Xenia wrote:
Hola, como puedo hacer los agujeros marcados de los diagramas?
06.02.2025 - 08:52DROPS Design answered:
Hola Xenia, ¿a qué te refieres con los agujeros? Las hebras son los óvalos entre puntos y se trabajan como 1 hebra entre 2 puntos, que se trabaja de derecho o revés en la siguiente fila, para que no queden agujeros. Si te refieres a los huecos en el diagrama A.6, trabajas el primer punto de la siguiente repetición, de esta fila (que como ves sobresale un poco) al inicio del diagrama.
09.02.2025 - 22:50
Annette wrote:
Hallo liebes Dropsteam, ich verstehe das mit den Markierern nicht. Was bedeutet in die Masche setzen? Ich kenne es nur so, dass der Markierer zwischen zwei Maschen auf die Stricknadel gesetzt wird. Viele Grüße Annette
04.02.2025 - 17:11DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Annette, hier will man 1 Masche markieren, so wird man die Markierungen in dieser Masche einsetzen, als Beispiel zeigen wir in diesem Video wie man eine Masche (mit einem Markierungsfaden im Video) markiert. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
05.02.2025 - 07:45
Kayden wrote:
Hello! None of the images on the site are loading for me, so I can't see the diagrams to be able to work the pattern. Are the diagrams available anywhere else, or could I perhaps get a PDF of the pattern with the diagrams emailed to me? It looks like a very lovely pattern from what I've seen on Ravelry. Thank you!
15.12.2024 - 05:58DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kayden, you can download your favourite patterns by clicking on the "Print" icon and then selecting "Save as PDF" in your printer settings. Sometimes images may not load correctly because there is a lot of traffic in the webpage at that moment; please try later or with a different browser and the problem should be solved. Happy knitting!
15.12.2024 - 20:36
Tiina wrote:
Hei! Miten minun kuuluu aloittaa A6 rivi nro 35? Jos neulon kaksi ensimmäistä oikein + 2yhteen+langankierto, kuten ohjeen ymmärrän, kuvio siirtyy minulla väärään kohtaan.
21.08.2024 - 16:59DROPS Design answered:
Hei, neulo aluksi 3 oikeaa silmukkaa, tee sitten kavennus + langankierto, neulo 1 silmukka oikein, tee kavennus + langankierto, tee kavennus + langankierto jne. Viimeinen kavennus + langankierto tehdään mallikerran viimeisen silmukan ja seuraavan mallikerran ensimmäisen silmukan kohdalla.
21.08.2024 - 17:26
Sabrina wrote:
Hejsa. Hvor meget ease skal der være i kjolen? Jeg har selv et brystmål på 89cm, så skal jeg vælge str M eller L?
07.07.2024 - 22:18DROPS Design answered:
Hei Sabrina. Det kommer an på om du ønsker å ha den tight over brystet eller ikke. Har du en kjole fra før som du liker passformen på, ta mål av den og sammenlign med målene i målskissen til "Summer Feeling" kjolen. mvh DROPS Design
09.07.2024 - 13:00
Dera wrote:
Hi, I don't understand how to begin. I k ow to cast on the stitches for the YOKE, but I don't understand the instructions for A.1 which =2 sts. How do I work A.1? What does A.1 (=2sts) mean regards to each stitch I'm working on? I'm sure when this is clarified it will make much sense. Thank you in advance! Thank you
26.05.2024 - 03:34DROPS Design answered:
Dear Dera, please see the diagrams below the instructions. A.1 is shown as a small diagram between the larger A.5 and A.2, and you should knit that on the two stitches that are forming the raglan line. Happy Knitting!
26.05.2024 - 11:30
Pascale Bontemps wrote:
Je vous remercie pour votre réponse. Malheureusement je ne vois pas de vidéo avec votre message. Le lien accède à une page blanche.
27.04.2024 - 15:25DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Bontemps, choisissez l'onglet "vidéos" en haut de page (juste après celui "Explications") et faites dérouler les vidéos jusqu'à trouver celle qui s'appelle: Comment fermer l'ouverture sous les manches raglan.. Mais notez qu'il vous faudra accepter tous les cookies pour pouvoir voir la vidéo. Bon assemblage!
29.04.2024 - 09:08
Pascale Bontemps wrote:
Bonjour. J’ai réalisé cette robe en taille S elle est magnifique ! Quelle méthode conseillez-vous pour la couture sous les manches ? Merci de votre réponse
06.04.2024 - 22:16DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Bontemps, dans cette vidéo, nous montrons 2 façons d'assembler les mailles des ouvertures sous les manches, choisissez celle qui vous convient. Bon tricot!
08.04.2024 - 08:01
Elke wrote:
Ich finde das Muster A1 nicht.
06.04.2024 - 15:54DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Elke, das Diagram A.1 finden Sie links von A.5 unter A.2 (über A.6). Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
08.04.2024 - 07:55
Irmgard wrote:
Ist es tatsächlich so gedacht, dass das Muster am Saum nicht symmetrisch ist?
17.03.2024 - 14:39DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Irmgard, das Lochmuster sollte zentrier sein, beachten Sie, daß es richtig gestrickt wird. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
18.03.2024 - 09:22
Summer Feeling |
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Knitted DROPS dress with lace pattern and raglan in ”Muskat” or "Belle". Worked top down. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 160-1 |
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.6. DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 st before marker as follows: Work until 2 sts remain before marker, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. Dec 1 st after marker as follows: K 2 tog. RAGLAN: Inc differently for raglan in the different sizes: SIZE S-M: Inc 1 sts on each side of each marker (= 8 sts inc in total) as follows: 1 YO, K 1 twisted, K 1 (= st with marker), K 1 twisted, 1 YO. NOTE: The inc on each sides of 1st marker (= in the last st on round) is worked as follows: at beginning of round, K 1 twisted, 1 YO. At the end of round: 1 YO, K 1 twisted, K.1 (= st with marker) Do not work YOs twisted on next round, they should make holes, repeat inc every other round 17-19 more times. SIZE L-XL-XXL-XXXL: Inc 2 sts on each side of each marker (= 16 sts inc in total each round) as follows: 1 YO, K1, 1 YO, K 1 twisted, K 1(= st with marker), K 1 twisted, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO (first and last YO is worked twisted on next round, it should not make a hole but, the 2 midle YO should be K as normal and make a hole). Repeat inc on every other round 1-1-1-3 more times. NOTE: The inc on eich side of 1st marker(= in the last st on round) is worked as follows: at beginning of round, K 1 twisted, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO. At the end of round: 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 1 twisted, K.1 (= st with marker) Then inc like as follows: Inc 1 sts at each side of each marker (= 8 sts inc in total) as follows: 1 YO, K 1 twisted, K 1(= st with marker), K 1 twisted, 1 YO. Do not K YOs twisted on next round, they should make holes. Repeat inc every other round 19-20-22-21 more times in total. INCREASE TIP: Inc 1 st by making a YO. On next round K YO twisted to avoid holes. ---------------------------------------------------------- YOKE: Worked in the round on circular needle, top down. Cast on 134-134-140-144-144-148 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with Muskat or "Belle". Work A.1 (= 2 sts) over all sts. When A.1 has been worked 1 time vertically, switch to circular needle size 4 mm / US 6. On next round K all sts and inc 16-20-14-22-42-46 sts evenly = 150-154-154-166-186-194 sts. On next round insert 4 markers in the midle st of each raglan as follows: Insert 1st in last st on round, K 45-47-49-55-65-71 sts (= front piece), K 1 sts and insert 2nd marker in this st, K 28-28-26-26-26-24 sts (= sleeve), K 1 sts and insert 3rd marker in this st, K 45-47-49-55-65-71 sts (= back piece), K 1 st and insert 4th marker in this st, K 28-28-26-26-26-24 sts (= sleeve). K 1 sts (1st marker is placed in this st). REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE Then work as follows - AT THE SAME TIME inc for RAGLAN - see explanation above. Work half the raglan inc for 1st marker (see explanation above) K 13-14-14-17-22-25 K 14-15-16-19-24-27 sts, A.2 (= 17 sts), K until 1-1-2-2-2-2 st remains before 2nd marker, work RAGLAN - see explanation above, K until 1-1-2-2-2-2 sts remain before 3rd marker, work raglan, K 0-1-1-4-9-12 sts, A.3 (= 43 sts), K until 1-1-2-2-2-2 st remains before 4th marker, work raglan, K until 1-1-2-2-2-2 sts remain before 1st marker, work raglan. Work the inc sts in stockinette st until they can be worked in pattern as shown in A.3. When A.2 has been worked 1 time vertically, work in stockinette st over all these sts. When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, work A.4 (= 57 sts) over A.3. After all inc are done there are 294-314-338-358-394-426 sts on needle. Piece measures approx. 14-15-16-17-18-19 cm / 5½"-6"-6¼"-6¾"-7"-7½". Continue with pattern and stockinette st as before AT THE SAME TIME work as follows: Work the first 81-87-95-103-117-129 sts (= front piece), slip the next 66-70-74-76-80-84 sts on a stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts under sleeve (insert a marker in the middle of the new sts), work the next 81-87-95-103-117-129 sts (= back piece), slip the next 66-70-74-76-80-84 sts on a stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts under sleeve (insert a marker in the middle of the new sts) = 174-186-202-222-250-274 sts remain on needle. Insert 1 marker in piece, NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE. Continue to work A.4 and stockinette st over the remaining sts. When piece measures 3 cm / 1", dec 1 st on each side of each markers in the sides (= 4 sts dec) - READ DECREASE TIP! Repeat dec every 2½-4-4-4-4-4 cm / ⅞"-1½"-1½"-1½"-1½"-1½" 5-3-3-3-3-3 more times = 150-170-186-206-234-258 sts. When A.4 has been worked 1 time vertically, work in stockinette st over all sts. When piece measures 18-19-20-21-22-23 cm / 7"-7½"-8"-8¼"-8 ¾"-9" insert 4 markers as follows: Work 15-17-19-21-25-27 sts, insert 1st marker, work 45-51-55-61-67-75 sts, insert 2nd marker, work 30-34-38-42-50-54 sts, insert 3rd marker, work 45-51-55-61-67-75 sts, insert 4th marker, work the remaining 15-17-19-21-25-27 sts. 1st and 2nd marker are on front piece, and 3rd and 4th marker are on back piece. Move the markers upwards when working. On next round inc 1 st before 1st and 3rd marker and 1 st after 2nd and 4th marker (= 4 sts inc) - READ INCREASE TIP. NOTE: No of sts mid front and mid back is the same, inc in side sts. Repeat inc every 6th round 1 more time, then every 4th round 6-5-6-5-6-10 times, then every other round 22-18-22-18-18-8 times = 270-270-306-306-338-338 sts. On next round, inc 2-2-0-0-2-2 sts evenly = 272-272-306-306-340-340 sts. Work in stockinette st until piece measures 45-46-47-48-49-50 cm / 17¾"-18"-18½"-19"-19¼"-19¾" (or desired length, approx. 25 cm / 9¾" remain). Then work A.6 (= 34 sts) 8-8-9-9-10-10 times in total in width. When A.6 has been worked 1 time vertically, switch to circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4. Work A.5 over all sts. Bind off. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Slip sts from stitch holder back on double pointed needles size 4 mm / US 6 and cast on 6-6-6-8-8-8 sts under sleeve = 72-76-80-84-88-92 sts. Work in stockinette st for 2 cm / ¾", on next round dec 8 sts evenly = 64-68-72-76-80-84 sts. Switch to double pointed needles size 3.5 mm / US 4. Work A.5 over all sts. Bind off. Work the other sleeve the same way. |
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