Vasileia wrote:
Unfortunately still cannot understand this point of the project as well as how can the next row can be worked. Is there any relevant and helpful video?
12.03.2023 - 23:52DROPS Design answered:
Dear Vasileia, all the videos related to this pattern are linked at the bottom of the instructions. Happy Crafting!
13.03.2023 - 00:58Vasileia wrote:
Hello there! Front piece. Row 5: says 12 chain stitches but the diagram shows 13 chain stitches! Then the stitches become 79. Please explain. Thanks in advance. Then
12.03.2023 - 22:23DROPS Design answered:
Dear Vasileia, the chart shows a symbol which is a circle (right before the arrow), and corresponds to the 12-12-15 chain stitches, as you can see in the diagram instructions. These chain stitches count as stitches when adding up to 79. Happy crocheting!
12.03.2023 - 22:57Wilma Snel wrote:
Ik heb op 25-12-2021 een vraag gesteld maar heb nog steeds geen antwoord
19.01.2022 - 21:23Le Dang wrote:
Hi, For the Row 3 in Back Piece, shouldn’t it be: “ROW 3: A.1c, A.1d, A.1b over the next 16-19-21 chain-spaces, work 1 treble crochet in each of the 29-29-32 chain stitches, continue with A.1b over the next 16-19-21 chain-spaces and finish with A.1a = 139-157-172 stitches.” If I understand it well, A.1d should be done before doing A.1b over the next 16 chain-spaces. Could you please check it? Many thanks!
23.07.2020 - 13:18DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Le Dang, pattern is right like this, from WS you will work the diagram in the reversed order - read more about diagrams here. Happy crocheting!
29.07.2020 - 09:13Susan wrote:
Working on pattern Carefree Summer and have 2 questions: #1: if I am told to do A.1a and A.1b do I do first row of A.1a and then first row of A.1b and then second row of A.1a and A.1b? #2: why do I end up with 6 stitches at the end of Row 2 and then chain 29?
28.06.2020 - 23:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Susan, you work first row of A.1a, then repeat first row of A.1b over the remaining stitches (on next row work row 2 in A.1b, then row 2 in A.1a - read more about diagrams here). At the end of left shoulder you will crochet 29 chains for the neck and continue row working over the stitches from right shoulder. Happy crocheting!
29.06.2020 - 09:03Myrte wrote:
Be carefull, so many translation page are incorrect. They write you use treble crochet but if you use it, the shirt will be too long. So you should stay to the original pattern. You HAVE to use double crochet. A magyar erp-t ír helyesen, viszont van benne elírás.
16.04.2020 - 01:00DROPS Design answered:
Dear Myrte, make sure you are reading the appropriate English pattern, 1 treble crochet (UK-English) = 1 double crochet (US-English). read more here. Happy crocheting!
16.04.2020 - 10:09Fátima wrote:
16.03.2020 - 13:16Marie Bonche wrote:
Mille excuses : j'ai retrouvé mes 2 mailles manquantes. Étourdie ! Lol
04.08.2019 - 14:50Marie Bonche wrote:
Bjr, je suis au 3 ème rg du dos et je trouve 137 m : 6m de A1c, 3x16 brides=48m de A1b, 29 brides de l'encolure, 48 brides de A1b et 6m de A1c. Ai je oublié des mailles ou s'agit il d'une erreur ? Merci de votre réponse. Bien cordialement
04.08.2019 - 14:43Helen wrote:
Ik kom op het achterpand niet uit bij patroon 3, wat ik ook doe ik kom niet aan die 157 steken. Alvast bedankt!
02.08.2019 - 21:10DROPS Design answered:
Dag Helen,
Na het opzetten van beide schouders heb je 64 steken van de rechter en 64 steken van de linker schouder na TOER 1, als je dan toer 2 haakt komen er nog 29 lossen bij om beide delen met elkaar te verbinden, waardoor je op een totaal van 157 steken komt. Bij TOER 3 haak je A.1c (= 6 steken), A.1b over 19 lossenlussen (= 57 steken), A.1d (= 1 steek), 29 stokjes over de 29 lossen, A.1d (= 1 steek), A.1b over 19 lossenlussen (= 57 steken), A.1c (= 6 steken). Hierdoor kom je op een totaal van 157 steken.
10.08.2019 - 18:08
Carefree Summer |
Crocheted poncho with lace pattern in DROPS Cotton Light. The piece is worked top down. Sizes S - XXXL.
DROPS 199-16 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.7. CROCHET TIP (for chain stitches): It is often found that we work our chain stitches more tightly than other stitches. 1 chain stitch should equal 1 single crochet/treble crochet/double treble crochet etc. on width. Make sure the loop of the chain stitch is pulled up the hook so that it is loose. If the chain stitches are too tight, the sections with lots of chain stitches will also be too tight. CROCHET INFORMATION: At the beginning of each row of double crochets replace the first double crochet with 3 chain stitches. At the beginning of each row of double treble crochets replace the first double treble crochet with 5 chain stitches. INCREASE TIP: Increase 1 double crochet by working 2 double crochets in same stitch. DECREASE TIP: Decrease 1 double crochet by working 2 double crochets together as follows: Work 1 double crochet but wait with the last yarn over and pull through (= 2 loops on hook), then work the next double crochet; when working the last pull through, pull the strand through all 3 loops on hook (= 1 double crochet decreased). ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- PONCHO - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked back and forth in sections, top down. Read CROCHET TIP. The back piece starts with right and left shoulder, which are then worked together before continuing. The front piece is first worked in separate right and left front pieces, before these 2 sections are worked together and then continued in the same way as the back piece. BACK PIECE: Right shoulder: Work 68-79-86 chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm = US E/4 and Cotton Light – read CROCHET INFORMATION. Turn and work double crochets as follows: ROW 1 (= wrong side): Work 1 double crochet in 4th chain stitch from hook (= 2 double crochets), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 3-2-3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 5 chain stitches *, work from *-* a total of 10-12-13 times = 55-64-70 double crochets. Cut strand and lay piece to one side. Left shoulder: Work 68-79-86 chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm = US E/4 and Cotton Light. Turn and work double crochets as follows: ROW 1 (= wrong side): Work 1 double crochet in 4th chain stitch from hook (= 2 double crochets), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 3-2-3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 5 chain stitches *, work from *-* a total of 10-12-13 times = 55-64-70 double crochets. ROW 2 (= right side): Work A.1a (= 7 stitches), A.1b (= 3 stitches) over the remaining 48-57-63 double crochets on left shoulder, work 29-29-32 loose chain stitches at end of row (= neck) and then continue the pattern over the right shoulder as follows: A.1d (= 1 stitch), A.1b (= 3 stitches) over the next 48-57-63 double crochets (= until there are 6 stitches left on row) and finish with A.1c (= 6 stitches). Now right and left shoulders have been worked together and there are 29-29-32 chain stitches for neck. Work the last row in the diagram as follows: ROW 3: A.1c, A.1b over the next 16-19-21 chain-spaces, A.1d, work 1 double crochet in each of the 29-29-32 chain stitches, continue with A.1b over the next 16-19-21 chain-spaces and finish with A.1a = 139-157-172 stitches. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! Now work pattern as follows: A.2a (= 7 stitches), A.2b (= 42-48-53 repeats of 3 stitches) until there are 6 stitches left on row, A.2c (= 6 stitches). When A.2a-A.2c have been completed in height, work pattern as follows: A.3a (= 4 stitches), A.3b (= 3 stitches), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 9-18-7 stitches, A.3c (= 18 stitches) a total of 6-6-8 times, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 9-18-8 double crochets, A.3d (= 3 stitches), A.3e (= 3 stitches). When A.3a-A.3e have been completed in height work patterns A.2a-A.2c in the same way as earlier, but on the last row in the diagrams increase 3-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced (increase over stitches in A.2b)– read INCREASE TIP = 142-160-172 stitches. The piece now measures approx. 22 cm = 8¾". Now work pattern as follows: Work A.3a over the first 4 stitches, A.3b over the next 3-12-18 stitches (= 1-4-6 repeats), A.4 (= 42 stitches) a total of 3 times, A.3d over the next 6-15-21 stitches (= 2-5-7 repeats) and finish with A.3e over the last 3 stitches. Work the row with a white star at the beginning of the diagram a total of 3-4-5 times in height before continuing and work the next-to-last row in the diagram (with white star) a total of 2-3-4 times. On the last row decrease 3-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced – read DECREASE TIP = 139-157-172 stitches. When A.4 has been completed the piece measures approx. 44-46-48 cm = 17¼"-18"-19". Work A.2a-A.2c in the same way as earlier, but on the last row increase 0-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced = 139-160-172 stitches. Work pattern as follows: A.3a over the first 4 stitches, A.3b over the next 3-3-9 stitches (= 1-1-3 repeats), A.5 (= 21 stitches) a total of 6-7-7 times, A.3d over the next 3-3-9 stitches (= 1-1-3 repeats) and A.3e over the last 3 stitches. Repeat the row with the white star at the beginning of the diagram a total of 1-2-3 times in height before continuing and then repeat the next-to-last row in the diagram (with white star) a total of 1-2-3 times. On the last row decrease 0-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced = 139-157-172 stitches. Now work A.2a-A.2c in the same way as earlier. The piece measures approx. 69-73-77 cm = 27⅛"-38¾"-30⅜" from the shoulder down. Cut and fasten strand. FRONT PIECE: Right front piece: Work 68-79-86 chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm = US E/4 and Cotton Light. Turn and work double crochets as follows: ROW 1 (= wrong side): Work 1 double crochet in the 4th chain stitch from hook (= 2 double crochets), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 3-2-3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 5 chain stitches *, work from *-* a total of 10-12-13 times = 55-64-70 double crochets. Now work pattern as follows from the right side: A.7a (= 7 stitches), A.7b (= 15-18-20 repeats of 3 stitches) until there are 3 stitches left on row, A.7c (= 3 double crochets). Continue back and forth like this until the 4th row has been worked (with black square). Cut the strand. ROW 5: Work 12-12-15 loose chain stitches and then continue as shown on row with arrow in diagrams A.7c, A.7b and A.7a = 70-79-88 stitches on row. Continue A.7a-A.7c as before and work 1 double crochet in each of the 12-12-15 stitches cast on for neck. When A.7a-A.7c have been completed in height continue as follows: A.3a over the first 4 stitches, A.3b over the next 3 stitches, 1 double crochet in each of the next 9-18-9 double crochets and A.3c a total of 3-3-4 times in width. When A.3 has been completed in height continue as follows from the right side: Work A.2a over the first 7 stitches and A.2b a total of 21-24-27 times. Continue back and forth like this until there is 1 row left in the diagrams. Cut the strand, lay the piece to one side and work left front piece. Left front piece: Work 68-79-86 chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm = US E/4 and Cotton Light. Turn and work double crochets as follows: ROW 1 (= wrong side): Work 1 double crochet in 4th chain stitch from hook (= 2 double crochets) work 1 double crochet in each of the next 3-2-3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, work 1 double crochet in each of the next 5 chain stitches *, work from *-* a total of 10-12-13 times = 55-64-70 double crochets. Now work pattern as follows from the right side: Work A.6a (= 1 stitch), A.6b (= 16-19-21 repeats of 3 stitches) until there are 6 stitches left on row and A.6c (= 6 stitches). Continue back and forth like this until row 5 has been worked. At the end of row 5 work 12-12-15 loose chain stitches for neck. ROW 6: Work 3 chain stitches, 1 double crochet in 4th chain stitch from hook (= 2 double crochets), work 1 double crochet in each of the next 10-10-13 loose chain stitches (= 12-12-15 double crochets over neck), then A.6a-A.6c as before = 70-79-88 stitches. ROW 7: Work A.6a-A.6c as before and work 1 double crochet in each of the remaining 12-12-15 stitches for neck. Now work pattern as follows from the right side: A.3c a total of 3-3-4 times in width, 1 double crochet in each of the next 10-19-10 double crochets, A.3d over the next 3 stitches, A.3e over the last 3 stitches. Continue back and forth like this until A.3c has been completed in height. Now work pattern as follows from the right side: A.2d (= 1 stitch), A.2b until there are 6 stitches left on row and A.2c over the last 6 stitches. Continue back and forth like this until there is 1 row left in the diagrams. Turn and work the last row in the diagrams at the same time as you work the 2 front pieces together from the wrong side as follows: Work A.2c over the first 6 stitches, A.2b (i.e. 1 double crochet in each double crochet) to end of row on left front piece, at the same time increase 1-1 double crochet in sizes S/M and L/XL and decrease 2 double crochets in size XXL/XXXL, continue over the right front piece with A.2b (.e. 1 double crochet in each double crochet) until there are 7 stitches left on row, at the same time increase 1-1 double crochet in sizes S/M and L/XL and decrease 2 double crochets in size XXL/XXXL and finish with A.2a over the last 7 stitches on row = 142-160-172 stitches. Now work pattern as follows: Work A.3a over the first 4 stitches, A.3b over the next 3-12-18 stitches (= 1-4-6 repeats), A.4 (= 42 stitches) a total of 3 times, A.3d over the next 6-15-21 stitches (= 2-5-7 repeats) and finish with A.3e over the last 3 stitches. Work the row with the white star at the beginning of the diagram a total of 3-4-5 times in height before continuing and work the next-to-last row in the diagram (with white star) a total of 2-3-4 times. On the last row decrease 3-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced – remember DECREASE TIP = 139-157-172 stitches. When A.4 has been completed the piece measures approx. 44-46-48 cm = 17¼"-18"-19". Work A.2a-A.2c in the same way as earlier, but on the last row increase 0-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced = 139-160-172 stitches. Work pattern as follows: A.3a over the first 4 stitches, A.3b over the next 3-3-9 stitches (= 1-1-3 repeats), A.5 (= 21 stitches) a total of 6-7-7 times, A.3d over the next 3-3-9 stitches (= 1-1-3 repeats) and A.3e over the last 3 stitches. Repeat the row with the white star at the beginning of the diagram a total of 1-2-3 times in height before continuing and repeat the next-to-last row in the diagram (with white star) a total of 1-2-3 times. On the last row decrease 0-3-0 double crochets evenly spaced = 139-157-172 stitches. Now work A.2a-A.2c in the same way as earlier. The piece measures approx. 69-73-77 cm = 27⅛"-28¾"-30⅜" from the shoulder down. Cut and fasten strand. ASSEMBLY: Sew shoulder seams in each and every stitch so that the seam shows as little as possible. Sew a button onto each side of the front piece: Sew the buttons inside the 2 double crochets on middle row of A.4 (i.e., on the row where the flower is widest). Work a loop for the button on each side of the back piece as follows: Fasten strand with 1 slip stitch on the middle row of A.4 (same row the buttons were fastened to), work 8 chain stitches and finish with 1 slip stitch in edge. Cut and fasten strand. NECK EDGE AND SPLIT IN FRONT: Fasten strand with 1 single crochet at bottom of split mid front and work * 3 chain stitches, skip approx. 1 cm = ⅜", 1 single crochet *, work from *-* up to neck edge, work 1 extra chain-space in corner and continue with chain-spaces around the neck, work 1 extra chain-space in corner on the other side of neck, mid front and work down the split to beginning of round. Finish with 1 slip stitch in first single crochet worked. Cut and fasten strand. TWISTED CORD: Cut 4 strands each 1.5 metres = 57" in length. Twist them together until they begin to resist, fold the cord double and it will continue to twist. Tie a knit in each end of the cord and make 1 more cord in the same way. Thread each cord through the crochet-edge on the corner of the neck on each side. |
Diagram explanations |
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