Javivi wrote:
Hola tendo una duda en esta parte. Luego de unir las mangas al cuerpo en esta parte que dice: Empezar rem 3 pts en cada lado de esta abertura del raglán. Se refiere a rematar 3 puntos al inicio (del cuerpo) y 3 pts en el final de la vuelta qué sería en las mangas?? Estoy super confundida de como tejer la pechera. Al unir todos los puntos del cuerpo y las mangas en la aguja redonda queda incómodo y tirante para tejer no se si lo estoy haciendo bien.
08.01.2025 - 02:08DROPS Design answered:
Hola Javivi, sí, cierras 3 pts al inicio y final de la fila. Cuando tienes muchos puntos es más cómodo trabajar con una aguja redonda larga, que te permite repartir los puntos en el cable también, que con agujas rectas, donde el espacio queda limitado. Al principio las primeras filas quedan algo tirantes pero, a medida que continúes con el canesú, la labor se acomodará mejor y podrás trabajar más cómodamente.
12.01.2025 - 15:38Anne-Marie Nielsen wrote:
Jeg har nu samlet ærmer og ryg/forstykke på en rundpind, men er nu kørt fast. Skal jeg nu strikke forstykket frem og tilbage og bagefter ryggen, hvis ja, hvor skal jeg starte og slutte på pinden/ærmerne? På forhånd tak for hjælpen.
18.12.2024 - 15:03DROPS Design answered:
Hej Anne-Marie, du strikker hele stykket på en gang. Start ved åbningen, med at lukke de 6 masker af (ifølge opskriften, fortsæt over forstykket, ærmet, rygstykket, ærmet, nu er du ved åbningen, vender arbejdet og strikket tilbage - men husk raglanindtagningerne når du strikker frem og tilbage :)
20.12.2024 - 11:21Shar wrote:
The writing in this pattern is the worst I've ever seen in two decades of knitting. Astounding. If you're planning to make this, ensure the hieroglyphics make sense to you first.
17.11.2024 - 20:15Gail wrote:
I cannot achieve the M1 pattern as shown in the photograph. I get one apparent garter row from the first 2 rows indicated by the xxxxx (first row purl, second row knit), but then double garter for next 4 rows...so I have 1 garter, plain, then 2 garter rows. What am I doing incorrectly?
12.11.2024 - 12:03DROPS Design answered:
Dear Gail, when working M.1 in the round, work as follows: Purl 2 rounds, knit 2 rounds, purl 2 rounds and knit 2 rounds. Hope this help. Happy knitting!
12.11.2024 - 15:53Gail wrote:
Any help for how to prevent the jog when doing the M1 and M2 pattern (going from knit to purl row). Suggestions are using two skeins or yfd pw, slip first stitch when beginning the knit row. Or should I not worry because it’s under the armpit? Cheers, Gail
11.11.2024 - 10:36DROPS Design answered:
Dear Gail, you can try to tighten the yarn somewhat more just at the transition to make the last stitch lined beside the first stitch of the round, but note that this shouldn't be visible when piece is done. Happy knitting!
11.11.2024 - 12:41Frederique wrote:
Ik snap de beschrijving van de raglan bies niet: Brei boordsteek 2 st recht/2 st av met 1 ribbelst en 2 st recht aan iedere kant (gezien vanaf de goede kant). Ik snap dat het aantal steken deelbaar door 4 is vanwege de 2 bij 2 boordsteek. Maar dan wordt er aangegeven nog 1 steek ribbel en 2 steken recht. Is dat dan 3 steken extra? Zitten deze steken dan aan de oksel-of aan de halskant. Kan je aangeven hoeveel steken ik nu op de naald moet nemen en wat dan volgorde is?
07.11.2024 - 11:53Denise wrote:
Hallo, nach 34cm Gesamtlänge habe ich 22M für den Halsausschnitt stillgelegt. Auf der rechten Nadel sind nur 4 Maschen. Bitte um KONKRETE Hilfe/Anleitung, wie hier bis 38cm weitergestrickt werden soll. Mit 4 Maschen, kann ich nicht in jeder Reihe abketten und Raglanabnahmen machen. Danke!
20.10.2024 - 21:37Pia wrote:
Bare glem mit spørgsmål jeg har pudset brillerne og ser der står man tager i d efter ribben…..
15.09.2024 - 23:29Mc Dreamy / Pia Toft Pederden wrote:
Der er noget galt med maskeantallet i ærmet. Når man feks starter med 56 masker skal tage 16 ud så giver det ikke 40 masker. Jeg skal bare være sikker på at det er det antal der skrives man skal tage ud der passe?
15.09.2024 - 22:03DROPS Design answered:
Hej Pia. När ribben är klar tages det ind masker (ikke ud). Mvh DROPS Design
18.09.2024 - 13:47Stefanie wrote:
Hallo Frage zur Passe: in der beschreibung steht -GLEICHZEITIG in der 1. R (nach dem Zusammensetzen der Ärmel- und Rumpfteil-Maschen) beidseitig jeder Markierung an allen Übergängen je 1 M abnehmen… muss ich nun die Abnahmen an den Ärmeln während des Aufnehmens machen oder erst die Ärmel aufnehmen und DANN die Abnahmen?
13.09.2024 - 16:00DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Stefanie, für den Raglan wird man jede 2. Runde beim Rumpf sowie bei den Ärmeln abnehmen, so wird man jedes Mal 8 Maschen abnehmen (2 pro Ärmel/Vorder- und Rückenteil). Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
16.09.2024 - 07:49
McDreamy |
Knitted sweater with textured pattern and raglan sleeve for baby and children in DROPS BabyMerino
DROPS Baby 21-15 |
PATTERN: See diagrams M.1 to M.3. Diagrams show the pattern from RS. DECREASING TIP (applies to raglan): FROM RS: At beg of row: 1 edge st, slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. At the end of row, beg when 3 sts remain: K2 tog, 1 edge st. By the other 3 markers dec as follows in each transition between sleeve and body piece, beg 3 sts before marker: K2 tog, K2 (marker sits between these 2 sts), slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso. FROM WS: At beg of row: 1 edge st, P2 tog. At the end of row, beg when 3 sts remain: P2 tog into back of loop, 1 edge st. By the other 3 markers dec as follows in each transition between sleeve and body piece, beg 3 sts before marker: P2 tog into back of loop, P2 (marker sits between these 2 sts), P2 tog. GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- BODY PIECE: Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 148-168-184 (204-216) sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm / US 1 with Baby Merino. K 1 round and continue in rib, K2/P2. When rib measures 4 cm / 1½" K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 28-32-32 (36-40) sts evenly = 120-136-152 (168-176) sts. Insert 1 marker at beg of round and 1 marker after 60-68-76 (84-88) sts (= the sides). Change to circular needle size 3 mm / US 2or3 and continue in stockinette st. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 14-15-18 (20-23) cm / 5½"-6"-7" (8"-9") work chart M.1 on all sts. After M.1 continue in chart M.2 on all sts. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 17-18-21 (24-27) cm / 6¾"-7"-8¼" (9½"-10⅝") work next round as follows: bind off 4 sts for armhole, work 52-60-68 (76-80) sts (= front piece), bind off 8 sts for armhole, work 52-60-68 (76-80) sts (= back piece) and bind off the last 4 sts for armhole. Cut the thread and put piece aside. Knit the sleeves. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 44-48-52 (56-60) sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm / US 1 with Baby Merino. K 1 round and continue in rib, K2/P2. When rib measures 4 cm / 1½" K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 10-12-14 (16-16) sts evenly = 34-36-38 (40-44) sts. Insert a marker at beg of round = mid under sleeve. Change to double pointed needles size 3 mm / US 2or3 and continue in stockinette st. When piece measures 6 cm / 2⅜" inc 1 st on each side of marker. SIZE 1/3 months + 6/9 months: Repeat the inc on every 4th round a total of 7-8 times. SIZE 12/18 months + 2 years: Repeat the inc on every 4th and 5th round alternately a total of 9 (12) times. SIZE 3/4 years: Repeat the inc on every 6th round a total of (12) times. = 48-52-56 (64-68) sts. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 13-14-17 (20-24) cm / 5⅛"-5½"-6¾" (8"-9½") work M.1. After M.1 continue in M.2. When piece measures approx 16-17-20 (24-28) cm / 6¼"-6¾"-8" (9½"-11") – make sure to be on the same row in M.2 as on body piece – bind off 8 sts mid under sleeve (= 4 sts each side of marker) = 40-44-48 (56-60) sts left on needle. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve. YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle as body piece where bind off for armhole = 184-208-232 (264-280) sts. Insert a marker in all transitions between sleeves and body piece and insert a marker mid front (= 26-30-34 (38-40) sts each side). READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING SECTION BEFORE CONTINUING! Continue back and forth on needle from the raglan on right front piece (when garment lies flat in front of you). Beg by casting/binding off 3 sts on each side of this raglan opening. Continue in M.2 with 1 edge st each side (make sure pattern continues from body piece and sleeves). After 6-6.5-7 (8-8.5) cm / 2⅜"-2½"-2¾" (3⅛"-3¼") of M.2 work M.3 and then complete piece in M.2. AT THE SAME TIME on first row from RS dec 1 st for raglan on each side of all markers – SEE DECREASING TIP! Repeat the dec on every other row a total of 13-15-16 (15-16) times and then on every row: 0-0-1 (6-7) times. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 24-26-30 (34-38) cm / 9½"-10¼"-11¾" (13⅜"-15") slip the middle 14-18-22 (22-22) sts on front piece (i.e. 7-9-11 (11-11) sts on each side of marker mid front) on a stitch holder for neck and complete each side separately. Bind off to shape the neckline at the beg of every row from mid front: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 1 time. After all dec for raglan and neck are complete there are approx 54-58-62 (62-62) sts left on needle and piece measures approx 28-30-34 (38-42) cm / 11"-11¾"-13⅜" (15"-16½") up to shoulder. Slip sts on a stitch holder and work the raglan edges before the neckline. RAGLAN EDGE: Pick up approx 24 to 36 sts (divisible by 4) inside 1 edge st along the raglan opening on sleeve on needle size 2.5 mm / US 1 with Baby Merino. Work rib K2/P2 with 1 garter st and K2 each side (as seen from RS). When edge measures 2 cm / ¾" bind off with K over K and P over P. Repeat along raglan opening on front piece, but after 2 rows make 3 buttonholes evenly (the last buttonholes is made on neck). 1 buttonhole = bind off 2 sts and cast on 2 new sts on return row. NECK: Slip sts from stitch holder mid front and on yoke back on circular needle size 2.5 mm / US 1, pick up approx 20 to 28 sts on each neckline at front and pick up 6 sts on each raglan edge with Baby Merino = approx 100 to 128 sts (divisible by 4). Work rib back and forth on needle from raglan opening as follows (as seen from RS): 1 garter st, * K2/P2 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K2 and 1 garter st. AT THE SAME TIME after 2 rows make 1 buttonhole in line with the others on raglan edge and when neck measures 4.5 cm / 1¾" make 1 buttonhole over the first one. Work another 2 rows and bind off with K over K and P over P. ASSEMBLY: Fold neck double towards WS and fasten with neat sts. Sew raglan edges to bottom of raglan openings. Sew openings under sleeves. Sew on buttons. |
Diagram explanations |
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