Federica wrote:
Buongiorno. sto realizzando il poncho. tutto bene fino a 10° giro di a2a. al decimo giro eseguo gli 8 aumenti per lato e mi trovo 171 maglie alte invece di 163. con 171 maglie non ho solo 20 ripetizioni di a2b, di più. al 4° giro si chiede ulteriore aumento, ma io ho 44 picot per lato, quindi 176 m.a. al 4° a2b a3b più la alta di alzata giro. siete sicuri di avere tenuto conto degli aumenti di a3b nel conteggio delle m.a?
15.07.2024 - 16:09DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Federica, quale taglia sta lavorando? Buon lavoro!
20.07.2024 - 22:23
Cris wrote:
Bonjour doit on suivre le texte avec les augmentations et diminution ou suivre les schémas suffit. Car là je suis au schéma 2b au 5 6e rang et j'ai déjà 10 cm de plus que les 35 cm après avoir fini le schéma. De plus il est trop large. Je crains de devoir tout recommencer. Ou je n aurai pas assez de boules. Merci
17.06.2024 - 19:35
Cris wrote:
Bonjour doit on suivre le texte avec les augmentations et diminution ou suivre les schémas suffit. Car là je suis au schéma 2b au 5 6e rang et j'ai déjà 10 cm de plus que les 35 cm après avoir fini le schéma. De plus il est trop large. Je crains de devoir tout recommencer. Ou je n aurai pas assez de boules. Merci
17.06.2024 - 19:35DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Cris, il faut suivre les explications écrites qui indiquent comment crocher les différents points fantaisie/diagrammes mais aussi comment augmenter (ou diminuer à intervalles réguliers). Pensez à bien vérifier votre tension et à bien conserver la même tension tout du long pour conserver les bonnes mesures. Bon crochet!
18.06.2024 - 07:38
Cris wrote:
Bonjour qui peut m expliquer comment faire l espèce de losange du modèle 2a? Merci
22.05.2024 - 17:14DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Cris, dans cette vidéo, nous montrons comment crocheter les rangs 6 et 7 de A.2a et de A.3a. Bon crochet!
23.05.2024 - 08:15
Cris wrote:
Bonjour, qui pourrait m aider a faire ce modèle? Je suis novice. Si je comprends bien je dois commencer par le schéma 5 à partir du bas et remonter? Puis appliquer le 4? Merci pour votre aide
17.05.2024 - 09:07DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Cris, suivez attentivement les explications écrites, vous commencez par crocheter au point de filet en augmentant en même temps, puis vous crochèterez les diagrammes dans l'ordre indiqué en commençant par les diagrammes A.1 à A.3. Cette leçon explique comment lire des diagrammes crochet et pourra vous aider. Bon crochet!
17.05.2024 - 12:17
Jami R Dion wrote:
Im an experienced crocheter. I really want to make this pattern. The A5(?) Do i do 4dc in 1 stitch?? Pattern is showing chains in between but not written that way. What does first/next mean? Can't get past 2nd row!!!
22.02.2024 - 16:42DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Dion, correct, on first row you will crochet in the same stitch on previous round: 2 dc, 3 chains, 2 dc; in the written pattern when it's written: first/next, this means the first time you work from *-* you work in the first stitch but then to the end of the round you will work in the next stitch. Happy crocheting!
23.02.2024 - 08:01
Gaspart Karine wrote:
Bonjour je suis en train de réaliser ce modèle et je ne comprends pas comment faire une augmentation . comment faire l'augmentation A3a le petit rond entre les deux brides. la légende du petit rond est un picot. pouvez vous m'aider à comprendre comment faire. je dois surement me trompée. J'ai plus l'habitude de faire une bride supplémentaire pour faire une augmentation et non un picot. pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait cordialement. karine
24.01.2024 - 10:37DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Gaspart, lorsque vous devez augmenter à intervalles réguliers, crochetez simplement 2 brides dans la même maille pour 1 augmentation. Le picot de A.2/A.3 se crochète ainsi entre 2 brides: 1 bride dans la maille indiquée, puis 2 ml, 1 demi-bride dans la bride, et terminez par 1 bride dans la même maille que la bride précédente. Ce picot n'est pas une augmentation, au tour suivant, vous crochetez des mailles en l'air au-dessus des 3 brides avec le picot ainsi: 1 ms dans la maille en l'air avant ce groupe de 3 brides avec picot, les mailles en l'air et 1 ms dans la maille en l'air après ce groupe. Bon crochet!
25.01.2024 - 08:04
Bettina wrote:
Hallo und wie muss ich in der 2 Runde A2a mit den picco häckeln . Bei mir sind 4 stb vor der luftmaschenbogen nich zwei
30.03.2023 - 12:10DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bettina, bei der 1. Reihe in A.2a (die mit dem Sternchen zählt nicht als 1.) häkeln Sie so: *1 Stäbchen überspringen, in das nächste Stb häkeln Sie: 2 Stb, 1 Pikot, 1 Stb, dann 1 Luftmasche, 3 Stb übersrpingen, in das nächste Stb häkeln Sie: 2 Stb, 1 Pikot, 1 Stb, dann 1 Luftmasche, 2 Stb überspringen*, und von *bis* wiederholen. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
11.04.2023 - 09:43
Bettina wrote:
Ich muss aber erst faden wegschneiden nach der Reihe mit dem Stäbchen und luftmaschenreihe
28.03.2023 - 09:55DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bettina, nein, hier brauchen Sie das nicht, Sie häkeln einfach mit A.1b, A.2b und A.3b weiter - genauso wie bei den Diagrammen A.1a, A.2a und A.3a. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
28.03.2023 - 10:25
Bettina wrote:
Habe auf beiden Seiten 179Stb aber wenn ich A.2b die 10. Runde mache dann wieviel Stb müsste ich haben? Meine Arbeit rollt sich auch wenn ich diese Runde fertig habe also habe ich zu wenig
27.03.2023 - 16:19DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Bettina, mit 179 Stäbchen auf beiden Seiten sind es Platz für 21 Rapporter A.2 zwischen beiden A.3. Beachten Sie daß Ihre Luftmaschen genauso breit wie die Stäbchen sind, so verliert man die Breite nicht. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
28.03.2023 - 09:46
Light's Embrace |
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Crochet DROPS poncho with lace pattern, worked top down in ”Paris”. Size S-XXXL.
DROPS 169-4 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. Diagrams A.1a and A.1b show how round beg and ends. CROCHET INFO: Beg every dc round with 3 ch (these ch do not replaces first dc). At the end of round work 1 sl st in 3rd ch at beg of round. NOTE: When working A.5 beg round with 3 ch. At the end of round work 1 dc in first st worked on round (i.e. st with the 3 ch in), then 1 sl st in 3rd ch at beg of round. WORK 2 TR TOG: Work 1 tr around ch-space below but wait with last pull through (= 2 loops on hook), skip 1 sc and work 1 tr around next ch-space but on last pull through, pull yarn through all loops on hook. WORK 3 TR TOG: Work 1 tr but wait with last pull through (= 2 sts on hook), work 1 more tr but wait with last pull through (= 3 loops on hook), work 1 more tr but on last pull through, pull yarn through all loops on hook. MESH PATTERN: ROUND 1: * Start with 1st row of A.5, work the 4 dc in first/next dc with marker, work (1 ch, ship 1 dc, 1 dc in next dc) until 1 dc remains before next marker, work 1 ch, skip next dc *, repeat from *-* 3 times more. There is now 4 repeats of A.5 on round. ROUND 2: * Work A.5 around first/next ch-space with marker, then work 1 dc in next dc, 1 ch, 1 dc around first ch-space, (1 ch, skip 1 dc, 1 dc in next ch-space) until 1 ch-space remains before next repeat of A.5, work 1 ch, 1 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* 3 times more. ROUND 3: * Work A.5 around first/next ch-space with marker, then work (1 ch, skip 1 dc, 1 dc around next ch-space) until next repeat of A.5, 1 ch *, repeat from *-* 3 times more. ---------------------------------------------------------- PONCHO: Worked in the round, top down. First inc mid front, mid back and on each shoulder, then inc only mid front and mid back. Work 153-163-163 ch on hook size 4.5 mm/US 7 with Paris and form a ring with 1 sl st. Work 3 ch – see CROCHET INFO! Then work 1 dc in each of the next 3-1-1 ch, * skip ch 1, 1 dc in each of the next 5 ch *, repeat from *-* 24-26-26 more times on round = 128-136-136 dc + 3 ch on round. Now insert 4 markers from beg of round without working: Insert 1 marker in 1st dc on round (= mid back), skip 31-33-33 dc, insert 1 marker in next dc (= shoulder), skip 31-33-33 dc, insert 1 marker in next dc (= mid front), skip 31-33-33 dc, insert 1 marker in next dc (= shoulder), there are now 31-33-33 dc between last marker and beg of round. Now work MESH PATTERN - see explanation above. When 1st- 3rd round have been worked, repeat 2nd and 3rd round until 6-7- 8 rounds with mesh pattern have been worked - see diagram A.4a and A.4b to see how to work the whole inc in each side of A.5. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! Piece measures approx. 8-9-10 cm / 3"-3½"-4''. Work next round as follows AT THE SAME TIME dec 0-8-8 dc evenly (= 0-4-4 dc dec on each side of mid back and mid front): *Work (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) around ch-space (= mid back on 1st repetition and mid front on 2nd repetition), then work 1 dc in every dc and 1 dc around every ch until next inc dc-group, work 3 dc around ch-space (= shoulder), work 1 dc in every dc and 1 dc around every ch until inc dc-group (mid front on 1st repetition and mid back on 2nd repetition)*, repeat from *-* 1 more time. There are now 117-125-133 dc between ch-space mid front and mid back (= 234-250-266 dc in total on round + 2 ch-space). Cut the yarn. NOTE: Then do not inc on each shoulder but only mid front and mid back on poncho. Work 1 sl st in 10th st from ch-space mid back and work pattern as follows: Work A.1a (shows how round beg and end, does not replace first st), A.2a (= 8 dc) 13-14-15 times in width, A.3a (= inc mid front), continue with A.2a 14-15-16 times in width, A.3a (= inc mid back) and A.2a 1 time in all sizes. On 4th round in A.3a there are 133-141-149 dc between ch-space mid front and mid back. Continue with pattern as before (there is now room for 16-17-18 repetitions A.2a on each side of A.3a). On 10th round inc 8 dc evenly on each side of A.3a (= 16 dc in total on round) = 163-171-179 dc on each side of ch-space mid front and mid back. Continue with pattern as before, but now work A.1b over A.1a, A.2b over A.2a and A.3b over A.3a (there is now room for 19-20-21 repetitions A.2 on each side of A.3). On 4th round inc 3 dc evenly between every repetitions of A.3 (i.e. 6 dc in total on round) = 169-177-185 dc between each ch-space mid front and mid back. Continue pattern (there is now room for 21-22-23 repetitions A.2 on each side of A.3). When entire diagram has been worked vertically, piece measures 36-37-38 cm / 14 1/4"-14½"-15". Cut the yarn. Now work mesh pattern as at beg of piece. Beg in ch-space mid back, and work mesh pattern from 3rd round in mesh pattern. Repeat 2nd and 3rd round until 6-8-10 rounds in total have been worked (includes last round in A.2 and A.3). Work next round as follows: * Work (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) around ch-space (= mid back), then work 1 dc in every dc and 1 dc around every ch until next rep of A.5 *, repeat from *-* 1 more time = 193-209-225 dc between ch-space mid front and mid back. Cut the yarn. Now work pattern A.1a, A.2a and A.3a as follows: Work 1 sl st in 12th dc from ch-space mid back and work pattern as follows: Work A.1a (shows how round beg and end, does not replace first st), A.2a until 2 dc remain before ch-space mid front, A.3a (= inc mid front), continue with A.2a until 2 dc remain before ch-space mid back, A.3a (= inc mid back) and A.2a 1 time in all sizes. When 4th row has been worked vertically, poncho measures 49-52-54 cm / 19 1/4"-20½"-21 1/4". Fasten off. |
Diagram explanations |
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