Ursula Bohau wrote:
A1 Reihe 3 ergibt 5 Maschen (Umschlag, re M, Umschlag, re M, re M). In der Rückreihe sind aber nur 4 Maschen darüber gestrickt. Denke es fehlt in Reihe 3 das Zusammenstricken der 2 re M, oder?
14.04.2023 - 21:29DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Frau Bohau, es sieht so aus, daß man nur 1 Umschlag bei der 3. Reihe A.1 stricken muss, das Diagram wird korrigiert, danke für den Hinweis. Viel Spaß beim stricken!
17.04.2023 - 08:46
Marit Louise Jordhoy wrote:
Hei skal det være tre midtmasker hele veien på sjalet ? Og etter de 7 første pinnene hvordan begynnes hull mønsteret?
04.07.2022 - 19:44DROPS Design answered:
Hej Marit, du skal kun have 1 maske i midten. Selve hulmønsteret strikkes 2 ret sammen, 1 kast, 2 ret sammen 1 kast pinden ud og så slutter du af med 2 ret sammen :) Forklaring til hulmønsteret finder du øverst i opskriften :)
05.07.2022 - 08:47
Viola Mustonen wrote:
Kuvassa olevassa huivissa näyttäisi olevan keskellä vain yksi reikäkerros (langankierto), eikä niin kuin ohjeessa, jossa on keskisilmukka ja sen molemmin puolin langankierrot. Mielestäni ohjeella ei tule kuvan näköistä huivia.
26.12.2016 - 13:55DROPS Design answered:
Hei! Tarkistamme ohjeen. Tarvittaessa teemme korjauksen.
04.04.2017 - 16:13
Bonjour , pour tricoter le châle z-688 , est_ce que 2 pelotes drop lace suffisent , elle font 400 m chacune , ou alors 3 , merci pour votre réponse
17.11.2016 - 15:31DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Audurier, vous trouverez ici toutes les informations nécessaires sur les qualités alternatives et le calcul des quantités. En cas de besoin, pensez à demander de l'aide à votre magasin DROPS, même par mail ou téléphone. Bon tricot!
18.11.2016 - 09:58
Gisela wrote:
Ich glaube,in der deutschen Anleitung ist ein Fehler. In der1. Reihe sollen 4 Umschläge gearbeitet werden,dann käme man auf 11 Maschen, nicht auf 9. In der norwegischen und der englischen Anleitung werden vor und nach der Mittelmasche keine Umschläge gemacht, sondern die 3 Maschen in Folge gestrickt. Dann kommt man auf 9 Maschen und kann später auch die 309 Maschen erreichen mit jeweils 4 Maschen Zunahme pro Reihe. Richtig?
04.06.2016 - 13:25DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Gisela, ja das ist völlig richtig. Entschuldigen Sie den Fehler, wir werden es gleich korrigieren.
06.06.2016 - 08:50
Karin Eriksson wrote:
Hur stickar man de tre mittmaskorna på stickan samt omslagen i början och slutet av varvet när man gör hålvarvet?
10.03.2015 - 15:58DROPS Design answered:
Hej Karin, de tre mittmaskorna och omslagen i början och slutet av varvet stickas rät hela vägen. Lycka till !
21.05.2015 - 12:27
Devendeville wrote:
Bonjour Je voudrais m'assurer du nombre de pelotes pour ce châle En calculant je compte 5 pelotes sur votre modèle vous en mettez 8 Combien de pelotes donc pour ce modèle Merci
26.12.2014 - 11:35DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Devendeville, il faut bien 5 pelotes DROPS Alpaca pour réaliser ce châle (250 g / 50 g la pelote Alpaca = 5). Bon tricot!
30.12.2014 - 13:05
Sylvia wrote:
Het gaat om het kantpatroon, dus na het opzetten nld1-7, nld 8, 2 recht samen, 1omslag.
16.12.2014 - 20:55DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Sylvia. Je breit de 2 r samen, 1 omsl over de st behalve de 2 r aan weerskanten en het middelste st.
17.12.2014 - 12:57
Sylvia Van Triet wrote:
Hoe brei je in toer 8 de gaatjesnaald met oneven steken? En hoe brei je de omslagen in toer 8?
16.12.2014 - 08:20DROPS Design answered:
Hoi Sylvia. Rij 8 van patroon? Onderaan het patroon staat de beschrijving van de symbolen in de teltekening. Rij 8 in A.4/A.5 is de verkeerde kant, de steken brei je recht op de verkeerde kant. De omslagen dus ook ook.
16.12.2014 - 16:33
Hanny Molderings-Vonk wrote:
Danke und schöne Feiertage
10.12.2014 - 11:00
Christmas Date |
DROPS Christmas: Knitted DROPS shawl in garter st with lace pattern in ”Alpaca”.
DROPS Extra 0-1055 |
GARTER ST (back and forth): K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows. LACE PATTERN: Row 1-7: Garter st. Row 8 (from WS): * K 2 tog, 1 YO *, repeat from *-*. Row 9-12: Garter st. Repeat these 12 rows upwards. INCREASE TIP 1: All inc are done from RS. Inc 4 sts (1 st in each side, 2 sts in the middle) on every row from RS as follows: 2 sts in garter st, 1 YO, work until st with marker (= mid st), 1 YO, K 1 (= mid st), 1 YO, work until 2 sts remain on row, 1 YO, 2 sts in garter st. K YOs. INCREASE TIP 2: Inc 1 st by making a YO. On next row K YO twisted (i.e. work in back loop of st instead of front) to avoid holes. ---------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: Worked back and forth on circular needle to make room for all the sts. The shawl is worked from mid back and down. Cast on 7 sts on circular needle size 4 mm / US 6 with Alpaca. Insert 1 marker in 4th st (= mid st) and move it upwards in mid st when working. Work 1st row as follows (= RS): 2 sts in GARTER ST - read explanation above, 1 YO, K 3 (= mid st with marker), 1 YO, 2 sts in garter st = 9 sts. Then work LACE PATTERN - see explanation above, with 2 sts in garter st each side while AT THE SAME TIME inc 4 sts on every row from RS - Read INCREASE TIP 1. Continue inc until there are 309 sts on the needle - REMEMBER THE KNTTING GAUGE. Piece measures approx. 28 cm / 11'' measured in knitting direction from cast-on edge to needle. Work 1 ridge over all sts (remember inc as before in each side and in the middle) - AT THE SAME TIME on first row dec 20 sts evenly on each side of the middle (= 40 sts in total) by K 2 tog = 269 sts. Now work as follows: 2 sts in garter st, A.1, A.2 over the next 128 sts, work A.3, 1 st in garter st (= mid st), A.1, A.2 over the next 128 sts until 4 sts remain, work A.3 and 2 sts in garter st. Continue to work according to A.1/A.2/A.3 until diagrams have been worked 4 times in total vertically - REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE. Every time A.1/A.2/A.3 has been 1 worked vertically there is room for 2 repetitions more of A.2 between A.1 and A.3 on each side of mid st. When A.1/A.2/A.3 until diagrams have been worked 4 times vertically in total there are 333 sts on needle. Work 2 ridges over all sts (remember inc as before in each side and in the middle) - AT THE SAME TIME on first row inc 22 sts evenly on each side of the middle (= 44 sts in total) - READ INCREASE TIP 2 = 385 sts - keep sts on needle. LACE EDGE: Cast on 8 sts on needle size 4 mm / US 6 with Alpaca. Work back and forth according to A.4, AT THE SAME TIME work sts from edge tog with shawl – beg at the top of shawl and fasten edge along left diagonal side down to tip. Knit edge to shawl - on every row from RS as follows: First work st from left needle (first st in A.4), pass 1 st from circular needle from shawl over this st, work the rest of row. Repeat A.4 (= 12 rows) 31 more times = 32 tips. When lace edge has been worked all the way down to tip of shawl, work in garter st over all sts, AT THE SAME TIME bind off 1 st at beg of every row from WS, continue in garter st until all sts have been bind off. Repeat along the right side of shawl, but now work according to A.5, i.e. knit edge to shawl - on every row from WS as follows: First work st from left needle (first st in A.5), pass 1 st from circular needle from shawl over this st, work the rest of row. NOTE! The last 2 sts from shawl are counted as 1 st, i.e. pass both sts over at the same time to work the mid st. Sew tog bind-off edge on A.4 and A.5 at the bottom of tip. |
Diagram explanations |
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