Céline wrote:
Hei! Veldig fint teppe :) På bilde ser det ut som at dere strikker med flere masker perlestrikk på hver side, samt flere masker glattstrikk i midten, enn det som står i oppskriften. Stemmer dette? I så fall kunne dere oppdatert oppskriften, eventuelt skrevet hvor mange masker dere har lagt opp?
16.01.2025 - 20:02DROPS Design answered:
Hej Celine, maskeantallet stemmer med det du ser på billedet :)
17.01.2025 - 11:58SLBSLB wrote:
Bonjour,\r\n\r\nEst que la laine Drops Snow serait toujours adaptée si je prévois un jacquard ours au milieu de la couverture (à la place du jersey) ? Merci
10.11.2024 - 20:27DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour, tout à fait, pour vous donner un exemple, retrouvez tous nos modèles en jacquard nordique tricotés en DROPS Snow ici. Bon tricot!
11.11.2024 - 10:14LAFOUX wrote:
Bonjour Il faut combien de pelotes de laine s.il vous plaît. Merci
03.11.2024 - 13:06DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Lafoux, vous trouverez toujours les quantités nécessaires (par taille si besoin) indiquées, au poids, en haut de page sous l'onglet "Explications"; il faut par ex ici 400 g DROPS Snow/50 g la pelote = 8 pelotes DROPS Snow pour réaliser cette couverture. Bon tricot!
04.11.2024 - 10:49Helga Dann wrote:
Hallo...ich möchte gerne die Decke Sea Water stricken allerdings mit Big Merino. Leider komme ich mit dem Garnumrechnen nicht so ganz klar. Was muss ich da beachten bzw wieviel Garn bräuchte ich dann?\r\nVielen Dank und liebe Grüße\r\nHelga Dann
01.10.2024 - 18:30DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Dann, dann sollen Sie mit 2 Fäden Big Merino stricken, benutzen Sie den Garnumrechner für die Alternative sowie die neue passende Garnmenge. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
02.10.2024 - 08:13Hana wrote:
Hello, I would like to make a blanket from DROPS Cotton merino. I have done recently one before from LIMA and even though my stitches were pretty tight it got loosen, when I washed it (briefly in detergent for wool and dried flat). My question is should I wash the wool before knitting or making super tight stitches to avoid loose knitted fabric when it is washed eventually. I am wondering especially regarding Cotton merino thread. Thank you
12.02.2023 - 19:52DROPS Design answered:
Dear Hana, the yarn doesn't need to be washed before knitting. From what you are telling, the loosening could be related to an issue with the gauge; please ensure that the gauge is not too loose, since knitted products tend to get loose if not worked too tightly. On another note, if you washed it and then simply left if to dry, the excess of water could also widen the stitches; we recommend to wrap it with a towel and remove the extra water. Happy knitting!
12.02.2023 - 23:32Anna wrote:
Hej! jag undrar 2 saker: 1. När arb mäter 16 cm stickas nästa v från rätsidan så här: 11 m moss-st, 37 m slätst och 11 m moss-st. Fortsätt så tills arb mäter 69 cm. innebär detta att man ska sticka aviga maskor från avig sidan eller räta hela tiden (när det inte är mosstickning)? 2. Hur vet jag vilken sida som är avig eller rät när man har stickat mosstickning de första 16 cm?
03.02.2023 - 09:58DROPS Design answered:
Hej Anna, slätstickning stickas rät från rätsidan och avig från avigsidan. Du kan bestämma själv att första sidan är rätsidan :)
03.02.2023 - 11:47Joanna wrote:
Proszę o uściślenie, chcę się upewnić, że dobrze rozumiem: po nabraniu oczek nitkę początkową i nitkę z kłębka mam na początku lewego drutu, czyli patrząc na wprost po mojej prawej stronie. I teraz mam zacząć pierwszy rząd i przerabiać wszystkie oczka jako lewe?
01.02.2023 - 13:49DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Joanno, w tym wzorze strona lewa robótki będzie rozpoczynać się od nitek brzegowych. Pierwszy rząd będzie przerabiany na lewo na lewej stronie robótki. Aby się nie pomylić, zalecam umieścić marker na prawej stronie robótki. Pozdrawiamy!
02.02.2023 - 09:19Joanna wrote:
Proszę o informację, czy włóczka Snow nada się na ten kocyk, jeśli ma być przeznaczony też dla noworodka? Czy może lepiej zastąpić inną włóczką i jeśli tak, to na którą zamienić?
13.01.2023 - 17:46DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Joanno, Snow jak najbardziej się nada dla noworodka. Wish też będzie ok, będzie trochę lżejsza. Miłej pracy!
13.01.2023 - 21:33Rachele wrote:
Nella parte con la grana di riso ai lati e la maglia rasata al centro, il numero delle maglie della grana di riso deve essere per forza dispari o se è pari va bene lo stesso? Chiedo perché ho dovuto montare più maglie per ottenere la misura indicata
11.11.2022 - 12:29DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Rachele, può modificare il numero di maglie e il motivo a suo piacimento: questo non impatta sul lavoro finale. Buon lavoro!
13.11.2022 - 00:12Rachele wrote:
Le misure della coperta dovrebbero essere ca. 68 x 85 cm Ma nel mio lavoro il lato che dovrebbe venire 68 è appena 45 Come da istruzioni, ho montato 59 maglie, lavorato con ferri 10, e usato filato Wish
05.11.2022 - 08:47DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Rachele, il suo campione corrisponde a quello indicato? Buon lavoro!
05.11.2022 - 10:29
Sea Water |
Knitted baby blanket in DROPS Snow or DROPS Wish
DROPS Baby 16-9 |
MOSS ST: Row 1: * K1, P1 *, repeat from *-*. Row 2: K over P and P over K. Repeat row 2 --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- BLANKET: To fit in all sts work blanket back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 59 sts on circular needle size 10 mm [US 15] with Snow or Wish. P 1 row from WS and continue in Moss st – SEE ABOVE. When piece measures 16 cm [6¼"] work next row as follows from RS: 11 moss sts, 37 stockinette sts, 11 moss sts. Continue until piece measures 69 cm [27"]. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! Now continue in moss st on all sts until piece measures 84 cm [33"]. P 1 row from WS and bind off loosely. CROCHET BORDER: Crochet a border with Snow or Wish on crochet hook size 8 mm [L/11] round the blanket as follows: * 1 sc, 2 ch, skip 2 sts *, repeat from *-* and finish round with 1 sl st in first sc. |
Have you made this or any other of our designs? Tag your pictures in social media with #dropsdesign so we can see them! Do you need help with this pattern?You'll find 12 tutorial videos, a Comments/Questions area and more by visiting the pattern on garnstudio.com. © 1982-2025 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site. Have you finished this pattern? |
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