Simone wrote:
I have had a brain freeze and do not understand how to crochet the arm holes x
03.12.2024 - 12:55DROPS Design answered:
Dear Simone, work as follows: 1 dc around ch-space in the middle of dtr-group, work 30-33-36 loose ch, skip 5-6-7 dtr-groups, 1 dc around ch-space in the middle of next dtr-group (armhole has been worked). So you work 1 dc around th chain space. That is, when working the chart, you work 1 dc around the chain space in the middle of the black fan in the last round of A.2, then work some loose stitches and skip over as many dtr-groups (black fans) as indicated for your size, lock the chain in place by working 1 dc around the ch-space in the middle of the next dtr-group (black fan). Then work over the body as indicated and repeat the other armhole in the same way. Happy crochetting!
07.12.2024 - 23:50
Paula wrote:
I am struggling with the second part where it says size L/XL-XXL/XXL when I do as according to rnd 6 I end up with 40 as it says =36-36ch-spaces. Also how do you work A 2 one time vertically do u have a video please. Thank you
21.09.2024 - 04:35DROPS Design answered:
Dear Paula, you should increase as you ddid on 6th round in A.1 but only 9 times in the round so that you get 27+9=36 chain-spaces. Happy crocheting!
23.09.2024 - 07:48
Diane St-Amand wrote:
Est-ce normal qu'en faisant les 30 ml pour les emmanchures que j'aille dun côté 8 fois 12 ml et de l'autre 7 fois 12 ml.?
14.08.2024 - 15:24DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme St-Amand, il est normal que vous n'ayez pas le même nombre d'arceaux entre les emmanchures, il y en aura davantage en bas de la veste qu'en haut (côté haut du dos). Bon crochet!
16.08.2024 - 07:09
Diane St-Amand wrote:
J'ai 27 arceaux en terminant le diagramme A1. J'ai commencé à faire 30 ml. pour la première emmanchure ainsi que 8 fois 12ml/ms et les 30 ml pour la deuxième emmanchure. Cependant, afin de faire ma deuxième ms des 12 ml, je dois faire 8 fois 12 ml. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi je n'y arrive pas.
13.08.2024 - 00:04DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme St-Amand, vous avez 27 groupes de DB, vous sautez 5 groupes de DB et vous crochetez 30 ml pour former l'emmanchure, vous crochetez les 8 groupes de DB suivants comme avant, vous sautez 5 groupes de DB et vous crochetez 30 ml pour former l'emmanchure, et vous crochetez les groupes de DB comme avant jusqu'à la fin du tour. Bon crochet!
13.08.2024 - 09:00
Diane St-Amand wrote:
Bonjour à vous, j'ai fais la lecture des questions en français et je ne peux pas ouvrir les tuto ou bien les photos. Mon questionnement est lié l'après diagramme A1. Est-ce que les mailles en l'air pour les deux emmanchure demeure en suspends et je poursuit le travail comme si les 30 ml. n'existait pas. De plus, lorsque j'ai à faire les augmentations, je ne suis pas certaines de bien comprendre les consignes.
12.08.2024 - 23:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme St-Amand, les 30ml + les 5 groupes de DB sautées vont former un trou pour les manches, au tour suivant, crochetez dans les 30 ml comme si vous aviez crocheté normalement, autrement dit, quand vous augmentez à intervalles réguliers au tour suivant, augmentez également dans les mailles en l'air des emmanchures. Bon crochet!
13.08.2024 - 08:58
Ingrid De Heij wrote:
Hallo, ik ben met de mouw bezig. Bij toer 4 moet ik 12 lossen haken en 1 v om l- lus in midden van dtst-groep.Moet ik die v bij de allereerste dstk groep haken? Die 11 dstk groep heb ik met hv afgesloten en dan die 12 lossen gehaakt. Ik kom er niet uit, Ik zou 11 lossenlussen moeten hebben volgens beschrijving en tegelijkertijd 1 lus minderen. Al 3 keer uitgehaald en nog steeds niet gelukt.
16.04.2024 - 16:48DROPS Design answered:
Dag Ingrid,
Ja, die vaste haak je gelijk met de eerste dubbele stokjes groep. Dus na het afsluiten van de vorige toer, haak je 12 lossen, 1 vaste tussen de dubbele stokjes groep, 12 lossen, 1 vaste... enz.
24.04.2024 - 12:55
Ingrid De Heij wrote:
De mouwen: Haak 60-66-72 stk rondom een armsgat (ongeveer 5 stk in elke dstk-groep en ongeveer 30-33-36 stk om de l-lus – begin midden onder de mouw). Mijn vraag is waar ik de 33 stk om de l-lus moet haken, want die kant van het armsgat heeft de onderkant van de stokjes op de grote lossenlus van het armsgat.
15.04.2024 - 23:38DROPS Design answered:
Dag Ingrid,
Het gaat erom dat je de stokjes verdeeld over het armsgat plaatst, dus 33 op de ene helft en 33 op de andere helft. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld van te voren het werk even plat neer leggen en halverwege het armsgat een markeerder plaatst, zodat je weet dat je tot dat punt ongeveer 33 stokjes moet hebben.
27.04.2024 - 09:00
Ingrid De Heij wrote:
Herhaal 1e-3e toer nog 3-3-4 keer en meerder TEGELIJKERTIJD 9 l-lussen elke keer dat de 1e toer wordt gehaakt = 72-81-90 dstk-groepen. Moet toer 2 niet gehaakt worden?
11.04.2024 - 17:04DROPS Design answered:
Dag Ingrid,
Ja, toer 2 moet ook gehaakt worden, maar elke keer als toer 1 wordt gehaakt meerder je steken.
11.04.2024 - 20:44
Ingrid De Heij wrote:
Waar moet ik de 9 groepjes extra meerderen. In de mouwlossen of over de gehele toer? Er staat dat je 7 stokjesgroepen bij de mouwlossen moet haken.
05.04.2024 - 20:56DROPS Design answered:
Dag Ingrid,
Je meerdert gelijkmatig over de hele toer, dus niet alleen over het armsgat, maar over de hele toer.
07.04.2024 - 18:18
Cindy wrote:
171-21 Swing jacket. Please explain how the long (30) chains act as the armhole. If you continue working the rounds after the chains it erases the underarm part of the armhole. It seems the underarm trbls should be skipped to maintain the hole if your supposed to put you arm from wrong side thru armhole to the front side. The chains look like they form the top of the shoulder of the sleeve. Thnx
23.02.2024 - 01:44DROPS Design answered:
Dear Cindy, to make armholes, you will crochet chain stitches and skip stitches from previous round to create a "hole" where you will crochet the sleeves from afterwards; in this video we show how to make such a armhole, You will work here another pattern but the way to make armhole will be the same: crochet chain stitches and skip stitches from previous round. Happy crocheting!
23.02.2024 - 08:26
Fall Festival |
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Crochet jacket worked in a circle in 1 strand DROPS Big Delight or 1 strand DROPS Fabel together with 1 strand DROPS Flora. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 171-21 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. CROCHET INFO: Replace first sc at beg of round with ch 1, finish round with 1 sl st in 1st ch at beg of round. Replace first dc at beg of round with ch 3, finish round with 1 sl st in 3rd ch from beg of round. Replace first tr at beg of round with ch 4, finish round with 1 sl st in 4th ch from beg of round. ---------------------------------------------------------- JACKET WORKED IN A CIRCLE: Crochet 4 ch on hook SIZE 5.5 mm/US 9 with Big Delight (or DROPS Fabel and DROPS Flora) and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. Then work according to A.1. READ CROCHET INFO! REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! When A.1 has been worked, circle measures approx. 33 cm / 13" in diameter and there are 27 tr-groups on round. Size L/XL-XXL/XXXL: Work according to A.2, on first round in A.2 inc 9 ch-spaces evenly (inc the same way as on 6th round in A.1, inc 1 ch-space as follows: Work 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of tr-group, 9 ch, 1 sc around ch between tr-groups, 9 ch, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group) = 36-36 ch-spaces. Work A.2 1 time vertically. ALL SIZES: = 27-36-36 tr-groups. Work next round as round 1 in A.3, AT THE SAME TIME work armholes as follows: 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of tr-group, work 30-33-36 loose ch, skip 5-6-7 tr-groups, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group (armhole has been worked), * 12 ch, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group *, repeat from *-* 8-14-12 times in total, work 30-33-36 loose ch, skip 5-6-7 tr-groups, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group (another armhole has been worked), * 12 ch, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group *, repeat from *-* the entire round and finish with 1 sl st in first sc at beg of round (instead of 1 sc around next ch-space). Work next round as round 2 in A.3 as follows: Work the same way as before with 2 dc + 2 ch + 2 dc around every ch-space, around every ch-space for armhole work 6-7-8 dc-groups, AT THE SAME TIME inc 9 dc-groups evenly on round, inc 1 dc-group by working 2 dc + 2 ch + 2 dc + 2 dc + 2 ch + 2 dc around 1 ch-space = 36-45-45 dc-groups. ROUND 3: Work 2 tr + 2 ch + 2 tr around ch-space in the middle of every dc-group and 1 ch between every tr-group = 36-45-45 tr-groups with 1 ch between each. Continue to work according to A.3, AT THE SAME TIME inc 9 ch-spaces evenly every time 1st round is worked, as follows: ROUND 1: Work sl sts until middle of first ch-space (in the middle of a tr-group), 1 sc, * 12 ch, 1 sc around next ch-space in the middle of a tr-group *, repeat from *-* the entire round AT THE SAME TIME inc 9 ch-spaces evenly on round = 45-54-54 ch-spaces (finish round with 6 ch and 1 dtr in first sc at beg of round). ROUND 2: Work 2 dc + 2 ch + 2 dc around every ch-space the entire round = 45-54-54 dc-groups. ROUND 3: Work 2 tr + 2 ch + 2 tr around every ch-space in dc-group and 1 ch between every tr-group the entire round = 45-54-54 tr-group with 1 ch between each. Repeat 1st-3rd round 3-3-4 more times, AT THE SAME TIME inc 9 ch-spaces every time 1st round is worked = 72-81-90 tr-group. To get an oval shape on jacket work back and forth only over the bottom 47-54-61 tr-groups, do not work over the middle 25-27-29 tr-groups at the top of neck. Beg from RS and repeat 1st-3rd row in A.3 as before 2 times in total (i.e. back is 6 rows longer vertically), to get a nice transition on every turn work as shown in A.4 and A.5, AT THE SAME TIME inc 7 ch-spaces every time 1st row is worked (= 86-95-104 tr-groups in total on round incl tr-groups towards the neck). Finish with 1 round ch-spaces around the entire jacket (from RS) as follows: * ch 4, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of a tr-group, ch 4, 1 sc before next tr-group *, repeat from *-* the entire round, fasten off. SLEEVE: Work 60-66-72 dc around armhole (approx. 5 dc in every tr-group and approx. 30-33-36 dc around ch-space – beg mid under sleeve). Work next round as follows: * 1 dc in first/next dc, ch 1, skip 1 dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 30-33-36 dc + 30-33-36 ch. Continue to work as follows: ROUND 1: * ch 6, skip 5 sts, 1 sc in next st *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 10-11-12 ch-spaces. ROUND 2: Work 2 dc + 2 ch + 2 dc around every ch-space the entire round = 10-11-12 dc-groups. ROUND 3: Work 2 tr + 2 ch + 2 tr around every ch-space in dc-group and 1 ch between every tr-group the entire round = 10-11-12 tr-group with 1 ch between each. ROUND 4: * 12 ch, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of tr-group *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 10-11-12 ch-spaces but at the same time dec 1 ch-space on round mid under sleeve as follows: 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next to last tr-group on round, ch 6, 1 dc around ch-space in the middle of tr-group to be skipped, ch 6, 1 sc around ch-space in the middle of next tr-group). On new round work dc-group mid under sleeve in dc between the 2 ch-spaces with 6 ch = 9-10-11 dc-groups. Repeat 2nd-4th round and dec at the same time 1 ch-space every 3rd round so that there is 1 tr-group/ch-space less on round. When there are 5-6-7 tr-groups/ch-spaces on round, work without dec until piece measures 54-54-56 cm / 21¼"-21¼"-22", or desired measurements, try the jacket while working. Fasten off and repeat on the other sleeve. |
Diagram explanations |
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