Bettina Staugaard wrote:
Tak for svar, men jeg er fortsat usikker på hvordan 2 m x 1 = 4 ?? Er det meningen at jeg skal gentage indtag på begge sider af de 14 midterste der er lukket af?? Det ville jo så ha været lettere at forstå, hvis der havde stået "gøres på begge sider "
09.10.2024 - 09:18DROPS Design answered:
Hej Bettina. Ja vi menar att det ska göras på begge sider (eftersom det må bli likt på begge sider av ermen). Mvh DROPS Design
11.10.2024 - 14:40
Bettina Staugaard wrote:
Glemte at tilføje at ærmet ikke måler 52 cm efter der er lukket af efter opskriften, men kun 46 cm Det måler 39 cm da de midterste 14 m lukkes af til ærmegab. Hvorfor er ærmet 8 cm for kort og har 11 m flere end opskriften skriver??
05.10.2024 - 02:31DROPS Design answered:
Hei Bettina. I str. XXL strikker du ermet til det måler 39 cm, deretter felles det av til ermtopp (da strikkes det ca 13 cm før alle avfellingne er ferdig + avfellingskanten). 39 cm + 13 cm = 52 cm. Om du feller på begynnelsen av hver pinne, slik det står i oppskriften vil du få riktig antall masker. mvh DROPS Design
15.10.2024 - 13:42
Bettina Staugaard wrote:
Hjælp mig venligst - maske antal i ærmet passer ikke med opskriften. Slår 44 op Udtag 3 x 2 m = 50 14 lukkes til ærmegab = 36 m tilbage Herefter lukkes af i starten af hver pind som følger: 2 m x 1 = 34 m 1 m x 7 = 27 m 2 m x 1 = 25 m 3 m x 0 = 25 m. MEN opskriften siger at der nu er 14 tilbage som så lukkes af . HVOR BLEV DE 11 fra 14 til 25 AF ??
05.10.2024 - 02:19DROPS Design answered:
Hej Bettina. Du har 36 masker. Lukk af i begyndelsen af hver pind: 2 m x 1, dvs totalt 4 m (du lukker 2 m i begyndelsen af hver pind) osv. Det blir alltså: 36-4-14-4= 14 m. Mvh DROPS Design
09.10.2024 - 08:49
Lakeside Trails wrote:
Hallo ‚ ich habe diese Jacke nach Anleitung gestrickt und sie ist sehr schön. Leider ist sie bei Regen nass geworden und jetzt zieht sie sich immer mehr in die Länge. Sie ist jetzt so lang dass ich sie nicht mehr tragen kann. Ist es möglich die Jacke abzuschneiden und so zu kürzen? Was kann ich tun?
12.09.2024 - 18:20
Véronique wrote:
Bonjour, Je trouve ce modèle très joli mais il s’arrête à la taille xxl. Comment faire pour avoir une taille xxxl ? Combien de mailles en plus ? Avez-vous un outil en ligne qui permet d’adapter certains modèles à de plus grandes tailles ? Merci de votre réponse qui servira peut-être à d’autres. Bien cordialement.
29.04.2024 - 17:56DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Véronique, vous pouvez vous inspirer d'un modèle plus ou moins similaire en taille XXXL et de tension analogue, retrouvez par ex ici tous les modèles de vestes en taille XXXL avec une tension de 11 à 9 mailles pour 10 cm, n'hésitez pas à ajouter des filtres si besoin. Bon tricot!
30.04.2024 - 07:44
Veerle Van Coillie wrote:
U schrijft dat de boord en de manchetten met nld. 4 worden gebreid. Volgens het patroon worden de panden ook met 4 gebreid ? Vandaar mijn vraag, want dan wordt het te smal. Ik heb dat dus niet gedaan, moet dat niet worden aangepast ?
15.03.2024 - 09:16DROPS Design answered:
Dag Veerle,
Sorry, ik had even niet goed opgelet. De mouwen worden met naald 9 gebreid waarvan de manchetten met naald 8. De rest van het vest wordt met naald 8 gebreid. Het proeflapje in dit geval dus ook met naald 8.
15.03.2024 - 10:28
Veerle Van Coillie wrote:
Dat had ik inmiddels zelf al bedacht, maar als je het patroon leest begin je het achterpand met nld. 8 en dat blijft zo ! Er zitten ook geen boorden aan de panden.
31.01.2024 - 11:04
Veerle Van Coillie wrote:
Ik heb het met naald 9 gemaakt en dat klopte, maar het vest wordt gebreid met naald 8. Ik begrijp het niet.
27.01.2024 - 08:17
Veerle Van Coillie wrote:
Is het proeflapje met nld. 8 of 9 ? En klopt het dat alleen de mouwen met nld. 9 worden gebreid ?
26.01.2024 - 16:15DROPS Design answered:
Dag Veerle,
Het proeflapje is met de dikste naald gebreid. De dunnere naald wordt voor de boord en manchetten etc. gebruikt.
28.01.2024 - 18:45
Charlotte Ekman wrote:
Hej! Bra om detta tillägg görs. I avsnittet HÖGER FRAMSTYCKE behövs en liten påminnelse om att inte glömma att göra knapphål. 😊
22.08.2023 - 10:11
Lakeside Trails |
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Knitted jacket in 2 strands DROPS Air. The piece is worked with garter stitch, lace pattern and shawl collar. Sizes XS - XXL.
DROPS 226-8 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked in the round): 1 ridge in height = 2 rounds; Knit 1 round and purl 1 round. RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. PATTERN: See diagram A.1. The diagram shows all rows in the pattern from the right side. DECREASE TIP (for sides of body): Decrease 1 stitch by knitting 2 together. INCREASE TIP (for sleeves): Work until there are 2 stitches left before the marker thread, 1 yarn over, knit 4 (marker thread sits between these 4 stitches), 1 yarn over. On the next round knit the yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. Then work the new stitches in stockinette stitch. BUTTONHOLES: Work the buttonholes on the right band. 1 BUTTONHOLE = knit together the 3rd and 4th stitch from the edge, make 1 yarn over. On the next row knit the yarn over to leave a hole. Work the buttonholes when the piece measures: XS: 11, 19, 27, 35, 43 and 51 cm = 4⅜", 7½", 10⅝", 13¾", 17" and 20" S: 11, 19, 27, 35, 43 and 51 cm = 4⅜", 7½", 10⅝", 13¾", 17" and 20" M: 12, 20, 28, 36, 44 and 52 cm = 4¾", 8", 11", 14¼", 17¼" and 20½" L: 12, 20, 28, 36, 44 and 52 cm = 4¾", 8", 11", 14¼", 17¼" and 20½" XL: 13, 21, 29, 37, 45 and 53 cm = 5⅛", 8¼", 11⅜", 14½", 17¾" and 21" XXL: 13, 21, 29, 37, 45 and 53 cm = 5⅛", 8¼", 11⅜", 14½", 17¾" and 21" ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- JACKET – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in sections, back and forth, then sewn together. The sleeves are worked in the round with short circular needle. BACK PIECE: Cast on 50-54-58-62-68-74 stitches with circular needle size 8 MM = US 11 and 2 strands DROPS Air – make sure the cast-on edge is not tight. Work 1 RIDGE – read description above, over all stitches. Now work pattern as follows: 10-5-7-9-5-8 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 28-42-42-42-56-56 stitches (= 4-6-6-6-8-8 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1 and 10-5-7-9-5-8 stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern back and forth. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! When the piece measures 10 cm = 4", decrease 1 stitch on each side – read DECREASE TIP. Repeat this decrease when the piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm = 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾" = 46-50-54-58-64-70 stitches. When the piece measures 56-57-58-59-60-61 cm = 22"-22½"-22¾"-23¼"-23⅝"-24", bind off stitches for the armholes at the beginning of each row as follows: 2-3-4-6-6-7 stitches 1 time, 1 stitch 1-1-1-1-2-3 times on both sides = 40-42-44-44-48-50 stitches. Now work pattern as follows: Work 5-6-7-7-2-3 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 28-28-28-28-42-42 stitches (= 4-4-4-4-6-6 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1 and 5-6-7-7-2-3 stitches in garter stitch. When the piece measures 76-78-80-82-84-86 cm = 29½"-30¾"-31½"-32¼"-33"-33⅞", bind off the middle 10-10-10-12-12-12 stitches for the neck and each shoulder is finished separately. Continue by binding off 1 stitch on the next row from the neck = 14-15-16-15-17-18 stitches. When the piece measures 78-80-82-84-86-88 cm = 30¾"-31½"-32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝", bind off. Work the other shoulder in the same way. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Cast on 31-33-35-38-41-44 stitches with circular needle size 8 MM = US 11 and 2 strands DROPS Air – make sure the cast-on edge is not tight. Work 1 ridge over all stitches. Now work pattern as follows: 5-5-5-6-6-6 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 14-21-21-21-28-28 stitches (= 2-3-3-3-4-4 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1, 10-5-7-9-5-8 stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern back and forth. When the piece measures 10 cm = 4" decrease 1 stitch in the side. Repeat this decrease when the piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm = 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾" = 29-31-33-36-39-42 stitches. Continue working until the piece measures 56-57-58-59-60-61 cm = 22"-22½"-22¾"-23¼"-23⅝"-24". Now bind off stitches for the armhole at the beginning of each row from the wrong side as follows: 2-3-4-6-6-7 stitches 1 time, 1 stitch 1-1-1-1-2-3 times = 26-27-28-29-31-32 stitches. Continue as follows: 5-5-5-6-6-6 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 14-14-14-14-21-21 stitches (= 2-2-2-2-3-3 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1, 5-6-7-7-2-3 stitches in garter stitch. When the piece measures 78-80-82-84-86-88 cm = 30¾"-31½"-32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝", work the next row from the wrong side as follows: Bind off the first 14-15-16-15-17-18 stitches, knit to end of row. Then work short rows back and forth over the 12-12-12-14-14-14 stitches for the collar as follows: ROW 1: Knit the first 6-6-6-7-7-7 stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit the first 9-9-9-10-10-10 stitches, turn. ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit all stitches. ROW 6: Knit back. Repeat rows 1–6 until the collar measures 6-6-6-7-7-7 cm = 2⅜"-2⅜"-2⅜"-2¾"-2¾"-2¾" on the shortest side. Bind off. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Cast on 31-33-35-38-41-44 stitches with circular needle size 8 MM = US 11 and 2 strands DROPS Air – make sure the cast-on edge is not tight. Work 1 ridge over all stitches. Now work pattern as follows: 10-5-7-9-5-8 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 14-21-21-21-28-28 stitches (= 2-3-3-3-4-4 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1, 5-5-5-6-6-6 stitches in garter stitch. Continue this pattern back and forth. When the piece measures 10 cm = 4" decrease 1 stitch in the side. Repeat this decrease when the piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm = 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾" = 29-31-33-36-39-42 stitches. Continue working until the piece measures 56-57-58-59-60-61 cm = 22"-22½"-22¾"-23¼"-23⅝"-24". Now bind off stitches for the armhole at the beginning of each row from the right side as follows: 2-3-4-6-6-7 stitches 1 time, 1 stitch 1-1-1-1-2-3 times = 26-27-28-29-31-32 stitches. Continue as follows: 5-6-7-7-2-3 stitches in garter stitch, A.1 over the next 14-14-14-14-21-21 stitches (= 2-2-2-2-3-3 repeats of 7 stitches), work the first 2 stitches in A.1, 5-5-5-6-6-6 stitches in garter stitch. When the piece measures 78-80-82-84-86-88 cm = 30¾"-31½"-32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝", work the next row from the right side as follows: Bind off the first 14-15-16-15-17-18 stitches, knit to end of row. Then work short rows back and forth over the 12-12-12-14-14-14 stitches for the collar as follows: ROW 1: Knit the first 6-6-6-7-7-7 stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit the first 9-9-9-10-10-10 stitches, turn. ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit all stitches. ROW 6: Knit back. Repeat rows 1–6 until the collar measures 6-6-6-7-7-7 cm = 2⅜"-2⅜"-2⅜"-2¾"-2¾"-2¾" on the shortest side. Bind off. SLEEVES: Cast on 40-40-42-42-44-44 stitches with short circular needle size 8 MM = US 11 and 2 strands DROPS Air. Work GARTER STITCH in the round – read description above, for 6 cm = 2⅜". Change to short circular needle size 9 MM = US 13. Insert 1 marker thread at the beginning of the round (= mid-under sleeve). The thread should follow your work onwards; it is used when increasing under the sleeve. Work stockinette stitch. When the sleeve measures 9 cm = 3½", increase 0-1-1-1-1-1 stitch on each side of the marker thread – read INCREASE TIP. Increase like this every 0-16-16-15-14-8 cm = 0"-6¼"-6¼"-6"-5½"-3⅛" a total of 0-1-1-2-2-3 times = 40-42-44-46-48-50 stitches. Continue working until the sleeve measures 45-45-43-43-41-39 cm = 17¾"-17¾"-17"-17"-16⅛"-15¼". Now bind off 4-6-8-12-12-14 stitches under the sleeve (= 2-3-4-6-6-7 stitches on each side of the marker thread). Work stockinette stitch back and forth for the sleeve cap, binding off at the beginning of each row as follows: 2 stitches 0-2-1-1-1-1 times, 1 stitch 0-0-2-4-5-7 times, 2 stitches 0-2-2-2-2-1 times and 3 stitches 4-1-1-0-0-0 times on both sides = 12-14-14-14-14-14 stitches left. Bind off. The sleeve measures approx. 51-52-52-53-52-52 cm = 20"-20½"-20½"-21"-20½"-20½". Work the other sleeve in the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the shoulder seams inside the bind-off edge. Sew the side seams in the outermost loop of the outermost stitch, leaving 15 cm = 6" for the split at the bottom. Sew the sleeves to the body, inside the 1 edge stitch. Sew the buttons onto the left band. Sew the collar together mid-back (the seam should turn to the inside when the collar is turned down). Sew the collar to the neck-line on the back piece. |
Diagram explanations |
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