Crayons |
Knitted DROPS jumper worked diagonally in garter st with stripes and domino squares in ”Fabel” or "Flora". Worked top down. Size: S - XXXL.
DROPS 167-36 |
FABEL: Cast on with different color so that stripes fit vertically. In size S-M-L-XXXL cast on with off white. In size XL-XXL cast on with rose mist/pink. GARTER ST (back and forth): K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows. GARTER ST (worked in the round): 1 ridge = 2 rounds. * K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. STRIPES: Work stripes in the different sizes as follows: SIZE S-M-L-XXXL: 1 ridge (work first round/row K) with off white. 1 ridge rose mist/pink. SIZE XL-XXL: 1 ridge (work first round/row K) with rose mist/pink. 1 ridge in off white. DOMINO SQUARE: SIZE S-M-L-XL: ROUND 1: P all sts. ROUND 2: Inc 1 YO before 1st-3rd-4th-6th marker and 1 YO after 1st-2nd-4th-5th marker (= 8 sts inc on round). ROUND 3 (and all uneven numbered rounds): P all sts, do not work YOs twisted; they should make holes. ROUND 4: Inc 2 YOs on each side of 1st and 4th marker (= front and back piece) as follows: Work until 1 st remains before st with marker, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, work st with marker, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO (= 8 sts inc on back and front piece). ROUND 6: Work as 2nd round. ROUND 8: Inc 1 YO on each side of 1st and 4th marker as follows: Work until st with marker, 1 YO, work st with marker, 1 YO. ROUND 10: Work as 2nd round. SIZE XXL-XXXL: ROUND 1: P all sts. ROUND 2: Inc 1 YO before 1st-3rd-4th-6th marker and 1 YO after 1st-2nd-4th-5th marker (= 8 sts inc on round). ROUND 3 (and all uneven numbered rounds): P all sts, do not work YOs twisted; they should make holes. ROUND 4: Inc 2 YOs on each side of 1st and 4th marker (= front and back piece) as follows: Work until 1 st remains before st with marker, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, work st with marker, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO (= 8 sts inc on back and front piece). ROUND 6: Work as 2nd round. ROUND 8: Work as 4th round. ROUND 10: Work as 2nd round. ROUND 12: Work as 2nd round. DECREASE TIP (applies to mid under sleeve): Dec on each side of marker as follows: Beg 4 sts before marker and K 2 tog, K 4 (marker is between these 4 sts), slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso (= 2 sts dec). MEASURING TIP: All measurements on sleeves are done when piece is held up, sleeves will be somewhat longer when used and it is therefore important not to make them too long. ---------------------------------------------------------- JUMPER: First worked back and forth, then in the round from top down. When yoke has been worked, work a bottom edge back and forth. Work entire piece in STRIPES - see explanation above. YOKE: Work first back and forth as follows: Cast on 7 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with Fabel - see explanation above. Work 1 ridge in GARTER ST - see explanation above. Work as follows from RS: 2 sts in garter st, 1 YO, 1 st in garter st (insert 1 marker in this st), 1 YO, 1 st in garter st (= mid st, insert 1 marker in this st), 1 YO, 1 st in garter st (insert 1 marker in this st), 1 YO, 2 sts in garter st (= 4 sts inc) = 11 sts. Repeat inc on each side of mid st and inside 2 edge sts in garter st in each side of piece on every row from RS 5-7-7-8-8-9 more times = 31-39-39-43-43-47 sts (= 13-17-17-19-19-21 sts between mid st and markers in each side). K 1 row from WS. K 1 row from RS as follows: Work in garter st until mid st AT THE SAME TIME inc 0-0-0-1-1-1 st, 1 YO, 1 st in garter st (= mid st), 1 YO, work in garter st the rest of row AT THE SAME TIME inc 0-0-0-1-1-1 st, cast on 73-81-81-87-87-91 loose sts (= sleeves and front piece) at the end of row (= 2-2-2-4-4-4 sts inc) = 106-122-122-134-134-142 sts. Join piece tog and work the next 2 sts in garter st, round is displaced to that next round beg here. Now work in the round in GARTER ST - see explanation above and stripes as before as follows: P first rnd. Work next round as follows: Work 14-18-18-21-21-23 sts and inc 0-0-4-0-2-7 sts evenly (= half back piece), 1 YO, insert 1st marker in next st, 1 YO, work 14-18-18-21-21-23 and inc 0-0-4-0-2-7 sts evenly (= half back piece), 1 YO, insert 2nd marker in next st, work 22 sts in garter st and inc 0-0-2-2-0-0 sts evenly, insert 3rd marker in next st, 1 YO, work 14-18-18-21-21-23 sts and inc 0-0-4-0-2-7 sts evenly (= half front piece), 1 YO, insert 4th marker in next st, 1 YO, work 14-18-18-21-21-23 sts and inc 0-0-4-0-2-7 sts evenly (= half front piece), 1 YO, insert 5th marker in next st, work 22 sts in garter st and inc 0-0-2-2-0-0 sts evenly, insert 6th marker in next st, 1 YO = 114-130-150-146-150-178 sts. Work DOMINO SQUARE – see explanation above, beg to work 3rd round. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE Work 3rd to 10th-10th-10th-10th-12th-12th round 1 time, then repeat 1st to 10th-10th-10th-10th-12th-12th round 7-7-8-8-7-7 times in total. Then work the first 0-6-0-4-4-8 rounds 1 more times = 62-70-76-78-90-100 sts between 1st and 2nd marker/3rd and 4th marker/4th and 5th marker/6th and 7th marker (= front/back piece), 1 st with each of markers (= 6 sts), 70-74-78-80-88-90 sts between 2nd and 3rd marker/5th and 6th marker (= sleeves) = 394-434-466-478-542-586 sts in total. Piece now measures approx. 18-19-20-21-22-23 cm / 7''-7½''-8''-8¼''-8 ¾''-9'' measured along the shoulder. Work next round as follows: Continue with garter st and stripes as before. Work the first 2 sts tog, work in garter st until 1st marker, 1 YO, work st with marker, 1 YO, work in garter st until 2 sts remain before 2nd marker, work 2 sts tog, slip the next 72-76-80-82-90-92 sts (includes sts with 2nd and 3rd marker) on a stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 8-8-8-12-12-12 sts under sleeve (insert 1 marker in the middle of the new sts), work 2 sts tog, work in garter st until 4th marker, 1 YO, work st with marker, 1 YO, work in garter st until 2 sts remain before 5th marker, work 2 sts tog, insert the next 72-76-80-82-90-92 sts (includes sts with 5th and 6th marker) on a stitch holder for sleeve, cast on 8-8-8-12-12-12 sts under sleeve (insert 1 marker in the middle of the new sts), work in garter st the rest of round = 266-298-322-338-386-426 sts. SIZE S-M-L: ROUND 1 (= all uneven numbered rounds): P all sts, do not work YOs twisted; they should make holes. ROUND 2: Continue with stripes and in garter st as before, work until 1st marker (= mid back), 1 YO, K 1 (= st with marker), 1 YO (= 2 sts inc), work until 4 sts remain before marker under sleeve, K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec), work 4 sts (marker is in the middle of these sts), K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec), work until 4th marker (= mid front), 1 YO (= 1 st inc), K 1 (= st with marker), 1 YO (= 1 st inc), work until 4 sts remain before marker under sleeve, K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec), work 4 sts (marker is in the middle of these sts), K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec), work the rest of round. ROUND 4: Work as 2nd round. ROUND 6: Work until 1st marker (= mid back), 1, YO, K 1 (= st with marker), 1 YO (= 2 sts inc), work until 6 sts remain before marker under sleeve, * K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec) *, repeat from *-* 1 more time (= 2 sts dec), work 4 sts (marker is in the middle of these sts), * K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec) *, repeat from *-* 1 more times (= 2 sts dec), work until 4th marker (= mid front), 1 YO (= 1 st inc), K 1 (= st with marker), 1 YO (= 1 st inc), work until 6 sts remain before marker under sleeve, * K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec) *, repeat from *-* 1 more time (= 2 sts dec), work 4 sts (marker is in the middle of these sts), * K the next 2 tog (= 1 st dec) *, repeat from *-* 1 more time (= 2 sts dec), work the rest of round (= 4 sts dec in total on round). Repeat 1st-6th round 4 times in total = 250-282-306 sts. ALL SIZES: = 250-282-306-338-386-426 sts. Leave sts on circular needle. They should be worked tog with an edge worked from side to side. Displace sts so that st with 1st marker is beg of round. KNIT TOGETHER: Now work from mid back, left back piece to the side, left front piece to mid, right front piece to right side then back right piece. Cast on 34-28-20-20-20-20 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with off white. Now work back and forth as follows: LEFT BACK PIECE (bottom edge): Piece should now be worked tog with sts from needle from 1st marker and to marker under sleeve, from mid back on tip of domino to the left side. ROW 1 (= RS): K 1, 1 YO and K rest of row (= 1 st inc). ROW 2 (= WS): K until 1 st remains on row, do not work YOs twisted on this row, they should make holes, slip the first 2 sts from yoke back on needle, K 3 tog. Switch to rose mist/pink. ROW 3 (= RS): K 1, 1 YO and K rest of row (= 1 st inc). ROW 4 (= WS): K until 6 sts remain on row, turn piece. ROW 5 (= RS): K all sts. ROW 6 (= WS): K until 4 sts remain on row, turn piece. ROW 7 (= RS): K all sts. ROW 8 (= WS): K until 1 st remains on row, slip the first 2 sts from yoke back on needle, K 3 tog. Switch to off white. Repeat 1st-8th row until all sts before marker in the side (= left back piece) is worked tog with edge. LEFT FRONT PIECE (bottom edge): Piece is worked tog with sts from half front piece, i.e. from marker in the side and down to tip of domino mid front. ROW 1 (= RS): K 1, 1 YO, K 2 twisted tog, K 2 twisted tog, K the rest of row (= 1 st dec). ROW 2 (= WS): K until 1 st remains on row, do not work YOs twisted on this row, they should make holes, slip the first 2 sts from yoke back on needle, K 3 tog. Switch to rose mist/pink. ROW 3 (= RS): As 1st row. ROW 4 (= WS): K until 6 sts remain on row, turn piece. ROW 5 (= RS): K all sts. ROW 6 (= WS): K until 4 sts remain on row, turn piece. ROW 7 (= RS): K all sts. ROW 8 (= WS): K until 1 st remains on row, slip the first 2 sts from yoke back on needle, K 3 tog. Switch to off white. Repeat 1st-8th row down to tip mid front, on last repetition of 8th or 2nd row slip the first 3 sts from stitch holder back on needle, K 4 tog. RIGHT FRONT PIECE (bottom edge): Piece is worked tog with sts from the tip of domino mid front and up to the marker in the right side. Work as left back piece. RIGHT BACK PIECE (bottom edge): Work piece tog with sts from the side i.e. marker, to mid back i.e. tip of domino. Work as left front piece. Bind off when all sts from yoke have been worked tog with edge, adjust so that last stripe is with rose mist/pink. SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles in GARTER ST - see explanation above and stripes. Slip sts from stitch holder in one side of piece on double pointed needles size 3.5 mm / US 4 = 72-76-80-82-90-92 sts. Cast on 8-8-8-12-12-12 sts at the end of first round = 80-84-88-94-102-104 sts. Then work stripes. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the new sts (= mid under sleeve) – NOW MEASURE PIECE FROM HERE - READ MEASURING TIP. When piece measures 2 cm / 3/4'', dec 1 st on each side of marker (= 2 sts dec) - READ DECREASE TIP, repeat dec every 1 cm / 3/8'' 6-6-10-12-17-17 times, then every 2 cm / 3/4'' 4-5-2-2-0-0 times = 60-62-64-66-68-70 sts. Bind off when piece measures 23 cm / 9''. Work the other sleeve the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the opening under the sleeves. Sew cast-on edge tog (i.e. the first 7 sts). |
Diagram explanations |
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Comments / Questions (81)
Gitte Møller wrote:
Syntes det er en utrolig flot bluse. Har købt garn men forstår overhovedet ikke opskriften desværre
14.03.2024 - 14:47Marianne Lind wrote:
Jeg har strikket denne bluse i Drops Fabel og den ligner bestemt også den på billedet dog har jeg problemer med at nederste kant ruller indad, det ser bestemt ikke godt ud, jeg har prøvet at dampe/presse den, men alligevel sker det. Rigtig ærgerligt, at have lavet et stort arbejde og så ikke at kunne bruge blusen. Jeg kan ikke se der står noget om afslutningskant - så, hvad gør jeg?
05.01.2024 - 17:24DROPS Design answered:
Hej Marianne, er det på ærmerne? Du kan evt prøve at strikke en lille ribkant... Vi har presset den så den ikke ruller - prøv en gang til :)
11.01.2024 - 14:18Britt Bisgaard wrote:
Vær opmærksom på at der i opskriften ikke er beskrevet ryg og forstykke for de store størrelser. Jeg har strikket som en str. L de 6 omg. x4 med tilpasset indtagninger så maskeantallet bibeholdes og så yderligere de 6 omg. x2, så passer længden også til en XL. Man skal være erfaren strikker til denne opskrift.
20.08.2023 - 09:56Britt Bisgaard wrote:
Jeg har lige modtaget svar på spørgsmål om, hvordan man strikker videre under bærestykket i str. XL og hele afsnittet mangler for de store størrelser også i den norske udgave. Der kommer til at mangle adskillige omgange og cm inden man kan fortsætte med kanten... Så svaret er noget sludder!
14.08.2023 - 15:42DROPS Design answered:
Hej Britt, opskriften stemmer, du har 338 m i XL når du starter sammenstrik som står beskrevet under alle størrelse. Du kan også se i måleskitsen at det sammenstrikkede starter tidligere i de største størrelser - MEN det er VIGTIGT at du holder strikkefastheden med 23 m og 45 pinde i højden på 10 cm ellers vil målene ikke stemme med måleskitsen !
16.08.2023 - 11:39Britt Bisgaard wrote:
På side 3 er en beskrivelse for str. S-M-L når der er delt til ærmer. Men hvordan strikker jeg videre i str. XL?
11.08.2023 - 14:47DROPS Design answered:
Hei Britt. Da starter du på teksten: ALLE STR: mvh DROPS Design
14.08.2023 - 14:35Lone Nauta Beck wrote:
Bærestykket str M: Efter 1. om. vrang er der opdeling af maskerne til forstykker og ryg. Fordelingen af maskerne på ryk og forstykker passer ikke. 18+18+22+18+18+22= 116 masker og jeg har 122 som jeg også skal have iflg. opskriften. Med l¨om maskerne ender jeg på 124 m og ikke 130 som i opskriften.
14.08.2022 - 10:55DROPS Design answered:
Hei Lone. Har du glemt å telle med maskene du har satt merkene i, 6 merker i 6 masker? Da blir det 18 + 21 (=1 kast + 1 maske med 1. merke + 1 kast + 18) + 44 (= 1 kast + 1 maske med 2. merke + 22 + 1 maske med 3. merke + 1 kast + 18) + 21 (= 1 kast + 1 maske med 4.merke + 1 kast + 18) + 26 (=1 kast + maske med 5. merke + 22 + maske med 6. merke i +1 kast). Litt mer oversiktelig: 18+21+44+21+26= 130 masker. mvh DROPS Design
15.08.2022 - 11:51Cynthia wrote:
Ik begrijp de uitleg niet hoe ik aan het linkerachterand moet beginnen. Kan ik daar ergens een filmpje van terugzien?
19.03.2022 - 18:46Susanne Rofner wrote:
Nach Stilllegung der Ärmel ist mein Rundenbeginn direkt nach den neu angeschlagenen Seitenmaschen. Wenn ich Rd 1-6 die Abnahmen vor und nach den mittleren Seitenmaschen mache komme ich in die nächste Runde. Ich finde keinen Hinweis dass der Rundenbeginn versetzt wird? Herzlichen Dank
22.08.2021 - 18:23Aase Jensen wrote:
I skriver jeg har fået hjælp. Men jeg forstår det stadig ikke. Har i virkelig ikke en video, som viser hvordan man gør? Det kan ikke passe jeg er den eneste der ikke kan finde ud af forklaringen.
11.03.2021 - 00:02DROPS Design answered:
Hej Aase, jo det er samme princip som kanten på denne model- se video: Nederste kant i dominotrøjen
11.03.2021 - 09:32Aase Jensen wrote:
Jeg forstår simpelthen ikke hvordan jeg strikker det sammen. Fortsætter jeg rundt, eller vender jeg ved sidemarkeringen? Starter jeg med at strikke de ny opslåede masker? Er der ikke en video hvor jeg kan se det? Jeg dynes forklaringen er komplet uforståelig. M. V. H. Aase
09.03.2021 - 10:41DROPS Design answered:
Hej Aase, vi kan se at du har fået hjælp i DROPS Workshop på Facebook :)
10.03.2021 - 15:50