Abigail Zachariassen wrote:
Drops 80-12. Hei, skal jeg strikke 4 runder med natur etter 4 runder med raglandsfelling, slik det står, eller er det ment 4 runder raglan og så mønster strikk m1? Spørsmål2: i begynnelsen av m1 hvor mange masker kogsgrå? Er det 3hvit en grå 5hvit en grå eller? Mvh Abigail😊
09.01.2025 - 14:43DROPS Design answered:
Hei Abigail. Litt usikker på hva du mener og henviser til. Når du starter å strikke bærestykket skal du strikke 2 omganger før du starter med raglanfellingene (med natur) Det er kun noen omganger med raglanfelling før man starter med rundfelling etter diagrammet. Når du starter med diagrammet (nederst til høyre) starter du med * 3 masker natur - 1 kokgrå masker - 5 masker natur *, deretter gjentas det mellom stjernene *-* omgangen rundt. mvh DROPS Design
13.01.2025 - 13:29Sandra Morton wrote:
Please would you clarify the term "bind off" which is used several times in this pattern as it is not a term I have come across before, neither is it in your dictionary. Is it cast off or perhaps place on a stitch holder?
05.01.2025 - 22:08DROPS Design answered:
Hi Sandra, Bind off is the US English term for cast off, so it sounds as if you are using the US version of the text. If you would like UK English, then click on the drop-down menu for languages under the title at the top of the page, and choose UK English. Happy knitting!
06.01.2025 - 08:19Elisabeth Bak wrote:
Verstehe ich das richtig, mit dem Farbdiagramm beginnt man 2 Runden, nachdem die Ärmel und Rumpfteile miteinander verbunden wurden ?
04.01.2025 - 22:31DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Bak, nach den Raglanabnahmen stricken Sie noch 2 Runden mit Natur in 2. Grösse und dann stricken Sie das Diagram. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
06.01.2025 - 09:24Fabienne Schoonheyt wrote:
Je ne comprends pas un passage des explications: dans le dos et devant, après les 14 diminution sur le 1er rang, il faut "placer un 2ème marqueur sur le 1er". Mais le 1er quoi? Je ne comprends pas et en plus, il doit y avoir 98 mailles entre les 2 marqueurs. Merci
03.01.2025 - 23:07DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Schoonheyt, il faut ici mettre un marqueur de chaque côté du pull: un au début du tour et un autre après la moitié des mailles, la correction a été faite, merci pour votre retour. Bon tricot!
06.01.2025 - 08:37Nicole Morneau wrote:
Quand commencer le jacquard ?
01.01.2025 - 22:46DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Morneau, on commence le jacquard sur l'empiècement après les diminutions (4 à 5 fois tous les 2 tours) et les 0 à 6 tours (cf taille) jersey en naturel. Bon tricot!
02.01.2025 - 16:08Anne Usseglio wrote:
Bjr à vous Il n'est pas indiqué quand il faut commencer le jacquard après qu'elle diminution ??
22.12.2024 - 20:08DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Usseglio, vous diminuez d'abord 8 mailles 4 ou 5 fois tous les 2 tours (cf taille), puis vous tricotez 0-2-4-4-6 tours en naturel et maintenant vous tricotez le diagramme / jacquard et vous diminuez comme indiqué dans le diagramme. Bon tricot!
02.01.2025 - 10:10Adrianna wrote:
Czy na pewno powinny być używane druty nr 5 i 4? Jest opisane że PRÓBKA 17 o. x 22 rz. na drutach nr 5 dżersejem = 10 x 10 cm - z kolei na włóczce drops alaska jest to samo tylko że druty nr 8 o średnicy 5mm. Czy w instrukcji sweterka nie powinny być druty 7 i 8 zamiast 4 i 5?
23.11.2024 - 09:58DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Adrianno, wydaje mi się, że mówisz o amerykańskiej numeracji drutów, tam druty nr 8 odpowiadają naszym drutom nr 5 (5mm średnicy). Tak więc ten sweterek wykonuje się na drutach nr 4 i 5 (miara europejska w mm). Pozdrawiamy!
25.11.2024 - 15:53Adrianna wrote:
„ Na wys. 12 cm dodać 1 o. z każdej strony 2 markerów 4 razy co 5 cm = 156-170-184-198-212 o.” - te 12 cm liczy się od początku robótki czy od zakończenia ściągacza ? Pozdrawiam :)
22.11.2024 - 16:09DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Adrianno, mierzysz od początku robótki. Pozdrawiamy!
25.11.2024 - 15:45Adrianna wrote:
Doprecyzowując moje poprzednie pytanie chodzi mi o to czy robiąc karczek o rozmiarze M, w chwili gdy robimy reglan i zaczynamy ostatnie dwa rzędy zmniejszania oczek to te dwa ostatnie rzędy prowadzące do ilości oczek 234 powinny być ostatnimi rzędami w ecru przed schematem czy dopiero jak się zrobi 4 raz dwa rzędy ze zmniejszeniem oczek i ma się już 234 oczka na drutach dopiero zrobić ostatnie 2 rzędy w kolorze ecru bez zmniejszania oczek. Pozdrawiam:)
19.11.2024 - 22:43DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Adrianno, dopiero jak wykonasz zamykanie oczek na reglan i masz 234 oczka na drutach, przerabiasz dodatkowo 2 rzędy kolorem ecru bez zmniejszania oczek. Pozdrawiamy!
22.11.2024 - 09:12Britta Österberg wrote:
Den var snygg.Kan tänka mig den!
26.10.2024 - 15:26
Winter in the Apennines |
DROPS Pullover in Alaska
DROPS 80-12 |
Gauge: 17 sts x 22 rows on larger needles in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm. Rib: * K 1, P 1 *, repeat from * - *. Pattern: See chart. The pattern is seen from the right side and is knit entirely in stockinette st. Body: Cast on 154-168-182-196-210 sts on smaller circular needles with natural; join and place a marker at the join. Knit rib for 6 cm. Change to larger circular needles and stockinette st, decreasing 14 sts evenly distributed on the 1st row = 140-154-168-182-196 sts. Put a 2nd marker at the side (there will be 70-77-84-91-98 sts between markers). When the piece measures 12 cm inc 1 st at each side of both markers every 5 cm 4 times = 156-170-184-198-212 sts. When the piece measures 31-32-33-34-35 cm knit the next row as follows: bind off 4 sts before marker and 4 sts after marker for armhole, knit 70-77-84-91-98 sts (= front), bind off 8 sts for armhole, knit 70-77-84-91-98 sts (= back). Lay piece aside and knit the sleeves. Sleeve: Cast on 44-46-48-50-52 sts on smaller double-pointed needles with natural; join and place a marker at the join. Knit rib for 6 cm. Change to larger double pointed needles and stockinette st, and inc 1 st at each side of marker every 4.5-4.5-4.5-3.5-3.5 cm 9-9-9-11-11 times = 62-64-66-72-74 sts. When the piece measures 46-45-45-45-44 cm bind off 4 sts each side of marker = 54-56-58-64-66 sts. Lay piece aside and knit a second sleeve. Yoke: Put the sleeves in on the same circular needles as Body where you bound off for armholes = 248-266-284-310-328 sts. Put a marker in each transition between Body and sleeves = 4 markers. Continue with stockinette st over all sts, and knit 2 rows, then begin raglan shaping. There are 8 decs per row. Dec as follows before markers: K 2 tog. Dec as follows after markers: Slip 1 st as if to knit, K 1, psso. Dec every other row 4-4-4-5-5 times = 216-234-252-270-288 sts. Knit 0-2-4-4-6 rows with natural, then knit and dec following chart. After last dec 120-130-140-150-160 sts remain. Knit 1 row with charcoal grey, decreasing evenly distributed to 84-88-92-96-100 sts. Change to smaller double pointed needles and knit rib with charcoal grey for 12 cm, then bind off in rib. Assembly: Sew opening under the sleeves. ___________________________________________________ HAIR SCRUNCHY: Sizes: One size Materials: DROPS SNOW from Garnstudio 50 gr in optional color DROPS 4 mm [US 6] double-pointed needles, or size needed to obtain correct gauge. Gauge: 16 sts in stockinette st = 10 cm wide. Hair Scrunchy: Cast on 5 sts on 1 double-pointed needle. K 1 row, * slide sts to right side of needle without turning work, pull yarn tight on back side and K 1 row from the same side as previous row *, repeat from * - *. You are making an I-cord tube – be sure to pull the yarn tight across the back when starting a new row so that the tube will be consistent. Bind off when tube measures 50 cm. Pull approx. 20 cm long piece of elastic through tube and knot ends together. Sew tube ends together with small sts. |
Diagram explanations |
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