Joke Van Der Moolen wrote:
Wordt vanaf de taille gemeten de boord meegeteld of begin je na de boord te meten
13.01.2025 - 15:48DROPS Design answered:
Dag Joke,
Je meet altijd vanaf de opzetrand, tenzij anders aangegeven.
13.01.2025 - 20:30Vanja wrote:
När det står ”När arbetet mäter 13 cm från livet” menas det då att jag ska mäta från övre kanten eller undre kanten av resåren?
17.12.2024 - 15:03DROPS Design answered:
Hej Vanja, du måler fra øverst på kanten midt foran :)
17.12.2024 - 15:11Bella wrote:
Ich verstehe leider den Tipp zum abnehmen gar nicht :“2 M. vor der Markierung anfangen: 2 re. zusammen, 1 M. re. abheben, 1 re., die abgehobene über die gestrickte ziehen.“ Es sollen ja jeweils rechts und links der Markierung je 1 M abgenommen werden. Ich stricke also die 2 M rechts der Markierung zu einer, stricke die 1. M links nach der Markierung normal und hebe die zusammengestrickte Masche darüber? Und das selbe nochmal am Ende der Runde? Die Videos zur Abnahme halfen auch nicht.
13.12.2024 - 13:23DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bella, die 2 Maschen vor der Markierung stricken Sie rechts zusammen, und die 2 Maschen nach der Markierung stricken Sie so: 1 Masche rechts abheben, 1 Masche rechts stricken und die abgehobene über die gestrickte ziehen= so haben Sie 1 Masche beidseitig der Markierung abgenommen = es sind 2 Markierungen so wird man insgesamt 4 Maschen abnehmen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken !
16.12.2024 - 09:30Aune wrote:
Todella surkea ohje ja lanka ala-arvoista. Älkää erehtykö tekemään tällä ohjeella tai ko.langalla mitään. Laatu surkeaa.
07.12.2024 - 13:38Marianne wrote:
Hej Vedr. bukserne BM-042 Når jeg når til at skal strikke ben, skal der så ikke lukkes nogle masker af for at give mellemrum mellem benene
18.03.2024 - 07:02DROPS Design answered:
Hei Marianne. På denne modellen er det ikke mellomrom / avfelte masker mellom beina. mvh DROPS Design
02.04.2024 - 09:19Gabrielle wrote:
Me again😊 so for the decreases on the next size up, "SIZE 6/9 MONTHS: Alternately every 3rd and 4th round," does this mean: *row 1 without decrease, row 2 without decrease, row 3 with decrease, row 1 without, row 2 without, row 3 without, row 4 with, repeat from *? Thank you so much for your help!!
11.02.2024 - 02:57DROPS Design answered:
Dear Gabrielle, yes, that's correct. Happy knitting!
11.02.2024 - 23:20Gabrielle Ahlgrim wrote:
Hi! For the leg decreases, I don't fully understand "Then dec 1 st on each side of marker – READ DECREASE TIP: a total of 14-13-12 (11-10) times in SIZE 1/3 MONTHS: Alternately every other and 3rd round". Does this mean decrease on every odd row essentially?
03.01.2024 - 00:00DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Ahlgrim, in size 1/3 months, decrease as follows: *work 1 round with decrease, 1 round without decrease, 1 round with decrease, 2 rounds without decrease* and repeat from *to* until you have decrease a total of 14 times. Happy knitting!
03.01.2024 - 08:28Irene wrote:
Når jeg har lavet den sidste forhøjning, er jeg nået hele pinden rundt. Skal jeg så lave en sidste vendemaske og så strikke en hel pind vrang inden jeg fortsætter i ret på min rundpind ? Eller kan jeg bare fortsætte i retmasker ?
22.02.2023 - 10:11DROPS Design answered:
Hej Irene, hvis du er færdig med vendepinde til hver side, så kan du bare fortsætte i retmasker :)
24.02.2023 - 15:27Mari Suonpää wrote:
Pitääkö tuossa lahkeen resorissa oikeasti lisätä silmukoita?
10.05.2022 - 15:28DROPS Design answered:
Silmukat lisätään, jotta joustinneuleesta tulisi tarpeeksi joustava. Voit halutessasi jättää lisäykset tekemättä.
19.05.2022 - 17:08Mandy wrote:
Hallo, ich verstehe folgendes in der Anleitung (Bein) nicht: "Weiter auf beiden Seiten der Markierung je 1 M. abn. in folgendem Rhythmus: Grösse 1/3 MONATE: abwechslungsweise bei jeder 2. und 3. Rd." Auf was bezieht sich "gleichzeitig"? Vielen lieben Dank und liebe Grüße!
20.04.2022 - 22:10DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Mandy, nach allen Abnahmen stricken Sie bis die Arbeit ca 31 cm misst, und dann wechseln Sie zu Nadelspiel 2 und stricken 1 Runde rechts, und bei dieser Runde sollen Sie gleichmäßig verteilt 11 Maschen aufnehmen = 58 M sind jetzt auf der Nadel. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
21.04.2022 - 07:41
Cozy and Cute |
Knitted pants for baby and children in DROPS BabyMerino
DROPS Baby 21-36 |
DECREASE TIP: Beg 2 sts before marker and work as follows: K 2 tog, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. -------------------------------------------------------- PANTS: Worked in the round from the waist down. Cast on 142-150-160 (166-172) sts on circular needle size 2 mm/US 0 with off white - beg of round = mid back. Work rib K 1/P 1 until rib measures 4 cm / 1½''. Switch to circular needle size 2.5 mm / US 1or2. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME dec 16-18-22 (22-22) sts evenly = 126-132-138 (144-150) sts. ELEVATION AT THE BACK: Now work in stockinette st while at the same time working an elevation in the back as follows: Work 10-11-11 (12-12) sts from beg of round, turn piece (to avoid holes, slip first st on return and tighten the thread). Work 20-22-22 (24-24) sts and turn piece. Work 30-33-33 (36-36) sts and turn piece. Work 40-44-44 (48-48) sts and turn piece. Continue like this by working 10-11-11 (12-12) sts more on every turn 8 more times (= 12 short rows). Then continue in stockinette st in the round over all sts. INCREASES: When piece measures 13-16-17 (18-19) cm / 5 1/8"-6 1/4"-6 3/4" (7"-7½") from the waist (measured mid front), insert a marker at the beg of round and a marker after 63-66-69 (72-75) sts (marks mid front and mid back of pants). Then inc 1 st on each side of these markers (= 4 sts inc per round) on every 3rd round a total of 6 times = 150-156-162 (168-174) sts. After last inc piece measures approx. 18-21-22 (23-24) cm / 7"-8 1/4"-8 3/4" (9"-9½") from the waist (measures mid front). LEG: Work 75-78-81 (84-87) sts – beg working mid back and slip the remaining sts on a stitch holder. Work in the round on double pointed needles - insert a marker on the inside of leg = beg of round. Then dec 1 st on each side of marker – READ DECREASE TIP: a total of 14-13-12 (11-10) times in SIZE 1/3 MONTHS: Alternately every other and 3rd round, SIZE 6/9 MONTHS: Alternately every 3rd and 4th round, SIZE 12/18 MONTHS: Alternately every 4th and 5th round, SIZE 2 YEARS: Alternately every 6th and 7th round, SIZE 3/4 YEARS: Alternately every 9th and 10th round = 47-52-57 (62-67) sts. When piece measures approx. 31-37-40 (46-53) cm / 12 1/4"-14½"-15 3/4" (18"-21") from the waist, switch to double pointed needles size 2 mm/ US 0. K 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME inc 11-12-13 (16-17) sts evenly = 58-64-70 (78-84) sts. Then work rib = K 1/P 1 until pants measures 36-42-46 (52-59) cm / 14 1/4"-16½"-18" (20½"-23 1/4") from the waist (rib measures approx. 5-5-6 (6-6) cm / 2"-2"-2 3/8" (2 3/8"-2 3/8")). Loosely bind off all sts with K over K and P over P. Work the other leg the same way. |
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