7 sts, make 4th inc, and continue like this. After your 21st increase you will have 4 sts left on row to work.

Example 3: You have 48 sts and you shall increase 12 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 48 divided by 12 and you will get 4.
If you get an even number and you are working in the round, then it's easy and you can just inc with that number of stitches between each inc.
But if you are working rows back and forth and shall inc every 4th stitch like in this example, then you would have to make an inc after the last stitch on row, which you can't. To avoid this you work a couple less stitches before first inc like this:
Work 2 sts, make 1st inc, work 4 sts, make 2nd inc, work 4 sts, make 3rd inc, work 4 sts, make 4th inc, and continue like this. After your 12th increase you will have 2 sts left on row to work.

Decrease evenly: The pattern tells you to decrease a number of stitches evenly.

Example 1: You have 100 sts and you shall decrease 16 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 100 divided by 16 and you will get 6.25.
If the number is less than .5 then always round the number down, so in this example we round it down to 6.
To make decreases in every 6th stitch, means that you work together every 5th and 6th stitch like this: Work 4 sts, K2tog (5th and 6th sts), work 4 sts, K2tog, work 4 sts, K2tog, and continue like this. After your 16th K2tog you will have 4 sts left on row to work.

Example 2: You have 140 sts and you shall decrease 30 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 140 divided by 30 and you will get 4.66.
When the number is more than .5 you will have to alternate your decreases between lower and higher number. In this example this means we will alternate dec in every 4th and 5th st, like this:
Work 2 sts, K2tog (3rd and 4th sts), work 3 sts, K2tog (4th and 5th), work 2 sts, K2tog, work 3 sts, K2tog, and continue like this. After your 30th K2tog you will have 5 sts left on row to work.

Example 3: You have 48 sts and you shall decrease 12 sts evenly.
Use a calculator and enter 48 divided by 12 and you will get 4.
In this example this means we will dec in every 4th st, like this:
Work 2 sts, K2tog (3rd and 4th sts), work 2 sts, K2tog, work 2 sts, K2tog, and continue like this. After your 12th K2tog you'll have no sts left on row to work.

Comments (197)

Marianne Johansson wrote:

Vad betyder"gjenta fellingen annenhver cm" är det detsamma som att sticka 2cm (varv)o minska sticka ytterligare 2cm o minska osv.

05.09.2024 - 10:48

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Marianne. Da feller du av f.eks når arbeidet måler 2 cm, 4, cm, 6 cm, 8 cm osv. mvh DROPS Design

09.09.2024 - 07:36

Heather wrote:

Hi I am working on Purple Dawn pattern. I am on the all sizes section where I completed A.1 to A.3 in height once then complete this a total of 4 times. Should I be working the increased stitches evenly when I start A.1 again? Or work until the already placed stitch marker then increase? Thank you in advance!

12.08.2024 - 18:15

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Heather, you should re-start diagrams as before, ie A.2 and A.3 should be worked at the transition of each raglan (with the marker threads inbetween) and the stitches between these both diagrams (front, back pieces and sleeves) are worked in A.1 as before. Happy crocheting!

13.08.2024 - 11:15

Samantha wrote:

Hello! I am knitting the Blushing Rose Cardigan in size L and in the pattern for the yoke it says that I need to knit 181 sts and increase 28 sts evenly over them. When I divide 181 by 28 I get 6.46. In your lesson for increasing sts evenly it says to round down the numbers we get to full or half numbers. Should I round it to 6, because in your lesson it says to round it DOWN or round it to 6.5 because it's closer? Thank you for your time!

14.07.2024 - 22:06

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Samantha, you should round it down to 6, so that you have space for all stitches. The last few stitches will have no increases but otherwise you would be left without enough stitches to work the last increase. Happy knitting!

16.07.2024 - 19:41

Justine wrote:

Hi Q: re Cracked Walnut short sleeves. Back Pattern says work A.4 until 1 stitch remains and decrease at the same time 36 stitches evenly in , 1 edge stitch in garter st =92. Is this decrease done in the first row only of the pattern or across the 22 rows of the pattern please?

23.06.2024 - 05:49

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Justine, the decreases are worked in the very first row of A.4, to adjust the number of stitches from A.3 to A.4. Happy knitting!

23.06.2024 - 18:23


Bonjour, J'envisage de faire un pull à partir d'un ancien pull qui me va très bien , comment calculer le nombre et la fréquence des augmentations ainsi que des diminutions pour avoir des jolies courbes pour l'encolure, l'emmanchure et les manches montées? Merci de votre attention.

05.05.2024 - 05:51

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Gagnaire, tout va dépendre de votre échantillon, du point, de la forme précise souhaitée etc..; il peut être plus simple de vous baser sur un modèle similaire avec la même tension/le même type de point pour faire les ajustements nécessaires. Bon tricot!

06.05.2024 - 09:35

Laura wrote:

Jeg har 170 masker og skal tag 10 ind jævnt fordelt så det vil sige 17 masker. Skal jeg strikke 15 masker og så strikker maske 16 og 17 sammen og så gentage eller hvordan?

20.04.2024 - 19:19

Ida wrote:

Hej! Jag har totalt kört fast och får inte rätt på min minskning. Jag har 154 maskor och ska minska 40 maskor jämt fördelat på varvet. Hur gör jag? Tacksam för svar!

12.04.2024 - 18:16

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Ida. På felle omgangen/pinnen må du strikke 2 rett samme + 2 rett masker ca 34-35 ganger, men samtidig også bare strikke 1 maske rett mellom hver gang det strikkes 2 masker sammen ca 5-6 ganger. mvh DROPS Design

15.04.2024 - 07:16

Helena Brodersen Jensen wrote:

Hej, Jeg er igang med sweet november og skal øge mit maske antal fra 174 med 36 jævnt fordelt så jeg ender med 210 masker. Hvordan skal jeg gøre det? 174 / 36 = 4,8 Vil det sige jeg skal strikke 4 masker, 1 udtagning, strik 5 masker, 1 udtagning, strik 4 masker, 1 udtagning, strik 5 masker, 1 udtagning osv. Hilsen Nybegynderen

09.04.2024 - 21:07

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Helena, ja det stemmer :)

10.04.2024 - 14:52

Glenn wrote:

Jeg har 128 masker og skal strikke 28 masker ind. Hvordan regner jeg det ud? Vh Glenn

21.03.2024 - 18:48

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Glenn. Strikk hver 4. og 5. maske sammen, men et få tall ganger må også 3. og 4. maske strikkes. mvh DROPS Design

22.03.2024 - 13:02

Rumi wrote:

Help, i'm working on 219-3. the pattern said: "Increase 1 stitch inside the last 2 stitches on the next row from the right side. Increase like this alternately every 2nd and 4th row a total of 19 times" should i just make an increase in every right side? since the pattern is working back and forth

16.02.2024 - 14:55

Susan Louwerens wrote:

Hallo, ben de oat flakes cardigan aan het maken, waarom 153 steken (xxxl) opzetten 12 cm boordsteek en dan gelijk 53 steken minderen in de eerste pen van het patroon.

11.02.2024 - 17:14

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Susan,

Om te voorkomen dat de boord het werk samentrekt, wordt er gelijk na de boordsteek geminderd.

01.03.2024 - 08:10

Bonnie wrote:

Har 216 masker og skal tage 16 ind 216/16=13,5 Tager jeg så skiftevis ind ? Strikker 11-2 sammen-strikker 12-2 sammen osv? Mvh Bonnie

03.01.2024 - 06:41

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Bonnie. Ja, det stemmer. mvh DROPS Design

08.01.2024 - 11:05

Aðalheiður Tómasdóttir wrote:

Ég er að hekla peysu úr heklubók og ég á að auka út fyrir ermarnar. Er til myndband til að sýna þetta fyrir hekl? English bellow I'm crocheting a sweater from a crochet book and I'm going to increase the sleeves. Is there a video to show this for crochet?

01.01.2024 - 16:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Tómasdóttir, in this video you will see how to work 2 treble crochet (UK-English) in the same stitch to increase 1 treble crochet; Happy crocheting!

09.01.2024 - 08:42

Michella wrote:

Jeg har 160 masker og skal tage 57 masker ud jævnt fordelt. Det giver udtagning på hver 2,8. maske. Er det så hver anden på 2. maske og hver anden på 3. maske? Vh

21.12.2023 - 21:05

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Michelle, ja det stemmer :)

22.12.2023 - 13:26

Marta wrote:

Hej! Jag ska öka antalet maskor från 119 till 151, alltså öka med 32 maskor jämt fördelat över raden. Ökar genom att sticka fram, bak och fram igen i samma maska så det blir 16 ställen att öka på över raden. Men jag lyckas inte räkna ut hur jag ska fördela de 16 ökningarna, kan ni hjälpa mig?

21.12.2023 - 13:49

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Martha, du måste öka i alla 32 maskorna för att få 32 extra. Du öker i var 4:e maska :)

22.12.2023 - 13:28

Kooy wrote:

Hallo, ik heb 132 steken en moet 52 steken minderen maar op de een of andere manier kom ik niet uit, ik ben nu al 3x overnieuw begonnen maar het lukt me maar niet om 80 steken over te houden. Alvast vriendelijk dank.

21.12.2023 - 06:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Kooy,

Het gaat erom dat je de steken gelijkmatig om over de naald verdeeld, maar het hoeft niet super precies. Je zou de naald bijvoorbeeld in 4 stukken kunnen verdelen en dan op elk stuk 13 steken minderen. Op die manier houd je wat meer overzicht.

07.01.2024 - 14:35

Anja wrote:

Moin, ich muss von 61 M gleichmäßig auf 44 M abnehmen. 61 geteilt durch 17 ergibt 3,58. Damit ist die erste Nachkommastelle genau 5 und beide Varianten ergeben nicht die gewünschten 44 M. Wie kann ich das Problem lösen? Vielen lieben Dank!

11.12.2023 - 18:45

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Anja, dann sind wir im Beispiel-2 und abwechslunsweise jede 3. und jede 4. Masche abnehmen bis die 17 Maschen abgenommen werden. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

12.12.2023 - 09:53

Debrye wrote:

Hallo, ik brei een muts en wil die minderen met een centered double decrease. Ik heb 96 steken en moet naar 6. Hoe doe ik dat zodanig dat het mooi verdeeld is. Ik werk met een rondbreinaalden. Vriendelijk dank bij voorbaat

25.11.2023 - 08:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Debrye,

Als je de muts in de rondte breit en 90 steken moet minderen, dan zou je bijvoorbeeld 9 markeerders kunnen plaatsen waarbij je 5 keer mindert aan beide kanten van de 9 markeerders .

26.11.2023 - 07:35

TRIJS wrote:


14.11.2023 - 18:26

DROPS Design answered:

Dag Trijs,

Ja in dit geval meerder je 6 steken over die 38 steken. Klopt het trouwens dat je de grootste maat breit? (Omdat 38 het laatste getal is in het aangegeven aantal steken) In dat geval moet je 14 steken meerderen (dus ook het laatste getal nemen van het aangegeven aantal meerderingen.

18.11.2023 - 17:19

Sabine wrote:

Warum müssen eigentlich kurz vor Ende des Rumpfteils nochmals 20 Maschen zugenommen werden?

12.11.2023 - 21:53

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Sabine, es wird vor den unteren Bündchen zugenommen, damit die Arbeit unten nicht zu eng wird: man braucht für die gleiche Breite mehr Maschen für Bündchen mit den kleineren Nadeln as für Glatt rechts mit den grösseren Nadeln. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

13.11.2023 - 08:58

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