Lucia Orndorff wrote:
Hello! When I found the pattern for the Garden Path bag I fell in love with it so I purchased enough yarn to make several of them for my grand daughters, only to find out that I don't know how how to read the diagram 😢. I know I should've read the pattern before, that was my mistake. Now my question is, is there a written pattern for that bag that I can get?
05.08.2024 - 17:14
Libon Chantal wrote:
Bonjour pouvez vous m’envoyer le tutoriel de se modèle de sac Drops 211 25 modèle L 157 se sac boule est superbe ,malheureusement j ai 70 ans et je ne sais plus comme avant suivre toutes les mailles c'est pour cela que j'ai besoin du tutoriel.....grand merci à vous. Madame Libon Chantal
22.05.2024 - 12:58DROPS Design answered:
Bonjour Mme Libon, retrouvez les explications en français ici avec les différents diagrammes (cf onglet "Leçons" pour en savoir plus sur les diagrammes), ou retrouvez sous l'onglet "vidéos" en haut de page, 8 vidéos montrant comment crocheter les différents diagrammes et différentes étapes de ce sac. Bon crochet!
22.05.2024 - 13:54
Heike wrote:
Hallo liebes Drops Team, tolle Anleitung, vor allem mit den Videos!! Würde die Halbkreise gerne grösser machen, gibt es da eine Möglichkeit?
11.03.2024 - 08:49DROPS Design answered:
Liebe Heike, wahrscheinlich aber leider können wir jede Anleitung nach jeder individuellen Anfage nicht anpassen. Sicher kann Ihnen aber Ihr Wollladen - auch per Telefon oder per E-Mail weiterhelfen. Viel Spaß beim Häkeln!
11.03.2024 - 14:26
Joanne Seitz wrote:
I have followed the chart and watched the tutorials. I am at the part where I will see the 2 pieces of the bag together. Should it be right side or wrong side together. I cannot tell from the videos and it is not written anywhere
23.10.2023 - 20:32DROPS Design answered:
Hi Joanne, The bag is sewn together edge to edge, so it does not matter which side you sew from. Happy crafting!
24.10.2023 - 07:22
Katia wrote:
Buongiorno, mi farebbe piacere ricevere lo schema/spiegazione per realizzare il modello Garden Paths. Grazie, cordiali saluti.
17.07.2023 - 08:57DROPS Design answered:
Buonasera Katia, a questo link può trovare le spiegazioni del modello in italiano. Buon lavoro!
20.07.2023 - 20:56
Angela wrote:
Por favor, podrían presentar los esquemas en un solo dibujo completo y no en varias partes? Sería mucho más fácil de entender. Lo hago extensivo a todos los patrones de drops. A veces son muy difíciles de interpretar por esta razón.
17.05.2023 - 06:55
Francesca wrote:
Ho ricominciato a lavorare a ferri e uncinetto da poco, e devo dire che è uno splendido modello per un ripasso e per capire bene come leggere gli schemi. Video come sempre molto chiari.
06.11.2022 - 09:39
Marie wrote:
Hej Drops Jeg har et spørgsmål. Jeg er i tvivl om hvorfor der er forskel på diagrammet og videoerne. Jeg har siddet og kikket på A2, Ax og Az. Og i videoen bruges der stangmasker hvor opskriften/ diagrammet siger treblecrochets. Skal jeg blot forholde mig til diagrammet og mere bruge videoerne som guidelines. På forhånd tak for hjælpen. M.vh Marie
22.10.2022 - 21:04DROPS Design answered:
Hej Marie, hvor langt er du kommet? Skriv gerne hvilken række i diagrammet som er fejl, så skal vi få lavet en justering :)
25.10.2022 - 13:30
Cheryl wrote:
Thank you for this beautiful free pattern. I am excited to learn to crochet from charts. I am struggling with row 4 of A2. Mine comes out with 12 square holes whereas yours looks to have 14. I have pulled it back and restarted three times, counting really carefully and following your videos. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong would be very gratefully recieved. Or maybe it doesn’t matter that mine looks different and I should just keep going?
28.08.2022 - 10:45DROPS Design answered:
Dear Cheryl, A.2 is worked 7 times on the round. Each A.2 has 2 "squares" so, if you work it 7 times, you should have 14 "squares". Happy crochetting!
29.08.2022 - 00:05
Elizabeth Little wrote:
Very frustrated with this chart and the videos have no sound which makes it hard to follow. It's great that people are learning to read charts but for those who are visually impaired, a chart is hard to follow and a video without sound is useless.
27.08.2022 - 10:06
Garden Paths |
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Crocheted bag in DROPS Bomull-Lin or DROPS Paris.
DROPS 211-25 |
---------------------------------------------------------- EXPLANATION FOR THE PATTERN: ---------------------------------------------------------- PATTERN: See diagram A.1, A.2 and A.3 (A.w to A.z shows how rows in A.2 and A.3 begin and end). CROCHET TIP (applies to chain stitches): 1 chain stitch should equal 1 double crochet/treble crochet/double treble crochet in width. Make sure that loop made in chain stitch is pull on the crochet hook to avoid it being too tight. If the chain stitches are worked too tight, the pattern will tighten the sections with many chain stitches. CROCHET INFORMATION: At beginning of every round with double crochet work 1 chain stitch, this chain stitch replace first double crochet, i.e. skip first stitch on previous round Finish round with 1 slip stitch in 1st chain stitch at beginning of round. At beginning of every round with treble crochet work 3 chain stitches, these 3 chain stitches replace first treble crochet, i.e. skip 1 treble crochet from previous round Finish round with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round. DECREASE TIP (evenly): To calculate how to decrease evenly, use the total number of stitches decreases are done over (e.g. 110 stitches) , and divide by number of decreases to be done (e.g. 10 stitches) = 11. In this example decrease by working every 10th and 11th double crochet together as follows: insert hook through next stitch, get the yarn, insert hook through next stitch, get the yarn, make 1 yarn over and pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook (= 1 stitch decreased). ---------------------------------------------------------- START THE PIECE HERE: ---------------------------------------------------------- BAG - SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE PIECE: Work bag back and forth in 2 parts that look like half circles. Sew these 2 part together along the outermost arch. Then work an edge around the opening at the top of bag until finished measurements. Finally work a handle. Work handle back and forth and fasten in each side on opening. HALF CIRCLE: Begin on hook size 5 mm with Bomull-Lin or Paris, work 5 chain stitches and form a ring with 1 slip stitch in first chain stitch worked - read CROCHET TIP! Work diagram A.1 (A.1 = 1 row from right side and 1 row from wrong side). When the two rows in A.1 has been worked, work next row as follows: Work A.w over first stitch (A.w shows how row begins from right side and ends from wrong side), work diagram A.2 7 times in total in width, and finish with A.x over last stitch (A.x shows how row ends from right side and begins from wrong side). When A.2 have been worked vertically, there are 42 chain spaces on row. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the row - measure piece from this marker later. Now work what will be bottom of bag, i.e. work A.y over first stitch, work A.3 21 times in total in width and finish with A.z over last stitch. Fasten off when A.3 has been worked. Work another half circle the same way. ASSEMBLY: Sew the two half circles together along the outermost arch - sew edge to edge with neat, little stitches. EDGE AROUND OPENING: Begin at seam in one side of bag, work 1 slip stitch, work 3 chain stitches (equals 1 treble crochet), and then work 109 treble crochets around the edge at the top of bag (to get an even distribution of treble crochet, work approx. 2 treble crochets around every treble crochet and 1 treble crochet around every double crochet) = 110 treble crochets. Read CROCHET INFORMATION and work in the round as follows: ROUND 1: Work 1 double crochet in every treble crochet. ROUND 2: Work 1 treble crochet in every double crochet. Repeat round 1 and 2 until piece measures approx. 28 cm from marker. Work 1 round with double crochets and decrease at the same time 10 double crochets evenly - read DECREASE TIP and approx. 100 double crochets. Then work double crochets in the round for 2 cm, with 1 double crochet in every stitch. Cut and fasten the yarn. Bag measures approx. 30 cm from marker. STRAP: Begin in one side on bag, and work 1 double crochet in each of the middle 8 double crochets in the side. Work double crochets back and forth over these 8 double crochets until strap measures approx. 40 cm (or desired length). Fasten strap in the opposite side of bag with 1 double crochet in each of the middle 8 double crochets in the side (work through both layers). Fasten off. |
Diagram explanations |
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