Clare wrote:
Bonjour, je ne comprends pas ce passage (T35-37) : Continuer en point fantaisie comme avant – crocheter 1 mc dans la 1ère B, puis en ms jusqu'à ce qu'il reste 1 B, tourner. Crocheter ensuite en allers et retours au-dessus des 26 B. Cela veut il dire qu'on ne compte plus la 1ere et dernière maille et que de 28 on diminue à 26 mailles pour les tours suivant ? Merci !
06.10.2023 - 09:40DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Clare, au 1er rang, vous diminuez 1 maille (= 1 mc dans la 1ère maille), puis vous continuez en mailles serrées jusqu'à ce qu'il reste 1 m avant la fin du tour = vous avez maintenant 26 mailles (vous avez diminué 1 m de chaque côté du rang, autrement dit au milieu du dessus du pied, vous aurez 2 mailles non crochetées), vous crochetez maintenant ces 26 mailles seulement jusqu'à ce que le pied mesure environ 21 cm. Bon crochet!
06.10.2023 - 14:25Nathalie Mérat wrote:
J'ai décidé de faites ces chaussons pour une amie qui a toujours froid aux pieds... un vrai bonheur à faire.. merci pour ce tuto.
22.10.2019 - 16:21Kitty wrote:
Hi there, \r\n\r\nWhen I follow the pattern it all works out perfect for the left leg but not for the right leg. The strap for the right leg needs to be going the other way so both slippers looks the same. I\'m just not sure how to make it work. I have tried so many ways.... is there a chance you can take a look at it and hopefully able to fix it. Let me know. \r\n\r\nThanks
04.09.2018 - 03:09DROPS Design answered:
Dear Kitty, both slippers will be worked the same way, but for the second one, just wrap the tie around the leg on the opposite side to make it reversed. Happy crocheting!
06.09.2018 - 09:21Masson wrote:
Bonjour, pouvez vous mettre vos explications en format PDF pour l'impression ? 3 fois que j'essaie de les avoir, et impossible d'imprimer une ligne, merci
31.10.2017 - 15:58DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Madame Masson, Cliquez d'abord sur "Imprimer" puis dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre sur "Imprimer les explications", puis vérifiez les paramètres de votre PC/imprimante et lancez l'impression. Pour enregistrer en format PDF, vous devez lancer l'impression et choisir la fonction "enregistrer sous format PDF". Bon crochet!
31.10.2017 - 16:12Claire wrote:
Bonjour, pour la première taille nous sommes censées n'avoir besoin que de 200g de laine. J'ai beau avoir recommencé le modèle deux fois, il en manque toujours. Pour le tout dernier rang du modèle, celui où il faut crochet une ms puis six brides par arceaux, devons-nous crocheter les deux côté de la "languette" ou nous arrêter à la fin du tour qui entour le pied ? Cdt, CH
26.01.2017 - 23:09DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Claire, votre échantillon est-il juste en hauteur et avez-vous bien conservé la bonne tension en crochetant les chaussons? Le rang 2 de la languette se fait sur les 39 arceaux du rang 1, soit d'un seul côté de la languette seulement (cf photo). Bon crochet!
27.01.2017 - 09:38Brandi McClure wrote:
So I've gotten to the part about the strap and no matter how many times I've reworked the pattern the count doesn't add up. The pattern calls for 86 chain, then if you follow the pattern you should end up with 75. However, you always end up with 72 because of the first chain DC (DC into the 4th chain from the end) It takes up those three stitches to make the first dc. So in theory to fix this problem to make the count correct you need to chain 88.
31.10.2016 - 00:34DROPS Design answered:
Dear Mrs McClure, you are correct, pattern has been edited, thank you. Happy crocheting!
11.11.2016 - 13:30Rebecca Gibbs wrote:
I am so thrilled to see this pattern as I have searched for a long time for one just like this. thank you so much for finally bringing my search to a end there will be many happy feet come winter!
15.06.2016 - 05:52Lauren McRoberts wrote:
Very cute slippers!
12.06.2016 - 01:37
Hot Socks |
Crochet DROPS slipper in "Alaska".
DROPS 171-37 |
US/UK: This pattern is in US English. There are different crochet terms in British and US English. Conversion - see page 4. DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 dc by working 2 dc tog as follows: Work 1 dc in next sc but wait with last pull through, work 1 dc in next sc the same way, make 1 YO and pull yarn through all 3 sts on hook. CROCHET INFO: Replace first dc at beg of every dc round/row with ch 3, finish round with 1 sl st in third ch. Replace first sc at beg of every sc round/row with ch 1, finish round with 1 sl st in first ch. PATTERN: 2 rounds/rows with sc, 1 round/row with dc. Repeat these 3 rounds/rows. ------------------------------------------------------ SLIPPER: Work from the toe towards the heel and then the leg, fan edge and strap. Work 5 ch with Alaska on hook size 4 mm / G/6 and form a ring with 1 sl st in first ch. READ CROCHET INFO! ROUND 1: Work 12 dc around ch-ring – beg of round = mid under foot. ROUND 2: Work * 1 dc in first dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 18 dc. ROUND 3: Work * 1 dc in each of the first 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 24 dc. ROUND 4: Work * 1 sc in each of the first 3 dc, 2 sc in next dc *, repeat from *-* the entire round = 30 sc. ROUND 5: Work 1 sc in every sc but inc 4-6-10 sc evenly = 34-36-40 sc. ROUND 6: Work 1 dc in every sc. Continue with PATTERN as explained above. REMEMBER THE CROCHET GAUGE! When piece measures approx. 12-13-15 cm / 4 3/4"-5"-6'' – finish after 2 rounds with sc, cut the yarn. Insert 1 marker between the 2 middle sts on round, i.e. after 17-18-20 sc. Work piece with toe towards you and count 4 sts to the left of marker, beg working here from RS with dc. Work until 6 sc remain in total on round (i.e. 3 sts on each side of marker mid on top of foot), turn = 28-30-34 dc. Continue pattern as before – work 1 sl st in first dc, then sc until 1 dc remains on row, turn. Then work back and forth over the remaining 26-28-32 sts until piece measures approx. 21-23-26 cm / 8 1/4"-9"-10 1/4'' in total – adjust so that next row is a row worked with dc. Work next row as follows: 1 dc in each of the first 11-12-14 first sc, then work the next 4 dc tog 2 by 2 – READ DECREASE TIP, then work 1 dc in each of the last 11-12-14 sc. Cut the yarn. Fold the slipper double and sew tog edge to edge mid back. LEG: Beg mid back and work 40-42-44 dc evenly around opening at the top of slipper. Continue in the round with pattern until leg measures 12-12-14 cm / 4 3/4"-4 3/4"-5½'', work 1 round with dc while inc 3-1-5 dc evenly = 43-43-49 dc. Work 88 ch at the end of round, then work back and forth. Turn and work 1 dc in 4th ch from hook (= 2 dc), work 1 dc in each of the next ch 7, * skip ch 1, work 1 dc in each of the next 6 ch *, repeat from *-* 11 times (= 75 dc until slipper, work 1 dc in every dc from slipper = 118-118-124 dc). Turn and work fan edge around the opening on slipper and ch as follows: ROW 1: 1 sc in first dc, * ch 3, skip 2 dc, 1 sc in next dc * = 39-39-41 ch-spaces. Turn. ROW 2: Work sl sts until mid of first ch-space, 1 sc around this space, * work 6 dc around ch-space, 1 sc around next ch-space *, repeat from *-* the entire row. Fasten off. Twine strap around leg on slipper, fasten with a decorative button. Work another slipper. |
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