Video #22, listed in: Crochet Videos, Learn to crochet, Stitches, Basic crochet stitches
Our videos do not have sound. We are a worldwide company and our videos are watched by people speaking endless of different languages and many do not understand English. So since there is not a given language for us to use, we instead have written instructions to accompany the video, and then there is no sound to disturb while watching.
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Silvia Elizabeth wrote:
Quisiera aprender el punto jersey en ganchillo. Me podrías informar de un tutorial o video para lograrlo?
19.04.2022 - 12:33DROPS Design :
Hola Silvia, nosotros no tenemos patrones que requieran esta técnica, por lo que no disponemos de ningún tutorial para aprenderla.
20.04.2022 - 19:25
Shirley wrote:
Directions are in dbl crochet. Printout is in sc crochet
24.03.2020 - 19:36DROPS Design :
Dear Shirley, US-English and UK-English uses different crochet terminlogy, remember to always check the appropriate language - see here. Happy crocheting!
25.03.2020 - 10:28
Molinda Hull wrote:
I need explanation on bind off for armholes in pattern Moonlight Mist pattern 99-3
06.02.2020 - 19:47DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Hull, to shape the armholes in this jacket, you will crochet some chain stitches and skip stitches from previous round, and just continue as before, this will create a hole that will be the armhole. You will crochet later the sleeve top down working first round in the skipped stitches on circle + the chain stitches worked over the skipped stitches; Happy crocheting!
07.02.2020 - 08:20
Gail Lavoie wrote:
Hi there, I would like explanation on the straps section, please kindly explain to me in this slipper Drops Design pattern, you say 2 threads, does that mean I have to crochet with two threads together in order to create the straps, cause I am confused.
02.02.2020 - 18:47DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Lavoie, could you please ask your question on the pattern you are working on? I would like to be sure the answer will be appropriate. Thanks for your comprehension. Happy crocheting!
03.02.2020 - 10:46
ANS wrote:
Een goede video,mijn complimenten!
09.08.2017 - 08:34
Elaine Delts wrote:
Your written instructions were to complicated can you show a full video step by step of this hooded poncho not everyone is good at those type of written patterns I think that some people learn better from the video tutorials. Thanks love the poncho big buy
22.11.2016 - 06:12
Bette Hildebrand wrote:
How many chains do you do for each size slipper? Or what do you use to start?
12.11.2015 - 23:41DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Hildebrand, the video shows how to crochet a chain and a fundation chain, you will have to refer to the pattern you are working on for the number of sts to crochet, since this will vary with the yarn, the tension, the pattern etc.. Happy crocheting!
13.11.2015 - 09:34
Nina Christou wrote:
What exactly does '1ch over ch' mean at the beginning of each round oif a cone?
04.10.2014 - 16:42DROPS Design :
Dear Mrs Christou, can you tell us more, ie which DROPS pattern you are working on ?
15.10.2014 - 16:45
Maria Jose wrote:
Muchas gracias por estos tutoriales, estoy fascinada con vuestra página, muchisimas gracias, está tan bien explicado que alucino. saludos desde España
06.02.2013 - 00:32Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *.
Me encanta el tejido, y quisiera aprender.Lo.estoy intentando..gracias por tantas bellezas...Yara.
19.06.2020 - 07:31