Horel Brigitte wrote:
Bonjour une petite question vous dites d'augmenter sur la 1ere maille tous les 6 rangs mais quand on lit les explications du début on ne fait que 4 rangs et vous dites d'augmenter sur la 1 ère maille alors faut t il faire 4 rangs ou 6 rangs. Par ailleurs quand on fini les 2 dernières mailles du rang raccourci on fait le rang de retour et doit t'on faire ensuite encore 2 rangs sur toutes les mailles Merci de votre réponse
11.09.2024 - 13:29DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Horel, la 1ère augmentation se fait effectivement au 4ème rang, mais vous augmentez ensuite tous les 6 rangs. quand il reste 2 mailles à la fin des rangs raccourcis, vous devez tricoter aussi 2 rangs sur ces 2 mailles. Bon tricot!
12.09.2024 - 09:10Sharon wrote:
Why would you have I strictions that say K 1 row until 58 sts remain etc? Every row you have to go to the end of it to count out 58,56,54, which is time consuming Instead writ it like this Row 1. K2, turn Next k4, turn This is the way most of the world writes a pattern.
02.09.2022 - 21:38Cindy wrote:
Thank you your pattern. Not hard to understand n wrote clearly. I use Rico creative cotton degrade yarn. It come up very nice :).
23.05.2022 - 08:24Karen wrote:
Ik heb het patroon precies verkeerd om gedaan; ipv in de eerste rij 2 steken en dan keren, heb ik gebreid tot er 2 steken over waren op de naald. Maakt dit uiteindelijk uit voor hoe het eruit komt te zien of krijg je dan niet de "waaiers"?
09.01.2022 - 17:16DROPS Design answered:
Dag Karen,
Dat kan ook, je breit hem dan als het ware in omgekeerde richting en je krijgt dan ook de waaiers waarbij je strepen parallel lopen aan je naald.
11.01.2022 - 09:43Erica wrote:
Je ne voudrais pas prendre tout votre temps mais il y a quelques choses que je ne comprends pas, j'ai fait la série 3 (96mailles) et je suis toujours à ma première pelote de 50g. et puis le modèle me paraît petit. Il y a un problème à un endroit .Ce n'est pas possible ou alors je fait 8fois les 8 series. Honnêtement je suis perdus et pourtant je suis tricoteuse entre les pulls Norvégiens ,Irlandais et tout les autres. Merci
09.04.2021 - 16:53Erica wrote:
Quand j'ai fini la série de 82 mailles (12 augmentations) comment je reprends le tricot. combien d'augmentation à chaque fois? 10 augmentation en 1 12 augmentation en 2 et ensuite est ce 14 en 3, 16 en 4 ect.... je ne comprends pas très bien merci de m'éclairer
08.04.2021 - 14:05DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Erica, c'est tout à fait exact, c'est bien ainsi que vous continuez le châle. Bon tricot!
09.04.2021 - 08:07Erica wrote:
Bonjour je ne suis pas un spammeur je veux savoir pour le modèle 145-3si je continue avec 80m. ou si je reprends le modele à 60m. merci
07.04.2021 - 18:00DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Erica, je ne comprends pas où vous en êtes exactement, pouvez-vous préciser votre question? merci pour votre compréhension.
08.04.2021 - 07:27Monica wrote:
Buonasera, ho un dubbio. Ho concluso la prima ripetizione e ho 70 maglie. Per la seconda ripetizione riesco solamente ad aumentare 11 maglie per un totale di 81. Dove sbaglio? Grazie mille ❤
21.01.2021 - 01:43DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Monica, nella seconda ripetizione deve continuare a lavorare a ferri accorciati aumentando ogni 6 ferri. Buon lavoro!
21.01.2021 - 20:09Sharon wrote:
You people have got lovely patterns but the most difficult instructions to understand. It’s been that way for years. Knitters all over the world complain. Why don’t you change how your instructions read to please the customer?
19.08.2020 - 15:40DROPS Design answered:
Dear Sharon, The DROPS patterns are knitted and crocheted by thousands and thousands of people around the world. We understand however that in certain countries, with different knitting/crochet traditions than Scandinavia, our patterns might be written in a way that differs from what some are used to. But of course we want everyone to understand our patterns, so that’s why we have created an extensive library of tutorial videos as well as step by step lessons that explain how to follow the techniques we use and how to read the diagrams in our patterns. Give them a try!
19.08.2020 - 16:08Annette Perkins wrote:
Pattern 145-3. Does the pattern mean, K58 stitches and turn? Or K2 stitches and turn? Please clarify. Thank you
27.05.2020 - 18:19DROPS Design answered:
Dear Annette, Yes, that means at the first row, you knit 2 stitches, then turn and knit back, then turn 4 stitches, then turn and knit back, etc. Happy Knitting!
28.05.2020 - 01:59
Jay bird |
Knitted DROPS shawl in garter st with short rows in ”Delight”.
DROPS 145-3 |
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K sts on all rows. KNITTING TIP: After turning, slip the first st. Tighten yarn and continue as before. This is done to avoid holes when turning. -------------------------------------------------------- SHAWL: Worked back and forth on circular needle. Cast on 60 sts on circular needle size 4 mm / US 6 with Delight. Work in garter st as follows - beg from RS: K 1 row until 58 sts remain, turn and K back. K 1 row until 56 sts remain, turn and K back. K 2 sts in first st, K until 54 sts remain, turn and K back. K 1 row until 52 sts remain, turn and work back. K 1 row until 50 sts remain, turn and K back. K 2 sts in first st, K until 48 sts remain, turn and K back. Continue with short rows until 2 sts less remain for every turn until 2 rows have been worked over the last 2 sts, K 2 rows over all sts. AT THE SAME TIME on every 6th row, K 2 sts in first st on row from RS. When 1 whole repetition has been worked (= 60 rows), 10 sts have been inc = 70 sts. Work next repetition as follows from RS: K 1 row until 68 sts remain, turn and K back. K 1 row until 66 sts remain, turn and K back. K 2 sts in first st, K until 64 sts remain, turn and K back. K 1 row until 62 sts remain, turn and K back. K 1 row until 60 sts remain, turn and K back. K 2 sts in first st, K until 58 sts remain, turn and K back. Continue with short rows until 2 sts less remain for every turn until 2 rows have been worked over the last 2 sts, work 2 rows over all sts. AT THE SAME TIME on every 6th row, work 2 sts in first st on row from RS. When 1 whole repetition has been worked (= 70 rows), 12 sts have been inc = 82 sts. Continue the same way upwards, for every repetition worked there are more and more sts in the repetition and the repetition extends over several rows. Continue until 8 repetitions have been worked – there are now approx. 206 sts on row. Bind off. Tighten tog in the middle by pulling a strand of yarn through the inner sts and tighten tog. CROCHET EDGE: Work an edge around the entire shawl on hook size 3 mm / C with Delight as follows: 1 sc, * ch 3, 1 dc in 1st ch, skip approx. 1 cm /1/4", 1 sc *, repeat from *-* and finish with 1 sl st in first sc. |
Have you made this or any other of our designs? Tag your pictures in social media with #dropsdesign so we can see them! Do you need help with this pattern?You'll find 14 tutorial videos, a Comments/Questions area and more by visiting the pattern on garnstudio.com. © 1982-2024 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights. Read more about what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site. Have you finished this pattern? |
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