Emilie wrote:
Ved forstykke: “strik indtil arbejdet måler 23 cm” er dette inkl det mønstrede stykke, altså hele bærestykket eller efter mønsterets slut?
03.01.2022 - 14:03Emilie wrote:
Hvad betyder “Strik (130) m op”? Skal disse bare slås op alm på pind, eller skal de slås op i den allerede strikkede nederdel?
20.12.2021 - 20:20DROPS Design answered:
Hej Emilie, De skal strikkes op i den strikkede nederdel :)
21.12.2021 - 08:09Michela wrote:
Buongiorno. Lo sprone è lavorato tutto in due capi alpaca, anche il motivo centrale? Dei colori grigio chiaro, verde e panna però, seguendo le indicazioni del modello, ho acquistato solo 50 g a colore e quindi ho solo 1 gomitolo per colore: se lo uso in due capi, basterà? Il colore Fabel (3 gomitoli da 50 g) l'ho finito per la gonna e non ne ho più per il bordo dello scollo! Le quantità di lana sono corrette? Sto lavorando una misura M. Grazie per la risposta. Cordiali saluti
24.02.2021 - 22:24DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Michela, le istruzioni sono corrette: il suo campione corrisponde a quello indicato? Buon lavoro!
25.02.2021 - 20:06Solveig wrote:
Hvordan finder jeg ud af, hvilken str kjolen skal strikkes i? Jeg synes ikke, jeg kan se en guide?
21.11.2020 - 11:08DROPS Design answered:
Hej solveig, således læser du måleskitsen nederst i opskrifter for at vælge størrelse: Således læser du måleskitsen
23.11.2020 - 15:42Elin Sandane wrote:
Sett 1 merke i arb (= midt foran). Strikk videre på samme måte til det er strikket like mange pinner på hver side av merke midt foran. Arb måler nå totalt 72-80-88-96-104 cm øverst og 108-120-132-144-156 cm nederst, fell svært løst av. Jeg forstår ikke helt hva jeg skal gjøre her, kan du hjelpe meg?
04.12.2018 - 17:39DROPS Design answered:
Hei Elin. Når arbeidet måler 36-40-44-48-52 cm i den ene siden og 54-60-66-72-78 cm i den andre siden har du strikket halve skjørtet. Du setter et merke i arbeidet her, som markerer midt foran. Så fortsetter du med forkortede pinner som før til du har strikket like langt som før du satte merket. Altså du strikker til arbeidet måler totalt 72-80-88-96-104 cm øverst og 108-120-132-144-156 cm nederst. Så feller du av og syr sammen oppleggskanten og avfellingskanten (= midt bak). God fornøyelse.
05.12.2018 - 08:09Jozefien De Bruijn wrote:
Ik had mijn vraag bij de opmerkingen geplaatst, dus even opnieuw: Model 140-30 heb ik al gemaakt, superfijn om te dragen, en wil nu dit model gaan breien. Echter met een enkele draad Fabel. De maat van de naalden en het aantal steken zal verschillen. Kan ik alles simpelweg met twee vermenigvuldigen ? Of hoe zou ik dat anders moeten aanpassen ?
08.11.2017 - 10:53DROPS Design answered:
Hallo Jozefien, Het beste is om eerst een proeflapje te maken en op basis van de stekenverhouding die daar uit komt, uit te rekenen hoeveel je op moet zetten, hoeveel je moet meerderen/minderen etc. Je kunt niet zomaar alles keer 2 doen, maar je moet het even opnieuw uitrekenen.
09.11.2017 - 10:05Jozefien De Bruijn wrote:
De jurk nr 140-30 heb ik al gemaakt, echt superfijn om te dragen ! Nu zou ik dit model ook willen maken, maar dan van een enkele draad Fabel. Het aantal steken en de maat van de naald zullen anders zijn dan in de beschrijving. Kan ik alles gewoon met twee vermenigvuldigen ? Of hoe moet ik dat anders berekenen ?
08.11.2017 - 10:48LAPALUS wrote:
Très beau modèle - taille parfaitement. J'ai pris T.M pour un 38 merci pour vos explications gratuites Christiane
13.02.2016 - 17:49Anu wrote:
Thank you .Checked for an update on my question as soon as I came back from work.For a newbie to short rows this explanation was easy to understand .I am off to a flying start!!!.
22.06.2015 - 16:46Anu wrote:
Thx for your reply ,but am still confused on short rows - work on 25 st ,turn ,tighten thread and knit on the same 25 sts again( this is a short row). then work on 50sts,turn,tighten and work on the same 50 sts again(short row) .My quesstion - I have CO 75 st - but have worked on 50 sts only .So,once the short rows are done I will knit on all 75 sts? What happens to the remaning 25 sts
21.06.2015 - 12:18DROPS Design answered:
Dear Anu, repeat the short rows from *-* as in pattern: *2 rows garter st on 25 sts only, 4 rows garter st on all sts (= 75 sts), 2 rows garter st on 50 sts only, 4 rows garter st on all sts (=75 sts)*, repeat from *-*. I.e. 1 repeat = 12 rows at bottom (= beg on rows from RS) and 8 rows at top. Happy knitting!
22.06.2015 - 10:34
Stella Alpina |
DROPS dress in ”Alpaca” and ”Fabel” with star pattern border. Size S - XXL.
DROPS 110-3 |
Measurement tip: Measure piece when lying flat. Garter st, back and forth on needle: K all rows. Garter st, in the round: K 1 round, P 1 round. Shortened rows: To shape the skirt work shortened rows as follows: 2 rows garter st on all sts, * 1 row garter st on 25 sts only, turn piece, tighten thread and work return row, 4 rows garter st on all sts, 1 row garter st on 50 sts only, turn piece, tighten thread and work return row, 4 rows garter st on all sts *, repeat from *-*. I.e. 1 repeat = 12 rows at bottom and 8 rows at top. Pattern: See diagram M.1, the entire pattern is worked in stockinette st with 2 threads Alpaca. SKIRT Worked from side to side in garter st from mid back to mid back. Worked back and forth on circular needle. Loosely cast on 75 sts (for all sizes) on circular needle size 6 mm [US 10] with 1 thread Fabel and 1 thread dark gray Alpaca. Insert 1 Marking Thread (MT) after 25 sts and 1 MT after 50 sts and let the MT follow the piece as you go along. Work garter st with shortened rows – see above. Continue like this until piece measures 36-40-44-48-52 cm [14 ¼"-15¾"-17¼"-19"-20½"] at the top, piece measures approx 54-60-66-72-78 cm [21¼"-23⅝"-26"-28⅜"-30¾"] at the other side towards the bottom edge – see Measurement tip! Insert 1 MT in piece (= mid front) and continue as before until piece on this side of MT = piece on the other side of MT. Piece now measures 72-80-88-96-104 cm [28⅜"-31½"-34⅝"-37¾"-41"] at the top and 108-120-132-144-156 cm [47¼"-52"-56½"-61¼"] along bottom edge. Bind off very loosely. Sew skirt tog mid back, edge to edge from RS to avoid a chunky seam. Yoke: Worked in 2 threads Alpaca. Pick up 130-144-158-172-188 sts with dark gray Alpaca on circular needle size 4.5 mm [US 7] along the top of skirt - make sure the skirt seam sits mid back, beg picking up sts at one side and continue all the way round! Now measure piece from here! P 1 round, 2 rows garter st with gray and 2 rows garter st with light gray/green. Change to off-white, K 1 round, at the same time inc evenly to 144-162-180-198-216 sts. Insert 1 MT each side as follows: Size S: Insert MT in middle of st at side so that there are 71 sts on front and back piece + 1 st each side. Size M: Insert MT between 2 sts at side so that there are 81 sts on front and back piece. Size L: Insert MT in middle of st at side so that there are 89 sts on front and back piece + 1 st each side. Size XL: Insert MT between 2 sts at side so that there are 99 sts on front and back piece. Size XXL: Insert MT in middle of st at side so that there are 107 sts on front and back piece + 1 st each side. All sizes: Work M.1 – make sure that st marked with an arrow sits mid front. After M.1 work 2 rows garter st with light gray/green, 2 rows garter st with gray and 2 rows garter st in dark gray. Continue in stockinette st and dark gray. When yoke measures 10-10-11-11-12 cm [4"-4"-4⅜"-4⅜"-4¾"] bind off 5-6-7-8-9 sts each side for armhole = 67-75-83-91-99 sts on front and back piece. Now complete each piece separately. Front piece: = 67-75-83-91-99 sts. Continue in stockinette st, at the same time bind off to shape the armhole each side at the beg of every row: 3 sts 0-0-1-1-1 time, 2 sts 0-1-1-2-3 rimes and 1 st 2-3-3-4-5 times = 63-65-67-69-71 sts. When piece measures 22-23-24-25-27 cm [8¾"-9"-9½"-9¾"-10⅝"] slip the middle 15-17-17-19-19 sts on a stitch holder for neck and complete each shoulder separately. Bind off to shape the neckline at the beg of every row towards mid front: 3 sts 1 time, 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 3 times = 16-16-17-17-18 sts left on each shoulder. Bind off when piece measures 29-30-32-33-35 cm [11⅜"-11¾"-12½"-13"-13¾"]. The whole dress now measures approx 83-84-86-87-89 cm [32¾"-33"-33⅞"-34¼"-35"] . Back piece: = 67-75-83-91-99 sts. Bind off for armhole as described for front piece = 63-65-67-69-71 sts. When piece measures 27-28-30-31-33 cm [10⅝"-11"-11¾"-12¼"-13"], bind off the middle 27-29-29-31-31 sts for neck and complete each shoulder separately. On next row bind off 2 sts on neckline = 16-16-17-17-18 sts left on each shoulder. Bind off when piece measures 29-30-32-33-35 cm [11⅜"-11¾"-12½"-13"-13¾"]. Sleeves: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 40-42-44-46-48 sts on needle size 4.5 mm [US 7] with 2 threads dark gray Alpaca. Work 6 rounds garter st and continue in stockinette st. At the same time when piece measures 10 cm [4"] inc 2 sts mid under arm on every 3.5-3.5-3-2.5-2 cm [1¼"-1¼"-1⅛"-⅞"-¾"] a total of 11-11-12-14-16 times = 62-64-68-74-80 sts. When piece measures 49-48-47-46-45 cm [19¼"-19"-18½"-18"-17¾"] (less on larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap) bind off 6 sts mid under arm for armhole and complete piece back and forth on needle. Bind off to shape the armhole each side at the beg of every row: 2 sts 3 times, 1 st 2-3-4-5-6 times, and then 2 sts each side until piece measures 56 cm [22"], now bind off 3 sts each side 1 time and bind off remaining sts. Sleeve measures approx 57 cm [22½"]. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Neckline: Pick up approx 75 to 85 sts (includes sts on stitch holder mid front) on small circular needle size 4.5 mm [US 7] with 1 thread dark gray Alpaca + 1 thread Fabel. P 1 round, K 1 round, P 1 round and bind off in K sts. Set in sleeves. |
Diagram explanations |
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