Mary Jill Davidson wrote:
I’m having trouble placing markers in the very beginning. Says at 19 state and then at 37sts but there are only 48 stitches on the needle
04.12.2022 - 00:09DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Davidson, count the number of stitches from the beg, ie first after 19 sts, then after 18 sts (so that the 2nd marker is after a total of 37 sts), 11 sts remain on needle. Happy knitting!
06.12.2022 - 09:11Maria Forsström wrote:
FÖRKORTADE VARV: För att oket ska bli vidare nertill måste det stickas fler varv över de nedersta m jämfört med de översta. Detta görs så här: *Sticka 2 v över alla m. Ska jag sticka bara rm eller något annat? Det framgår inte riktigt.
30.08.2022 - 08:23DROPS Design answered:
Hej Maria, du stickar enligt mönstret på alla varv (både när du stickar över alla varv och när du stickar förkortade varv) :)
31.08.2022 - 13:48Ana Maria wrote:
Hola este modelo es hermoso, podría adaptarlo para niña de 3 a 4 años? Muchas gracias
11.07.2019 - 02:11DROPS Design answered:
Hola Ana Maria, el patron que perece similar pero es para ninos: ESTA AQUI. Buen trabajo!
11.07.2019 - 08:33Joanna wrote:
Do you work the set of 6 short rows repeats throughout the yoke? If so, how does this blend with M1 pattern stitches? Do you skip the pattern stitches that are omitted by the short rows or ?? Thanks for any help. I want to knit on plane tomorrow.
02.04.2019 - 16:27DROPS Design answered:
Dear Joanna, you work *2 rows over all stitches (including M.1, ie row 1 and row 2 in M.1), then work 2 rowz over the 33-33-35-35-37-37 sts (= 12-12-14-14-16-16 sts in garter stitch + the first 21 stitches in M.1 = row 3 and 4 in M.1), then work 2 rows over the first 15-15-17-17-19-19 sts (= the first 12-12-14-14-16-16 sts in garter st + the first 3 sts in M.1)*, repeat from *-* until yoke is finished, but continue working M.1 so that the first cable is worked on 3rd row worked on these stitches and then every 6th row. Happy knitting!
03.04.2019 - 08:31Xenia wrote:
No entiendo absolutamente nada. Normalmente veo los patrones en inglés, lo imprimí en inglés y nada. Lo he impreso en español y sigo sin entender, he visto todos los vídeos y es imposible. No es claro.
12.01.2019 - 02:28Francesca wrote:
Buongiorno, ho provato a lavorare come mi avete detto ma se lavoro i ferri accorciati come da modello, devo girare il lavoro in mezzo allo schema M.1. L'unico modo per evitarlo è lavorare fino a 3 maglie dopo il 2° segnapunti e non fino al 2° segnapunti come indicato , girare e lavorare fino alla fine del lavoro, girare e lavorare fino a 3 maglie prima del 1° segnapunti e non fino al 1° segnapunti come indicato, girare e lavorare fino alla fine, ripetere, ecc. E' corretto? Grazie, Francesca
13.01.2017 - 13:39DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Francesca. Le indicazioni sono corrette. Se però come risultato finale preferisce quello che ottiene lavorando come ha indicato lei, può proseguire in questo modo. Buon lavoro!
13.01.2017 - 22:29Francesca wrote:
Buongiorno, una domanda, i ferri accorciati si lavorano insieme allo schema M. 1. Se si, lavoro 2 ferri su tutte le m (inizio dal rovescio?), poi lavoro fino al 2° segnapunti sul rovescio (cioè il 1° inserito sul diritto?), giro e torno indietro (fino alla fine?), lavoro fino al 1° segnapunti sul rovescio (cioè il 2° inserito sul diritto?) giro e torno indietro (fino alla fine?). I ferri accorciati li lavoro di seguito per tutta la lavorazione dello sprone? Grazie francesca
10.01.2017 - 12:41DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Francesca. Lavora i ferri accorciati insieme al diagramma M.1. Il primo ferro dei ferri accorciati è sul diritto del lavoro: posiziona i segni senza lavorare il ferro. Quindi la posizione corretta dei segnapunti è quella sul diritto del lavoro. Lavora tutto lo sprone con ferri accorciati. Buon lavoro!
10.01.2017 - 12:58Beatrice Lüthi wrote:
Eine Frage....strickt man das wunderschöne Gilet von unten her und wenn ja was bedeuten die Passen und Blenden.....wunderschöne Wolle aber eher komplizierte Anleitung! Hat das im deutschsprachigen Gebiet bereits jemand gestrickt?Danke für eine kurze Antwort!freundliche Grüsse....Beatrice Lüthi
17.08.2016 - 15:33DROPS Design answered:
Hallo Frau Lüthi, die Passe ist der obere Teil und die Blende ist die Knopfleiste. In der Anleitung finden Sie beschrieben, wie gestrickt wird: zunächst wird die Passe quer gestrickt, der Rest wird von oben nach unten (an)gestrickt.
18.08.2016 - 08:47Kirsten Petersen wrote:
Hvor tit skal forkortede pinde strikkes, dvs. vendestrik til 1. og 2. mærke, dette er ikke nævnt i opskriften. I tredie afsnit under bærestykke, står der hvordan man strikker frem og tilbage til 1. og 1. mærke hvorefter mønster kommer 12 retstrik se forkl. over, M.1 over de næste 24 masker og 6 retstrik, men der er intet nævnte hvor tit man skal lave FORKORTEDE PINDE, er det efter hvert diagram M1 som går over 12 pinde.
25.01.2016 - 14:20DROPS Design answered:
Hej Kirsten, De forkortede pinde strikker du hele vejen rundt ifølge FORKORTEDE PINDE: For at bærestk skal blive videre i nederkanten skal der strikkes flere pinde over de nederste m i forhold til de øverste, dette gøres således: * Strik 2 p over alle m, strik til 2.mærke, vend, stram tråden og strik tilbage, strik til 1.mærke, vend, stram tråden og strik tilbage *, gentag fra *-*, dvs at 1 rapport = 2 p øverst og 6 p nederst. God fornøjelse!
27.01.2016 - 15:44Sarah wrote:
Wird das Muster M1 nur in den Hinreihen gestrickt? Wenn ja, auch wenn die Reihe nicht komplett gestrickt wird, also z.B. nur vom Reihenanfang bis zur 1., oder zur 2. Markierung?
21.10.2015 - 17:26DROPS Design answered:
M.1 zeigt alle R, also auch die Rück-R. Hier steht, an welcher Stelle Sie M.1 in der R stricken: "12-12-14-14-16-16 M. KRAUSRIPPE – siehe oben, M1 über die nächsten 24 M. und 6-6-7-7-8-8 M. Krausrippe." M.1 wird also nur 1x komplett in der R gestrickt, die restlichen M werden kraus re gestr.
30.10.2015 - 09:42
Milady |
Knitted DROPS vest with yoke worked across with cables, short rows and crochet border in ”Nepal”. Size: S to XXXL
DROPS 133-3 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows. GARTER ST (in the round on circular needle): * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. SHORT ROWS: To make the yoke wider at the bottom, work more rows over the bottom sts than the upper sts. This is done as follows: * Work 2 rows over all sts, work until 2nd marker, turn, tighten yarn and work back, work until 1st marker, turn, tighten yarn and work back *, repeat from *-*, i.e. 1 repetition = 2 rows at the top and 6 rows at the bottom. PATTERN: See diagram M.1. Diagram shows 1 repetition of pattern in width (= 24 sts), the diagram shows pattern from RS. MEASURING TIP: Measure when piece is flat, it is important not to stretch the piece when measuring. DECREASE TIP: Work until 2 sts remain before marker, K 2 tog, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso. INCREASE TIP: Work until 1 st remains before marker, make 1 YO, work 2 sts (marker is between these 2 sts), make 1 more YO. On next row work YOs twisted to avoid holes (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front). BUTTON HOLES: bind off for button holes on right band from WS. 1 BUTTON HOLE = K tog third and fourth st from mid front and make 1 YO. bind off for button holes when piece measures: SIZE S and M: 6, 14, 22 and 30 cm / 2⅜", 5½", 8¾" and 11¾". SIZE L and XL: 7, 16, 24 and 33 cm / 2¾", 6¼", 9½" and 13". Size XXL and XXXL: 8, 17, 26 and 35 cm / 3⅛", 6¾", 10¼" and 13¾". ---------------------------------------------------------- YOKE: Worked back and forth on needle, worked sideways from mid front. LOOSELY cast on 34-34-37-37-40-40 sts on needle size 5 mm / US 8 with Nepal. K 2 rows over all sts (1st row beg from bottom edge from RS). Work next row as follows (from RS): K 12-12-14-14-16-16, K 2 tog, 1 YO, K 1, K 2 sts in each of the next 4 sts (= K 8), K 2, K 2 in each of the next 4 sts (= K 8), K 1, 1 YO, slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso, K 6-6-7-7-8-8 = 42-42-45-45-48-48 sts. Work next row (from WS) as follows: K 6-6-7-7-8-8, P 2, K 1, P 8, K 2, P 8, K 1, P 2 and K 12-12-14-14-16-16. Insert 2 markers in the piece as follows (from RS): 1st marker after 15-15-17-17-19-19 sts and 2nd marker after a total of 33-33-35-35-37-37 sts, 9-9-10-10-11-11 sts remain at the top after 2nd marker. Then work SHORT ROWS – see explanation above and PATTERN as follows: 12-12-14-14-16-16 sts in GARTER ST – see explanation above, diagram M.1 over the next 24 sts and 6-6-7-7-8-8 sts in garter st. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! Work until piece measures approx. 120-128-138-150-162-174 cm / 47½"-50½"-54½"-59"-64"-68½"- at bottom edge – SEE MEASURING TIP – finish after 2 rows have been worked on all sts. Work next row as follows (from RS): K 15-15-17-17-19-19, K the next 8 sts tog 2 by 2, K 2, K the next 8 sts tog 2 by 2, K 9-9-10-10-11-11 = 34-34-37-37-40-40 sts. K 1 row over all sts, then bind off all sts with K from RS. Piece measures approx. 122-130-140-152-164-176 cm / 48"-51"-55"-59½"-64½"-69" at bottom edge. INSERTING MARKERS: Remove the markers in the piece and insert 4 new markers as follows: Place piece flat on a table and measure along the longest side. Insert 1st MARKER after 18½-20-21½-24-26½-29½ cm / 7¼"-8"-8½"-9½"-10½"-11½", 2nd MARKER 24-25-27-28-29-29 cm / 9½"-9¾"-10½"-11"-11¼"-11¼" from first, 3rd MARKER 37-40-43-48-53-59 cm / 14½"-15½"-17"-19"-21"-23½" from second and 4th MARKER 24-25-27-28-29-29 cm / 9½"-9¾"-10½"-11"-11¼"-11¼" from third, approx. 18½-20-21½-24-26½-29½ cm / 7¼"-8"-8½"-9½"-10½"-11½" remain after last marker. BODY: Worked back and forth on circular needle, top down. Cast on 5 sts with Nepal on circular needle size 5 mm / US 8 (= band), then pick up 1 st in every ridge (1 ridge = 2 rows in garter st) at bottom edge of yoke until 1st marker (= approx. 30 to 49 sts on left front piece), cast on 6-6-8-8-10-10 new sts (= under sleeve), skip to 2nd marker, pick up 1 st in every ridge until 3rd marker (= approx. 60 to 98 sts on back piece), cast on 6-6-8-8-10-10 new sts (= under sleeve), skip to 4th marker, pick up 1 st in every ridge the rest of yoke (= approx. 30 to 49 sts on right front piece), cast on 5 new sts at end of row (= band). K 1 row from WS while at the same time evenly adjusting no of sts to 150-160-174-190-210-232 (do not dec/inc over band sts). Insert 2 markers in the piece; 40-42-46-50-55-60 sts in from each side (= 70-76-82-90-100-112 sts between markers on back piece). NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE! Now work garter st over all sts. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! When piece measures 4 cm / 1½", dec 1 st on each side of markers in the side - READ DECREASE TIP! Repeat dec every 4 cm / 1½" a total of 3 times = 138-148-162-178-198-220 sts. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 6-6-7-7-8-8 cm / 2⅜"-2⅜"-2¾"-2¾"-3⅛"-3⅛", bind off for BUTTON HOLES on right front band - see explanation above! When piece measures 20 cm / 8", inc 1 st on each side of markers in the side - READ INCREASE TIP! Repeat inc every 4 cm / 1½" a total of 4 times = 154-164-178-194-214-236 sts. When piece measures approx. 36-38-38-40-40-42 cm / 14¼"-15"-15"-15¾"-15¾"-16½" loosely bind off all sts. LEFT FRONT BAND: Pick up from RS, 1 st in each of the 5 sts cast on for band in the left side on needle size 5 mm / US 8. Work in garter st until band is approx. 2 cm / ¾" shorter than yoke (band needs to be stretched a little when fastened), bind off. Sew band to yoke, edge to edge. RIGHT FRONT BAND: Knit as left front band but when band measures 1 cm / ⅜", bind off for 1 button hole over the other holes, repeat bind off for button hole when band measures 9-9-10-10-11-11 cm / 3½"-3½"-4"-4"-4⅜"-4⅜" and when only 4 rows remain before band is bound off. CROCHET BORDER: Crochet an edge along yoke, crochet in the bottom stitch on the garter st (i.e. in same st that was knit up for body). Hold piece with neck opening towards you, work with 1 strand Nepal on hook size 4.5mm/ US 7 – start mid front as follows: 1 sc in first st on inside of band, * ch 5, 1 dc in first ch, skip approx. 1.5 cm / ½", 1 sc *, repeat from *-* until last st before band in the other side. Steam the crochet border well to make it fold nicely downwards. ASSEMBLY: Sew on buttons. |
Diagram explanations |
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