Judith Brink wrote:
Hi, I am working in size L. I do not get the correct number of stitches when going from the A.1 to A.2 and to A.3. After A.1 I have the correct number of stitches, I don't think I am doing A.2 correctly. A.2 gives me 13 rounds and A.3 3 rounds. I end up with 94 stitches instead of 208. Where am I going wrong? Thank you Judith
03.06.2024 - 20:45DROPS Design answered:
Dear Judith, after the A.1 pattern, you should work A.2 26 times (for size L) that means 78 trebles (I am using UK terms) and 26 chainstitch row of 6 ch. Then for each repeat you increase 1 tr in the 4th, 8th and the 12th round. So you end up with 26 repeat, each with 6 tr and a ch-loop (if we count these loops one stitch, you have 182 stitch on the round at the end of the A.2 pattern. hope this helps. Happy Crafting!
04.06.2024 - 00:08Handan wrote:
Merhabalar, bu kazak modelin video anlatımlı yok mudur? Benim için daha kolay oluyor... Ben sadece okuyup la anlamıyorum... Görüpte anlıyorum
17.11.2022 - 23:42Karin wrote:
Wordt het werk na elke tour gekeerd of haak je telkens in dezelfde richting?
03.10.2022 - 18:02DROPS Design answered:
Dag Karin,
Dat staat inderdaad niet aangegeven. Om te voorkomen dat het werk scheef trekt, kun je het beste telkens het werk keren. Op de teruggaande toer haak je dan de telpatronen in tegenovergestelde richting. En let erop dat je de lossenlussen alvast aan de goede kant van het werk hangt.
04.10.2022 - 19:14Wiktoria wrote:
Dziękuję za odpowiedź. Chodzi mi jednak o to, że niejasny jest dla mnie schemat A1.a. Pod oczkami ścisłymi są zaznaczone oczka łańcuszka. Co w momencie gdy nad oczkiem łańcuszka jest puste pole? Powinnam zrobić oczko łańcuszka i przeskoczyć jedno oczko? Czy zignorować to puste pole i przejść do oczka ścisłego?
28.12.2021 - 12:53DROPS Design answered:
Witaj ponownie Wiktorio, te oczka łańcuszka pokazane na schemacie A.1a to są oczka łańcuszka początkowego (w rozmiarze S jest to 63 oczka). Teraz przerabiaj 2-gi rząd schematu A.1a. Tam gdzie jest przerwa, omijasz oczko łańcuszka i przechodzisz do kolejnego, w które wykonujesz oczko ścisłe. Miłej pracy!
28.12.2021 - 12:57Wiktoria wrote:
Wykonuję rozmiar S i niestety utknęłam już na pierwszym rzędzie ;)
28.12.2021 - 12:30DROPS Design answered:
Pierwsze okrążenie w rozmiarze S przerabiasz następująco: 1 oczko łańcuszka - patrz WSKAZÓWKA, A.1a ponad 52 pierwszymi oczkami (= 4 razy na szerokość), A.1b ponad 6 następnymi oczkami (= 2 razy na szerokość), A.1c ponad 2 następnymi oczkami (= 1 raz na szerokość), A.1b ponad 3 następnymi oczkami (= 1 raz na szerokość). Jak przerabiać schematy w robótce na szydełku znajdziesz TUTAJ - patrz fragment ‘Kilka schematów przerabianych kolejno po sobie w rzędzie/okrążeniu’. Pozdrawiamy!
28.12.2021 - 12:41Wiktoria wrote:
Hi. Could you please clarify what should exactly be done in A.1? dc, 8ch, dc, dc, 8ch, dc and then what? Should I do a ch and then dc? Thanks!
28.12.2021 - 12:06DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Wiktorio, jaki rozmiar wykonujesz?
28.12.2021 - 12:25Gerda Van Walsem wrote:
Ik snap patroon A2 niet, De 1e toer in elke vaste 2 stokjes haken behalve de 1e? En is dit voor alle maten hetzelfde? Mvg Gerda van Walsem
15.02.2021 - 22:00DROPS Design answered:
Dag Gerda,
Je haakt 1 stokje in de eerste vaste, dan 8 lossen en een halve vaste in de eerste van deze 8 lossen (sterretje), dan 2 stokjes in de volgende vaste. Dit herhaal je steeds en het geldt inderdaad voor alle maten.
16.02.2021 - 14:18Marie Pergeline wrote:
Bonjour, le modele206-33 se crochete en rond; est ce que le 1er rang de mailles en l'air que l'on ferme par une maille coulée correspond a la ou passera la tete de la personne qui portera le pull ? mon echantillon est conforme mais le rond formé par les 66 mailles ne me permettent pas de passer la tete dedans ?? ou est l'erreur ?? merci de votre aide
24.01.2021 - 19:32DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Pergeline, si votre tension est juste, essayez de crocheter la chaînette de base plus souplement ou bien essayez avec un crochet plus gros pour que ce tour reste bien souple. Bon crochet!
25.01.2021 - 10:43Mira wrote:
Na het haken van de boord, blijft die niet plat maar krult de onderzijde enorm om. Tips of enig idee hoe ik dit kan verhelpen/ voorkomen?
10.12.2020 - 22:53DROPS Design answered:
Dag Mira,
Dit kun je verhelpen door het werk heel voorzichtig op te persen met een natte doek en een strijkijzer. Leg het werk op de strijkplank, maak een theedoek nat en leg deze op de rand. Dep heel voorzicht met de strijkbout om de natte doek. Let erop dat je dit heel, heel voorzicht doet, om de breistructuur niet te 'vernielen' dus kijk steeds tussendoor even hoe het gaat.
23.02.2021 - 13:23Esme Thwaites wrote:
Hey! The pattern says to repeat A2 for a total of 26 times for size large, but the diagram only shows up to 13 rows of the pattern. Do I just repeat the last row of the diagram until I reach the needed amount of rows and then continue on to A3? Thanks :)
01.12.2020 - 21:28DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Thwaites, you repeat A.2 a total of 26 times in width = in the round (on a same round), but you will work A.2 only one time in height, this means when you have worked the last round in diagram A.2 piece should measure approx. 16 cm and you will now work A.3 over A.2. Hope this helps. Happy crocheting!
02.12.2020 - 07:46
Blushing Embers |
Crocheted jumper with round yoke in DROPS Air. The piece is worked top down with cable loops. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 206-33 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- CHAIN STITCH: If you work outermost on the hook the chain stitch will often be too tight; 1 chain stitch should be as long as 1 double crochet crochet is wide. CROCHET INFORMATION: At the beginning of each round of double crochets work 1 chain stitch (does not replace the first double crochet). The round ends with 1 slip stitch in the first double crochet of the round. At the beginning of each round of treble crochets replace the first treble crochet with 3 chain stitches. Finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the third chain stitch. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.4. Choose diagram for your size. CROCHET TIP (for chain-stitch rings): When working 8 chain stitches in A.1, A.2 and A.3, it is important to maintain the crochet tension, otherwise the pattern will be too tight in height. 8 chain stitches should measure 6 cm in length (without stretching the piece). If you do not get this measurement, work as many chain stitches as is necessary to get 6 cm in length. INCREASE TIP (evenly spaced): To work out how to increase evenly, count the total number of stitches (e.g. 200 stitches – the chain-stitch ring count as 1 stitch) and divide by the number of increases to be made (e.g. 14) = 14.3. In this example, increase by working 2 treble crochets in approx. every 14th treble crochet, but work 2 double crochet in one double crochet over the chain-stitch ring if required. DECREASE TIP (for sleeves): Decrease 1 treble crochet by working 2 treble crochets together as follows: * Make 1 yarn over, insert the hook through the next stitch, pick up the strand, make 1 yarn over and pull the strand through the first 2 loops on the hook *, work from *-* 1 more time, make 1 yarn over and pull the strand through all 3 loops on the hook (= 1 treble crochet decreased). ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked in the round, top down. The cable loops (texture)on the yoke is made of chain-stitch rings which are then worked together when the yoke is nearly finished. YOKE: Work 63-66-69-71-73-78 chain stitches with Air and hook size 5.5 mm and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – read CHAIN STITCH! The first round is worked as follows in the different sizes: Sizes S, M, L, XXL: Work 1 chain stitch – read CROCHET INFORMATION, work A.1a over the first 52-52-52-65 stitches (= 4-4-4-5 times in width), A.1b over the next 6-6-6-6 stitches (= 2-2-2-2 times in width), A.1c over the next 2-2-2-2 stitches (= 1-1-1-1 time in width), and then A.1b over the next 3-6-9-0 stitches (= 1-2-3-0 times in width). Sizes XL and XXXL: Work 1 chain stitch – read CROCHET INFORMATION, work A.1a over the first 65-78 stitches (= 5-6 times in width), and then A.1b over the next 6-0 stitches (= 2-0 times in width). There are 48-50-52-54-56-60 double crochets (+ 24-25-26-27-28-30 chain-stitch rings) on the round. Now work pattern A.2 a total of 24-25-26-27-28-30 times on the round. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! When A.2 has been completed there are 168-175-182-189-196-210 stitches on the round (chain-stitch rings count as 1 stitch). The piece measures approx. 16 cm. Continue with A.3 over each repeat of A.2 – choose diagram for your size. When the next to last round in A.3 has been completed there are 192-200-208-243-252-270 stitches on the round (chain-stitch rings count as 1 stitch). The piece measures approx. 19-19-19-27-27-27 cm. If the piece is shorter than this continue working without further increases to the correct length. Now work together (vertically) the chain-stitch rings on the yoke as follows: Insert the hook from the right side through the first chain-stitch ring at the neck, pull the 2nd chain-stitch ring through the first chain-stitch ring, insert the hook through the 2nd chain-stitch ring and pull the 3rd chain-stitch ring through the 2nd chain-stitch ring. Continue like this until all the chain-stitch rings have been worked together. Work the last round in A.3, at the same time increase 0-14-20-1-6-8 stitches evenly spaced on the round – read INCREASE TIP = 192-214-228-244-258-278 stitches. Now all the chain-space rings have been fastened so they will not come undone. Continue with 1 treble crochet in each stitch until the yoke measures 22-24-26-28-30-32 cm. The next round is worked as follows: Work 1 treble crochet in each of the first 28-31-33-36-39-43 treble crochets (= half back piece), skip the next 39-44-48-50-51-53 treble crochets for the sleeve, work 5-5-7-7-9-9 chain stitches (= in side under sleeve), work 1 treble crochet in each of the next 57-63-66-72-78-86 treble crochets (= front piece), skip the next 39-44-48-50-51-53 treble crochets for the sleeve, work 5-5-7-7-9-9 chain stitches (= in side under sleeve), work 1 treble crochet in each of the remaining 29-32-33-36-39-43 treble crochets (= half back piece). Body and sleeves are finished separately. THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE. BODY: Work 1 treble crochet in each treble crochet and 1 treble crochet in each of the 5-5-7-7-9-9 chain stitches under the sleeves = 124-136-146-158-174-190 treble crochets on the round. Continue with 1 treble crochet in each treble crochet until the piece measures 25 cm from division in all sizes. Work 1 round where you decrease 1-1-2-2-0-1 treble crochet = 123-135-144-156-174-189 treble crochets. Now work an edge as follows: Work A.4 on the whole round – read CROCHET INFORMATION. When the edge measures 3 cm cut and fasten the strand. The jumper measures approx. 55-57-59-61-63-65 cm from the shoulder down. SLEEVE: Start mid under sleeve and fasten the strand with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd-3rd-4th-4th-5th-5th chain stitch under the sleeve, work 3 chain stitches – remember CROCHET TIP, continue with 1 treble crochet in each chain stitch and 1 treble crochet in each treble crochet = 44-49-55-57-60-62 treble crochets. Insert a marker thread at the beginning of the round (= mid under sleeve); allow it to follow your work onwards. When the sleeve measures 4 cm, decrease 1 treble crochet on each side of the marker thread – read DECREASE TIP. Decrease like this every 3rd-2nd-2nd-2nd-1st-1st round a total of 6-8-10-10-11-11 times = 32-33-35-37-38-40 stitches. Continue with treble crochets until the sleeve measures 39-38-36-35-33-31 cm from division. Work 1 round where you decrease 5-6-5-7-5-7 treble crochets evenly spaced = 27-27-30-30-33-33 treble crochets. Now work an edge as follows: Work A.4 on the whole round – read CROCHET INFORMATION. When the edge measures 3 cm cut and fasten the strand. The sleeve measures approx 42-41-39-38-36-34 cm from the division. Work the other sleeve in the same way. NECK: Work 1 double crochet in each chain stitch worked at the beginning of the piece. Cut and fasten the strand. |
Diagram explanations |
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