Guiberteau wrote:
Bonjour,je tricote cette robe en taille M j ai un problème une fois fait mes diminution au rang suivant il dise tricoter 17 maille .39 mailles pour a2 puis 17 maille cela fait 73 maille et non 69
20.01.2025 - 16:43DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Guiberteau, tout à fait, notez bien qu'il est indiqué que lorsque vous devez tricoter ainsi, la dernière diminution n'a pas encore été faite, autrement dit, vous n'avez pas encore les 69 mailles mais encore 73 mailles, tricotez ainsi avec 17 m jersey A.2 et 17 m jersey et faites la dernière diminution comme avant - il reste alors 69 mailles. Bon tricot!
21.01.2025 - 09:52Anna Maria Vocale wrote:
Salve ma nel modello non si capisce bene se è a maglia legaccio ho a maglia rasata?
30.05.2024 - 18:46DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Anna Maria, il modello è lavorato a maglia rasata. Buon lavoro!
30.05.2024 - 19:56Maggy wrote:
Ich komme mit der Strickschrift 4B nicht zurecht, wie strickt man zwischen 2 Maschen 1 Umschlag?
23.11.2023 - 18:51DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Maggy, stricken Sie einfach 1 Umschlag, z.B. bei der 1. Reihe A.4B stricken Sie: 4 Maschen rechts, 1 Umschlag, 1 Masche wie zum Rechtsstricken abheben, 1 Masche rechts, die abgehobene Masche über die gestrickte ziehen, usw... Viel Spaß beim stricken!
24.11.2023 - 07:40Anette Höhn wrote:
Kann ich Vorder-und Rückteil in Runden bis zum Armausschnitt zusammenstricken oder empfiehlt es sich, die Teile getrennt zu stricken und zusammen zu nähen
18.03.2022 - 11:24DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Höhn, wahrscheinlich können Sie bis zum Armausschnitt in Runden stricken, dann brauchen Sie nur das Muster und die Anleitung so anzupassen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
18.03.2022 - 15:31Lillian wrote:
Kan jeg ikke strikke denne model kortere som en lang bluse/tunika. Hvilke indtagninger skal evt. springes over. Eller hvad kan jeg gøre ? Tak for jeres dejlige hjemmeside, som jeg bruger meget.
10.04.2021 - 15:54DROPS Design answered:
Hej Lillian, Se måleskitsen nederst i opskriften, så kan du følge længde-målene i den mindste størrelse :)
12.04.2021 - 14:36Isabelle wrote:
Bonjour. Un grd merci pour votre reponse precedente. Votre aide m'a ete precieuse. Pourriez vous m'aider pour l'arrondi des manches. Les instructions disent de rabattre de chaque cote 1x3m, 2x2m et 3x1m. Cela veut dire qu'en tout j'aurai rabattu 20m de maniere symetrique des 2 cotes? ( mais alors je n'arrive pas au 27m finales) Ou bien dois je faire rang 1: 3m; rang 2: 2m; rang 3: 2m; rang 4: 1m; rang 5:1m, rang 6: 1m. D'avance je vous remercie
08.02.2020 - 13:40DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Isabelle, l'arrondi des manches doit être symétrique effectivement, rabattez bien 2 m de chaque côté jusqu'à ce que la manche mesure 45 cm puis encore 1 x 3 m de chaque côté, la manche doit mesurer 46 cm, la hauteur est ici plus importante que le nombre de mailles restantes, nos stylistes vont vérifier le nombre de mailles indiqué, merci. Bon tricot!
10.02.2020 - 08:12Isabelle wrote:
Bonjour, je suis arrivee au niveau devant gauche. Je me trouve donc avec 29 mailles ( pour une taille L ) apres avoir fait les diminutions pour les emmenchaures. Je dois glisser 8 mailles et en rabattre en tout 7 . Il me reste donc 14 mailles. Or dans les explications il devrait m'en rester 16. Je ne vois pas ou est mon erreur. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider. Un tout grand merci :-)))
22.01.2020 - 08:09DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Isabelle, je tombe juste sur 16 mailles en L: 123 m pour commencer, 75 m après les diminutions, 81 m après les augmentations, 63 m après les emmanchures (9 m de chaque côté) - 1 m rabattue au milieu = 62 m/2= 31 m pour chaque côté - 8 m en attente - 7 m rabattues pour l'encolure = 16 m. En espérant que ces informations vous aident. Bon tricot!
22.01.2020 - 10:07Crette wrote:
Je ne comprends pas comment faire les emmanchures Je dois faire les 6 premières mailles au point mousse? Metci beaucoup pour votre reponse
19.07.2019 - 22:16DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour! Vous devez tricoter 2 côtes mousse en hauteur au-dessus des 6 mailles (6 mailles de chaque cote sont tricotees endroit par les 4 rangs), ensuite vous commencez a diminuer des mailles de chaque cote de votre ouvrage selon les explications. Bon tricot!
22.07.2019 - 21:33Sonia wrote:
Il numero di maglie del campione è errato: 10 x10 cm. = 17 m. x 22 ferri.
15.04.2019 - 19:58DROPS Design answered:
Buongiorno Sonia. Abbiamo corretto le indicazioni per il campione. La ringraziamo per la segnalazione. Buon lavoro!
16.04.2019 - 09:10Strickoma wrote:
Sind im Diagramm Hin- und Rückreihen oder nur die Hinreihen gezeichnet?
07.04.2019 - 23:26Strickoma answered:
Habe die Antwort gerade selbst gefunden
07.04.2019 - 23:33
White Pearl |
Knitted dress in DROPS Paris. The piece is worked with lace pattern, split in front of neck and ¾ length trumpet sleeves with lace pattern. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 199-2 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge in height = Knit 2 rows. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.6. Diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from the right side. DECREASE TIP-1 (for skirt section of dress): All decreases are worked from the right side! Decrease as follows on each side of the marker thread: Start 2 stitches before marker thread, knit 2 together, marker thread, slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch (= 2 stitches decreased by marker thread and 4 stitches decreased on row). DECREASE TIP-2 (for armholes): Decrease on inside of the 3 edge stitches in garter stitch. All decreases worked from the right side! Decrease as follows after the 3 edge stitches: Slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch (= 1 stitch decreased). Decrease as follows before the 3 edge stitches: Start 2 stitches before the 3 edge stitches and knit 2 together (= 1 stitch decreased). DECREASE TIP-3 (for sides of sleeves): Decrease on inside of the 1 edge stitch in garter stitch. All decreases worked from the right side! Decrease as follows after the 1 edge stitch: Slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 and pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch (= 1 stitch decreased). Decrease as follows before the 1 edge stitch: Start 2 stitches before the edge stitch and knit 2 together (= 1 stitch decreased). INCREASE TIP (for each side of body and sleeves): All increases worked from the right side! Increase on the inside of the 1 edge stitch in garter stitch towards the side by making 1 yarn over. On the next row (wrong side) purl the yarn over twisted to avoid a hole. Then work the new stitch in stockinette stitch. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- DRESS - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked back and forth with circular needle, bottom up and then sewn together to finish. Lace pattern is worked on the back piece in the same way as on the front piece but without the row of holes and split. If you do not want lace pattern on the back piece, you can work stockinette stitch over these stitches. FRONT PIECE: Cast on 109-117-123-133-143-153 stitches with circular needle size 4 mm = US 6 and Paris. Work A.1 back and forth over all stitches (row 1 is worked from the wrong side and when working row 5 in A.1 the symbol for ‘knit 2 together’ applies also from the wrong side. NOTE: Last stitch on row 5 is knitted). Change to circular needle size 5 mm = US 8 when A.1 has been completed. Continue with stockinette stitch and 1 edge stitch in GARTER STITCH on each side – read description above. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! When the piece measures 5-5-5-5-6-6 cm = 2"-2"-2"-2"-2⅜"-2⅜" insert 2 marker threads in the piece as follows: Count 26-29-31-35-39-43 stitches, insert 1 marker thread, count 57-59-61-63-65-67 stitches, insert 1 marker thread (there are 26-29-31-35-39-43 stitches left on the row after the last marker thread). READ REST OF FRONT PIECE BEFORE CONTINUING! DECREASE BY MARKER THREADS: On the next row from the right side decrease 1 stitch on each side of both marker threads – read DECREASE TIP-1 (= 4 stitches decreased). Decrease like this every 4 cm a total of 12 times = 61-69-75-85-95-105 stitches. LACE PATTERN: At the same time when the piece measures 46-47-48-46-47-49 cm = 18"-18½"-19"-18"-18½"-19¼" start the lace pattern mid front. The last decrease by the marker threads is still left in all sizes when you start A.2 and the row is worked as follows: Work 13-17-20-25-30-35 stitches in garter stitch and stockinette stitch as before, work A.2 (= 39 stitches) and the remaining 13-17-20-25-30-35 stitches in stockinette stitch and garter stitch as before. Continue this pattern (remember the last decrease by the marker threads). INCREASE IN SIDES: At the same time when the piece measures 55-55-55-55-56-56 cm = 21⅝"- 21⅝"- 21⅝"- 21⅝"-22"-22", increase 1 stitch on each side – read INCREASE TIP. Increase like this every 3-3-3-4-4-4 cm = 1⅛"-1⅛"-1⅛"-1½"-1½"-1½" a total of 3 times on each side = 67-75-81-91-101-111 stitches. ARMHOLE: At the same time when the piece measures 62-63-64-65-66-67 cm = 24⅜"-24¾"-25¼"-25½"-26"-26⅜", work 2 ridges in height over the outermost 6-6-7-9-11-13 stitches on each side (the other stitches are worked in stockinette stitch and lace pattern as before). After the 2 ridges on each side bind off 3-3-4-6-8-10 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows for armholes. On the next row from the right side decrease 1 stitch on each side for armholes – read DECREASE TIP-2. Decrease like this every 2nd row (i.e. each row from the right side) a total of 1-4-5-7-9-11 times. LACE PATTERN CONTINUES: At the same time when A.2 has been completed, work A.3 a total of 1-1-1-2-2-2 times in height over the same 39 stitches, but on the last row in the final repeat of A.3 (wrong side) bind off the middle stitch on the row for the split mid front and each section is finished separately. LEFT FRONT PIECE: Start from the right side and continue as before with 3 edge stitches in garter stitch towards the armhole; continue to decrease to the armhole if your decreases have not finished. Work stockinette stitch and then A.4A over the outermost 19 stitches towards mid front. When the piece measures 77-78-79-81-82-84 cm = 30⅜"-30¾"-31"-32"-32¼"-33" (adjust so that the next row is worked from the wrong side), place the outermost 7-7-8-8-9-9 stitches towards mid front on 1 thread for neck; to avoid cutting the strand work the stitches before placing them on the thread. Continue working and bind off for the neck at the beginning of each row from the wrong side as follows: Bind off 2 stitches 2 times and then 1 stitch 3 times = 15-16-16-17-17-18 stitches left on shoulder. Continue working until there is 1 row left before the piece measures 82-84-86-88-90-92 cm = 32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝"-35½"-36¼". Knit 1 row from the wrong side and bind off with knit from the right side. The dress measures approx. 82-84-86-88-90-92 cm = 32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝"-35½"-36¼" from the shoulder down. RIGHT FRONT PIECE: Start from the right side and continue as follows: Work A.4B over the first 19 stitches towards mid front, work stockinette stitch as before, continue to decrease to the armhole if you have not finished and continue with 3 edge stitches in garter stitch towards the armhole. When the piece measures 77-78-79-81-82-84 cm = 30⅜"-30¾"-31"-32"-32¼"-33" (adjust so that the next row is worked from the right side), place the outermost 7-7-8-8-9-9 stitches towards mid front on 1 thread for neck; to avoid cutting the strand work the stitches before placing them on the thread. Continue working and bind off for the neck at the beginning of each row from the right side as follows: Bind off 2 stitches 2 times and then 1 stitch 3 times = 15-16-16-17-17-18 stitches left on shoulder. Continue working until there is 1 row left before the piece measures 82-84-86-88-90-92 cm = 32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝"-35½"-36¼". Knit 1 row from the wrong side and bind off with knit from the right side. BACK PIECE: Cast on 109-117-123-133-143-153 stitches with circular needle size 4 mm = US 6 and Paris. Work A.1 back and forth over all stitches in the same way as the front piece. Change to circular needle size 5 mm = US 8 when A.1 has been completed. Continue with stockinette stitch and 1 edge stitch in garter stitch on each side. When the piece measures 5-5-5-5-6-6 cm = 2"-2"-2"-2"-2⅜"-2⅜" insert 2 marker threads in the piece as follows: Count 26-29-31-35-39-43 stitches, insert 1 marker thread, count 57-59-61-63-65-67 stitches, insert 1 marker thread (there are 26-29-31-35-39-43 stitches left on the row after the last marker thread). READ REST OF BACK PIECE BEFORE CONTINUING! DECREASE BY MARKER THREADS: On the next row from the right side decrease 1 stitch on each side of both marker threads – read DECREASE TIP-1 (= 4 stitches decreased). Decrease like this every 4 cm a total of 12 times = 61-69-75-85-95-105 stitches. LACE PATTERN: At the same time when the piece measures 46-47-48-46-47-49 cm = 18"-18½"-19"-18"-18½"-19¼" start the lace pattern mid back. The last decrease by the marker threads is still left in all sizes when A.5A begins and the row is worked as follows: Work 13-17-20-25-30-35 stitches in garter stitch and stockinette stitch as before, A.5A (= 39 stitches), then the remaining 13-17-20-25-30-35 stitches in stockinette stitch and garter stitch as before. Continue this pattern (remember the last decrease by the marker threads). INCREASE IN SIDES: At the same time when the piece measures 55-55-55-55-56-56 cm = 21⅝"- 21⅝"- 21⅝"- 21⅝"-22"-22" increase 1 stitch on each side – read INCREASE TIP. Increase like this every 3-3-3-4-4-4 cm = 1⅛"-1⅛"-1⅛"-1½"-1½"-1½" a total of 3 times on each side = 67-75-81-91-101-111 stitches. ARMHOLE: At the same time when the piece measures 62-63-64-65-66-67 cm = 24⅜"-24¾"-25½"-25½"-26"-26⅜" work 2 ridges in height over the outermost 6-6-7-9-11-13 stitches on each side (the other stitches are worked in stockinette stitch and lace pattern as before). After the 2 ridges bind off 3-3-4-6-8-10 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows for the armholes. On the next row from the right side decrease 1 stitch on each side for the armhole - read DECREASE TIP-2. Decrease like this every 2nd row (i.e. every row from the right side) a total of 1-4-5-7-9-11 times. LACE PATTERN CONTINUES: At the same time when A.5A has been completed, repeat A.5B in height over the same 39 stitches to finished length. NECK: At the same time when the piece measures 80-82-84-86-88-90 cm = 31½"-32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝"-35½" bind off the middle 27-27-29-29-31-31 stitches for neck and each shoulder is finished separately. Continue the pattern as before, but the stitches which do not fit into the lace pattern when decreasing for neck are worked in stockinette stitch. Bind off 1 stitch at the beginning of the next row from the neck = 15-16-16-17-17-18 stitches left on shoulder. Continue working until there is 1 row left before the piece measures 82-84-86-88-90-92 cm = 32¼"-33"-33⅞"-34⅝"-35½"-36¼". Knit 1 row from the wrong side and bind off with knit from the right side. Work the other shoulder in the same way. SLEEVE: Is worked from bottom up. Cast on 69-71-73-73-75-77 stitches with circular needle size 4 mm = US 6 and Paris. Work A.1 with 1 stitch in garter stitch on each side (row 1 is worked from the wrong side and on row 5 in A.1 the symbol for ‘knit 2 together’ also applies on the wrong side. NOTE: The last stitch on row 5 is knitted). Change to circular needle size 5 mm = US 8 when A.1 has been completed. Continue with stockinette stitch and 1 edge stitch in garter stitch on each side. DECREASE IN SIDES: When the piece measures 3 cm = 1⅛" decrease 1 stitch on each side – read DECREASE TIP-3. Decrease like this every 2 cm = ¾" a total of 11-11-11-9-9-9 times on each side = 47-49-51-55-57-59 stitches. LACE PATTERN: At the same time when the piece measures 10 cm = 4" work A.6A over the middle 15 stitches (the other stitches are continued in stockinette stitch and garter stitch as before) – count out from the middle of the piece to find the beginning of the pattern. When A.6A has been completed, repeat A.6B in height over the same 15 stitches to finished length. INCREASE IN SIDES: At the same time when the piece measures 26-26-26-21-21-21 cm = 10¼"-10¼"-10¼"-8¼"-8¼"-8¼", increase 1 stitch on each side – read INCREASE TIP. Increase like this every 3-2-1½-1½-1½-1 cm = 1⅛"-¾"-½"-½"-½"-⅜" a total of 4-5-6-7-8-10 times on each side = 55-59-63-69-73-79 stitches. Continue working until the piece measures 37-36-36-34-34-33 cm = 14½"-14¼"-14¼"-13⅜"-13⅜"-13" (A.6B continues in middle as before). Now bind off for sleeve cap at the beginning of each row on each side as follows: Bind off 3 stitches 1 time, 2 stitches 2 times and 1 stitch 3-3-3-4-5-7 times on each side. Then bind off 2 stitches on each side until the piece measures approx. 43-44-45-45-46-46 cm = 17"-17¼"-17¾"-17¾"-18"-18". Bind off 3 stitches 1 time on each side = 27 stitches left. Bind off. The sleeve measures approx. 44-45-46-46-47-47 cm = 17¼"-17¾"-18"-18"-18½"-18½" from the top down. Work the other sleeve in the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew shoulder seams inside the bind-off edge so that you have 2 purled rows towards each other on top of shoulders. Sew side seams from armholes down – sew edge to edge in outermost loop of outermost stitch so that the seam is flat. Sew sleeve seams in the same way. Position the sleeves under the garter stitch edge along the armholes. Fasten neatly so that the garter stitch edge shows along the armhole. NECK: Start from the right side mid front and knit up approx. 74 to 88 stitches around the neck (including the stitches on the threads in front), with circular needle size 4 mm = US 6 and Paris. Knit 1 row from the wrong side, knit 1 row from the right side and knit 1 row from the wrong side. Loosely bind off with knit from the right side. Cut and fasten the strands. |
Diagram explanations |
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