Malin wrote:
Hej Jag håller precis på med sista varvet av A.2a-A.3a-A.4a-A.3a-A.5a. Ska jag öka fler gånger på detta varvet än de ökningar som är markerade? Eller hur får jag fram 59 stolpar? Är det längs ena sidan eller från ökning höger till ökning vänster? Väldigt svårt att förstå detta. Ska jag repetera A.2a ännu en gång med ökningen?
11.04.2024 - 17:23DROPS Design answered:
Hei Malin. Når A.1 er ferdig heklet har du 36 staver (stolpar) / 12 stavgrupper og nå skal A.2a, A.3a, A.4a, A.3a, A:5a hekles. Når dun har heklet diagrammene 1 gang i høyden har du: A.2a (= 24 staver) + A.3a ((x4)= 16 staver) +A.4a 19 staver før midt foran + 24 staver etter midt foran) +A.3a ((x4) = 16 staver) + A.5a(=19 staver) ferdig i høyden skal du ha 118 staver på raden. Skrevet med tall: 24+16+19 = 59 masker før midt foran OG 24+16+19 = 59 masker etter midt foran. mvh DROPS Design
15.04.2024 - 13:01Christine SANCHEZ BARBER wrote:
Bonjour, existe-t-il des explications écrites ou vidéo, car j'ai un problème de compréhension des schémas seuls. Avec tous mes remerciements. Cordialement.
17.09.2022 - 18:23DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Sanchez-Barber, nous n'avons que des diagrammes pour ce modèle, peut-être que cette leçon peut vous aider, sinon n'hésitez pas à nous indiquer à quel niveau vous coincez. Bon crochet!
19.09.2022 - 09:47Karolina wrote:
Hello I would like to ask you if you would mind if the pattern was written out by me using the international signs used in crochet patterns? Obviously no changes have been made, it is just an easier to read version. On a crochet group on FB that I belong to, we would like to crochet Calm Shores together however the graphic scheme and description is quite complicated in places. Using more accessible graphic signs, would allow a larger audience to crochet your shawl. Thank you in advance
18.08.2022 - 22:53Gudrun Ebeling wrote:
Hallo.ich versuche die häkelschrift zu Modell 211-21 zu lesen und komm nicht klar.bei A.1 ist der luftmaschenkreis und soll von da an nach links gehäkelt werden. Aber fängt denn das Tuch nicht an der Spitze an? Also mit 4luftmaschen im Kreis in den ich drei stäbchen 4luftmaschenen ,1Stäbchen häkele.Dann wenden.Also von unten nach oben lesen?
08.03.2022 - 15:35DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Ebeling, beginnen Sie mit der Luftmaschenring, dann (siehe Pfeil und lesen Sie rechts nach links), 4 Luftmaschen und dann: 4 Luftmaschen, 3 Stb, 4 Lufmtaschen, 3 Stb, 4 Luftmaschen, 1 Doppelstäbchen um Ring; bei der 2. Reihe lesen Sie links nach rechts, und so weiterhäkeln. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
08.03.2022 - 22:13ZP wrote:
I love so many of your designs, but your instructions are so confusing. If your designers could provide complete written instruction as well as their nicely drawn charts it would probably make a lot of people happy. I would be happy to pay for the,.
04.02.2022 - 00:05Karen wrote:
Thank you for the link to instructions, but after reading them, I am even more confused than before. I haven't the faintest clue how this new crochet language works. I have given up on this. Please put warnings on the front page of your crochet patterns so people don't waste money on yarn they can't use.
13.10.2021 - 00:17Karen wrote:
This is a lovely pattern and was looking forward to making the shawl. I thought it would be reasonably straightforward and I bought the yarn. Very disappointed now as I am completely baffled by the pattern drawings. I am an experienced crocheter, but the pattern drawing makes as much sense to me as a technical drawing to build a rocket. Is there perhaps a case for having written crochet instructions in Drops patterns, so those not literate in these patterns could also make the garments?
12.10.2021 - 00:11DROPS Design answered:
Dear Karen, there are only diagrams to this pattern, but this lesson should be able to help you to understand how to work/follow the diagrams. Hope this can help, happy crocheting!
12.10.2021 - 08:56Lola wrote:
Buenas tardes, ¿Cómo puedo descargar el patron?
04.10.2021 - 16:40DROPS Design answered:
Hola Lola, en la pagina del patron tienes una opcion IMPRIMIR el patron. Buen trabajo!
04.10.2021 - 16:49Christine Tremblay wrote:
Dans le modèle DROPS211-21, on parle de rayures. Est ce que vous entendez par ce terme le changement de couleur? Le châle se tricote t-il en une fois ou plusieurs morceaux de diagrammes à joindre à la fin. Je ne comprends pas comment continuer de A.1 à A.2a et suis-je encore dans la rayure 1? J’espère vraiment que vous pourrez m’aider. Merci
25.09.2020 - 17:08DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Tremblay, les rayures s'entendent en changement de couleur - cf RAYURES au début des explications. Ce châle se tricote en une seule partie, de bas en haut, on va crocheter les diagrammes comme indiqué (plus d'infos sur les diagrammes ici) et augmenter de chaque côté et au milieu pour obtenir le triangle à la taille souhaitée. Bon crochet!
28.09.2020 - 07:47Christina wrote:
Danke für die Info, das heißt, die Reihen enden mit 4 Luftmaschen und einem Doppelstäbchen und beginnen mit 4 Luftmaschen und dann nochmal 4 Luftmaschen für den Bogen?
27.08.2020 - 16:27DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Christina, alle Reihen beginnen mit 4 Luftmaschen (1. Reihe beginnt am Pfeil in A.1 = 4 Luftmaschen = 3. Symbol bei der Beschreibung) und enden mit 1 Doppelstäbchen (= siehe letzte Symbol bei der 1. Reihe in A.1 = 4. Symbol), z. B. 1. Reihe in A.1 häkeln Sie so: 4 Luftmaschen (= 1. Doppelstb), 4 Luftmaschen (= 1. Luftmaschenbogen), 3 Stb + 4 Lfm + 3 Stb um den Luftmaschenring, 4 Lfm, 1 Doppelstb um den Luftmaschenrign, wenden, 2. Reihe: 4 Lfm (= 1. Doppelstb), 4 Lfm, 3Stb um Luftmaschenring.... und enden Sie mit 1 Doppelstb in die 4. Luftmaschen am Anfang der vorrigen Reihe. Viel Spaß beim häkeln!
28.08.2020 - 08:00
Calm Shores |
Crocheted shawl in 2 strands DROPS BabyAlpaca Silk. The piece is worked with lace pattern and stripes.
DROPS 211-21 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. CHAIN STITCH: If you work outermost on the hook the chain stitch will often be too tight; 1 chain stitch should be as long as 1 half double crochet/double crochet/treble crochet is wide. STRIPES: NOTE: The stripes are measured in the crochet direction between the increase on the one side and the increase in the middle of the shawl. Whether or not you have finished a pattern in height, a new stripe is worked with measurements as follows: STRIPE 1: 12 cm = 4¾" with 2 strands medium grey. STRIPE 2: 11 cm = 4⅜" with 1 strand medium grey and 1 strand light grey. STRIPE 3: 9 cm = 3½" with 2 strands light grey. STRIPE 4: 8 cm = 3⅛" with 1 strand light grey and 1 strand off-white. STRIPE 5: Work with 2 strands off-white to finished length (= approx. 7 cm = 2¾"). ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL – SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The shawl is worked back and forth with lace pattern and stripes. SHAWL: Work 5 chain stitches with hook size 5 mm = US H/8 and 2 strands medium grey; form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch – read CHAIN STITCH. Work STRIPES – read description above, and pattern A.1 back and forth. When A.1 has been completed in height, repeat the last 2 rows in height 1 more time = 6 rows; there are a total of 12 double-crochet groups on the last row. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! Now work pattern as follows: A.2a (= increase in side), A.3a a total of 4 times in width, A.4a (= increase in middle), A.3a a total of 4 times in width, A.5a (= increase in side). Continue back and forth until A.2a to A.5a have been completed in height. There are now 59 double crochets on each side of the increase mid-front (the outermost treble crochet/4 chain stitches at the beginning of the row are not counted). Now work pattern as follows: A.2b (= increase in side), A.3b a total of 13 times in width, A.4b (= increase in middle), A.3b a total of 13 times in width, A.5b (= increase in side). When the diagrams have been completed in height, repeat the pattern from the row with the arrow in A.2a, A.3a, A.4a and A.5a in the same way as earlier (work as many repeats of A.3a as there is room for between the diagrams with increases). Then continue the pattern from the row with the arrow in A.2b, A.3b, A.4b, A.5b in the same way as earlier (work as many repeats of A.3b as there is room for between the diagrams with increases). Continue the patterns in this way until the stripes have been completed and the piece measures approx. 47 cm = 18½" in the crochet direction (= approx. 67 cm = 26⅜" along the increase in the middle) – or to desired length. Cut and fasten the strands. |
Diagram explanations |
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