Pilar wrote:
Hola. ¿Como conseguir que no me queden agujeros en las vueltas cortas después de los puntos que van quedando sin tejer, por ejemplo 4, 4+7, etc. ? Gracias. Saludos.
02.04.2024 - 00:44DROPS Design answered:
Hola Pilar, puedes ver el siguiente vídeo para más información: https://www.garnstudio.com/video.php?id=438&lang=en. Si te quedan agujeros justo en el sitio de giro puedes estirar el hilo para cerrar estos agujeros.
07.04.2024 - 23:13Floriane wrote:
Bonjour, Je crois avoir trouvé une erreur. Le diagramme A2 contient 3 fois 2 mailles tricotées ensemble, soit une réduction de 3 mailles par diagramme. Sur les séries 3 et 4, les instructions sont de faire 4 fois le diagramme A2, soit une réduction de 12 mailles et non 13. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer où réduire la dernière maille pour les 2 dernières séries ? D'avance merci pour votre aide, Belle journée à vous Floriane
02.02.2024 - 23:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Floriane, pour la série 3 vous répétez 8 fois A.1 en hauteur soit 32 côtes mousse + la dernière sans diminution = 33 côtes mousse, dans chaque A.1 on diminue 3m x 8 = 32 diminutions au total. Dans la 4ème série, vous répétez 4 fois les 7 côtes mousse de A.2, soit 4 x 3 diminutions = 12 + vous tricotez encore les 3 premières côte mousse = + 1 diminution, vous avez bien diminué 13 mailles. Bon tricot!
05.02.2024 - 08:08Laurence Jacquemin wrote:
A quoi correspond " le long du milieu du long côté " et pouvez vous m'envoyer le diagramme (schémas) du châle. Pour avoir une vue d'ensemble
21.01.2024 - 10:33DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Jacquemin, parlez-vous de la hauteur du châle? Elle correspond à la hauteur du châle quand on le porte, on la mesure à partir du long côté du triangle jusqu'à la pointe, nous n'avons pas de schéma pour ce modèle, juste les photos et les explications écrites. Bon tricot!
22.01.2024 - 09:24Ann-Kristin wrote:
Hva betyr "å felle av innenfor 2 masker rille"?
11.10.2023 - 23:13DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ann-Kristin, du ser fellingerne i diagrammet :)
13.10.2023 - 14:03Beata wrote:
Witam, to mój pierwszy wzór z Waszej strony i niestety mam problem ze zrozumieniem schematów A1 i A2... Jak je czytać? W każdej serii opisanych jest 6 rzędów a schematy mają ich więcej. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się zrobić tę chustę do końca. Pozdrawiam, Beata
05.12.2021 - 21:32DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Beato, w każdej serii jest opisany w rzędach tylko jej początek, dalej przerabiasz jak w opisie, czyli wykonujesz rzędy skrócone. tzn. w serii 1- "Dalej przerabiać tak samo i przerabiać jeszcze 4 razy, aż zostaje o 7 oczek więcej niż w poprzednim rzędzie na prawej stronie robótki (= w sumie 5 razy), następnie przerabiać w sumie 25 razy, aż zostaje o 8 oczek więcej niż w poprzednim rzędzie". Jak widzisz po wykonaniu tego będzie 32 ściągacze francuskie, czyli 64 rzędy. Schemat A.1= 8 rzędów, to oznacza, że 64:8=8 co daje 8 powtórzeń schematu A.1 na wysokość. Powodzenia!
06.12.2021 - 09:01Hilde wrote:
Hei, jeg har problemer med å forstå hvordan vi skal strikke rapport 1. Jeg kommer meg gjennom pinne 1-6 uten problemer, men så sliter jeg med å forstå hva vi skal gjøre. Det står "Fortsett slik og strikk til det gjenstår 7 masker mer enn på forrige pinne fra retten 4 ganger til (= totalt 5 ganger)". Vil det si at jeg skal fortsette på samme måte med å strikke pinne 1-6 til sammen 4 ganger til. Eller betyr det at jeg skal gjenta pinne 5 og 6 fire ganger til?
18.02.2021 - 18:10DROPS Design answered:
Hej Hilde, du fortsætter på samme måde, så der næste gang gjenstår 11+7=18 masker, og næste gang 18+7=25 masker osv :)
23.02.2021 - 10:11Petra Zulauf wrote:
Hallo , ich bin irritiert , was die Erklärung zum 1. Rapport betrifft , und zwar in der 3. Reihe stricke ich bis 4 Maschen übrig sind , wenden, in der 5. Reihe stricken bis 7 Maschen MEHR als vorher dann sind also 11 Maschen übrig, wenden, in der 7. Reihe wieder 7 Maschen MEHR , dann bleiben 18 Maschen übrig , in der 9. Reihe wieder 7 Maschen MEHR , dann bleiben 25 Maschen stehen und keine 28 wie in der Anleitung beschrieben , was stimmt da nicht ?
09.02.2021 - 13:00DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Zulauf, ja genau, stricken Sie wie in die Anleitung erklärt, die Berechnung in der vorherigen Antwort stimmt nicht, dann bleiben 25 M + 7 = 32 Maschen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
09.02.2021 - 15:30Marika Heikkilä wrote:
Onko yksityiskohtaisempia ohjeita tähän huiviin esim piirrosta mallikerrasta
03.11.2020 - 23:18DROPS Design answered:
Hei, piirrokset löytyvät ohjeen alaosasta.
20.11.2020 - 14:11Farah wrote:
Jeg har købt præcis det garn, der er blevet anslået i opskriften. Jeg har dog allerede brugt al garnet og jeg er kun nået halvvejs i rapport 2. Jeg mener at der er fejl i opskriften. Er der andre der har prøvet det?\r\nMin strikkefasthed har været 34 masker i højden og 20 masker i bredden. Jeg har brugt pind 5.
30.09.2020 - 16:01Deborah Devney wrote:
Kindly add a download button. I don't want to print out pages and pages, it's hard to keep track of, and not particularly eco-friendly. ADD A DOWNLOAD BUTTON.
30.08.2020 - 18:32DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Devney, our patterns can only be printed, but if you want to download them, click on print then choose a virtual printer to save them as a .PDF. Happy knitting!
31.08.2020 - 10:27
Mermaid Wrap |
Knitted shawl with garter stitch and short rows in 1 strand DROPS Delight and 1 strand DROPS Kid-Silk.
DROPS 203-15 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- GARTER STITCH (back and forth): 1 ridge = knit 2 rows. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Diagrams show all rows from right side and show how to decrease in the different repetitions. DECREASE TIP-1: Work diagram A.1 over the first stitches on needle (seen from right side). Repeat A.1 vertically 8 times in total (= 24 stitches decreased in repetition). Work short rows and garter stitch for entire repetition. Every time a new repetition with short rows begins decrease starts again. I.e. 24 stitches are decreased in each of the first 3 repetitions. DECREASE TIP-2: Work diagram A.2 over the first stitches on needle (seen from right side). Repeat A.2 vertically 4 times in total, then work the first 6 rows in diagram (= 13 stitches decreased in repetition). Work short rows and garter stitch for entire repetition. Every time a new repetition with short rows begins decrease starts again. I.e. 13 stitches are decreased in each of the last 2 repetitions on shawl. KNITTING TIP: To avoid a big hole when turning on short rows tighten the yarn before continuing. ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Work piece back and forth in 5 repetitions with short rows. Work from top of shawl and down towards one bottom edge on shawl. SHAWL: Cast on 272 stitches on circular needle size 5 mm = US 8 with 1 strand Delight and 1 strand Kid-Silk (= 2 strands). Work 2 ridges in GARTER STITCH - read explanation above. 1ST REPETITION: Work short rows as explained below and decrease at the same time inside 2 stitches in garter stitch at beginning of row from right side - read DECREASE TIP-1 and diagram A.1! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn – read KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until 7 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! Continue like this and work until 7 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 4 more times (= 5 times in total), then work until 8 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 25 times in total. When all short rows have been worked, there are 32 ridges and 24 stitches have been decreased in this repetition= 248 stitches on needle. Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn and knit back. 1st repetition is now done and 33 ridges have been worked. 2ND REPETITION: Work short rows as explained below and decrease at the same time inside 2 stitches in garter stitch at beginning of row from right side - read DECREASE TIP-1 and diagram A.1! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until 7 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. Continue like this and work until 7 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 28 more time (= 29 times in total), then work until 8 stitches more than on previous row from right side 1 time in total. When all short rows have been worked, there are 32 ridges and 24 stitches have been decreased in this repetition= 224 stitches on needle. Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn and knit back. 2nd repetition is now done and 33 ridges have been worked. 3RD REPETITION: Work short rows as explained below and decrease at the same time inside 2 stitches in garter stitch at beginning of row from right side - read DECREASE TIP-1 and diagram A.1! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until 6 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. Continue like this and work until 6 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 21 more time (= 22 times in total), then work until 7 stitches more than on previous row from right side 8 times in total. When all short rows have been worked, there are 32 ridges and 24 stitches have been decreased in this repetition= 200 stitches on needle. Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn and knit back. 3rd repetition is now done and 33 ridges have been worked. 4TH REPETITION: Work short rows as explained below and decrease at the same time inside 2 stitches in garter stitch at beginning of row from right side - read DECREASE TIP-2 and diagram A.2! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until 5 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. Continue like this and work until 5 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 3 more times (= 4 times in total), then work until 6 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 26 times in total. When all short rows have been worked, there are 32 ridges and 13 stitches have been decreased in this repetition= 187 stitches on needle. Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn and knit back. 4th repetition is now done and 33 ridges have been worked. 5TH REPETITION: Work short rows as explained below and decrease at the same time inside 2 stitches in garter stitch at beginning of row from right side - read DECREASE TIP-2 and diagram A.2! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (= right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until 5 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. Continue like this and work until 5 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 16 more times (= 17 times in total), then work until 6 stitches more remain than on previous row from right side 13 times in total. When all short rows have been worked, there are 32 ridges and 13 stitches have been decreased in this repetition= 174 stitches on needle. Knit until 4 stitches remain, turn and knit back. 5th repetition is now done and 33 ridges have been worked. Work 2 ridges back and forth over all stitches. Bind off, but make sure to avoid a tight bind-off edge by making 1 yarn over after approx. every 5th stitch. Bind off yarn overs as stitches. |
Diagram explanations |
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