Sofia wrote:
Hej! Jag har precis stickat klart luvan och ska börja på halsduken. Jag har svårt att förstå hur man ska sticka samman luvan med halsduken. Är det någon som skulle kunna förklara lite mer? Står det fel när det står ”1 maska i rätstickning, 1 maska rätmaska”? Och ska man sticka ihop två maskor från de 50 luvmaskorna eller en maska från halsduksdelen och en från luvan? Tack för svar
17.01.2025 - 12:53Lucy Wright wrote:
Please can explain again how you do pearl rib, I don’t understand knit 2, 1 garter stitch. Many thanks
16.01.2025 - 22:41DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Wright, sure the 2 stitches you knit from RS will be purled from WS and the 1 stitch in garter stitch will be knitted both from right side and from wrong side. Happy knitting!
17.01.2025 - 08:43Person wrote:
Anyone who actually read the whole pattern can see the explanation for knitting the hood stitches two by two... Its literally the next paragraph....
16.01.2025 - 02:46Eldy wrote:
This pattern is very strangely worded and too difficult to follow. I’m an experienced knitter- but I think this might make more sense in an original language. I’m off to ravelry to find an alternative. Shame, because it looks lovely - and I ordered the wool to make it.
15.01.2025 - 21:29Kelly wrote:
I do not understand this part of the scarf construction: Stitches are cast-on for the scarf, AT THE SAME TIME as stitches are knitted together 2 and 2 from the hood. What does this mean? Do I cast on a stitch then pick up one of the stitches from the hood so they alternate? What stitches are knitted together and what does 2 and 2 mean? It would be great to see a diagram or picture of that the scarf looks like flat.
15.01.2025 - 21:16DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kelly, you cast on 30 new stitches for back part of scarf and you will work the last stitch on scarf together with the next 2 sts on hood (stitches from the thread, on the right side of hood) on every row from RS until the 47-50 sts on the thread have been all worked - so that the scarf is knitted to the bottom of hood. A chart will be added soon. Happy knitting!
16.01.2025 - 10:03Peslier wrote:
Bonjour. Pouvez vous m\'expliquer avec un dessin là construction de l\'écharpe. Je ne comprends pas quand vous dites on tricote ensemble les mailles 2par 2.merci.
14.01.2025 - 14:20DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Peslier, lorsque la capuche est faite, on tricote l'écharpe en 2 parties, à partir du milieu dos, en commençant par le côté droit: on monte 30 m et on tricote en diminuant la dernière maille de l'écharpe avec la maille en attente de la capuche (à partir du milieu de la capuche) en fin de rang sur l'endroit, tous les rangs (= tous les 2 rangs). Quand les mailles de la capuche sont tricotées, on termine l'écharpe en diminuant. Puis on fait le côté gauche en diminuant en début de rang sur l'endroit les mailles de la capuche avec la 1ère maille de l'écharpe. Les 30 mailles des 2 côtés sont ensuite assemblés entre elles (milieu dos). Bon tricot!
15.01.2025 - 07:51Sofia Kar wrote:
Does the start of the pattern ( mid-front of hood) not have an icord edge? just a normal cast on and then the sides have an icord edge?
13.01.2025 - 18:01DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Kar, the I-cord edge will be worked later, pattern start with normal cast on edge on mide front. Happy knitting!
14.01.2025 - 10:10Eva Torkildsen wrote:
Hvad er perlerib?
13.01.2025 - 11:10DROPS Design answered:
Hej Eva, det er som rib, med 2 masker i glatstrik og 1 maske som strikkes ret på hver pind :)
14.01.2025 - 12:02Bleue wrote:
As in the instructions, it's been told that we should use two types of yarn, A and B type together. Instead of this, can we use C or D type yarn only?
13.01.2025 - 00:25DROPS Design answered:
Dear Bleue, you could use 1 strand yarn group C instead - just make sure you get correct tension in both width and height. Happy knitting!
13.01.2025 - 10:30Odaiba wrote:
I'm sorry I'm still not entirely sure. For example, can you please help me rephrase this instruction? "You now knit up stitches along both sides, inside the 1 garter stitch." What does inside the 1 garter stitch mean?
12.01.2025 - 21:59DROPS Design answered:
Dear Odaiba, as you can see in the initial instructions for Rows 1 and 2 you start and end each row with 1 stitch in garter stitch; these are the edge stitches. Then, when you have to knit up stitches, you need to pick up and knit these edge stitches (the 1 stitch in garter stitch at each side of the row). You pick up the stitches right at the edge of the row. You can see an example in the following video: Happy knitting!
12.01.2025 - 22:11
Winter Hug Hood |
Knitted hooded scarf in DROPS Daisy and DROPS Kid-Silk. The piece is worked with pearl rib and I-cord. Sizes S - XL.
DROPS 253-61 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows, from both the right and wrong side. 1 ridge in height = knit 2 rows. I-CORD BIND OFF: Cast on 2 stitches on the right needle, slip these 2 stitches onto the left needle with the strand 2 stitches in on the left needle, * knit 1, knit the next 2 stitches twisted together, slip the 2 stitches from the right needle back onto the left needle *, work from *-* until there are 2 stitches left on the row. I-CORD EDGE STITCHES (= 2 stitches): BEGINNING OF ROW: Slip 1 stitch purl-wise with strand in front, knit 1. END OF ROW: Work until there are 2 stitches left on the row, slip 1 stitch purl-wise with strand in front, knit 1. Work like this from both the right and wrong side. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- HOODED SCARF - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The hood is worked back and forth with circular needle, from mid-front and backwards. Stitches are picked up on each side and the piece is continued downwards. When the hood is finished the stitches are placed on a stitch holder. An edge is knitted up around the face-opening which is bind off with I-cord. Stitches are cast on for the scarf, starting mid-back. These stitches are worked together with the stitches from the hood. When all stitches are knitted up on one side from mid-back (half the hood), one side of the scarf is finished back and forth. This is then repeated on the other side. The scarf is sewn together mid-back to finish. HOOD: Cast on 22-28 stitches with circular needle size 5 MM = US 8, 1 strand DROPS Daisy and 1 strand DROPS Kid-Silk (2 strands). Cast-on edge = mid-front of hood. Work back and forth as follows: ROW 1 (right side): 1 GARTER STITCH – read description above, work pearl rib (knit 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row. ROW 2 (wrong side): 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row. Work ROWS 1 and 2 for 19-19 cm = 7½"-7½", with the last row from the wrong side. Cut the strand; this piece is top front of hood. You now knit up stitches along both sides, inside the 1 garter stitch: From the right side, start from the corner by the cast-on edge and knit up 36-36 stitches along one side (left side of piece), work across the 22-28 stitches with pearl rib as before (back of hood), knit up 36-36 stitches along the other side (right side of piece) = 94-100 stitches. Further measurements are taken from this knitted-up row. ROW 1 (wrong side): 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row. ROW 2 (right side): 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (knit 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row Work ROWS 1 and 2 until the piece measures 20-21 cm = 8"-8¼" from the knitted-up row. Cut the strand; the hood is finished. Place the first 47-50 stitches on a stitch holder and the last 47-50 stitches on a second stitch holder (divided mid-back). The stitches are for each scarf-length. Now work an I-cord edge around the hood as follows: I-CORD EDGE: Start bottom right of hood (when worn), knit up 34-36 stitches inside the 1 garter stitch as far as the knitted up row, 20-24 stitches along the cast-on edge mid-front and 34-36 stitches down the left side of the hood = 88-96 stitches around the opening. Cut the strand. Start bottom right and work I-CORD BIND OFF – read description above. Place the remaining 2 stitches on the stitch holder together with the 47-50 stitches on the left side of the hood = 49-52 stitches for left scarf. Pick up 2 stitches where 2 stitches were cast on for the I-cord edge on the opposite side, place these 2 stitches on the stitch holder with the 47-50 stitches on the right side of the hood = 49-52 stitches for right scarf. RIGHT SCARF: Stitches are cast-on for the scarf, AT THE SAME TIME as stitches are knitted together 2 and 2 from the hood. Start with the stitches at the division mid-back and work together with the right side of the hood as follows. Cast on 30-30 stitches with 1 strand of each quality (2 strands) – this is the cast-on edge that will be sewn afterwards to left part of scarf = mid back. ROW 1 (right side): Work 2 I-CORD EDGE STITCHES – read description above, knit 1, work pearl rib (1 garter stitch, knit 2) until there are 3 stitches left, 1 garter stitch, knit 1, slip 1 stitch knit-wise (= last stitch), knit 2 stitches together from the hood, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted together stitches from the hood = 30-30 stitches. ROW 2 (wrong side): Work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) until there are 3 stitches left, purl 1, 2 I-cord edge stitches. Work ROWS 1 and 2 until the first 46-50 stitches from the hood are picked up (= 46-50 rows worked). There are 3-2 stitches left on the stitch holder (including the 2 stitches picked up in I-cord). Work as follows from the right side: 2 I-cord edge stitches, knit 1, 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (knit 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row, knit 1-2 stitches from the stitch holder, knit together 2 and 2 the last stitches 1-0 time = 32-32 stitches. Work as follows from the wrong side: 2 I-cord edge stitches, purl 2 together, 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) until there are 3 stitches left, purl 1, 2 I-cord edge stitches = 31-31 stitches. Work 8 rows of pearl rib as before, with 2 I-cord edge stitches + 1 stockinette stitch on each side. On the next row (right side) decrease 1 stitch as follows: Work as before until there are 4 stitches left, knit 2 together, 2 I-cord edge stitches. Continue as before back and forth decreasing like this every 8th row (approx. each 3 cm = 1⅛") until there are 7-7 stitches left. Bind off at the same time as the first and last 2 stitches on the row are knitted together. The scarf measures approx. 96-98 cm = 37¾"-38½" from the cast-on edge mid-back. LEFT SCARF: Work in the same way as the right scarf, working along the left side of the hood at the same time as 2 and 2 stitches from the hood are worked together with the first stitch on the row as follows: Cast on 30-30 stitches with 1 strand of each quality (2 strands). ROW 1 (wrong side): Work 2 I-cord edge stitches, purl 1, 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) until there are 2 stitches left, purl 2. ROW 2 (right side): Place 2 stitches from the stitch holder on the left needle, knit 3 together (2 stitches from stitch holder + 1 stitch from scarf), knit 1, work pearl rib (1 garter stitch, knit 2) until there are 4 stitches left, 1 garter stitch, knit 1, 2 I-cord edge stitches = 30-30 stitches. Work ROWS 1 and 2 until the first 46-50 stitches from the hood are picked up (= 46-50 rows worked). There are 3-2 stitches left on the stitch holder (including the 2 stitches from the I-cord bind off). Work as follows from the wrong side: 2 I-cord edge stitches, purl 1, 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (purl 2, 1 garter stitch) to end of row, purl 1-2 stitches from the stitch holder, purl together 2 and 2 the last stitches 1-0 time = 32-32 stitches. Work as follows from the right side: 2 I-cord edge stitches, slip 1 stitch knit-wise, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, 1 garter stitch, work pearl rib (knit 2, 1 garter stitch) until there are 3 stitches left on the row, knit 1, 2 I-cord edge stitches = 31-31 stitches. Work 7 rows of pearl rib as before, with 2 I-cord edge stitches + 1 stockinette stitch on each side. On the next row (right side) decrease 1 stitch as follows: 2 I-cord edge stitches, slip 1 stitch knit-wise, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch, work to end of row. Continue as before back and forth decreasing like this every 8th row (approx. each 3 cm = 1⅛") until there are 7-7 stitches left. Bind off at the same time as the first and last 2 stitches are knitted together. The scarf measures approx. 96-98 cm = 37¾"-38½" from the cast-on edge mid-back. ASSEMBLY: Sew the cast-on edge of right and left sides of the scarf together mid-back with grafting stitches. |
Diagram explanations |
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