Shirley wrote:
How do I make the knitting patterns into a pdf file so I can save it in Knit Companion. A folder where I keep my knitting patterns.
23.10.2020 - 22:51DROPS Design answered:
Dear Shirley, just below the pattern, there is a small printer icon. Click on the roll down menue, select print tthis pattern, and yo go from there. At the print-page select "save as pdf". Happy Knitting!
24.10.2020 - 03:42Debbie wrote:
I had to shrink this twice to get the right size. I would much have preferred the result on the first shrinkage. It would have taken less wool as well.
27.12.2019 - 01:46Daniel wrote:
The toes in the video are MUCH shorter than the one on the photo
23.12.2019 - 14:48DROPS Design answered:
Dear Daniel, In the videos we usually use different yarns, and / or different stitch / row numbers. They are only to show you the principles of how to do things, not a step by step video on how to do each pieces from the beginning to the end. Happy Crafting!
24.12.2019 - 17:47Doris Klein wrote:
Die Pantoffeln sind wunderschön geworden. Und dank der exakten Anleitung sehr leicht zu stricken. Toll!
18.10.2016 - 13:10Marion Bouthoorn wrote:
Zou graag willen weten vanaf welk punt jullie elke keer de behaalde cm meten?
09.07.2016 - 18:42DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Marion. Vanaf de opzetnaald tenzij anders wordt vermeld in het patroon.
11.07.2016 - 13:49Marion Bouthoorn wrote:
Als ik na 6 cm, met 25 steken aan de verkorte toeren ga beginnen, wat doe ik dan met de overige 14 steken?
27.06.2016 - 22:15DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Marion. Je breit een keer heen en weer over de eerste 25 st, daarna ga je verder over alle st.
29.06.2016 - 12:47EmmaLee wrote:
I made a pair of these for my daughter and she loved them
06.02.2016 - 15:14Mme Janvier T wrote:
Car je ne vois pas combien de mailles il faut que je fasse sur mes rangs raccourci (je suis débutante et ne comprend pas encore très bien les tutoriels). je suppose qu'a 14 cm il me faut 21m raccourcie, qu'a 22 il m'en faut 18 mais je ne vois pas combien il en faut à 30cm. je ne sais pas si je me suis bien exprimer. et entre mes rangs raccourcie, dois je tricoté la totalité de mes mailles c'est a dire les 33? merci de l'aide que vous m'apporterez
01.11.2015 - 11:32DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Janvier, à 14, 22 et 30 cm, tricotez les rangs raccourcis comme vous avez fait à 6 cm: tricotez 21 m, tournez et tricotez le rang retour - continuez ensuite comme avant . Bon tricot!
02.11.2015 - 08:26Janvier wrote:
Bonjour, je suis bloquée au passage qui demande à 10.5cm de hauteur total de continuer en beige clair. il nous ai demandé de tricoter des rangs raccourci comme avant quand le chausson mesure 14 puis 22 et enfin 30cm. pouvez vous m'éclairez?
01.11.2015 - 11:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Janvier, à 10.5 cm, continuez en beige clair et tricotez les rangs raccourcis comme avant à 14 cm - à 18 cm, placez 1 marqueur = milieu du chausson - tricotez ensuite autant de rangs beige clair après le marqueur que vous en aviez tricoté avant le marqueur - et tricotez des rangs raccourcis encore à 22 et 30 cm. Quand vous avez repris le fil bleu, commencez à diminuer - pliez le chausson au marqueur pour vérifier la hauteur sur la 1ère partie et commencez à diminuer. Bon tricot!
02.11.2015 - 08:19BIANCO Odile wrote:
J'ai un problème pour les coutures. Pour celle de derrière, on coud un peu de bleu et puis le reste de bleu en l'écartant avec le marron, mais on ne couds pas du haut en bas bleu et puis marron ?
23.06.2015 - 16:19DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Bianco, l'assemblage au milieu dos se fait du haut en bas, d'abord en bleu, puis en beige clair. Bon tricot!
23.06.2015 - 19:35
Dolphin Toes |
Felted DROPS slipper in ”Snow”.
DROPS 161-37 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): 1 ridge = K 2 rows ---------------------------------------------------------- SLIPPER: The slipper is worked in one and sewn tog mid front and mid back, beg at the top of instep - SEE CHART. First work the flap, work it tog with slipper bit by bit. READ THE ENTIRE PATTERN BEFORE WORKING THE SLIPPER! FLAP: Cast on 10 sts on needle size 8 mm / US 11 with pastel blue. Work in GARTER ST - see explanation above until piece measures 17-17-18-18 cm / 6 3/4"-6 3/4"-7"-7". Slip sts on a spare needle or on a thread. Cast on 3-3-5-5 sts on needle size 8 mm / US 11 with pastel blue. Work in stockinette st AT THE SAME TIME cast on at the end of every row from RS as follows: 3 sts 2 times and 1 st 3 times. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 3 cm / 1'', cast on 21-25-25-29 sts at the end of a row from WS. After all inc are done there are 33-37-39-43 sts on needle. REMEMBER THE TENSION/GAUGE! When piece measures 6 cm / 2 3/8'', work a short row as follows: K the first 21-25-25-29 sts, turn and work back. When piece measures 10-11-11-11½ cm/4"-4 3/8"-4 3/8"-4½", work next row as follows: Work 18-22-22-26 sts, place needle with sts from flap in front of piece and work flap tog with the next 10 sts (K 1 st from flap tog with 1 st from slipper), work the last 5-5-7-7 sts from slipper. When piece measures 10½-11½-11½-12 ½ cm/4 1/4"-4 3/4"-4 3/4"-4 7/8", switch to light beige. Work a short row the same way when slipper measures 14-15-15-17 cm/5½"-6"-6"-6 3/4", 22-23-23-27 cm/8 3/4"-9"-9"-10½" and 30-32-32-38 cm / 11 3/4"-12½"-12½"-15". AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 18-20-20-22 cm/ 7"-8"-8"-8 3/4", insert a marker = mid under foot. When the same length has been worked as before marker with light beige, switch to pastel blue. Now work the other side of slipper with dec instead of inc. Beg dec when as many cm / inches have been worked from marker as from last inc and until marker. Dec at the beg of every row from WS as follows: 1 st 3 times and 3 sts 2 times. Dec at beg of a row from RS as follows (after 3 dec have been done from WS): 21-25-25-29 sts 1 time = 3-3-5-5 sts remain. Cast/bind off. ASSEMBLY: Fold the slipper mid under foot and sew tog mid front on toe and over the bottom 12-12-14-14 sts that are cast on. Pick up approx. 60 sts around the opening at the top with pastel blue, it is important to pick up enough sts to avoid a tight edge. K 2 rows back and forth. Cast/bind off. Sew seam mid back (A + B) in outer loop of edge sts. Knit one more slipper the same way, BUT this time fasten the flap when 10-11-11-11 ½ cm / 4"-4 3/8"-4 3/8"-4½" remain on slipper, i.e. after marker and directly after switch to pastel blue (adjust according to slipper already worked). FELTING: Place the slippers in the washing machine with a detergent without enzymes and optical bleach. Wash hot at 40 degrees C/104F with normal spin but no pre-wash. Put on the slipper and shape it to the correct size while it is still wet. At subsequent wash, wash the slipper at regular wool programme. Sew a button through the flap and slipper - see picture. AFTER FELTING: If the piece is not felted enough and is too big: Wash the piece one more time in the washing machine while it is still wet add a terry towel that measures approx. 50 x 70 cm = 19¾" x 27½" - NOTE: Do not use a short program. If the piece has been felted too much and is too small: While the piece is still wet stretch it to the correct measurements, if the piece is dry, make sure to soak it first. Remember: All subsequent washes are as a normal wool garment. |
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