Ingrid wrote:
Skal bolen hekles i spiral eller omganger?
15.08.2024 - 20:26DROPS Design answered:
Hei Ingrid. Hekles i omganger. Husk å lese HEKLEINFO øverst i oppskriften under INFORMASJON TIL OPPSKRIFT. mvh DROPS Design
19.08.2024 - 11:56
Line Alsén wrote:
Hei Jeg hekler Queensland kjole og står fast i diagram A3 . Hvordan hekles rad 9? Fårstår at en rapport i rad 8 er som følger: stav, 7 lufthavner,4 staver om luftmaskwbuen,4 lufthavner,fastmaske om buen, 4 lufthavner,fastmaske om buen, 3 lufthavner,fastmaske om buen,4 lm,FM om buen,4 lm, 4 staver om buen, avslutter med 7 lm. Rad 9: får jeg ikke til å stemme, arbeidet ser ikke ut som på bildet🤔
27.07.2024 - 16:30DROPS Design answered:
Hej Line, Rad 9: 1 trippelst, 2st sm i samme m, 3lm, 1fm, 3lm, 1fm, 2lm, 1st, 3lm,1st, 2lm,1fm,3lm,1fm,3lm,2 st sm i samme m osv :)
02.08.2024 - 09:06
Madelene wrote:
Jag tycker det är ett super fint mönster men jag fastnar i beskrivningen där det står ”… = 13-13-14-14-15-15 rapporter à 11 maskor). ” Det jag inte riktigt förstår är ”à 11maskor” det är ett begrepp som återkommer längre ner i beskrivningen och jag undrar om det är att jag ska följa diagrammet men med 11 maskor i stället för det som är angivet i diagrammet? Tack för svar. Mvh Madelene
24.05.2024 - 21:10DROPS Design answered:
Hei Madelene. Om du ser på diagram A.1, så innholder den 11 masker og når det skal hekle A.1 skal man f.eks i str. S hekle A.1 13 ganger / rapporter, som består av 11 masker. Hekler man str. XXXL skal man hekle A.1 15 ganger/rapporter av A.1 (som fremdeles består av 11 masker). I str. S har man 143 masker og når det hekles 13 ganger av A.1 (som består av 11 masker), blir det 13 x 11 = 143 masker og i str. XXXL har man 165 masker = 15 ganger x 11 masker = 165 masker. mvh DROPS Design
27.05.2024 - 10:22
Jacqueline wrote:
Bonjour, est-ce que le diagramme 4A se crochète en allers et retours en rond? Merci!
23.03.2024 - 20:14
Barbara wrote:
Hello, I don't understand the A4 pattern. Example in the 2nd row, at the end of 4C, there is a double crochet and at the beginning of row 3 (4A), there is also a double crochet. Should we knit the 2 double crochets? It the same in each row. It finishes one row with a symbol and starts with the same symbol the next row. Please answer me, because I'm stuck.
23.03.2024 - 18:59DROPS Design answered:
Dear Barbara, work all stitches as shown in the pattern. Remember the CROCHET INFO: On beginning of each round with double crochets (US)/treble crochet (UK) replace first double/treble crochet with 3 chain stitches. The round finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round. This is also applied to treble (US)/ double treble(UK) crochet, which are replaced with 4 chain stitches and then you end the round with a slip stitch in the 4th chain stitch. Happy crochetting!
25.03.2024 - 01:01
Jacqueline wrote:
Bonjour, je ne comprends pas le patron A4. Je sais qu'il ne faut crocheter 4A et répéter 4B jusqu'à arriver a 4C qu'on crochète une seule fois. C'est le patron que je ne comprends pas. Exemple dans la 2e rangée, a la fin du 4C, il y a une double bride et au début de la rangée 3 (4A), il y a une double bride. Faut-il faire les 2 doubles brides? Merci de me répondre, car je suis bloquée.
23.03.2024 - 15:52
Jacqueline wrote:
Bonjour, je ne comprends pas le motif A3 a 16 mailles. Pouvez-vous S.V.P. me l'expliquer? En faisant les brides autour des mailles en l'air , j'obtiens un autre dessin. Merci!
19.03.2024 - 02:44DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Jacqueline, suivez attentivement chaque rang en le surlignant par exemple pour vous aider, et crochetez bien les mailles comme indiqué, entrainez-vous avec un autre fil avec moins de mailles, ce sera ainsi plus facile de le refaire pour la robe sur plus de mailles. Bon crochet!
19.03.2024 - 11:21
Johanna Karlsson Jaredsson wrote:
Queensland by DROPS Design Jag är på A2 och har kommit till varvet där det står AX utanför. Förstår inte hur jag ska virka dem, Nedanför sen står det att på sista varvet på A2 skall det ökas 64 stolpar till 400. Sen står det att när A3 är färdigvirkat så är det 625 stolpar på varvet. Och då ska AX virkas som visat i A2. Tacksam för svar. Hanna
07.08.2023 - 19:19DROPS Design answered:
Hej Johanna, førsta varvet i A.X är 1 stolpe, 1 luftmaska, 1 stolpe, 1 luftmaska osv. Andra varvet är 1 stolpa i varje maska :)
16.08.2023 - 10:12
Dagmara wrote:
Witam, w rozmiarze M 34 oczka to jest połowa tyłu przy podziale na karczek. Potem w 13 rzędach należy dodać 1 oczko od strony połowy tyłu, jeszcze raz w miejsce łańcuszka, plus 1 miejsce markera; co daje łącznie 49 oczek. Skąd zatem liczba 44 jako połowa słupków tyłu przy zakańczaniu wyrabiania karczku? Zwłaszcza, że liczba oczek rękawa z kolei jest mniejsza. Pozdrawiam i z góry dziękuję za pomoc .
15.05.2023 - 16:37DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Dagmaro, przy podziale sukienki, linie podziału nie idą równo wzdłuż linii reglanu (4 linie dodawania oczek na kształtowanie karczku). Jeśli przed podziałem masz finalnie 308 słupków, musisz je podzielić dokładnie tak jak jest w opisie do wzoru. Pozdrawiamy!
17.05.2023 - 09:00
Ola wrote:
Witam, potrzebuję pomocy z rozliczeniem oczek dla rozmiaru M. Pomiędzy słupkami z dodawanymi oczkami jest 30 oczek. Po 13 okrążeniach będzie ich 56. Nawet przy zaliczeniu 2x po słupki z boków na rękawy i tak nie wyjdzie 66. Pozdrawiam i z góry dziękuję z pomoc:)
12.05.2023 - 17:33DROPS Design answered:
Witaj Olu, do rękawa musisz jeszcze wliczyć oczka jakie zostaną dodane przy podziale robótki (8-8-10-10-12-14 oczek łańcuszka pod rękawem). Pozdrawiamy!
15.05.2023 - 08:54
Queensland |
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Crocheted dress with raglan, lace pattern and short sleeves, worked top down. Sizes S - XXXL. The piece is worked in DROPS Safran.
DROPS 186-12 |
INFORMATION FOR THE PATTERN: CROCHET INFO: On beginning of each round with double crochets replace first double crochet with 3 chain stitches. The round finishes with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round. INCREASE/DECREASE TIP (evenly spaced): To work out how to increase/decrease evenly, count the total number of stitches on the round (e.g. 114 stitches) and divide by the number of increases/decreases to be made (e.g. 29) = 3.9. In this example, increase in approx. every 4th stitch – read INCREASE TIP. When decreasing, crochet every 3rd and 4th stitch together – read DECREASE TIP. INCREASE TIP: Increase 1 double crochet by working 2 double crochets in the same stitch. DECREASE TIP: Decrease 1 double crochet by working the next 2 double crochets together as follows: Work 1 double crochet, but wait with the last yarn over and pull through (= 2 loops on hook), work the next double crochet, but when working the last pull through, pull the strand through all 3 loops on the hook. PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5. ---------------------------------------------------------- DRESS: The piece is worked in the round, top down. NECK: Work 114-118-124-128-132-136 slightly loose chain stitches with hook size 3.5 mm/E/4 and Safran and form them into a ring with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch. ROUND 1: Work 2 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 half double crochet), then work 1 half double crochet in each chain stitch to end of round, finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain stitch at the beginning of the round = 114-118-124-128-132-136 half double crochets. ROUND 2: Work 3 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 half double crochet + 1 chain stitch), skip 1 half double crochet, * work 1 half double crochet in the next half double crochet, 1 chain stitch, skip 1 half double crochet *, work from *-* to end of round and finish with 1 slip stitch in the 2nd chain at the beginning of the round = 114-118-124-128-132-136 stitches on round. ROUND 3: Work 3 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 double crochet), then work 1 double crochet in each half double crochet and 1 double crochet around each chain stitch – AT THE SAME TIME increase 29-25-30-26-33-29 double crochets evenly on round – read INCREASE/DECREASE TIP and INCREASE TIP = 143-143-154-154-165-165 double crochets. Finish the round with 1 slip stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the round. Read CROCHET INFO and work A.1 in the round (= 13-13-14-14-15-15 repeats of 11 stitches). On the last round in A.1 you will, for the most part, work 15 double crochets in each repeat, but in 5-5-6-10-7-11 repeats evenly spaced on the round, increase this to 16 double crochets so that the total is 200-200-216-220-232-236 double crochets on the round. The piece now measures approx. 7 cm / 2¾" from the cast-on edge. Now work yoke as described below. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! YOKE: Work 1 round of double crochets with 1 double crochet in each double crochet. Then insert 4 marker threads in the piece as follows (without working the stitches): Count 34-34-38-39-42-43 double crochets (= ½ back piece), insert 1 marker thread in the next double crochet, count 30 double crochets (= sleeve), insert 1 marker thread in the next double crochet, count 68-68-76-78-84-86 double crochets (= front piece), insert 1 marker thread in the next double crochet, count 30 double crochets (= sleeve), insert 1 marker thread in the next double crochet. There are 34-34-38-39-42-43 double crochets left on the round after the last double crochet with marker thread. Continue working double crochets in the round with 1 double crochet in each double crochet - AT THE SAME TIME increase to raglan at each marker thread as follows: ROUND 1: Work 1 double crochet + 2 chain stitches + 1 double crochet in each double crochet with a marker thread (= 4 double crochets increased on the round) = 204-204-220-224-236-240 double crochets on the round. ROUND 2: Around each chain-space with 2 chain stitches work 1 double crochet + 2 chain stitches + 1 double crochet (= 8 double crochets increased on round) = 212-212-228-232-244-248 double crochets on round. Repeat round 2 until you have worked a total of 9-13-15-18-20-23 rounds with increases (including the increases in round 1) = 268-300-332-360-388-416 double crochets on the round. On the next round work 1 double crochet in each double crochet, but around each chain-space with 2 chain stitches work 2 double crochets (= 8 double crochets increased on the round) = 276-308-340-368-396-424 double crochets on the round. Continue to work double crochets without increases until the piece measures 19-21-23-25-27-29 cm from the cast-on edge mid front. The next round is worked as follows: Work 40-44-48-53-59-65 double crochets (including the 3 chain stitches at beginning of round = ½ back piece), work 8-8-10-10-12-14 slightly loose chain stitches, skip 58-66-74-78-80-82 double crochets (= sleeve), work 80-88-96-106-118-130 double crochets (= front piece), work 8-8-10-10-12-14 slightly loose chain stitches, skip 58-66-74-78-80-82 double crochets (= sleeve) and work the last 40-44-48-53-59-65 double crochets on the round (= ½ back piece). Cut the strand. Body and sleeves are finished separately. THE PIECE IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE! BODY: Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 8-8-10-10-12-14 chain stitches under the sleeve on the one side of the piece and start the round here. Work 1 single crochet in the first chain stitch, 3 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 double crochet), then work 1 double crochet in each chain stitch and 1 double crochet in each double crochet to end of round = 176-192-212-232-260-288 double crochets. Continue in the round with double crochets. When the piece measures 2 cm / ¾" from the separation, decrease 8-8-8-10-10-10 double crochets evenly on round = 168-184-204-222-250-278 double crochets – read INCREASE/DECREASE TIP. Repeat the decrease when the piece measures 6 cm / 2⅜" from the separation = 160-176-196-212-240-268 double crochets. When the piece measures 12 cm / 4¾" from the separation, increase 12-12-12-14-14-14 double crochets evenly on round = 172-188-208-226-254-282 double crochets. When the piece measures 18 cm / 7" from the separation, increase 12-12-12-14-14-14 double crochets evenly on round = 184-200-220-240-268-296 double crochets. When the piece measures 26 cm / 10¼" from the separation, increase 14 double crochets evenly on round in all sizes = 198-214-234-254-282-310 double crochets. When the piece measures 34 cm / 13½" from the separation, increase 14 double crochets evenly on round in all sizes = 212-228-248-268-296-324 double crochets. When the piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm / 15¾"-16⅛"-16½"-17"-17¼"-17¾" from the separation, (the piece now measures approx. 62-65-68-71-74-77 cm from the shoulder) increase 40-48-40-44-40-48 double crochets evenly on round = 252-276-288-312-336-372 double crochets. Work A.2 in the round (= 21-23-24-26-28-31 repeats of 12 stitches). AT THE SAME TIME on the last round in A.2 increase 52-60-64-72-64-60 double crochets evenly on round = 304-336-352-384-400-432 double crochets. Work A.3 in the round (= 19-21-22-24-25-27 repeats of 16 stitches). When A.3 has been completed, there are 475-525-550-600-625-675 double crochets on the round. Now work A.X as shown in A.2 (= 2 rounds). AT THE SAME TIME on the last round increase 30-28-39-25-36-34 double crochets evenly on round = 505-553-589-625-661-709 double crochets. The next round is worked as follows: A.4A (= 6 stitches), work A.4B over the next 492-540-576-612-648-696 double crochets (= 41-45-48-51-54-58 repeats of 12 stitches), finish with A.4C (= 7 stitches). When A.4 has been completed, cut and fasten the strand. The dress measures approx. 92-95-98-101-104-107 cm from the shoulder down. SLEEVE: Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 8-8-10-10-12-14 chain stitches under the sleeve on the one side of the piece and start the round here. Work 1 single crochet in the first chain stitch, 3 chain stitches (equivalent to 1 double crochet), then work 1 double crochet in each chain stitch and 1 double crochet in each double crochet to end of round = 66-74-84-88-92-96 double crochets. Work 1 round of double crochets where you decrease 6-2-12-4-8-0 double crochets evenly on round = 60-72-72-84-84-96 double crochets. Work A.5 in the round (= 5-6-6-7-7-8 repeats of 12 stitches). When there are 3 rounds left in A.5 change to hook size 3 mm / C. Finish working A.5, cut and fasten the strand. The sleeve measures approx. 8 cm / 3" from the separation. Work the other sleeve in the same way. |
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