Ann-Charlotte Söderberg wrote:
Hej, behöver ett förtydligande. vad menas med "Virka sista varvet och upprepa detta varv till arbetet mäter 7 cm". är det också stolpar som en del av botten? Ska det vara popcornmaskor efter dom 7 cm?
10.10.2024 - 09:31DROPS Design answered:
Hej Ann-Charlotte, vi har lavet en video som viser hvordan du hækler popcorn mønsteret til kurven - klik på video øverst i opskriften :)
16.10.2024 - 11:55Caterina wrote:
Per cert l'he fet amb la llana Eskimo (ara Snow) i amb ganxet del n° 4.
25.09.2024 - 19:18Caterina wrote:
He fet la cistella. Llàstima no pugui adjuntar una fotografia. La cistella s'ha aguanta perfecte quan es fa la vora final.
25.09.2024 - 19:14Laura wrote:
Wie kann der Korb am Ende so stabilisiert werden, dass er alleine steht, ohne dass die Seiten einklappen?
01.04.2024 - 12:49Sandrine wrote:
Merci d'ignorer ma question précédente. J'ai compris mon erreur.
16.07.2021 - 09:24Sandrine wrote:
Je suis nouvelle dans le crochet. Je débute. Quand je crochète en rond le diagramme A1b je ne parviens pas à terminer mon tour comme indiqué. J\'ai toujours une bride de trop à faire. Merci pour vos réponses.
16.07.2021 - 08:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Sandrine, lorsque vous crochetez A.1, le diagramme A.1a ne se fait qu'une seule fois = au début du tour, on crochète 3 mailles en l'air pour commencer puis on répète A.1b, mais ces 3 mailles en l'air ne doivent pas compter comme une maille. Autrement dit, vous répétez 12 fois A.1b = 12 brides + 3 ml au 1er rang; et 12 x 6 = 72 brides + 3 ml au dernier rang. Bon crochet!
16.07.2021 - 08:40Angelika wrote:
Ich verstehe nicht ganz warum ist die Höhe des Korbes in cm angegeben - der Bodendurchmesser ist bei mir etwas größer geworden - ich wüsste gerne wie viele Reihen hoch man Stäbchen häkeln muss damit es dann in der Höhe zum umgeschlagenen Popkornmuster passt.
20.07.2019 - 23:20DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Angelika, wenn Sie wegen Ihrer etwas zu großen Maschenprobe ganz auf Nummer sicher gehen wollen: Wenn Sie das Popcornmuster 4x in der Höhe häkeln, müssten Sie auf 6 cm kommen (d.h. 1x A.4 misst 1,5 cm in der Höhe). Sie können das an einem kleinen Probestück ausprobieren. Wenn das Muster bei Ihnen höher als 6 cm wird, können Sie z.B. eine Reihe mehr bei den Stäbchen häkeln. Die Höhe des Stäbchenabschnitts sollte 1 cm mehr sein als die Höhe des Popcornmusters. Viel Spaß beim Weiterhäkeln!
21.07.2019 - 10:12Jezirah wrote:
Leider verstehe ich nicht, was mit "1 Stäbchen um den Luftmaschenring häkeln" gemeint ist.
16.12.2018 - 14:33DROPS Design answered:
Lieber Jezirah, Dieses Video zeigt wit man in oder UM eine Masche häkeln und dieses Video wie man das Körbchen häkelt. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
17.12.2018 - 10:12
Christmas Crunch |
Crocheted basket in DROPS Paris. The piece is worked with popcorn pattern. Theme: Christmas.
DROPS Extra 0-1437 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: Small basket: See diagrams A.1 and A.4. Medium basket: See diagrams A.2 and A.4. Large basket: See diagrams A.3 and A.4. (Diagrams A.1a, A.2a, A.3a and A.4a show how the rounds start and finish) ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- BASKET - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Work 1 small basket in red, 1 large basket in red and 2 medium baskets in mustard. The piece is worked in the round, from the middle of the bottom and up the sides. You work an edge in popcorn pattern which is turned outwards and finally a finishing edge. SMALL BASKET: Work 5 chain stitches with hook size 4 mm = US 6 and red and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch. Work pattern in the round as follows: Work A.1a (shows how the rounds start and finish), A.1b a total of 12 times on the round. Work until there is 1 round left in A.1a and A.1b = 72 double crochets on the round – REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! The piece measures approx. 12 cm = 4¾" in diameter; the bottom is finished. Insert 1 marker in this round – THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! Work the last round and repeat this round until the piece measures 7 cm = 2¾". Work popcorn pattern and a finishing edge as described below. MEDIUM BASKET: Work 5 chain stitches with hook size 4 mm = US 6 and mustard and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch. Work pattern in the round as follows: Work A.2a (shows how the rounds start and finish), A.2b a total of 12 times on the round. Work until there is 1 round left in A.2a and A.2b = 84 double crochets on the round – REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! The piece measures approx. 14 cm = 5½" in diameter; the bottom is finished. Insert 1 marker in this round – THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! Work the last round and repeat this round until the piece measures 7 cm = 2¾". Work popcorn pattern and a finishing edge as described below. LARGE BASKET: Work 5 chain stitches with hook size 4 mm = US 6 and red and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch. Work pattern in the round as follows: Work A.3a (shows how the rounds start and finish), A.3b a total of 12 times on the round. Work until there is 1 round left in A.3a and A.3b = 108 double crochets on the round – REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! The piece measures approx. 18 cm = 7" in diameter; the bottom is finished. Insert 1 marker in this round – THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! Work the last round and repeat this round until the piece measures 7 cm = 2¾". Work popcorn pattern and a finishing edge as described below. POPCORN PATTERN: Now turn the piece so that you are working in the opposite direction (so that when the edge is folded outwards, the pattern will be on the right side). Work A.4a (shows how the rounds start and finish), A.4b a total of 24-28-36 times on the round. Work A.4a and A.4.b a total of 4-4-4 times in height. The piece measures approx. 13-13-13 cm = 5⅛"-5⅛"-5⅛" from the marker. Cut and fasten the strand. Fold the popcorn edge outwards. FINISHING EDGE: Work a finishing edge along the opening as follows from the right side: * 1 single crochet in each of the 2 double crochets between 2 popcorn stitches, work 1 chain stitch, skip 1 popcorn stitch *, work from *-* along the whole opening, finish with 1 slip stitch in the first single crochet. Cut and fasten the strand. |
Diagram explanations |
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