Muriel Lorenzetti wrote:
Quand j'arrive au 11eme rang, si je mesure mon châle verticalement, de la pointe, le long des 5 groupes de DB, mon châle ne mesure que 19 cm et non 24. Est ce normal ? Est ce ainsi que je dois le mesurer ? Merci pour votre réponse Muriel
16.08.2022 - 21:13DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Lorenzetti, effectivement, c'est bien ainsi qu'il faut mesurer - qu'en est-il de votre échantillon? Avez-vous bien vos 22 brides en largeur et 12 rangs de brides pour 10 x 10 cm? Vous pouvez essayer avec un crochet plus gros si besoin ou bien essayer d'étirer davantage vos mailles en longueur. Bon crochet!
17.08.2022 - 08:11Silvia wrote:
Als A2 een keer in de hoogte is gehaakt, zijn er 174 stk op de toer. A2 nog een keer is 22 stk gemeerderd. 174 + 22 = 196 stk totaal en geen 198 stk wat in het patroon staat.
05.07.2022 - 19:05Takako wrote:
Thank you for answering! I am looking at US version and is part of it says “double dc” INC dc-GROUP and INCREASE TIP. Sorry I am now more confused. About increasing 22 sts, as your team answered to other people’s question, I figured out that 22 sts includes extra 2 sts on 3rd row of A.2.(4, 4, 6, 4, 4)increasing sts counts. So increasing 24 sts eventually, increase 6 sts on 4th row(next row of 3rd row)? Thank you very much.
30.10.2021 - 08:54DROPS Design answered:
Dear Takako, double dc is a separate stitch, it's a dc with 2 yarn overs (instead of 1, which would be the normal dc). 22 stitches is the total amount of increased stitches after working 5 rows of A.2. Happy knitting!
01.11.2021 - 13:45Takako wrote:
Sorry for multiple posts, but what is double dc as mentioned at the INC dc-GROUP and INCREASE TIP? Are those same as 2 dcs together?
29.10.2021 - 17:08DROPS Design answered:
Dear Takako, which version are you reading (British or US?) Happy Stitching!
30.10.2021 - 03:28Takako wrote:
Hello, I need a help with first A.2, how can you get 198 sts, after increased 22 sts to 174 sts? Not 196 sts? Thanks for your help in advance!
29.10.2021 - 17:01DROPS Design answered:
Dear Takako, when doing the A.2 pattern, did you counted the increase h enote mentions? ("NOTE: On 3rd work 1 ch before inc tr-group and before the last inc on row so that the pattern is symmetrical. (I.e. 2 extra tr are inc on next row when 1 tr is worked around these 2 extra ch). " That might be the missing 2 stitches. Happy Stitching!
30.10.2021 - 03:25Esperanza wrote:
Trabajo terminado, con dudas con el patrón, pero al final preguntando y probando pude terminarlo
01.07.2021 - 18:40Sanne wrote:
Nu har jeg hæklet utallige indviklede sjaler, da der skal være udfordring i det. det må man sige der er her. Aldrig har jeg oplevet en mere rodet og uoverskuelig opskrift. hækle ihver af de trdbst som ikke findes. men hvor mange af de midterste. 3, 5 eller 1. man roder rundt i diagrammer, som ikke er ordentligt beskrevet. er nået til 3 række, og er allerede dybt frustreret. har sat teksten i dokument, så den kunne splittes og blive bare en anelse overskuelig.\r\ner ellers habil hækler
17.01.2021 - 12:08Esperanza wrote:
Al hacer A2 por segunda vez, una vez hecha la quinta vuelta pone continuar con A2 a partir de la segunda vuelta, para después continuar con el trabajo has el final según los diagramas A3,A4 y A5, todo eso lo entiendo, pero si veo la foto del chal, parece que el segundo grupo de A2 solo se trabaja las 5 vueltas sin continuar a partir de la segunda vuelta de A2.¿ que es lo correcto?
02.01.2021 - 00:26DROPS Design answered:
Hola Esperanza. El patrón es correcto. La foto es solo para dar una visión general de la prenda. Tienes que trabajar según las explicaciones del patrón.
03.01.2021 - 16:28Malene wrote:
Hejsa, jeg har hæklet mange sjaler, tæpper mv men denne opskrift har jeg forsøgt forfra på 4 gange og jeg kan stadig ikke få teksten til at gå logisk op med hvordan mønstret ser ud. Synes ikke at det hænger sammen og synes den er kringlet forklaret bare de første 5 rækker så nu er jeg tilbage ved række 1, men tager nok snart en anden opskrift...
24.11.2020 - 21:26Esperanza wrote:
Con respecto a mi duda anterior, he visto que hace referencia a A.1a y A.1b en la explicación de la vuelta 4.. lo entendí.. lo que no lo veía era en el diagrama
22.11.2020 - 21:43
Evening In Paris |
Crochet DROPS shawl with dc and lace pattern in ”BabyAlpaca Silk”.
DROPS 165-11 |
MEASURING TIP: Always measure from the first ch worked and down along the tip of shawl. CROCHET INFO: Replace first dc at beg of every dc row with 3 ch. Replace first tr at beg of every tr row with 4 ch. At beg of every row with dtr replace first dtr with 5 ch + 1 ch (to avoid a tight edge) = 6 ch. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1-A.5. INC dc-GROUP: Work 2 dc in first dc, 1 ch (= tip), skip ch 1, 2 dc in next dc = 2 dc inc in tip. NOTE: On 3rd row in A.2, inc with double dc instead of dc! INCREASE TIP: On every row with dc (and A.2) inc with 2 dc in first and last st on every row and work a inc dc-group in the tip of shawl (= 4 dc inc on row). NOTE: On 3rd row in A.2, inc with double dc instead of dc! ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: Worked back and forth. ROW 1 (= from WS): Work according to diagram A.1 as follows: Work 7 ch (= 1 dtr + 1 ch) - READ CROCHET INFO with BabyAlpaca Silk on hook size 3.5 mm/E/4. Work ch 1, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in first ch on row, work ch 2, insert a marker (= tip of shawl) - move it upwards until finished measurements, ch 2, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in first ch on row, ch 1, 1 dtr in first ch. ROW 2: Work 8 ch, 7 tr around next ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr around next ch-space (= tip), ch 2, 7 tr around ch-space, ch 2, 1 dtr in 6th ch on previous row. ROW 3: Work 8 ch, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in last ch from previous row, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, skip next ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in the middle tr from previous row, 4 ch (= tip), (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in same tr, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in 6th ch from previous row, ch 2, 1 dtr in 6th ch on previous row. ROW 4: Work A.Z like this: 8 ch, skip 1 ch-space, 7 tr around next ch-space, 2 ch. Work A.1a as follows: 1 tr in the middle of the 3 tr, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, 7 tr around next ch-space, 2 ch. Work 1 tr around next ch-space (= tip). Therafter work A.1b as follows: ch 2, 7 tr around next ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr in the middle of the next 3 tr. Work A:X as follows: ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, 7 tr around next ch-space, ch 2, 1 dtr in 6th ch on previous row. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! ROW 5: Work A.X as follows: 8 ch, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in last ch from previous row, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, 2 ch. Work A.1b as follows: Skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next tr, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, 2 ch. Skip 1 ch-space (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in the middle tr on shawl, 4 ch (= tip). Work A.1a as follows: (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in same tr, skip 1 ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next tr, skip 1 ch-space. Work A.Z as follows: ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in 6th ch on previous row, ch 2, 1 dtr in 6th ch. ROWS 6-11: Continue with pattern as explained on 4th and 5th row, AT THE SAME TIME work A.1a and A.1b over the new inc sts in A.x and A.Z. There are now 5 tr groups vertically along tip of shawl and piece measures approx. 24 cm / 9½'' - READ MEASURING TIP. Now work A.2 as follows: Work 3 ch (= 1 dc), work 1 dc more in last tr from previous row (= 1 dc inc), continue with 1 dc in every tr and 1 dc around every ch until the middle ch-space (= tip), then work 1 dc around ch-space, 2 dc in the first of the two middle ch (= 1 dc inc), ch 1, 2 dc in next ch (= 1 dc inc), 1 dc around same ch-space. Continue with 1 dc in every tr and 1 dc around every ch and work 2 dc in 6th ch at beg of previous row (= 1 dc inc) = 4 dc inc in total and 156 dc on row (= 78 dc on each side of tip). Then continue from 2nd row in A.2, AT THE SAME TIME continue the same inc - READ INCREASE TIP and work an INC dc-GROUP - see explanation above, beg in dc before ch in the tip of shawl. NOTE: On 3rd work 1 ch before inc dc-group and before the last inc on row so that the pattern is symmetrical. (I.e. 2 extra dc are inc on next row when 1 dc is worked around these 2 extra ch). When entire A.2 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 174 dc on row. Then work 5 rows of A.2 1 more time vertically the same way (= 22 dc inc) = 198 dc. Now continue inc as at beg of shawl as follows - see diagram A.3-A.5: ROW 1: Work 8 ch, * (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc *, repeat from *-* 11 more times, skip 1 dc, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next dc (= first dc of the 2 middle dc), 4 ch (= tip), (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next dc (= second dc of the middle 2 dc), ** ch 2, skip 2 dc, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next dc **, repeat from **-** 11 more times, ch 2, 1 dtr in last dc on row. ROW 2: Work 8 ch, skip 1 ch-space, * 7 tr around next ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr in the middle of the 3 dc, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space *, repeat from *-* 11 more times, 7 tr around next ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr around next ch-space (= tip), ch 2, 7 tr around next ch-space, ** ch 2, 1 tr in the middle of the next 3 dc, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, 7 tr around next ch-space **, repeat from **-** 11 more times, ch 2, 1 dtr in 6th ch on previous row. ROW 3: Work 8 ch, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in last ch from previous row, * ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next tr, skip 1 ch-space *, repeat from *-* 11 more times, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next tr, 4 ch (= tip), (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in same tr, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, ch 2, ** skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in next tr, skip 1 ch-space, ch 2, 1 tr in each of the middle 3 tr, 2 ch **, repeat from **-** 11 more times, skip 1 ch-space, (1 tr, ch 4, 1 tr) in 6th ch on previous row, ch 2, 1 dtr in same ch. Now work A.2 as follows: Work 3 ch (= 1 dc), work 1 dc more in last tr on previous row (= 1 dc inc), continue with 1 dc in every tr and 1 dc around every ch until the middle ch-space on shawl (= tip), then work 1 dc around ch-space, 2 dc in the first of the two middle ch (= 1 dc inc), ch 1, 2 dc in next ch (= 1 dc inc), 1 dc around same ch-space. Continue with 1 dc in every tr and 1 dc around every ch and work 2 dc in 6th ch at beg of previous row (= 1 dc inc) 364 dc on row (= 182 dc on each side of tip). Then continue from 2nd row in A.2, AT THE SAME TIME continue the same inc and work an INC DC-GROUP - see explanation above, beg in dc before ch in the tip of shawl. NOTE: On 3rd row work 1 ch before inc dc-group and before the last inc on row to make it symmetrical. I.e. inc 2 dc on next row when working 1 dc around these ch 2, AT THE SAME TIME on last row inc 8 dc evenly (i.e. 4 dc on each side of tip) = 390 dc on row. Now continue from arrow in diagram A.3, A.4 and A.5 the same way as before but now work A.3 24 times in total before A.4 (= inc in tip), and A.5 24 times in width after A.4. When A.3-A.5 has been worked vertically, continue pattern and inc as shown on 2nd-5th row in diagram until piece measures 75 cm / 29½'' in total along tip - adjust to finish on a row which is like 4th row in diagram. Fasten off. |
Diagram explanations |
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