Stefanie Messerschmitt wrote:
Der Rock ist wunderschön! Ich häkle ihn schon zum dritten Mal. Ich mag gar nichts anderes mehr tragen. Oben hab ich zusätzlich eine Luftmaschenschnur eingezogen. Dann kann er nicht rutschen. Danke für eure tollen Anleitungen.
29.08.2024 - 07:27Gaby Sprotte wrote:
Sehr hilfreich wäre es, wenn das ReihenENDE (bei den Musterreichen) beschrieben würde!
06.07.2024 - 14:34Gaby Sprotte wrote:
Ich handarbeite/häkle seit vielen Jahrzehnten und habe nach dutzenden Anleitungen gearbeitet, doch diese Anleitung bereit mir Kopfzerbrechen und ich bin noch am rätseln . . .
06.07.2024 - 14:22MonaK wrote:
Kan du lage en video «hvordan hekle en dobbeltstav i første/siste fastmaske i viften 2 rader under (pass på samtidig hekle om luftmaske på raden midt i mellom. Jeg tror jeg har gjort som beskrevet, men får da store «hull» mellom viftene. Det virker feil i forhold til bildet.
26.06.2024 - 18:21Charisse wrote:
Hallo , met Charisse ik wilde graag weten bij rokpatroon Rosalina wat wordt bedoeld met: haak a2B over a2A Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank
05.06.2024 - 15:13DROPS Design answered:
Dag Charisse,
Als je A.2a hebt gehaakt, dan haak je daarna A.2b precies boven de steken van A.2a.
04.07.2024 - 19:57Paige wrote:
How do I find the sizes? I see the number of stitches for each size but I can't find where the measurements are.
14.12.2023 - 19:09DROPS Design answered:
Hi Paige, You will find a size chart, with all the measurements for the different sizes, at the bottom of the page. Happy crocheting!
15.12.2023 - 06:47Angelika Sumper wrote:
Hallo, ein wunderschöner Rock aber - es tut mir leid - ich versteh die Anleitung nicht. \r\nMeine erste Frage: wie genau ist die Reihenfolge beim Häkeln; 1x A2a dann A2b und dann wieder A2a (wie komm ich da aber auf 20x A2a und nur 16x A2b bei Variante small.\r\nUnd dann: wenn ich 5x proRapport 6 Maschen zunehmen soll, dann sind das ja bereits 30 Maschen - und wie komm ich dann auf die 16x ?? ICh bin sehr verwirrt gerade und wirklich gespannt auf die Auflösung. Danke und liebe Grüße
26.11.2023 - 19:08DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Sumper, A.2 wird über 6 Maschen, so hat man 20 x 6 Maschen = 120 Maschen. Nach der Reihe A.2a häkeln Sie A.2b auch über 6 Maschen 10 Mal insgesamt = 120 Maschen. dann wird es jeweils 6 Maschen (siehe ZUNAHMETIPP) insgesamt 16 Mal zugenommen, 120 + (6x 16) = 216 Maschen nach der letzten Zunahmenrunde. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
27.11.2023 - 10:08Tanja Heijink wrote:
Hoe maak ik de knoopsgaten volgens het patroon
23.09.2023 - 14:53DROPS Design answered:
Dag Tanja,
De knoopsgaten staan apart beschreven. Dit zijn lussen die je aan de opening haakt.
27.09.2023 - 20:36Rosemary Barrios wrote:
Is there a video available that I can buy? These written instructions are confusing. And I'm a perfectly trilingual language teacher! :( Thank you
21.03.2023 - 16:43DROPS Design answered:
Dear Rosemary, you can find all the revelant videos linked below the pattern. Happy Knitting!
21.03.2023 - 17:46Sabine Goemaere wrote:
Rebonjour ma seconde question concerne les symboles : avez-vous une démo avec les symboles du diagramme6 &7&10. ce modèle est couleur noix de muscade ou clou de girofle? Merci beaucoup
10.01.2023 - 20:10DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Goemaere , pour crocheter 1 bride entre 2 brides, insérez le crochet entre les 2 brides du rang précédent (et pas sous les 2 brins comme habituellement); pour les brides croisées, cette vidéo devrait vous aider; le 10ème symbole se fait dans la ms du 8ème rang de A.2b - la couleur est la 09, désormais appelée "noix de muscade". Bon crochet!
11.01.2023 - 09:38
Rosalina |
Skirt with fan pattern, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DROPS Muskat.
DROPS 190-28 |
INFORMATION FOR PATTERN: PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagram A.1 shows how every row/round begins and ends (i.e. when working back and forth do not work 1 slip stitch in chain stitch at beginning of row). CROCHET INFO: At beginning of every row with double crochets work 3 chain stitches (do not replace first double crochet). At beginning of every row with single crochets work 1 chain stitch (does not replace first single crochet). INCREASE TIP: Increase on row/round 1, 4, 7, 11 and 12 in pattern A.2b (i.e. increase 6 stitches evenly 5 times in total per repetition of A.2b in height). Increase by working 2 double crochets in/around in same stitch. To calculate how often increase should be done on round, use the total number of stitches on row/round (e.g. 132 double crochets) and divide by number of increases to be done (e.g. 6) = 22. I.e. in this example increase 1 double crochet in/around/between every 22nd stitch. ---------------------------------------------------------- SKIRT: Work top down. Work back and forth until vent in the side is done, then work in the round. Work 142-156-170-184-212-233 chain stitches (including 3 chain stitches to turn with) on hook size 4 mm / G/6 with Muskat. Work first row as follows: Work 1 double crochet in 4th chain stitch from hook (= 1 double crochet) - read CROCHET INFO, 1 double crochet in each of the next 5 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet in each of the next 6 chain stitches *, work from *-* = 120-132-144-156-180-198 double crochets. Work 1 row with 1 double crochet in every double crochet. Work A.2a 20-22-24-26-30-33 times in total in width. When A.2a has been worked, work A.2b over A.2a (first row in A.2b is from wrong side) and increase as follows (i.e. increase on first round and A.2b is repeated in height): REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! Increase 6 double crochets evenly - read INCREASE TIP - 16-16-17-18-18-20 times in total = 216-228-246-264-288-318 stitches. For every increase work 1 more repetition of A.2b in width AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 11 cm, end the vent in the side and continue piece in the round, begin round in the side. Fasten off when piece measures 38-40-42-44-46-48 cm / 15"-15¾"-16½"-17¼"-18"-19", finish neatly according to pattern. EDGE AT THE TOP: Work 1 single crochet in every chain stitch where double crochets were worked in on first row = 120-132-144-156-180-198 single crochets. Work 3 rows in total with single crochets. Fasten off. BUTTONHOLE LOOPS: Along the opening on front piece work buttonhole loops (start at the bottom). Work 2 single crochets around every double crochet row and 1 single crochet around every single crochet row as follows: Work 1 slip stitch around first row, 3 chain stitches, skip 1 cm / ⅜", * work single crochets around next double crochet/single crochet row, 3 chain stitches, skip approx. 1 cm / ⅜" *, work from *-* 4 times in total and finish with 2 single crochets around the last 2 single crochet rows at the top, turn and work back as follows: 1 single crochet in every single crochet and 3 single crochets in every chain space. Fasten off. BUTTON FOLDING EDGE: Along the other side of opening work 5 rows with 1 single crochet in every single crochet back and forth (on 1st row work 2 single crochet around every double crochet row and 1 single crochet around every single crochet row), fasten off. Sew the buttons on to the button folding edge. |
Diagram explanations |
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