Sam wrote:
I’ve done the lace at the top and it’s great but i’m stuck on the last round of A1. I’m increasing 6 stitches in total to give me 222. 222 is not divisible by 4 so do I put 6 stitches in some holes of the previous round, when increasing by 2? and 5 in the areas i need to increase by 1? Thanks so much
24.01.2025 - 23:27DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sam, the charts don't include the increases so you have the initial 216 stitches with 4 stitches in each chain space and then increase in some of the spaces to have 5 stitches in them. So spread the 6 stitches evenly . Since you should have 54 chain spaces you can spread them to work 5 stitches instead of 4 in every 9th chain space. Happy crochetting!
25.01.2025 - 23:18
Sam wrote:
Hi all, I don’t suppose any one has the A1-3 diagrams written down as words? i’m struggling so much with them 😫. I’ve done a lot of crocheting but never using diagrams! Thank you!
23.01.2025 - 09:51DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sam, you have these videos, where you can see how A.1 and A.2 are worked: and how to turn the chain stitch ring in the charts: You can also check the following lesson on how to interpret our crochet charts: Finally, you can ask us any specific questions that may arise when reading or working the charts. Happy crochetting!
25.01.2025 - 20:07
Sam wrote:
Hi everyone, just wondering what the sizing is like please im an 8 so not sure which to go with! Thanks
14.01.2025 - 09:08DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sam, measure a similar garment you have and like the shape and compare these measurements to the chart, this is the best way to find the appropriate size. Read more here. Happy knitting!
14.01.2025 - 10:39
Berta wrote:
Lehetne egy részletesebb leírást, videót kapni a ruha elkészítéséről? Főleg az első sorok okoznak problémát. S méretben készíteném . K
26.11.2024 - 02:31DROPS Design answered:
Kedves Berta, sajnos nem áll módunkban a mintát átírni. Minden vonatkozó videót megtalál a "videók" fül alatt. Ha konkrét kérdése van tegye fel itt, vagy a Facebookon a Magyar DROPS csoportban magyar kötőstársaival együtt szívesen segítünk. Sikeres kézimunkázást!
16.01.2025 - 01:14
Jana Staňková wrote:
Omlouvám se, ale nerozumím začátku 2.-3. řadě pak asi pokračuje návod schématem. Ráda bych si šaty uháčkovala ve velikosti L. A druhá otázka jaký je rozdíl mezi vzorem a schématem? Děkuji moc
06.08.2024 - 16:04
Cécile wrote:
Bonjour, pour A3 j'ai bien placé les fils marqueurs mais je ne sais pas comment les faire suivre sur les tours suivants vu que le nombre de mailles change à chaque tour, pouvez-vous m'aider ? Merci
16.07.2024 - 20:58DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Cécile, faites simplement suivre les marqueurs comme avant - augmentez à intervalles réguliers sans vous préoccuper des marqueurs, lors de la 1ère augmentation, par la suite, vous augmenterez à chaque marqueur, mais au début, tant que les augmentations sont faites à intervalles réguliers, vos marqueurs peuvent rester en place. Bon crochet!
29.07.2024 - 10:22
Krista Danckaerts wrote:
Hallo Als ik de meerderingen van de laatste rij op A.1 uitschrijf kom ik bij andere totalen uit. Ontbreekt er geen meerdering bij de mouw? In geval van maat M: (29+0) + (4+4) + (42 + ???) + (4+4) + (58+0) + (4+4) + (42+1) + ( 4+4) + (29 + 0) Patroon zegt 234 stokjes maar ik kom op 233 uit. Algemeen zegt het patroon: 222-234-246-252-258-258 Mijn berekening: 222-233-245-250-257-257 Enkel de telling voor maat S klopt. Graag jullie hulp! Dankjewel, Krista
05.06.2024 - 13:04DROPS Design answered:
Dag Krista,
Het lijkt inderdaad niet helemaal te kloppen. Waar je vraagtekens hebt gezet in je bericht moet je 1 steek meerderen in jouw maat. Dan zou het precies uit moeten komen.
05.06.2024 - 20:23
Wanda F wrote:
Why does the schematic only have two measurements for the neck when there are 3 different amounts for the starting chain?
19.05.2024 - 22:13DROPS Design answered:
Dear Wanda, 20-26cm is not an exact measurement; it means that the neck edge should measure between 20 and 26cm for all sizes. Happy crochetting!
20.05.2024 - 00:36
Jitka Stejskalová wrote:
Moc Vám děkuji a přeji krásné dny.
07.05.2024 - 07:01
Jitka Stejskalová wrote:
Dobrý den, nechystá se video na tito nádherné šaty. Děkuji moc za odpověď.
06.05.2024 - 13:10DROPS Design answered:
Dobrý den, Jitko, pár video-ukázek už k těmto šatům a použitému vzorku máme - koukněte prosím na záložku VIDEA pod nadpisem ;-) Příjemné háčkování! Hana
06.05.2024 - 16:36
Grace in Lace |
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Dress crochet from the top down with round yoke, lace pattern and short sleeves in DROPS Safran. Size: S - XXXL
DROPS 175-30 |
LACE PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.3. A.2 shows how round begins and ends when working A.1 (A.2 is an addition to A.1, i.e A.2 replaces 1st stitch). CROCHET INFO: Begin every round with double crochets with 3 chain stitches ,finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round. Begin every round with single crochet with 1 chain stitch, finish round with 1 slip stitch in 1st chain stitch at beginning of round. 2nd and 5th round in A.3 begins with 3 chain stitches, finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round. PATTERN-1 (applies to body): Work A.3. When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, work 5-6-8-9-10-11 rounds with 1 double crochet crochet in every double crochet crochet, then work A.3 one more time. INCREASE/DECREASE TIP: To calculate how to increase/decrease evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 258 stitches) and divide stitches by number of increases/decreases to be done (e.g. 15) = 17.2. In this example increase after approx. every 17th stitch. If decrease, crochet approx. every 16th and 17th stitch together. INCREASE TIP-1: Increase 1 double crochet crochet by working 2 double crochets in same stitch. INCREASE TIP-2: Work until 2 double crochets/chain stitches remain before marker thread, work 2 double crochets in/around next double crochet crochet/chain stitch (= 1 double crochet crochet increased), work 1 double crochet crochet in/around each of the next 2 double crochet crochet/chain stitches, marker thread is in the middle of these double crochets/chain stitches, work 2 double crochets in/around next double crochet crochet/chain stitch (= 1 double crochet crochet increased). Repeat increase at every marker thread. DECREASE TIP: Decrease 1 double crochet crochet by working the next 2 double crochets together as follows: Work 1 double crochet crochet but wait with last pull through (= 2 loops on hook), then work next double crochet crochet but on last pull through, pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook. ---------------------------------------------------------- DRESS: Worked in the round from mid back, top down. YOKE: Work 146-146-155-155-163-163 chain stitches on hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 with Safran and form a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch. Work first round as follows: Work 3 chain stitches - READ CROCHET INFO, 1 double crochet crochet in each of the next 5-5-0-0-1-1 chain stitch, * skip 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet crochet in each of the next 6 chain stitches *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 126-126-133-133-140-140 double crochets (including 3 chain stitches from the beginning of round). Then work A.1 in the round (= 18-18-19-19-20-20 repetitions of 7 stitches - A.2 shows how every round in A.1 begins and ends and comes in addition to A.1). REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! On last round in A.1 insert 8 marker threads and crochet as follows: Work as shown in diagram and increase as explained below – READ INCREASE-TIP 1: Work 29-29-31-31-33-33 double crochets and increase 0-0-0-1-0-0 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread in piece, work 4 double crochets and increase 2-4-4-4-4-4 double crochets evenly (= right back piece), insert 1 marker thread, work 42-42-44-44-46-46 double crochets and increase 0-1-1-2-1-1 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread, work 4 double crochets and increase 2-4-4-4-4-4 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread (= sleeve), work 58-58-62-62-66-66 double crochets and increase 0-0-0-2-0-0 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread, work 4 double crochets and increase 1-4-4-4-4-4 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread (= front piece), work 42-42-44-44-46-46 double crochets and increase 0-1-1-2-1-1 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread, work 4 double crochets and increase 1-4-4-4-4-4 double crochets evenly, insert 1 marker thread (= sleeve), work 29-29-31-31-33-33 double crochets and increase 0-0-0-1-0-0 double crochets evenly(= left back piece) = 222-234-246-252-258-258 double crochets on round. Piece measures approx. 9 cm / 3½". Work 0-0-0-0-2-2 rounds with 1 double crochet crochet in every double crochet crochet and increase 0-0-0-0-12-15 double crochets evenly on each of the rounds – READ INCREASE/DECREASE TIP (= 0-0-0-0-24-30 double crochets in total) = 222-234-246-252-282-288 double crochets. Move marker threads upwards when working. Repeat A.3 37-39-41-42-47-48 times in total in width. On 2nd round (i.e. round with double crochets) increase at every marker thread – READ INCREASE TIP-2 and increase 2-8-8-8-8-8 double crochets evenly on round (= 2 double crochets increased at every marker thread and 2-8-8-8-8-8 double crochets increase evenly = 18-24-24-24-24-24 double crochets increased on round) = 240-258-270-276-306-312 double crochets. Now repeat A.3 40-43-45-46-51-52 times in width. Repeat increase on last round in A.3 (i.e. 2 double crochets increased at every marker thread and 2-8-8-8-8-8 double crochets increased evenly = 18-24-24-24-24-24 double crochets increased in total on round) = 258-282-294-300-330-336 double crochets. * Work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet crochet in every double crochet crochet. Work 1 round double crochets and increase 18-18-16-17-24-26 double crochets evenly *, repeat from *-* 1-1-2-3-2-3 times in total = 276-300-326-351-378-414 double crochets. Work 0-1-1-0-1-0 rounds double crochets with 1 double crochet crochet in every double crochet crochet. Piece measures approx. 17-18-19-20-21-22 cm / 6¾"-7"-7½"-8"-8¼"-8¾". On next round work as follows: Work 1 double crochet crochet in each of the first 39-43-47-51-57-64 double crochets (= half back piece), work 8 chain stitches, skip 60-64-69-73-75-79 double crochets from previous round (= sleeve), 1 double crochet crochet in each of the next 78-86-94-103-114-128 double crochets (= front piece), 8 chain stitches, skip 60-64-69-73-75-79 double crochets from previous round (= sleeve), 1 double crochet crochet in each of the last 39-43-47-51-57-64 double crochets (= half back piece) = 172-188-204-221-244-272 double crochets/chain stitches on round. Finish body and sleeves separately. BODY: Insert 1 marker on round – NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE. Work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet crochet in every double crochet crochet/chain stitch. Work 1 round more with 1 double crochet in every double crochet and decrease AT THE SAME TIME 4-2-0-5-4-2 double crochets evenly – READ INCREASE/DECREASE TIP and DECREASE TIP = 168-186-204-216-240-270 double crochets. Now work PATTERN-1 - see explanation above. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 9-10-11-12-13-14 cm / 3½"-4"-4⅜"-4¾"-5⅛"-5½", adjust so that next round is a round with double crochets, decrease 6-12-12-6-6-6 double crochets evenly = 162-174-192-210-234-264 double crochets. Continue pattern-1. When piece measures 19-20-21-22-23-24 cm / 7½"-8"-8¼"-8¾"-9"-9½", increase 6 double crochets evenly - READ INCREASE/DECREASE TIP AND INCREASE TIP-1. Increase like this every 3rd round 12-12-12-12-14-14 times in total = 234-246-264-282-318-348 double crochets. When piece measures 49-51-53-55-57-59 cm / 19¼"-20"-21"-21⅝"-22½"-23¼" from marker (entire dress measures approx. 71-74-77-80-83-86 cm / 28"-29⅛"-30⅜"-31½"-32¾"-33⅞"), work A.3 in the round. When A.3 has been worked, work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet in every double crochet. Then work 1 round single crochet with 1 single crochet in every double crochet. Fasten off. Dress measures approx. 76-79-82-85-88-91 cm / 30"-31"-32¼"-33½"-34⅝"-35¾" from shoulder and down. SLEEVE: Sleeve is worked in the round, top down. Beg by working mid under sleeve as follows: Work 1 single crochet in the 5th chain stitch of the 8 chain stitches worked in armhole on body, work 3 chain stitches, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 chain stitches, work 1 double crochet in every double crochet over sleeve, work 1 double crochet in each of the remaining chain stitches under sleeve = 68-72-77-81-83-87 double crochets on round. Insert 1 marker mid under sleeve – NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE. SIZE S + M: Work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet in every double crochet and decrease AT THE SAME TIME 2-0 double crochets evenly = 66-72 double crochets. SIZE L + XL + XXL + XXXL: Work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet in every double crochet and increase AT THE SAME TIME 1-3-1-3 double crochets evenly = 78-84-84-90 double crochets. ALL SIZES: = 66-72-78-84-84-90 double crochets. Work double crochets in the round with 1 double crochet in every double crochet until piece measures approx. 3 cm / 1" from marker in all sizes. Now work A.3 in the round. When A.3 has been worked, work 1 round double crochets with 1 double crochet in every double crochet. Then work 1 round single crochet with 1 single crochet in every double crochet. Fasten off. Work the other sleeve the same way. NECK EDGE: Worked back and forth from mid back - NOTE: Work in the chain stitches where double crochets were worked, but do not work in the chain stitches skipped = 126-126-133-133-140-140 double crochets). Work 1 single crochet in each of the first 16-16-18-18-20-20 stitches, * 1 half double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 treble crochet in each of the next 19 stitches, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 half double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches *, 1 single crochet in each of the next 32-32-35-35-38-38 stitches, repeat from *-* 1 time and then work 1 single crochet in each of the last 16-16-18-18-20-20 stitches. Work next round as follows: Work 1 single crochet in each of the first 20-20-22-22-24-24 stitches, ** 1 half double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, * work the next 2 treble crochets together *, repeat from *-* 5 more times, 1 double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 half double crochet in each of the next 3 stitches **, 1 single crochet in each of the next 38-38-41-41-44-44 stitches, repeat from **-** 1 more times and finish with 1 single crochet in each of the last 20-20-22-22-24-24 stitches = 114-114-121-121-128-128 stitches. Work 1 round with 1 single crochet in every stitch. Fasten off. |
Diagram explanations |
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