Agnes Holst Kazuhara wrote:
Fejl i forklaring til opskriften? Jeg strikker på rundpind INDTIL deling i forstykke og rygstykke. OK? Derefter strikker jeg frem og tilbage. Så m.h.t. RET-pinde: skal jeg - som I forklaring - 'Strik ret på hver pind' - både på retsiden og når jeg vender om til vrangsiden? Eller er det en fejl, så det er RET på retsiden og VRANG på vrangsiden (= almindeligt kaldet glatstrik i DK). TAK for hurtigt svar, så jeg kan blive færdig inden JUL, please, mvh A.H.K.
04.12.2024 - 16:43DROPS Design answered:
Hei Agnes. Øverst i oppskriften er det forklart hvordan man strikker RETSTRIK. Du strikker kun 2 pinner retstrik helt i begynnelsen og helt til slutt under avsnittet Montering (ingen retstrik under Forstk/Rygstk). Etter delingen og når Forstk og Ryg strikkes, strikkes det etter diagram, der blank rute er rett og rute med kryss er vrang. Diagrammet viser alle pindene i mønsteret set fra retsiden (se forklaringen øverst i oppskriften), så da får du den strukturen du ser på bildet. mvh DROPS Design
09.12.2024 - 10:32Petra wrote:
Ich habe Probleme beim Abketten für das Armloch an der Vorderseite. Wenn ich in jeder 2. Reihe 3M*2 abketten soll, dann stricke ich insgesamt vier Reihen, in denen ich immer am Anfang je 3M abnehme. Ich verstehe nicht, wie ich in jeder 4. R.: 1 M. x 4-5 (5-6), danach in jeder 6. R.: 1 M. x 1 = 27-28 (30-32) M abketten konkret umsetzen soll.
12.11.2024 - 11:50DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Petra, also für das Armoch ketten Sie am Anfang jeder Reihe ab das Armloch/ab die Seite und beidseitig damit die Arbeit symmetrisch wird; für den V-Hausschnitt wird man am Anfang jeder Reihe ab Halsausschnitt abketten = am Anfang einer Hin-Reihe beim rechten Vorderteil/am Anfang einer Rückreihe beim linken Vorderteil. So je nach der Größe sollen Sie vielleicht beidseitig für das Armloch/den Halsauschnitt abketten. Viel Spaß beim Stricken!
12.11.2024 - 15:52Agnes Holst Kazuhara wrote:
Hvor starter jeg med at strikke mønster for str. S/M - i M1 og M2 ? Jeg ved, jeg skal starte forneden, men jeg mangle pile, som viser hvor de forskellige størrelser skal starte. Ligesom i Drops Children 22-42, som er så fint vist med pile for str. Mvh Agnes
25.09.2024 - 16:14DROPS Design answered:
Hei Agnes. Du starter med med første masken nederst til høyre på diagrammene, men når du skal felle til ermhull, må du telle masker på bolen og i diagrammet, slik at du får en rapport av diagrammet midt på. mvh DROPS Design
30.09.2024 - 13:43Linda Lee wrote:
I have been knitting for 56yrs and have never had this many problems with pattern but this is beautiful so far I just want to get it done sincerely Linda Lee
18.01.2024 - 19:24Linda Lee wrote:
Do you have a line by line written instructions for this pattern u-406? I also am having trouble lining up the pattern when I am binding off for front when binding off it eliminates 3sts so it says dec every other row so on my 2nd row I don’t knit the last 3sts on the chart because I binded them off so the next row I will bind off 3sts and repeat that row minus the first 6sts because they have been bind off? If you have a pattern written out line by line can I download it thanks Linda Lee
18.01.2024 - 19:20DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Lee, we only have diagrams to this pattern, read more on how to read diagrams here. Rounds start on one side, so that you will cast off the first 3 sts of the rounds then continue pattern as before (ie skip the first stitches of diagrams to continue pattern in height and not displace the stitches), and cast off the 6 sts on the other side, ending this round casting off the last 3 sts. Note in diagram which is now the first/last stitch of the row in the diagram so that you know where to start on next row. Happy knitting!
19.01.2024 - 09:06Linda Sue Lee wrote:
Pattern u-406 front do you bind off at the beginning and end of row. Bind off 3 stitches 2 times does that mean 3sts together or 3sts separately 2times this is for first bind off then knit one row and then bind off 2sts 3times is that 2sts together or separately then knit a row and continue having a hard time reading the pattern I have never used these patterns before so it’s new to me thanks Linda Lee 🤗
12.12.2023 - 17:55DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Lee, you will cast off at the beginning of the row, not at the end, this means binding 3 sts 2 times on each side means you will bind off 3 sts at the beginning of next 4 rows (3 sts 2 times cast off on each side), then 2 sts 3 times means to cast off 2 sts at the beginning of next 6 rows (2 sts 3 times on each side) and so on. Happy knitting!
13.12.2023 - 07:45Véronique wrote:
Bij het achterpand van de 2de maat heb ik 92 steken en moet gaan afkanten voor de schouders 5 x 6 en 2 x 5 = 40 steken afkanten aan beide zijkanten. Dan houd ik maar 12 steken over voor de hals in plaats van de genoemde 32 steken. Wat begrijp ik niet goed? Bij voorbaat dank voor reactie.
29.10.2023 - 20:05DROPS Design answered:
Dag Véronique,
Het klopt inderdaad niet, maar je kunt gewoon beginnen met het afkanten van de middelste steken voor de hals op het achterpand en je bent dus eerder klaar met het afkanten voor de schouders. (De laatste afkantingen voor de schouders laat je dan achterwege.)
30.10.2023 - 20:37Stine Rosenløv Jensen wrote:
Hej! Jeg forstår ikke hvad der menes med pind i dette stykke: Forstk: = 120-126 (132-138) m. Luk derefter 3 m af til ærmegab på hver 2. p: 2 gange, 2 m 3 gange, 1 m 3-3 (4-4) gange, og på hver 4. p: 1 m 1-2 (2-2) gange = 88-92 (96-102) m. Betyder det er jeg fx fra retsiden skal tage ind hver anden jeg starter pinden, eller er det hver gang? Da hvis jeg tager ind fra retsiden og derefter strikker en pind vrang, og tager ind igen fra retsiden, så ville det tilsvare hver anden pind.
30.04.2023 - 00:20DROPS Design answered:
Hei Stine. Ja, det betyder at det fra retsiden skal tage ind hver gang det strikkes fra retten (= på hver andre pinne). mvh DROPS Design
02.05.2023 - 12:53Heidi Pinky wrote:
Jeg klarer ikke å forstå fyllingen til ermhull og hals, går det ikke an å skrive det på en enklere og lettere forståelig måte🙈
03.04.2023 - 13:28DROPS Design answered:
Hej Heidi, skriv her sætningen du ikke forstår, så kan vi prøve at hjælpe dig :)
13.04.2023 - 14:08Cindy Pedersen wrote:
Hej Der står i 4. linje, når M1 er strikket 1 gang i højden, strikkes M2, derefter gentages mønstret således til færdig mål. Vil det sige skiftevis M1 og M2, M1 og M2 osv. ? Vh Cindy
20.01.2023 - 14:31DROPS Design answered:
Hei Cindy. Ja, det stemmer (M.1-M.2-M.1-M.2 osv). mvh DROPS Design
23.01.2023 - 09:36
Family Treat |
Knitted vest for men in DROPS Karisma. Piece is worked with textured pattern and V-neck. Size S – XXL.
DROPS 59-15 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RIB: * knit 2 / purl 2 *. Repeat from *-*. PATTERN: See diagrams M.1 and M.2. Diagram shows all rows in pattern seen for the right side. GARTER STITCH (back and forth): Knit all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows knit. GARTER STITCH (worked in the round): 1 ridge = 2 rounds. * knit 1 round and purl 1 round *, repeat from *-*. ------------------------------------------------------- START PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- Body: Cast on 228-236 (248-256) sts on smaller circular needles; join and place a marker at the join. Knit 2 rows garter st, then rib until the work measures 6 cm [2-⅜"]. Change to larger circular needles and work M.1, increasing 24-28 (28-32) sts evenly distributed across the first row = 252-264 (276-288) sts. Center the pattern across the front and back. When M.1 has been worked 1 time vertically, work M.2. Repeat pattern like this until finished measurements. At the same time, when the work measures 34-35 (36-38) cm [13-⅜" - 13.75" (14-⅛" - 14-⅞")], knit the next row as follows: bind off 3 sts for armhole, 120-126 (132-138) sts for the front, bind off 6 sts for armhole, 120-126 (132-138) sts for the back, bind off 3 sts for armhole. Knit the rest of each part separately. Front: = 120-126 (132-138) sts. Bind off for armholes every other row: 3 sts 2 times, 2 sts 3 times, 1 st 3-3 (4-4) times, then every 4th row: 1 st 1-2 (2-2) times = 88-92 (96-102) sts. When the work measures 46-46 (48-49) cm [16-⅛" - 16-⅛" (18-⅞" - 19.25")], divide at the center for V-neck. Knit the rest of the right and left side of the front separately. Bind off at each neck edge every other row: 2 sts 2 times, 1 st 8 times, then every 4th row: 1 st 4-5 (5-6) times, then every 6th row: 1 st 1 time = 27-28 (30-32) sts on the shoulder. When the work measures 59-61 (62-65) cm [23.25" - 24" (24-⅜" - 25-⅜")], bind off at the side edge every other row: 6 sts 2-3 (0-2) times, 5 sts 3-2 (6-4) times. All sts should be bound off and the work measures approx. 62-64 (66-69) cm [24-⅜" - 25.25" (26" - 27-⅛")]. Back: =120-126 (132-138) sts. Bind off for armholes as on the front = 88-92 (96-102) sts. When the work measures 59-61 (62-65) cm [23.25" - 24" (24-⅜" - 25-⅜")], bind off at the side edge as on the front. At the same time, when the work measures 60-62 (64-67) cm [23-⅝" - 24-⅜" (25.25" - 27-⅛")], bind off the center 30-32 (32-34) sts for the neck. Bind off 2 sts at each neck edge on the next row. When the shoulder binding off is finished, all sts should be bound off and the work measures approx. 62-64 (66-69) cm [24-⅜" - 25.25" (26" - 27-⅛")]. Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Pick up approx. 140-156 sts (divisible by 4 sts) around the neck on smaller circular needles and knit 2 rows garter st back and forth on the needles from the center front. Then knit rib for 3 cm [1.25"] as follows: K 1 (edge st knit in garter st throughout), * K 2, P 2 *, repeat from * - * until 3 sts remain, K 2, K 1 (edge st knit in garter st throughout). Then knit 2 rows garter st, bind off. Lay the left part of the neck edge over the right and sew. Pick up approx. 128-140 sts (divisible by 4 sts) around the armhole on smaller double pointed needles; join and knit 2 rows garter st, then 2 cm [0.75"] rib, finish with 2 rows garter st, bind off. |
Diagram explanations |
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