Jessie Lei wrote:
I bought exactly the same yarns specified by this pattern, the correct size needles and followed the pattern completely for size S. For the 10 balls 50g yarns I bought, I only used 4 balls each colour, with 15g remaining of the 4th ball. Therefore, 8 balls of yarns would have been sufficient. I also find joining the body with the 2 sleeves is very awkward, almost impossible to knit when it comes to the sleeves. This is the first time I come across this way to knit a sweater.
08.07.2024 - 22:30
Jessie wrote:
Thanks a lot for your clarification. Much appreciated!
30.05.2024 - 10:12
Jessie Lei wrote:
Hi Thank you for your quick response. I appreciate it. For sleeve decrease, decrease 1 stitch every 4th round x 2. Is it round 1 and round 5. (as you mentioned in your first reply), or is it round 4 and round 8? Thanks again! Jessie
29.05.2024 - 17:32DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Lei, for sleeves work as follows: *1 round with decreases for sleeve, 3 rounds without decreases on sleeves*, work from *-* a total of 2 times (size S), then *1 round with decreases for sleeves, 1 round without decreases on sleeves*, work from *-* a total of 13 times. At the same time, remember to decrease for body; this means at the beg you will alternately decrease 8 sts (body + sleeves) and 4 sts (body only) a total of 2 times, then decrease 8 sts on every other round, then only for body (4 sts only). Happy knitting!
30.05.2024 - 07:35
Jessie Lei wrote:
Hi Thanks a lot for your quick response. I understand it better now. Just another question.. For sleeve decrease, decrease 1 stitch every 4th round x 2. Is it round 1 and round 5, or is it round 4 and round 8? If the former, the total will be 31 rounds. If the latter, the total will be 34 rounds The body decrease is 1 stitch every 2nd round x 18 = total 36 rounds, which do not match the sleeve. Thanks a lot for further clarification.
29.05.2024 - 11:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Lei, that's right, you will then work without decreasing on sleeve but continue decreasing on body as explained (to keep correct measurements). Happy knitting!
29.05.2024 - 17:24
Jessie Lei wrote:
Hi, could you please explain the decrease on the sleeve ( S size): "Decrease 1 stitch every 4 th round a total of 2 times and every 2nd round (=4 stitches decreased on the round) a total of 13 times" It just doesn't make sense to me. Thanks a lot for your help. Kind regards Jessie
28.05.2024 - 18:55DROPS Design answered:
Hi Jessie, These instructions are for increases on the body, which are different from the increases on the sleeves. All increases are by the raglan-markers. You decrease 1 stitch on the body side of each raglan marker, on round 1 and 5 (that's 1 stitch every 4th round x 2), then in the same way 1 stitch by each marker on rounds 7, 9,11 and so on. The increases on the sleeve sides of the raglan-markers are every 4th round x 2, then every 2nd round x 13. Hope this helps and happy knitting!
29.05.2024 - 06:48
Ingela Tapper Hellman wrote:
Hej igen kan berätta att mönster 178-27 är helt fel. Måttet längst ner är 205 cm det blir en volangkant på ca 80 cm . Det syns inte på bilden. Där är det helt slätt nertill med en vågkant. Mycket besviken 😢
22.11.2023 - 14:00DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ingela, se tidligere svar. Det lyder til at du kun har 17 masker på 10 cm i bølgemønster. Hvis du har 20 masker som vi skriver i opskriften, så får du 162 cm nederst og når du følger diagrammet, så bliver der taget ind allerede på pind 3 osv :)
24.11.2023 - 14:21
Ingela Tapper Hellman wrote:
Hej igen jag behöver veta i mönstret 178-27 hur många cm som 378 maskor är om 16 maskor är 10 cm. Många andra mönster har hälften så många maskor som stickas runt.
20.11.2023 - 19:05DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ingela, hvis du overholder strikkefastheden som står i opskriften, så får du 81+81=162 cm nederst (se måleskitsen), men når du fortsætter ifølge diagrammet, så tager du ind for hver gang du strikker diagrammet på 6 forskellige steder, så når du kommer op til brystmålet så har du 126 cm i omkreds. God fornøjelse!
24.11.2023 - 12:26
Ingela Tapper Hellman wrote:
Jag ska sticka mönster 178-27 på rundsticka. 16 maskor är 10 cm. Hur många cm är 378 maskor? Jag vill att tröjan ska passa ett stussmått på 120 cm. Vilket antal maskor ska jag välja ? Med vänlig hälsning,
20.11.2023 - 11:13DROPS Design answered:
Hei Ingela. Sjekk den oppgitte strikkefastheten, 16 masker = 10 cm. Du har 378 masker (omkretsen på genseren), halve maskeantallet = 189 masker, da har du ca 60 cm foran og ca 60 cm bak = 120 cm. Det er når plagget ligger flatt, husk at det er litt tøyelig. mvh DROPS Design
20.11.2023 - 13:56
Doucet-Chollet Marie-Françoise wrote:
J’ai commencé le corps du modèle avec l’aiguille circulaire 5,5 mais c’était beaucoup trop grand. Du coup, j’ai recommencé avec celles du 4,5 et c’était parfait….
31.01.2023 - 17:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Doucet-Chollet, pensez toujours à bien tricoter votre échantillon au préalable et ensuite à bien vous tenir à la même tension, car effectivement, on tricote toutes de façon différente et ce qui compte, c'est bien la tension et non la taille des aiguilles. Bon tricot!
31.01.2023 - 17:39
Sabrina wrote:
Buon giorno, nella leggenda del diagramma mi compare 2 volte la parola “Symbol”: nel primo caso per identificare le maglie a rovescio, e nelnsecondo per identificare le 2 maglie gettate tra 2 maglie. Devo intendere che le stelline vuote siano le maglie a rovescio e che le ellissi nere le 2 maglie gettate? Grazie mille!!!
04.01.2022 - 21:03DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Sabrina, probabilmente ha avuto qualche problema di connessione e non è riuscita a visualizzare i simboli della legenda: provi a ricaricare la pagina o utilizzare un altro browser e a svuotare la cache del suo browser. I simboli della legenda sono tutti visibili e sono tutti diversi. Buon lavoro!
05.01.2022 - 10:40
Spring Forest |
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Jumper with wave pattern and raglan, worked bottom up with 2 strands DROPS Delight. Sizes: S - XXXL.
DROPS 178-27 |
RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. CHANGING THE STRAND TIP: So that the transitions between colors in Delight are as neat as possible when changing balls, it is important to find a ball which starts with the color the previous ball ended with. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.9. The diagrams show all the rows in the pattern seen from the right side. INCREASE TIP (for mid under the sleeve): Start 2 stitches before the marker thread, make 1 yarn over, knit 4 (the marker thread sits in the middle of these 4 stitches), make 1 yarn over. On the next round knit the yarn overs twisted to prevent holes. DECREASE TIP: Decrease 1 stitch by knitting 2 stitches together. To work out how to decrease evenly, count the total number of stitches on the needle (e.g. 88 stitches) and divide the number of stitches by the number of decreases to be made (e.g. 5) = 17.6. In this example you work approx. every 17th and 18th stitch together. RAGLAN: Decrease to raglan in each transition between body and sleeves. NOTE: In sizes S, M XXL decreases are different on the body and sleeves as described in the text. Decrease as follows after A.9: Slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over (= 1 stitch decreased). Decrease as follows before A.9: Start 2 stitches before A.9 and knit 2 stitches together (= 1 stitch decreased). ---------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER: The piece is worked in the round with circular needle, from the bottom up. The sleeves are worked with double pointed needles. BODY: Cast on 270-297-324-351-378-405 stitches with circular needle SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9 / US 9 with 1 strand in each color (= 2 strands). Work A.1 (= 27 stitches) 10-11-12-13-14-15 times in width. When the whole of A.1 has been completed in height there are 230-253-276-299-322-345 stitches on the round. Work A.2 (= 23 stitches) over each repeat of A.1. Continue in this way until A.2 has been completed 3-3-3-3-3-4 times in height – READ CHANGING THE STRAND TIP! REMEMBER THE GAUGE! Work A.3 (= 23 stitches) 1 time in height. When the whole of A.3 has been completed in height there are 210-231-252-273-294-315 stitches on the round. Work A.4 (= 21 stitches) 2 times in height in all sizes. Work A.5 (= 21 stitches) 1 time in height. When the whole of A.5 has been completed in height there are 190-209-228-247-266-285 stitches on the round. Work A.6 (= 19 stitches) 3 times in height in all sizes. Then work A.7 (= 19 stitches). When A.7 has been completed in height there are 150-165-180-195-210-225 stitches on the round. Knit 1 round where you decrease 10-11-14-13-8-5 stitches evenly along the round = 140-154-166-182-202-220 stitches. Then work the next round as follows: Knit 32-35-38-42-47-52 stitches and insert 1 marker thread in the last stitch knitted, bind off 6 stitches for the armhole, knit 64-71-77-85-95-104 stitches and insert 1 marker thread in the first and last stitch knitted, bind off 6 stitches for the armhole, knit 32-36-39-43-48-52 stitches and insert 1 marker thread in the first stitch knitted. Put aside and work sleeves. SLEEVES: Cast on 32-34-36-40-42-46 stitches with double pointed needles size 4.5 mm / US 7 with 1 strand in each color (= 2 strands). Work pattern in the round according to diagram A.8. When A.8 has been completed 1 time in height change to double pointed needles SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9 / US 9. Insert 1 marker thread at the beginning of the round and allow the marker thread to follow the work upwards. Work stockinette stitch in the round. When the piece measures 10-12-7-5-5-10 cm / 4"-4¾"-2¾"-2"-2"-4" increase 2 stitches mid under the sleeve – READ INCREASE TIP. Increase in this way every 7th-5th-5th-5th-4th-4th round a total of 10-12-14-14-14-14 times = 52-58-64-68-70-74 stitches. When the piece measures 46-44-44-42-41-40 cm / 18"-17¼"-17¼"-16½"-16"-15¾" (shorter measurements in larger sizes due to wider neck and longer yoke) bind off 6 stitches mid under the sleeve (i.e. Bind off 3 stitches on each side of the marker thread) = 46-52-58-62-64-68 stitches. Lay the piece to one side and work the other sleeve in the same way. YOKE: Place the sleeves on the same circular needle as the body where you have bind off stitches for the armholes (do this without working the stitches) = 220-246-270-294-318-344 stitches on the needle. There are now 4 marker thread in the piece (1 marker thread in each transition between body and sleeves). Continue by working stockinette stitch and A.9 in each transition between body and sleeves (the stitches with marker threads are the middle stitches in A.9). AT THE SAME TIME on the first round start the decreases to RAGLAN – see the description above. NOTE: Decreases vary in the different sizes. SIZES S, M AND XXL: The decreases are different on body and sleeves. FRONT AND BACK PIECES: Decrease 1 stitch every 2nd round (= 4 stitches decreased on the round) a total of 18-20-25 times. SLEEVES: Decrease 1 stitch every 4th round a total of 2-2-1 times and every 2nd round (= 4 stitches decreased on the round) a total of 13-16-23 times. Change to short circular needle size 5.5 mm/US 9 when the number of stitches has been sufficiently reduced. SIZES L, XL AND XXXL: Decrease 1 stitch on each side of each A.9 (= 8 stitches decreased on the round). Decrease in this way every 2nd round a total of 21-23-26 times. Change to short circular needle size 5.5 mm/US 9 when the number of stitches has been sufficiently reduced. ALL SIZES: When all the decreases have been completed there are 88-94-102-110-122-136 stitches on the round. Work 1 round where you decrease 5-8-12-16-24-34 stitches evenly along the round – READ DECREASE TIP = 83-86-90-94-98-102 stitches. Change to short circular needle size 4.5 mm / US 7. Work 2 RIDGES – see description above and bind off. Make sure the bind-off edge is not tight! ASSEMBLY: Sew the openings under the sleeves. |
Diagram explanations |
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