Vibeke wrote:
Kan man bruge både Drops Paris og Drops Muskat til denne model? Mvh Vibeke
17.02.2024 - 10:10DROPS Design answered:
Hej Vibeke, DROPS Paris og Muskat tilhører 2 forskellige grupper med strikkefasthed, så det vil ikke blive jævnt men for løst hvis du strikker den i Muskat...Men vi har søde kjoler i Muskat som du kan følge :)
23.02.2024 - 10:42
Lilian wrote:
Guys am so in-love, with this darling ,i am already doing the same one with wider stripes but am Head over Heels with this sweet dress.
08.04.2023 - 21:00
Charlotta Johansson wrote:
Undrar om de angivna måtten räknas på kroppen eller på plagget?
04.06.2022 - 23:10DROPS Design answered:
Hej Charlotta, Måtten i måttskissen är plaggets mått. Se här: Hur man läser måttskissen och väljer storlek
08.06.2022 - 07:40
Anne wrote:
Hallo, ich habe gerade mit diesem wunderschönen Kleid begonnen, kann aber Diagramm A1 nicht finden… Liebe Grüße aus Berlin Anne
22.01.2022 - 14:09DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Anne, das Diagramm A.1 finden Sie rechts, neben der Maßskizze. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
23.01.2022 - 10:05
Krystel wrote:
Bonjour, Je ne saisie pas ce qu'il faut faire après les augmentations du raglan : la partie A.1. Par où on commence à mesurer depuis le rang de montage du devant, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
23.02.2021 - 23:49DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Krystel, le diagramme A.1 se tricote à chaque transition des raglans, les marqueurs doivent être chacun au milieu de chaque A.1 (flèche), vous continuez ainsi la bordure ajouré des augmentations du raglan sans augmenter de mailles. Mesurez l'ouvrage depuis le rang de montage (= depuis que vous avez monté les mailles pour commencer) jusqu'aux mailles sur l'aiguille au niveau du milieu du devant de la robe - comme le schéma l'indique si cela peut vous aider. Bon tricot!
24.02.2021 - 07:54
Anne wrote:
Ein traumhaft schönes Kleid. Ich würde es gern in genau den gleichen Farben nachstricken. Leider stelle ich fest, dass es die Farben gar nicht mehr gibt. Habe ich noch eine Möglichkeit, die gleichen Farben zu bekommen? Schöne Grüße Anne
13.08.2020 - 10:39DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Anne, alle Farben Paris sind von uns lieferbar - am besten wenden Sie sich an Ihrem DROPS Laden, gerne wird man Ihnen weiterhelfen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
13.08.2020 - 15:40
Anette Jensen wrote:
Glem hvad jeg skrev... Griner.. Nu kan jeg godt se pointen i opskriften,- man er jo bare "vant til" at raglan skilles mellem de 2 masker.. :-)
27.06.2020 - 17:24
Anette Jensen wrote:
Der ER altså fejl i opskriften ved ærmerne, som andre har skrevet. Hvis du starter med at have 20 m til ærmer (str. XXL) og skal lave raglan 23 gange i hver side, giver dette 20 + 23 + 23 = 66 m til 1 ærme og ikke 60 som der står i opskriften.
27.06.2020 - 16:53
Inger Calmén Thunström wrote:
Hej, jag hittar inte diagram A1 i mönstret. Har det fallit bort? Vänligen, Inger
17.06.2020 - 02:42DROPS Design answered:
Hej Inger. Du hittar det längst ner, till höger om måttskissen. Mvh DROPS Design
17.06.2020 - 10:19
Joly wrote:
Pour le modele w-677 apres le raglas je comprent pas a .1 (5) comment faire merci
28.12.2019 - 16:27
Verona |
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Dress with stripes, raglan and vent in the sides, worked top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is knitted in DROPS Paris.
DROPS 187-1 |
INFORMATION FOR PATTERN: GARTER STITCH (worked in the round): 1 ridge = 2 rounds. Knit 1 round and purl 1 round. GARTER STITCH (back and forth): 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. INCREASE TIP-1 (applies to yoke): To calculate how to increase evenly, use the total number of stitches on row (e.g. 88 stitches) and divide stitches by number of increases to be done (e.g. 12) = 7.3. In this example increase after approx. every 7th stitch by making 1 yarn over. On next round knit yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. PATTERN (applies to raglan): See diagram A.1. STRIPES YOKE: The stripes are worked in stockinette as follows: 2-2-2-2-2-2 rounds mustard, 5-6-6-8-8-9 rounds light ice blue, 2-4-4-4-6-6 rounds dark old pink, 5-6-6-8-8-9 rounds heather, 2-2-2-2-2-2 rounds mustard, 10-12-14-14-14-16 rounds raspberry, 2-2-2-2-2-2 rounds powder pink, approx. 4-4-6-6-8-8 rounds in dark old pink, i.e. work stockinette with dark old pink until yoke is done, then work A.2 and A.3 as explained in pattern. STRIPES BODY: See diagrams A.2 and A.3. Choose diagram for your size. The stripes are worked in stockinette. RAGLAN: Increase for raglan on each side of the 4 marker threads as follows: Work until 1 stitch remain before marker thread, make 1 yarn over, knit 2 (marker thread is in the middle of these 2 stitches), make 1 yarn over (= 2 stitches increased). On next round knit the yarn overs to make holes. DECREASE TIP (applies to sides of dress): Begin 5 stitches before marker and knit 2 together, knit 6 (marker thread is in the middle of these 6 stitches), slip 1 stitch knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over stitch worked (= 2 stitches decreased). INCREASE TIP-2 (applies to sides of dress): Begin 3 stitches before marker thread, make 1 yarn over, knit 6, 1 yarn over (= 2 stitches increased). On next round work yarn overs twisted to avoid holes. ---------------------------------------------------------- DRESS: Worked in the round on circular needle, top down until vent begins. Then finish front and back piece back and forth separately until finished measurements. Work sleeve edges in the round on double pointed needles. NECK EDGE: Cast on 88-88-96-96-102-102 stitches on a short circular needle size 4 mm / US 6 with dark wash. Work 2 ridges in GARTER STITCH in the round - see explanation above. Switch to circular needle size 5 mm / US 8. Knit 1 round while increasing 12-12-12-12-14-14 stitches evenly - read INCREASE TIP-1 = 100-100-108-108-116-116 stitches. Insert 4 marker threads for raglan in the piece as follows: Insert first marker thread after the first 15-15-17-17-19-19 stitches (= ½ back piece), insert 2nd marker thread after the next 20 stitches (= sleeve), insert third marker thread after the next 30-30-34-34-38-38 stitches (= front piece), and insert fourth marker thread after the next 20 stitches (= sleeve), 15-15-17-17-19-19 stitches remain on round after last marker. Then work yoke as explained below. YOKE: Work STRIPES YOKE - see explanation above. AT THE SAME TIME on next round increase for RAGLAN – see explanation above, on each side of the 4 marker threads (= 8 stitches increased). Increase like this every other round 14-17-18-22-23-26 times in total. REMEMBER THE GAUGE! After last increase there are 212-236-252-284-300-324 stitches on needle. Continue with stripes yoke without increasing for raglan but to avoid breaking the lace edges along each raglan line when increase is no longer done, work A.1 in every transition between body and sleeve edges (arrow in A.1 marks marker thread in raglan line). When piece measures 16-18-20-22-24-26 cm /6¼"-7"-8"-8¾"-9½"-10¼" from cast-on edge mid front, divide piece for body and sleeves. Work with dark old pink as follows: Work the first 31-34-37-41-45-49 stitches (= ½ back piece), slip the next 44-50-52-60-60-64 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-8-8-10-12 stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve), work the next 62-68-74-82-90-98 stitches (= front piece), insert the next 44-50-52-60-60-64 stitches on 1 stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 6-6-8-8-10-12 stitches on needle (= in the side under sleeve) and work the remaining 31-34-37-41-45-49 stitches (= ½ back piece). Cut the yarn. Finish body and sleeve edges separately. NOW MEASURE THE PIECE FROM HERE! BODY: = 136-148-164-180-200-220 stitches. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 6-6-8-8-10-12 stitches cast on in each side = 68-74-82-90-100-110 stitches between marker threads. Begin round at the marker thread in the right side of piece (when garment is worn). Work A.2 in the round. When A.2 has been worked, work A.3, then work in stockinette with dark old pink until finished measurements. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 2 cm / ¾" from division, decrease 2 stitches in each side - read DECREASE TIP (= 4 stitches decreased). Decrease like this every 2 cm / ¾" 3 times in total in each side = 124-136-152-168-188-208 stitches. When piece measures 16 cm / 6¼" from division, increase 2 stitches in each side - read INCREASE TIP-2 (= 4 stitches increased). Increase like this every 1½ cm / ½" 28 times in total in each side. AT THE SAME TIME when piece measures 43-44-43-44-43-43 cm / 17"-17¼"-17"-17¼"-17"-17", divide piece at both marker threads and finish front and back piece separately. Leave the stitches on back piece on the needle or slip them on 1 stitch holder. Continue with stockinette stitch and stripes as before but work the 3 edge stitches in each side in GARTER STITCH - see explanation above. NOTE! When dividing for vent in each side, increases will still remain in each side but now increase inside the 3 edge stitches in garter stitch in each side. After last increase there are 118-124-132-140-150-160 stitches on needle. Work with dark old pink until piece measures approx. 81-84-87-90-93-95 cm / 32"-33"-34¼"-35"-36⅝"-37⅜" from shoulder. Work 3 ridges back and forth over all stitches and bind off by knitting from right side. Work back piece the same way. SLEEVE EDGE: Slip the 44-50-52-60-60-64 stitches from stitch holder in one side of piece on double pointed needles size 4 mm / US 6 and pick in addition up 1 stitch in each of the 6-6-8-8-10-12 new stitches cast on under sleeve = 50-56-60-68-70-76 stitches. Work 2 ridges in the round with dark wash and bind off by knitting. Work the other sleeve edge the same way. |
Diagram explanations |
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