How can I get help with a DROPS pattern?

How can I get help with a DROPS pattern?

Each individual pattern contains a Comments section where you can post questions, get answers in your own language and also read what other knitters have commented on the pattern.

Any corrections made to a pattern after its publication will be displayed at the bottom of the pattern text, in red.

You can also find the corrections to all our patterns under Free Patterns > by Catalogue > Corrections, in the top menu.

For more specific support, you need to contact the store where you bought the yarn.

Comments (400)

M Vroomen wrote:

Is er een cursus hoe ik kan leren om linkshandig te haken?

15.10.2024 - 02:22

Marjorie Magrath wrote:

Pattern Little Dancer, The cardigan says incl one edge stitch each side towards mid front. Confused! How many stitches in and is this a knit stitch

12.10.2024 - 16:09

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Marjorie, you cast on the number of stitches indicated. In this number of stitches you already include the edge stitches in garter stitch (you don't need to add stitches for it). These edge stitches in garter stitch are always knitted (both from the right side and the wrong side). The edge stitches are located at the edge/side of the piece you are working, so they will be the first and last stitch in the row. You can click on the word "edge stitch" in the pattern for more information. Happy knitting!

13.10.2024 - 19:49

Lynn wrote:

Diamond rose pattern. I do not understand why I am removing 35 center stitches to a stitch holder and not working them in the pattern as I finish the pattern. “At the same time when the piece measures 22 inches slip the middle 35 stitches to a holder.” Is that 35 on the front and 35 on the back? I am still working pattern, so these stitches are eliminated from the pattern? Please advise.

10.10.2024 - 03:50

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lynn, these 35 stitches are slipped on a thread for neck on front piece, so work these stitches and slip them on a thread then continue working yoke as before but back and forth from neck - remember to continue raglan decreases and ad the same time cast off 2 sts at the beg of each row on each side (still from neck both from RS and from WS to get a symmetrical neck edge) 1 time then cast off 1 stitch at the beg of each row (from both RS and WS) until all raglan decreases are done. Happy knitting!

10.10.2024 - 09:45

Maria Böcksteiner wrote:

Die Anleitung für Weste in Karisma - ich verstehe den Absatz „Hals und Schulter schließen hinten „nicht. Vielleicht können sie mir helfen. Dankeschön

04.10.2024 - 14:09

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Frau Böcksteiner, am besten stellen Sie Ihre Frage bei dem erwähnten Modell so kann man Ihnen am besten weiterhelfen. Danke im voraus für Ihr Verständnis. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!

04.10.2024 - 16:08

Bhuvana wrote:

I am starting to work on Miles Away Crocheted Sweater and looking at the pattern diagram. Do I read the A.1, A.2 etc. from top to bottom? For example, A.1 has 5 cross signs with a star next to the last cross. Does it mean that it is a repetition of the same stitch in the same location each row? Also, what is 1 double crochet in double crochet? I am not experienced and find it hard to read the pattern. Thanks for your help!

04.10.2024 - 01:24

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Bhuvana, read diagrams from bottom up, then work from RS: A.1 1 time, then repeat A.2 13 to 20 times (see your size), and finish with A.3; from WS work A.3, then repeat A.2 reading from the left towards the right and finish with A.1. Read more about crochet diagrams here. Happy crocheting!

04.10.2024 - 08:02

Anny wrote:

Når der er rettelser i en opskrift er den så blevet rettet oppe i opskriften, eller skal man strikke/hækle efter rettelsen.??

15.09.2024 - 12:09

Haewon wrote:

Helloooooo, I can't understand Drops 249-6, Sunshine Trail Cardigan's patten. According to that, that's one of the first sentences of BODY part '7 stitches BAND WITH I-CORD – read description above, * knit 2, purl 2 *, work from *-* until there are 9 stitches left, knit 2 and 7 stitches BAND WITH I-CORD', but I don't know what is '7stitches BAND WITH I-CORD'. What is mean that here?

10.09.2024 - 15:59

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Haewon, you will find at the very beginning of the pattern under EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: some more explanation on how work these 7 stitches, see under BANDS WITH I-CORD:. Happy knitting!

11.09.2024 - 10:04

Carol Wallace wrote:

Question about Holly Jolly Steps. The graph is confusing as I'm not sure which way to read the graph. Do I do the sole first, or the top of the slipper first. I understand that it is done in the round.

14.08.2024 - 06:02

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Wallace, in this lesson we explain how to read diagrams, this means you will read diagrams from bottom up starting with sole then ending round with upper foot. Happy knitting!

16.08.2024 - 08:57

Lore Hewson wrote:

I have a question regarding the Running Circles cardigan. In charts A.1 and A.2 on line 8 (counting from bottom) there are dark black diagonal lines (bottom left to top right) over 2 squares, 3 times. What is one meant to do here?

12.08.2024 - 19:47

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Hewson, this is the symbol you will find under 4th symbol of diagram key; ie work 8th row (wrong side) in A.2 as follows: K1, (YO, K2 tog)x3; and work A.1 as follows: (K2 tog, YO)x3, K1. Happy knitting!

13.08.2024 - 11:17

Jenny Ek wrote:

Jag använde ett av era gratis stickmönster i våras som var av ett par vantar i garngrupp C. Detta mönster kan jag inte hitta längre, har ni tagit bort några stickmönster sedan i maj? Jag har nämligen inte stickat klart den andra vanten och skulle gärna vilja hur mönstret ser ut för att kunna färdigställa den. Jag kan skicka bilder på den färdiga vanten, men hittar ingen mejl man kan skicka till.

09.08.2024 - 17:20

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Jenny. Vi har ikke tatt bort noen oppskrift. Men bruk vår søkemotor så vil den nok dukke opp. På fremsiden på vår hjemmesiden klikk på: Gratis mönster - Dam - Accessoarer - Vantar & Handskar. Deretter scroll ned til Filter og velg Garngrupp og deretter C. Håper du finner den der. Om ikke, prøv å beskriv hvordan vanten ser ut / farge på vanten fra bildet. mvh DROPS Design

12.08.2024 - 08:55

Sonia wrote:

Sonia wrote: Hola. No entiendo en qué momento se pasa a hacer el calado. No veo claro ni el gráfico ni la descripción, podéis ayudarme a hacer este diseño por favor? Gracias 09.06.2024 - 15:47: DROPS Design answered: Hola Sonia, esta lección es para todos nuestros patrones. ¿Puedes indicar qué patrón estás trabajando? 09.06.2024 - 19:13: California Dream

10.06.2024 - 15:42

Sonia wrote:

Hola. No entiendo en qué momento se pasa a hacer el calado. No veo claro ni el gráfico ni la descripción, podéis ayudarme a hacer este diseño por favor? Gracias

09.06.2024 - 15:47

DROPS Design answered:

Hola Sonia, esta lección es para todos nuestros patrones. ¿Puedes indicar qué patrón estás trabajando?

09.06.2024 - 19:13

Steffi Bereuther wrote:

Drops Tiny Cloud Muss ich beim Aufnehmen der M. für die Halspasse die 10 Maschen für die Halsblende zusätzlich noch aufnehmen, d. h. z.B. bei 87 angegeben Maschen 97 Maschen aufnehmen? Liebe Grüße Steffi

03.06.2024 - 17:30

DROPS Design answered:

Liebe Frau Bereuther, die Blenden Maschen sind in den 87 Maschen mitgezählt, dh die brauchen Sie nicht extra anzuschlagen. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!

04.06.2024 - 08:25

Farhana wrote:

Hello can u plz explain the making of right n left shoulder , i am stuck at shoulders , couldn’t under stand the description, no of stitches r confusing me ,

03.06.2024 - 05:51

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Farhana, could you please post your question in the pattern you are working on? It would b then easier for us to check and help you further - do not hesitate to give more details: size worked, the exact place where you are stuc; etc.. thanks for your comprehension.

03.06.2024 - 09:18

Freda wrote:

I’m working on pattern 135-3 man’s Aran sweater. I’m confused with the instructions eventhough I’m an experienced knitter. I have 256 sts on circular kneedles. Patter says M2 12 sts M3 M4 M3 M1 52sts etc. total makes up 150? What am I doing wrong?

11.05.2024 - 17:51

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Freda, remember that M.1, M.2, M.3 and M.4 are the charts, which you can find below. For size M you work as follows: M.2 3 times (=12 sts), M.3 (=8 sts), M.4 (=10 sts), M.3 (= 8 sts), M.1 over 52 sts (so 6 repeats and half of M.1), M.3, M.4, M.3 M.2 6 times (= 24 sts), M.3, M.4, M.3, M.1 6 and a half times (= 52 sts), M.3, M.4, M.3, M.2 3 times (= 12). This adds up to 256 sts. Happy knitting!

12.05.2024 - 20:34

Diane T Fujimoto wrote:

PAttern is Orange Zest- I wrote that in my first sent message.

25.04.2024 - 18:17

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Fujimoto, you have to work the 6 rows in A.1 a total of 4 times (= 24 rows with A.1 in total), every time you work A.1 you decrease 8 sts, you will then decrease a total of 32 sts after you have worked the 4 repeats in height. Happy knitting!

26.04.2024 - 08:03

Diane T Fujimoto wrote:

I figured out how to do the A.1 pattern, and the pattern says do this 4 times. Since I am knitting in the round, do I knit a round in between the A.1 pattern row? It seems to me that I should, but the pattern only says to repeat the A.1 pattern for 4 rows. With a round in between or not?

24.04.2024 - 22:18

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Fujimoto, could you please tell us which pattern you are working on or just ask your question at the bottom of this pattern so that we can check together and help you further? Thanks for your comprehension.

25.04.2024 - 08:50

Elaine Scoble wrote:

DROPS Design "URSULA" using Domino Squares: Fascinating design - I want to do the HAT only, at this point Q1: Instructions seem to say 1 ball of grey, and 1 of brown. Is this correct? And which colour mix? Long or short? Is there a need for any plain colours? Q2: Is there anywhere in Australia or New Zealand where I can get this wool? Or USA? (Likely to be faster than from UK). Thanks Elaine Scoble

18.04.2024 - 03:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Scoble, for the hat you need 100 g = 2 balls same colour no 547 grey/brown mix/printed, this colour is now discontinued, but you will see similar colours DROPS Fabel in the schadecard. Find list of worldwide shipping DROPS Stores here. Happy knitting!

18.04.2024 - 08:27

Heidi wrote:

Mitä tämä tarkoittaa ohjeessa? Kädentie: Samanaikaisesti kun työn korkeus on 51-52-53-54-55 cm, päätä sivussa kädentietä varten joka 2. krs: 0-0-1-1-1 x 4 s, 1-1-1-1-1 x 3 s, 1-2-2-3-4 x 2 s ja 3-3-2-2-3 x 1 s.

16.04.2024 - 09:06

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Heidi, hvis dit spørgsmål gælder en DROPS opskrift, så skal du skrive det in i selve opskriften og markere som et spørgsmål, da vil vi svare så hurtigt som muligt :)

16.04.2024 - 11:28

Bobbie Greiner wrote:

Reading all these questions makes me wish I were multilingual!! Your customer service in answering questions is awesome!! Thank you, Bobbie

12.04.2024 - 19:15

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