Susann wrote:
Jeg forstår ikke hvilke pinde der skal tages ind på? Hvis der er 80 pinde, kan I skrive eksempler på hvilke pinde der skal tages ind? 1000 tak.
03.04.2021 - 22:49Inge Pnnekamp wrote:
Liebes Drops Team! Gibt es eine Anleitung dieses Modells auch als rechtinkliges Dreiecksuches? Ich möchte sehr gerne eine rechteckige Decke stricken und dazu 2 Dreiechtücher aneinander fügen. Wie kann ich dieses Modell dahin gehend abändern? Immer den Rapport 1 stricken ohne Abnahme? Danke für Ihre Antwort und auch für die genialen Anleitungen allesamt Herzliche Grüße Inge Pinnekamp
25.01.2021 - 06:54DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Pinnekamp, leider können wir nicht jede Anleitung nach jeder Anfrage anpassen hier finden Sie alle unseren gestrickten Tüchern - gerne kann Ihnen Ihr DROPS Laden noch dazu weiterhelfen - auch telefonisch oder per E-Mail. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
25.01.2021 - 11:51Vsilke wrote:
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich die Abnahme richtig verstehe. Beispiel 1.-2. Reihe rechts 3. re. mit abnehmen , 4. 5.6. rechts 7. re mit abnehmen, 8, rechts 9. re mit abnehmen, 10. 11.12. rechts Richtig? Richtig?
04.01.2020 - 08:46DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Vsilke, die Anahmen werden abweschelnd bei jeder 2. Reihe (= in jeder Hinreihe) und bei jeder 4. Reihe (= in jeder 2. Hinreihe): 1 Reihe mit Abnahme, 3 Reihe ohne Abnahmen, 1 Reihe mit Abnahme, 1 Reihe ohne Abnahme. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
06.01.2020 - 07:41Sylvie Belleville wrote:
Bonjour, Je ne comprends pas lorsqu'il est dit, dans les explications du modèle, de répéter les diminutions alternativement tous les rangs et tous les 2 rangs sur l'endroit. On diminue à tous les rangs OU à tous les 2 rangs? Je suis confuse. Merci de votre aide!
24.07.2019 - 20:35DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Sylvie! Regardez la lecon DROPS sur ce sujet ICI. Les diminutions s'y font alternativement tous les 3 et 4 rangs, mais la methodologie est bien claire. Bon tricot!
24.07.2019 - 22:24Janna wrote:
Hallo, ik begrijp niet zo goed bij welke naalden ik moet minderen. Minder ik dan (voor herhaling 1) bij naald 1, 3 en 7, naald 9, 11 en 15 etc (aan de goede kant afwisselend iedere naald en iedere 2e naald) tot ik dat in totaal 26 keer heb gedaan en 26 steken heb geminderd? Klopt het dan dat ik in de laatste naalden van de herhaling niet meer minder omdat er al 26 steken geminderd zijn?
07.07.2019 - 15:20DROPS Design answered:
Dag Janna,
Op elke herhaling brei je in totaal 40 ribbels. Je mindert telkens aan de goede kant afwisselend elke naad en om de naald, zodat je verdeeld over de naalden 26 keer mindert. Dus je mindert op ribbel 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,15 etc. (Dus de ene keer sla je een ribbel over ,de andere keer niet.)
08.07.2019 - 09:56Noemy Rosario wrote:
It seems there is some error on translation on STRIPES Both stripes 1 and 2 have the same colors (1 ridge with wooden rose, 1 ridge with off white) Could you please check this? Thanks!
26.06.2019 - 19:04DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs Rosario, thanks for your feedback, you are right, Stripe 1 should be worked with Rose mist (= 623) + off white. Pattern will be edited asap. Happy knitting!
27.06.2019 - 08:43Michalopoulou Vasiliki wrote:
What other color combinations can I use?
27.05.2019 - 13:18DROPS Design answered:
Dear Michalopoulou, basically you can use aní combination of Fabel unicolored, and the ones that have mid-length color repeats (sriping). I would either use for the base color the natural, or the black for a strong contrast, or the light gray or beige for a softer contrast. Similarlym if you use the colors Grand Canyon, Deep Ocean and / or Emerald City, you will have bright, jewel colors. Sunset, berry Dreams and Blue Lagoon would produce a spicy tropical mood as opposed teh original's soft, pastells. Happy Coloring and Happy Knitting!
27.05.2019 - 22:15Emka wrote:
Hallo, ik begrijp niet dat ik bijv bij herhaling 1 33x moet breien met iedere keer 8 steken maar maar dat het dan 35 x moet zijn. Bij herhaling 2 11x maar in totaal 13 keer en zo verder met alle herhalingen maar steeds 2 x meer als er eerst aangegeven wordt.
17.05.2019 - 14:58DROPS Design answered:
Dag Emka,
Dat kan inderdaad wat verwarrend overkomen, maar het is de bedoeling dat je het in totaal 35 keer doet. Omdat je het al 2 keer gedaan hebt (in naald 5 en 7) staat er dat je het nog 33 keer moet doen en dus in totaal 35 keer.
22.05.2019 - 13:44Sophie wrote:
Doux printemps
22.02.2019 - 22:21Sophie wrote:
Doux printemps
22.02.2019 - 22:20
Rays of Sunset |
Knitted shawl in DROPS Fabel. The piece is worked in garter stitch with stripes and short rows.
DROPS 201-38 |
------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATIONS FOR THE PATTERN: ------------------------------------------------------- RIDGE/GARTER STITCH (worked back and forth): 1 ridge = Knit 2 rows. DECREASE TIP: All decreases worked from the right side! Decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch by knitting 2 together. Repeat the decrease alternately every, and every 2nd, row from the right side a total of 26 times in each repeat (there are 5 repeats on the shawl). Each time you start on a new repeat with short rows, start the decreases again; i.e. you decrease 26 stitches on each repeat. STRIPES: NOTE: Change of color is at the beginning of a row from the right side (= bottom edge of shawl). Make sure the strand is not tight between changes! STRIPE-1: * 1 ridge with rose mist, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-* until repeat 1 has been completed = 40 ridges. STRIPE-2: * 1 ridge with wooden rose, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-* until repeat 2 has been completed = 40 ridges. STRIPE-3: * 1 ridge with sand, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-* until repeat 3 has been completed = 40 ridges. STRIPE-4: * 1 ridge with rose mist, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-* until repeat 4 has been completed = 40 ridges. STRIPE-5: * 1 ridge with wooden rose, 1 ridge with off white *, work from *-* until repeat 5 has been completed = 40 ridges. KNITTING TIP: To avoid holes when turning the piece during short rows, tighten the strand before continuing. ------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: The piece is worked back and forth in 5 repeats with short rows and STRIPES – read description above. Begin at the top of the shawl and work down towards the one bottom edge. The whole piece is worked in GARTER STITCH - read description above. SHAWL: Cast on 336 stitches with circular needle size 3.5 = US 4 and rose mist. Knit 4 rows (= 2 ridges). REPEAT 1: Work STRIPE-1 - read description above, AT THE SAME TIME work short rows as described below and decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side - read DECREASE TIP! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn – read KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. ROW 7: Knit until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 8: Knit back. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE! Continue like this and work until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side 33 more times (= a total of 35 times), then work until there are 9 more stitches left than on previous row, a total of 2 times. When all the short rows have been worked you have 39 ridges and have decreased 26 stitches = 310 stitches on row. Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn and knit back. Repeat 1 = 40 ridges. REPEAT 2: Work STRIPE-2 – read description above, AT THE SAME TIME work short rows as described below and decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side - read DECREASE TIP! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. ROW 7: Knit until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 8: Knit back. Continue like this and work until there are 8 stitches more left than on the previous row from the right side 11 more times (= a total of 13 times), then work until there are 7 stitches more left than the previous row a total of 24 times. When all the short rows have been worked you have 39 ridges and decreased 26 stitches = 284 stitches on the row. Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn and knit back. Repeat 2 = 40 ridges. REPEAT 3: Work STRIPE-3 - read description above, AT THE SAME TIME work short rows as described below and decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side – remember DECREASE TIP! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until there are 7 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. ROW 7. Knit until there are 7 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 8: Knit back. Continue like this and work until there are 7 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side 22 more times (= a total of 24 times), then work until there are 6 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side a total of 13 times. When all the short rows have been worked you have 39 ridges and decreased 26 stitches = 258 stitches on row. Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn and knit back. Repeat 3 = 40 ridges. REPEAT 4: Work STRIPE-4 - read description above, AT THE SAME TIME work short rows as described below and decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side – remember DECREASE TIP! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until there are 6 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. ROW 7. Knit until there are 6 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 8: Knit back. Continue like this and work until there are 6 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side 33 more times (= a total of 35 times), then work until there are 5 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side a total of 2 times. When all the short rows have been worked you have 39 ridges and decreased 26 stitches = 232 stitches on row. Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn and knit back. Repeat 4 = 40 ridges. REPEAT 5: Work STRIPE-5 - read description above, AT THE SAME TIME work short rows as described below and decrease 1 stitch inside the 2 stitches in garter stitch at the beginning of each row from the right side – remember DECREASE TIP! Work short rows as follows: ROW 1 (right side): Knit all stitches, turn. ROW 2: Knit back. ROW 3: Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn – remember KNITTING TIP! ROW 4: Knit back. ROW 5: Knit until there are 6 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 6: Knit back. ROW 7: Knit until there are 6 more stitches left than on the previous row from the right side, turn. ROW 8: Knit back. Continue like this and work until there are 6 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side 7 more times (= a total of 9 times), then work until there are 5 more stitches left than the previous row from the right side a total of 28 times. When all the short rows have been worked you have 39 ridges and decreased 26 stitches = 206 stitches on row. Knit until there are 4 stitches left, turn and knit back. Repeat 5 = 40 ridges. Work 2 ridges back and forth over all stitches with wooden rose. Bind off with knit, but to avoid the bind-off edge being tight you can make 1 yarn over after each 5th stitch. Yarn overs bind off as normal stitches. |
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